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I wish and If only

a) Sentences 1 and 2 use I wish/If only + the past simple to talk about present situations. They express
imaginary wishes.
b) Sentences 3 and 4 use I wish/If only + the past perfect to talk about past situations that we would like
to be different. They express regrets.
c) Sentence 5 uses I wish/If only + would to talk about habitual behaviour that the speaker wants to
critise and change.

1) He wishes he had a car.
2) He wishes he was taller.
3) She wishes her parents would let her to have a cat or dog.
4) She wishes it was summer so she could go on a beach.
5) He wishes he has long hair.
6) He wishes he knew how to fly.
7) He wishes he knew how to ski well.
8) He wishes he was proffesional football player.

1) If only I hadn´t told him my secrets yesterday.
2) I wish I had choosed to study something different last year.
3) I wish I had treated my little sister better when we were younger.
4) If only I had studyed more for our last exam.
5) I wish I had learned to play guitar when I was younger.
6) If only I hadn´t listend to my friend yesterday.
7) I wish I hadn´t said that to my dad last night.
8)If only I had paid more attention to my last maths.

a) I wish you would stop smoking, it bothers me.
b) I wish you wouldn´t come late to my class.
c) I wish you would stop biting your nails.
d) I wish you would stop talking in my class.
e) I wish you wouldn´t listening music that loud.
f) I wish you would clean your room.
a) If only I had enough money to order pizza and not to bake one.
b) I wish I took my umbrella with me. Now I´m all wet.


1) He wishes he hadn´t missed his train.
2) He wishes there was another train to go with.
3) He wishes he didn´t take that many stuff with him.
4) He wishes he wore something more comfortable because it is sunny.

1) I wish I hadn´t bought such an expensive pair of shoes yesterday.
2) If only she had knew the film was so awful.
3) I wish he wouldn´t speak to the customers so rudely.
4) If only I had learned to play the violin when I was at school.
5) I wish I had heard about Buy Nothing Day earlier.
6) If only you had told me that you were going to Bluewater.
7) If only he had listened to me about lending people money.

1) He wishes she would ask him to use his computer.
2) He wishes she wouldn´t ask him to lend her money.
3) He wishes she would keep her room nice and tidy.
4) He wishes she wouldn´t saying rude stuff about his hair.
5) He wishes she would like his friends.

1) I wish I hadn´t discussed with some girl last week.
2) If only I had went outside to play with friends yesterday.
3) I wish my brother wouldn´t be so annoying.
4) I wish my brother would mind his own business.
1) I wish my mom would change her mind and we buy a dog.
2) I wish I had continued to play guitar after I finished musicial school.
3) I wish I was stucked in some better place than my house.
4) I wish I was a better person.
5) My brother wish he had studied more for geography exam.
6) If only I lived in Germany and played handball there.
7) I wish I hadn´t sold my dog, because now I regret.
8) If only it was sunny day so I could go outside.
9) If only this coronavirus wasn´t existed.
10) I wish I would know how to play piano.

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