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Họ, tên thí sinh: ..................................................................... Mã đề thi 001

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. catches B. oranges C. fixes D. preserves
Question 2: A. access B. assignment C. affect D. adapt

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. global B. device C. confuse D. deplete
Question 4: A. alternative B. fertilizer C. complicated D. favourable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: The Titanic sank while it was crossing _______Atlantic ocean.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø (no article)
Question 6: Should you see Jenny, ____________ her to phone me.
A. you will tell B. tell C. you can tell D. You would tell
Question 7: _________ the lessons carefully, she entered the exam room confidently.
A. Revising B. To revise C. She had revised D. Having revised
Question 8: Alternative sources of energy should be used more widely _____their friendliness to the
A. thanks to B. because C. nevertheless D. even though
Question 9: Do you have any objection ____________ the plan?
A. to B. of C. about D. at
Question 10: You looked exhausted. _____________ ?
A. Have you worked B. Have you been working
C. Had you worked D. Had you been working
Question 11: William Shakespeare, _______ plays have been translated into every major living
language, was an English poet, playwright and actor.
A. who B. whose C. that D. his
Question 12: I don’t want _______ stupid when I make mistakes.
A. to be called B. to call C. people call me D. to have been called
Question 13: Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park was recognized as a World Heritage Site because of
its ________ values and natural beauty. .
A. geology B. geological C. ecological D. ecologically
Question 14: New employees should get used to ______ responsibility if something goes wrong in
their job.
A. adopting B. taking C. being D. accepting
Question 15: Scientists have _______ the rising of sea levels _______ global warming.
A. attributed/ to B. accused/ of C. objected/ to D. criticized/ for
Question 16: The player _______ his coach and was kicked out of the team.
A. took back to B. talked back to C. brought back to D. thought back on
Question 17: We should put ourselves in wild animals’ _______ and think about how we would
feel if they ruled the world and we became an endangered species.
A. claws B. nests C. habitats D. shoes
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Question 18: This complex_________ 12 blocks of apartments and 4 big gardens.
A. consists B. makes up of C. comprises D. contains
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: She is one of the most brilliant scientists in our country.
A. outstanding B. fruitful C. successful D. generous
Question 20: Many viewers like the Star Treck films which have lots of incredible space travels.
A. adventurous B. beautiful C. magnificent D. unbelievable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: The government has planned to demolish the old theater and build a new modern
A. put up B. pull down C. destroy D. set up
Question 22: The first thing you should remember when writing a CV is to keep it simple in
terms of design.
A. easy B. complicated C. ordinary D. basic

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 23: Peter and Laura are having dinner.
- Peter: “Do you want some more dessert?”
- Laura: “________. I’m full.
A. Yes, I'd love to B. No, that’s terrible C. No, thanks D. Yes, please
Question 24: Messi and Alex are in the computer room.
- Messi: “Can I use your computer for a while? Mine isn’t working.''
- Alex: '' .''
A. Ok, I agree B. No, it’s mine
C. I’m sorry, I need it now for my assignment. D. Sure. I’m using it

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.

In 2009, the Australia – funded Sunrise Special School 2 was opened in Tan Phu District, Ho Chi
Minh City to provide (25) ________ training for intellectually-disabled children. Sunrise Special School 2
was built after Sunrise Special School 1 had become overcrowded and may of the children were near the age
to leave school. The construction was (26)________ by Loreto Vietnam Australia Programme, the
Australian Agency for International Development and donors from Australia.
Students would be taught skills in their life as well as skills in making greeting cards, painting and (27)_________ flowers; sewing; massage; music; cooking and
computer science in (28)_______ with their abilities. Australian Ambassador in Vietnam, Allaster Cox, told in the opening ceremony that the two schools had made important
foundation opportunities for young disabled people in Ho Chi Minh City to better (29)_______ into the community.
Question 25: A. sports B. artistic C. vocational D. academic
Question 26: A. funded B. made C. built D. carried out
Question 27: A. fake B. artificial C. genuine D. fraud
Question 28: A. way B. base C. line D. according
Question 29: A. integrate B. enter C. join D. come

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.
Vietnam is likely to continue facing extreme weather conditions such as higher temperatures,
lower summer rainfalls, stronger storms, and rising sea levels from now to 2050, experts said at a
conference on high resolution weather forecast in Hanoi Aug 22. Accordingly, temperatures in
northern Vietnam will rise by between 0.83 degrees Celsius by 2050 and continue its uptrend during
the late 21st century. Summer rainfall will decline in most areas. Meanwhile, storms may become rarer
but fiercer, causing possible flash floods and landslides in flood-prone areas of northern mountainous,
central and central highland provinces. The high resolution forecasts suggest sea level rises of 100mm–
400mm along the entire Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21st century, affecting marine biology and
coastal communities. Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha reiterated
the unpredictability of climate change and its potential impacts to create a variety of dangerous
extreme weather events in the future.
To raise the public awareness of climate change impacts, he urged concerned agencies to work
together on devising worst-case scenario models and responses by 2015 and called on international
experts to further support Vietnam in climate change adaptation. Climate change is a real threat to
Vietnam’s socio-economic development. If sea level rises one meter, 5% of the country’s land, 11% of
its population and 7% of its farmland would be affected with the losses estimated at 10% of GDP.
Question 30: By 2050, Viet Nam continues facing all of these extreme weather conditions EXCEPT
______ .
A. higher temperatures B. storms reaching record levels
C. lower summer rainfalls D. rising sea levels
Question 31: Sea level rises along the entire Vietnamese coast by the end f the 21st century will
A. cause certain flash floods and landslides in flood-prone areas
B. make temperatures in northern Vietnam rise until 2050
C. make storms become rarer but fiercer in the near future
D. have impacts on marine biodiversity and coastal communities
Question 32: To experts, they ______ to predict exactly the model of the climate change and its
potential impacts.
A. are unable B. are likely C. are certain D. are surprised
Question 33: Viet Nam needs ________.
A. to recognize Viet Nam’s socio – economic development in the future
B. to calculate sea level rise, loss of farmland and rise in population by 2020
C. to raise people’s awareness of climate change and ask for foreign help
D. to recognize the percentage of farmland which would be affected by its population
Question 34: The phrase “worse- case scenario models” in the last paragraph can be understood as
A. the worst scene that could occur
B. the worst climate impacts that may happen
C. the worst possible things that could happen
D. the worst unpredictability of climate change

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is perhaps not a name that is universally recognized, but Dodgson
did achieve enormous success under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. He created this pseudonym from
the Latinization, Carolus Ludovicus, of his real given names. It was under the name Lewis Carroll that
Dodgson published the children’s book Alice ‘s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and its sequel
Through the Looking Glass (1872). Though Dodgson achieved this success in children’s literature, he
was not an author of children’s books by training or profession. His education and chosen field of
pursuit were far removed from the field of children’s literature and were instead focused on theoretical

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Dodgson graduated with honours from Christ Church, Oxford, in 1854 and then embarked on a
career in the world of academia. He worked as a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford and, later in his
career, published a number of theoretical works on mathematics under his own name rather than under
the pseudonym that he used for his children’s stories. He produced a number of texts for students, such
as A Syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry (1860), Formulae of Plane Trigonometry (1861), which
was notable for the creativity of the symbols that he used to express trigonometric functions such as
sine and cosine, and A Guide for the Mathematical Student (1866). In a number of more esoteric
works, he championed the principles of Euclid; in Euclid and His Modern Rivals (1879), he presented
his ideas on the superiority of Euclid over rival mathematicians in a highly imaginative fashion, by
devising a courtroom trial of anti-Euclid mathematicians that he named “Euclid wreakers” and
ultimately finding the defendants guilty as charged. Curiosa Mathematica (1888-1893) made a further
defense of Euclid’s work, focusing on Euclid’s definition of parallel lines. These academic works
never had the universal impact of Dodgson’s works for children using the name Lewis Carroll, but
they demonstrate a solid body of well-regarded academic material.

Question 35. Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. “Carolus” is the Latin version of the name “Charles”.
B. “Ludovicus” is part of Dodgson’s given name.
C. “Lewis” is a Latin name.
D. “Lutwidgc” is part of Dodgson’s pseudonym.
Question 36. What is stated in the text about Dodgson’s academic works?
A. They were published under the name Lewis Carroll.
B. They were well received in the academic world.
C. They are all about Euclid.
D. They had an impact on his works for children.
Question 37. The topic of this text is
A. the story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
B. Dodgson and Carroll: mathematics and children’s stories
C. the works of Lewis Carroll
D. Charles Dodgson and Euclid
Question 38. The pronoun “they” refers to
A. Dodgson’s works for children B. children
C. parallel lines D. these academic works
Question 39. All of the following are stated in the text about the work Euclid and His Modern Rivals
A. it described an actual trial in which Euclid participated
B. it described a trial in which “Euclid-wreakers” were found guilty
C. it was published in 1879
D. it was a creative work
Question 40. According to the text, Dodgson
A. used the name Carroll on his mathematical works
B. used a pseudonym for the work about the courtroom trial
C. did not use his given name on his stories for children
D. used the same name on all his published works
Question 41. According to the text, which of the following works was about Euclid?
A. A Guide for the Mathematical Student B. Curiosa Mathematica
C. A Syllabus of plane Algebraical Geometry D. Formulae of Plane Trigonometry
Question 42. The word “notable” could best be replaced by
A. decisive B. necessary C. significant D. notorious

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 43: I guess your sister rarely goes to school late, doesn’t she?
Question 44: He was received a lot of nice presents on his birthday last year.
Question 45: Until recently proving incorrect, astronomers had assumed that the inside of white dwarfs
were uniform.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: My house and yours are at the same size.
A. My house is as big as yours.
B. My house is bigger than yours.
C. Your house is bigger than mine.
D. Your house is smaller than mine.
Question 47: “How about joining the clean-up campaign this summer vacation?” Tom said to Rose.
A. Tom asked Rose about joining the clean-up campaign that summer vacation.
B. Tom suggested Rose joining the clean-up campaign that summer vacation.
C. Tom suggested joining the clean-up campaign that summer vacation.
D. Tom asked if Rose wanted to join the clean-up campaign that summer vacation
Question 48: I am sure you forgot to feed the dog when I was away.
A. You sure forgot to feed the dog when I was away.
B. You should have forgotten to feed the dog when I was away.
C. You must have forgotten to feed the dog when I was away.
D. You can’t have forgotten to feed the dog when I was away.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: The students planted a lot of trees in their neighborhood. Their principle praised them for
A. The students were praised of planting a lot of trees in their neighborhood.
B. The principle praised the students for having planting a lot of trees in their neighborhood.
C. The students were praised for having planted a lot of trees in their neighborhood .
D. The students felt proud of having planted a lot of trees in their neighborhood.
Question 50: He was very excited. He jumped up and down and kissed everyone.
A. His excitement is so big that he jumped up and down and kissed everyone.
B. So much excitement was he that he jumped up and down and kissed everyone.
C. Such was his excitement that he jumped up and down and kissed everyone.
D. He was too excited to jump up and down and kiss everyone.

------------------------ THE END ----------------------

Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Liễu

Trường THPT Bắc Duyên Hà

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1D 11B 21A 31D 41B

2A 12A 22B 32A 42C
3A 13B 23C 33C 43D
4A 14B 24C 34B 44A
5B 15A 25C 35A 45B
6B 16B 26A 36B 46A
7D 17D 27B 37B 47C
8A 18C 28C 38D 48C
9A 19A 29A 39A 49C
10D 20D 30B 40C 50C

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