GD Primer PDF

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This is based on SIP 2018 GD feedback from your seniors, basis which the GD gyaan session was conducted for you.

Overall Trends:

1. Panel sizes – Minimum 5 and maximum 10

2. Duration – Minimum 10 mins and Maximum 16-25 mins
3. Number of GD rounds – Mostly 1 but 2 in rare cases

Details of Types Of GD Format:

GD Type Description Companies Additional Note Duration
Chairman Measures logical, ethical, social & TAS Each panel member chairs >7 ~ 1 hour
GD stakeholder sensitivity. Looks for a caselet given. Time was
discipline, composure given for each step of GD
Task Looks for collaboration, creativity, J&J, Bajaj Some panels were given a >5 ~20 mins
Based playing by rules, providing solution, Finserv, choice between having a
approach, participation, teamwork. Accenture HR game or general GD
FGDs Looks for application orientation, Microsoft Hiring is done by Program 5-7 ~30 mins
thinking on feet, the HOW, Managers not HR. Time
feasibility, depth, uniqueness, was given for each step.
presentation style, structure.
General Topics may include abstract, social >40% of all In rare cases you may get >7 Varies
issues, economic, political & companies to choose the topic.
cultural issues & sustainability
Case Measures depth of thought, 40% of all Case sheets scan get taken >7 Varies
Based understanding of case facts, companies away at the end.
providing a solution

Some Tips & Focus Areas:

1. Initiation/ conclusion of the GD must be substantiated with structure, insights and backed with data you
are aware of. Initiator should actively participate throughout; concluder should not miss out anything.
2. Body Language
• Lower register voice (for men) displays assertiveness, power and a sense of leadership.
• No slouching, straight back, do not sit too rigid like a robot.
• Do not display a laidback attitude. Don’t keep moving your chair.
• Know your space & don’t intrude into others.
• Gestures: Do not tap pen, use fingers to point at people.
3. Please wear clothes you are comfortable in and feel at ease, as the major focus is on the task.
4. Do not cut anyone off, irrespective of gender.
5. Display logic, clarity of thought and try not to repeat points.
6. Real time facts, data points, current affairs awareness are all a plus. However faking data may backfire.
7. Do not disagree outright. Start with an instance or a data point that you may present before refusing.
8. Keep your tone consistent while entering the GD, do not shout your way in. Modulate while speaking.
9. If you are not aware of the topic, do not freeze. Understand the ongoing conversation then try to pitch in.
10. Recruiters generally dislike noisy panels and eliminate them altogether.
11. For a case-based GD, reading time maybe less, so try to read it a little faster.
12. You may have multiple GDs back to back, never let the fatigue set in. Look bright and fresh!

Good Luck!

Team CRISP 2018-19

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