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Performance Management
Sr. No. Word Meaning

An appraisal is the specific procedures, methos, &

1 Appraisal Program
requriemnets for planning, monitoring & rating performance.

An assessment centre is aimed at selecting individuals based

on set criterias whereas a development center is used for
2 Assessment Centers
assessing employees's potential or preparation to be
promoted or to fill a new position.

A set of measures that gives top managers a fast but

3 Balanced Scorecard
comprehensive view of business.

T is fixed rate of pay that represent the rate for the job, into
4 Base Pay which pay related to service; performance or competence
may be consolidated.

A behaviorally anchored rting scale mingles the benefits of

Behaviorally Anchored critical incidents & graphic rating scales y anchoring a scale
Rating Scale with specific behavioral examples of good or poor

Broad banding means combining salary grades & ranges into

6 Broad Banding just few wide level or brands each of which contains a
relatively wide range of jobs & salary levels.

Some performance appraisers stick to the average while

7 Central tendency appraising the employees. That is, the appraisers do not want
to rate their appraisees too high or too low.

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Competence refers to what people need to be able to do

8 Competence
perform a job well.

Competency is the capacity of an indi that leads to the

behavior, which meets job demands within the parameters of
9 Competency
the organizational enviorm\nment & in turn brings about
desired results.

Involves the detemination of the extent to which the various

10 Competency Mapping
competencies related to a job are possessed by the person.

Pay for indi that is cotingent on service, perfrmance,

competence, skills or contribution. This pay is influenced by
11 Contingent Pay
the level of performance of indi, teamsw,or the org and/or
indi's levels of competence/skills.

This method endeavors to measure employee's performance

Critical Incident
12 in terms of certain events or incidents that occurs in the
course of employement.

An ESOP is defined contribution benefits plan that allows

Employee Stock
13 employess to become owners of stock in the company they
Ownership Plan
work for.

The approach that can best help us understand how people

14 Expectancy Theory develop & act on their mental maps is called expectancy

15 Extrinsic Motivators What is done to, or for, employees in order to motivete them.

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MBO needs the managers to set a specific measurable goal

Management by
16 for each employees & then periodically discuss his progress
objective (MBO)
towards these goals.

The argument against this is that without the numbers, it is

difficult for anyone at the top to decide whom to reward for
17 Numberless Apprisals good performance. When the final choice comes'numbers' or
'ratings' seem to matter a lot, yet these very ratings are
perceived as anti-HRD.

P A is a process of assessing, summarizing & developing thw

18 Performance Appraisal
work of an employee on both quantitative & qualitative terms.

This gap is the deficit that occurs when performance does not
19 Performance gap
meet the acceptable standard set by the org.

Is a future oriented appraisal by which the potential of an

employee to occupy higher positions & assume higher
20 Potential Appraisal responsibilities is evaluated. The potential appraisal can help
the staff to know their strengths and weaknesses & can
motivate them to further deveop their skills.

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