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Kingdom Kids Child Development Center Drill Procedures

The center will participate in regular drills including: tornado, fire, earthquake, and relocation
due to emergency. Below are the procedures to following when practicing or implementing
drills with children in our care.
When a tornado warning is issued for your area, the following procedures should be followed:
1) Move children away from windows and glass doorways and into the main hallway
2) Account for all of the children and staff members by taking attendance
3) Use the head tuck position to protect from flying objects
4) Cover children with a blanket or soft objects to protect from flying objects
5) Talk with children and offer reassurance
7) Follow evacuation plans if the need arises after the all clear

When a fire is detected or the smoke alarm sounds, the following procedures should be
1) Line children up at the nearest exit.
2) Evacuate to the playground area and use gate key to get a safe distance away
3) Take attendance immediately
4) Stay at a safe distance until you get the all clear
5) If fire is near children, teach them STOP, DROP, and ROLL to eliminate the fire
6) Follow evacuation plans if the need arises after the all clear

When an earthquake threat arises, the following procedures should be followed:
1) Teach child to DUCK, COVER, and HOLD ON
2) Children should get under a table to prevent objects from falling on them
3) Take attendance to insure all children are accounted for
4) Wait for the all clear
5) Follow evacuation plans if the need arises after the all clear

In the event of relocation, follow the emergency preparedness plan. Be sure to take attendance
logs, emergency binder with all children’s information, emergency kit, and any keys need to exit
the building.

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