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1.1 About the Camp
The social work research camp which was organized by Orient College, Bachelor in
social work III year and department of social work helps students to understand the core
of community life, their problems and needs and help in preparing a plan for social work
practice and development of the society. Moreover, social work camps provided an
opportunity to identify the needs and interests of the people through professional
interactions. The student of Orient College required going for the social work study and
practicing in the camp to gain practical knowledge. Before the camp was started we all
students were divided into five groups (documentation, finance, medical, public relation
and recreation) for the effectiveness and benefits during the camp.

1.2 Introduction to Social Work

Social work is an academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals,
families, groups and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall
well-being. Social functioning refers to the way in which people perform their social
roles, and the structural institutions that are provided to sustain them. Social work applies
social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, public health,
community development, law, and economics, to engage with client systems, conduct
assessments, and develop interventions to solve social and personal problems; and create
social change. Social work practice is often divided into micro-work, which involves
working directly with individuals or small groups, and macro-work, which involves
working with communities, and within social policy, to create change on a larger scale.

1.3 Introduction to Camp Field Work Setting

Fieldwork is the most essential part of the social work education and training. Taking an
overview of the present situation of the fieldwork training, its nature, scope,
professionalization, problems and difficulties and the needs, it may be observed that the
universities and the colleges of social work lack something in imparting comprehensive
field work training to the students. he most important aspect are the policies of the
universities and the colleges of social work whereby the theoretical and practical

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curriculum are formulated and arrangements are made for imparting education and
training according to the prescribed curricula. But till today ways of field work have been
used by the most of social work schools. In which the agency based field work is carried
out. But there is need of some community based trends in field work training in social
work education.
Fieldwork practicum is a closely supervised educational internship in a social work
setting that provides planned opportunities to apply theory taught in class-work to actual
situations, which, in turn, enhances classroom learning. Learning and practice of social
work methods and skills of work with individuals and the sociology-economic-political
systems of family, community, state, corporate sector, mass media and non-profit
organizations to prevent and reduce social problems.

1.4 Introduction to social work Research

Social work research means conducting an investigation in accordance with the
scientific method. The aim of social work research is to build the social work knowledge
base in order to solve practical problems in social work practice or social policy.
Investigating phenomena in accordance with the scientific method requires maximal
adherence to empirical principles, such as basing conclusions on observations that have
been gathered in a systematic, comprehensive, and objective fashion. The resources in
this entry discuss how to do that as well as how to utilize and teach research methods in
social work. Other professions and disciplines commonly produce applied research that
can guide social policy or social work practice.
1.5 Information about the Area
Bhujung, the largest Gurung settlement in Annapurna Conservation Area, is located at an
altitude of 1696 meters from sea level in North West of Beshisahar, Lamjung. The major
occupation of the local people is agriculture and livestock farming. Apart from this
majority of youths are engaged in foreign employment. The Village has micro hydro-
electricity, Sub-health post, Veterinary Service center, Day Care Center, Secondary
School, Telephone service and Rope Way. Bhujung Museum, unique mode of
Settlement, tea Garden, Kaiyo water fall,honey hunting sites, monasteries, hydro power
site and the Himalayas peaks are the major tourist attraction of the area. In order to

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promote home stay in Bhujung village the ACAP, with the supports of VDC has
established tourism Management Sub Committee at Bhujung. Gurung, sarki, damahi etc.
castes people are living here. Moreover, the site visitors are increasing day by day and the
village. It is developing as a model of great touristic destinations in Nepal. The village is
with extraordinary people. It is famous for the short stay with local villagers and see their
culture and day to day life.

2. Objectives of the Camp

• To understand the community problems and cultural conditions of people.

• To develop personal and professional skills.
• To facilitate self-development in processes like decision-making, planning,
organizing, executing, coordinating, recording and active listening.
• To learn to work together as a team with a positive approach and to take on concrete
task towards future from the camp.

3. Activities Conducted during the Camp

3.1. 1stDay (poush22)


 To travel safely and reach Bhujung, Lamjung.


Gathering and Departure

Everyone gathered inside the college premises around 6am and we started our journey from
the college at around 7:20 am. We were altogether 24 in number are 3 teachers. We had our
breakfast in Dhakre, Dhading. The travel was very entertaining and fun as we sang and
danced inside the bus. The boys played Guitar as well. We have our launch in Besisahar.
After having launch, we travel about 3 hours in a small jeep. The road is half gravel. All of
the friends feel so tired.

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Welcomed by villagers

In the initial entrance gate of the village we got a warm welcome by the villagers. We put
garland in our neck. One of the representatives of ACAP (Annapurna conservation Area
Project) slightly provides short information about the village. After that we all divided in a
group and get the home stay number to live. Boys group placed in home stay number 8, some
girl's group stay at home stay no. 15 and 10 whereas teachers and 3 friends stay at home stay
number 9.

3.2. 2nd Day (Poush23)


 To visit ward office

 To interact with village representative or ward leader about the village.
 To interact with local police about the security system.
 To involve in social mapping.
 To take part in singing game.



After being fresh in the morning we gather in home stay 9 which lies center of our
placement. We do some meditation and dance for our refreshment. All the teacher’s guide us
to do meditation.

Creating community game

Creating something is better than doing nothing. This is the major aim of the creating
community game which we have played in after the meditation. We all gather in a round and
pick the object found in our surroundings. Then we placed those several objects on the
middle of our circle. Then we started to describe as seeing community and feel something

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Interaction with ward representative

After having launch, we gather at ward office near to our settlement. In this meeting the team
had dialogue with the village leader. During the discussions various points raised based on
the observations done by the students and pre-planned questions about village. The village
representative Khem Bahadur Gurung also shares his own experience. With this discussion
various problems and intervention areas were came up like internal village road facility, rope
way, tea farming, tourist attraction, agricultural needs, irrigation facilities, agricultural
program set by government, education and school and the present political situation and
development programs set by the government. He also told us that the migration to urban
areas is symptomatic of the deepening crisis in the farm and rural sector in that village. He
also talks about the Gurung culture It was also found that the majority of the villagers are
aware about welfare schemes and programs set by the government. We also get knowledge
about the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) which was launched after 2052 B.S
in that village. We also know that ACAP has the greatest influences to make the village
tourist attraction and development infrastructures.

Interaction with local police

It is true that effective community policing needs to build positive public perceptions and
develop police trustworthiness. Such policing that believes in the community dimension as
'the police are the public and the public are the police'. From the police officers it is very
easy to know about the security provision and the kinds of social problems. From the
interaction we also know that caste discrimination, alcoholism and quarreling are the various
cases they are facing from several years. Police officers also organize public awareness
programs set by the government. In overall the village is much peace with less violence.

Social Mapping

With the help of the president of youth club (Shree Laliguras Yuwa Club Pariwar), two of
our student’s member had decided the place for drawing. Before drawing the social map, we

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had decided to map it on the ground in open space. But in that time the rain disturbs us. And
then we draw map on the chart paper with the facilitation of two friends. The social map
drew beautifully with the help of colorful markers and pencil. In social mapping the villagers
have decided four directions of village i.e. East, West, South and North, then drawn the
roads, streets, temples, schools, health post, Gumba, Museum and so on. While drawing the
social map some kind of controversy has arrived but it was fine enough to recognize the

Singing Game

After finishing the social mapping, we all gather in one place and divide in two groups. we
sing a song it's called (Dohori). We sang it on the behalf of our work. The game was set by
the recreation team members. In overall its makes us fresh and create a new energy for
further work.

Major Learning

 Know about the Bhujung and its cultural and traditional aspects.
 Know about the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) and its contribution in
the development of village.
 Know about the social problems of village.
 Know about the importance of social mapping, interview and observation in social

3.2. 3rd Day (poush 24)


 To visit community and do household survey.

 To collect data from survey and compile it.
 To do rehearsal as a facilitator for Focus Group discussion (FGD) and prepare questions.


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Meditation and Dancing

After being fresh in the morning we gather in home stay number 9 which lies center of our
placement. We do some meditation and dance for our refreshment. All the teacher’s guide us
to do meditation.

Calculation Game

After having certain refreshment in the morning we gather around the home stay number 9
premises. We all make a big circle and start calculation from one point of the student. All friends
are excited. The major part of game is doing multiplication of number 3 three times. And when
multiply of 3 we have to put our hand on head. And who stay last form the very beginning he/she
will be the winner of the game. This is what actually the game is. And in another end of that
place our faculty member makes a pair who has to go for household survey.

Household survey

After have the launch that morning we all ready to go the household survey. For the data
collection following core areas were finalized by the trainee and teachers,

 Demographic profile
 Social
 Education
 Health
 Economic

There are all together 25 questionnaire based on the above headings. Every student has to visit
10 houses individually. After finishing the household survey, he/she must have to compile the
collected information by the coding method.

Data collection and compile

After collecting the information trainee coding and compile the data in one paper and analyze the
findings. From the door to door survey trainee found that caste discrimination, alcoholism and
child marriage are the major social problems in that community. And migration is also in the top
level therefore youths rarely exist in the village. Three schools are running with lots of students.

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One hospital is doing a great service as well as priorities in the treatment for the elderly person.
Data was presented by the trainee in front of the villagers by the two friends in the closing

FGD planning and Rehearsal

Focus group Discussion is the major part of the social work research. There are open ended
questions. And the facilitator plays a vital role in FGD. The facilitator discusses with the focused
group with one major topic. Therefore, with this motive we all engage in discussion and
rehearsal as a facilitator. Our Faculty member guides us by providing different techniques which
we have to apply during the time of Focus Group Discussion.

Major Learning

 Learn to build excellent rapport with strangers.

 Know about the importance of door to door survey in the social work research.
 Learn data collection, compiling and coding skills which has great importance in social
work research.
 Learn to adopt in new environment.
 Know about the education, health, economic, cultural and demographic profile of the
community through household survey.
 Know about the theory and techniques that are applied in FGD.

3.2.4th Day (poush 25)


 To perform the role of facilitator in Focus Group Discussion.

 To know about the Youth's problems and youth development programs.


Bird dancing game and meditation

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After having tea, we all gather in the home stay number 9 and do some refreshment activities for
refreshment. After that we involve in bird dancing game. In that game we exchange greeting
with our friends like the birds do in the morning. The major importance of this game is to
provide a positive vibe for ours friends. It helps to collaborate and coordinate among friends and

FGD on Youth problems, programs and policy

Major Findings on FGD

Overall Learning

 Know about the facilitator technique while doing FGD.

 Learn about the importance of active listening and observation.

3.2. 5th Day (Poush 26)


 To do proper plan for closing ceremony.

 To engage in doing rehearsal.


Meditation and Dancinge

After being fresh in the morning we gather in home stay number 9 which lies center of our
placement. We do some meditation and dance for our refreshment. All the teacher’s guide us
to do meditation.

Rehearsal for closing ceremony

During that day we all are engage in doing rehearsal for closing ceremony. The closing
ceremony is going to conduct in that evening. For the program we all students are going to
perform different activities. Some of our friends are engage to do rehearsal on cultural dance and

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some are busy in doing musical drama. Likewise, some of our friends are doing rehearsal for
speech and Equinox Media Cloud Ecosystem for Entertainment (EMCEE). In overall the day
was absolutely amazing.

Closing Program

Finally, after doing whole day of rehearsal we all gather in the youth club program hall which is
situated in the middle of the village. At first we face a bit of challenge to collect the audience
because of the time fault. But, luckily after a long waiting the flow of audience is amazing. And
we start our closing program. During the program we all perform different activities. Some of
our friends beautifully dance. Some perform musical drama related to social problems which we
have found during our survey. The major social problem that we have found in that village is
alcoholism and caste discrimination. Therefore, we perform drama related to those problems in
the motive to spread awareness. The welcome speech and thank giving was absolutely perfect.
Audiences/villagers feel too much fun and enjoyed the movement. All of our friends gave their
best by their heart to make the program much effective. Somehow we become a bit sad because
it's our last day at Bhujung. The unconditional love gave by our friends; teachers and villagers
really motivate and inspired the trainee to become a successful human.

4. Observations/Analysis

Generally during the camp trainee observed various aspect of rural life. The living conditions,
housing, water supply and other amenities of community are considerable. Trainee observes the
social life, power structure, community life, social norms and values of the community. The
condition of caste discrimination is in depth level and alcoholism is the source of violence in that
community. Mostly there is joint family. They share the feelings, emotions together. During the
day time they all are engaged in work. They don't feel tired of work. Even there is a great
challenge they have a greater energy to face it. It shows how struggle they are. Trainee also
observes the economic life and occupation, extent of employment, ownership of house and the
problems of youths in development activities.

The most important part of that village is about their law and order they follow. In Nepal we all
follow the constitution made by central government. They also follow the same. But they also

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have their rule of law. They have their own parliament called Bhadra Sabha which is conducted
every year. The efforts made to obtain justice and with what effect, conflict, resolution methods
are mind blowing. The level of education and the facilities on it is really good. There are three
schools and one-day care center which play a great role to uplift the education at top level.
Conditions of health and nutrition, services available and their use are really good. The
geographical difficulties are also the great challenge for them. Therefore, to construct the road
for transportation is really difficult. But they have rope way to fetch the agricultural goods from
farm. They also have their own hydropower in which they don't feel the load shedding problem
which is still exist in the urban area of our country. They have done an excellent work by
generating electricity before the headquarter, Beshisahar. The jungle, the singing of birds, the
different peaks seen from the village is unforgettable. It freshens our minds and feels free beyond
the other place that we have explored before. In overall, the camp was absolutely fantastic and

5. Theory Applied

Social work theories are general explanations that are supported by evidence obtained through
the scientific method. A theory may explain human behavior, for example, by describing how
humans interact or how humans react to certain stimuli. Social work practice models describe
how social workers can implement theories. There are many social work theories that guide
social work practice. Here are some of the social work theories that were generally practiced
throughout the camp.

Social Survey


Sampling and Descriptive Data Collection

Problem identification and Need Assessment

Good Governance and Decentralization concept

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Strongly use of Program Media

Social group workers introduce varied tasks and program to supplement discussion, depending
on the particular composition and goals of the group. Since verbal abilities are less developed
among younger and children, games and craft activities have been effectively use as part of their
program. With adolescents and adults, on the other hand, a number of social activities and
planning for group action are found effective. Use of program media in social work activities are
very effective during the problem solving period. Program media such as group games, street
play, puppet show are some of the program media which is found very much effective in the
social work organization. We have also used this during our camp. On the closing ceremony we
have performed musical drama related to child marriage, caste discrimination and alcoholism
which helps to spread awareness for the villagers.

Facilitation and Moderation Skills

A facilitator takes responsibility for the group in the sense that he/she will always try to make
sure that everyone is included and respected in the discussion (by defining and sharing a clear
agenda) and atmosphere (example by choosing the right location, right time, length and
necessary participants for the meeting) there will allow the participants to make useful
contributions and to move critical issues forward. We facilitate in the FGD by dividing the topic
and group. This theory is very useful while doing social work activities.

7. Overall Learning

Personal Learning
 Understand the value of teamwork and co-ordination
 Requirements for being a good communicator
 Value of time
 Maintenance of patience
 Apply critical thinking skills within the context of professional social work

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 Understanding the forms and mechanisms of oppression and applying correct
and necessary strategies.
 Learn to adopt in diverse environment by utilizing the existing resources.

Professional Learning

 Understand the value social work profession and value of ethics.

 Understand the way of social work research and its tools.
 Learn practical knowledge about social work methods, norms and values, and
develop and promote implementation of social work.
 Learn the process of social survey, data collection and compiling.
 Develop leadership, decision-making, planning, organizing, executing and
coordinating skills.
 Learn the skills for collecting social information and their use.

8. Challenges Faced

Of course, no kinds of works are absolute perfection. There are lots of challenges one has to go
through during social work practice and research. The social work research camp of 3 rd year had
been truly outstanding but there were few lapses during these times.

 Climate difficulties.
 Difficult to adjust in new environment.
 Difficulty faced during travel.
 Hard to communicate with local people because of language problem.
 Lack of proper management of food.
 Camp schedule disorder.

9. Conclusion

The camps are unique in nature and scope and are organized by the students under the guidance
of the faculty members. Social work camp means the social work students remain in a rural

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village for experience and to make a study of the different elements and structure of the village.
The students are expected to make an analysis of the living condition of the people in that
locality. It helps the students in understanding the core of rural society life, their problems and
needs, and to help them in preparing a plan for social work practice and community
development. We visit the proposed new community and found out needs and interests of the
people through professional interactions. The probable participation and cooperation of people is
judged and preliminary information is collected through household survey. Certain recreational
programs are also incorporated to ease the stress and strain that would otherwise result from the
continuous mental and physical work that students will have to put in. It also motivates students
to work more and upgrade the practical knowledge. To sum up, the social work research camp
had been an immense accomplishment both personally and professionally.


Team Member and Student Name List

 Camp Coordinators: Manoj Regmi, Samikshya Tamang

 Finance: Ankit Bhattarai, Neharika Gurung
 Documentation: Bikash Phuyal, Bishwash Aryal, Shital Shakya, Nanita Chaudhary,
Sushma Sunwar, Kriti Shrestha, Sapana Magar, Saroj Tamang,
 Public Relation: Pawan Shahi, Renu Chhetri, Shova Shrestha
 Medical: Binod Tamang, Sanju Gurung
 Recreation: Kiran Tamang, Pradip Ghimire, Kabita Giri, Susmita Bhattarai, Nabina
Mainali, Susmita Susling Magar

Number of Teacher: 3

Number of student: 24

1.Pradip Ghimire 2.Bishwas Aryal 3.Bikash Fuyal

4.Pawan ShahiThakuri 5. Samikshya Tamang 6.Ankit Bhattarai
7.BinodTamang 8.Saroj Tamang 9.Manoj Ragmi
10.NeharikaGurung 11.Shova Shrestha 12.Kriti Shrestha
13. SusmaSunwar 14.Sanju Gurung 15. Ratna Mala

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16.Renu Chhetri 17. NabinaMainali 18.Susmita Bhattarai
19. ShitalShakya 20.Susmita SuslingMagar 21. Nanita Chaudhary
22.Sapana Magar 23.Kiran Tamang 24. Kabita Giri

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