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Q.1Construct a Turing Machine which accepts the regular expression, L={ 0n 1n |n≥1}or L={an bn |n≥1}.
Q.2Write shorts on the following :(a) Halting Problem (b) Church’s Thesis (c) Recursively Enumerable Language.
Q.3Define the languages generated by Turing Machine.
Q.4What are the features and concepts of Universal Turing Machine?
Q.5Define Turing Machine. Construct a Turing Machine for the following language, L={wcw |w€{a,b}*}.
Q.6Construct a Turing Machine for the integer function that computes addition of two integers , i.e. if x and y
are two integers then f(x,y) = x+y.
Q.7Define recursive language. Do you agree that every recursive language is recursive enumerable?
Justify your answer.
Q.8Write short notes on the following:(a)Universal Turing Machine (b) Post Correspondence Problem.
Q.9Does the PCP with two lists, X=(10, 011, 101), Y=(101, 11, 011) have a solution?
Q.10Design a Turing Machine for the language, L={an+2 bn |n>0}.
Q.11Define a Turing Machine. Draw the transition diagram for a Turing Machine accepting the
language, L={www |w in a,b}*}.
Q.12Show that if L1 and L2 are recursive languages, then L1⋃L2 and L1⋂L2 are also recursive.
Q.13Design a Turing Machine that can compute proper subtraction i.e. m$n, where m and n are positive
integers , m$n is defined as m-n if m>n and 0 if m≤n.
Q.14State True/False with reason:-
(i)Every language described by regular expression can be recognized by DFA.
(ii)Every R.E.L. can be generated by CFL.
(iii)The Halting Problem of TM is Decidable.
(iv)Complement of R.E.L. is also R.E.L..
(v)Every CFL can be recognized by a T.M..
Q.15Construct a TM for language consisting of strings having any number of 0’s and only even number of 1’s
over input set Σ={0,1}.
Q.16State PCP problem. A correspondence system P={(01, 1, 10, 010), (1, 01, 0, 1)}.Is there any solution for P?
Q.17Prove that PCP is undecidable.
Q.18Design transition diagram for the language, L={ai bj ck | i,j>0 and k=i*j}using Turing Machine.
Q.19Explain in detail about variants/various/modification/enhancements/types models of Turing Machine.
Q.20State Halting Problem. Prove that HALTTM is undecidable.
Q.21State whether the following instances of PCP has a solution .Justify. Top= (10, 011, 101) Bottom=(101, 11, 011).
Q.22Construct a Turing Machine for reversing a string.
Q.23Let T1 and T2 be two Turing Machines, Compute the functions f1 and f2 from N to N (Where N is a natural number),
respectively , construct a Turing machine that compute the function min(f1, f2).
Q.24Prove that every recursively enumerable language where complement is closed must be recursive.
Q.25Explain clearly the concept of undecidablity of a problem.
Q.26Show that the recursively enumerable languages are closed under the union operation.
Q.27Show that a language L is recursive if and only if there is a Turing Machine that enumerates L in canonical order.
Q.28Explain meaning of the term ‘recursive language’.
Q.29 When a language is said to be recursive or recursive enumerable?
Q.30What are the ways of representation of TMs?
Q.31What do you understand by Instantaneous Description (ID) of a Turing Machine? Design a Turing Machine that
Computes the integer function f which multiplies two given positive integers defined as follows: f(m,n)=m * n.
Q.32Let A={001, 0011, 11, 101} and B={01, 111, 111, 010}.Does the pair (A,B) have Post Correspondence (PC) solution?
Does the pair (A,B)have Modified Post Correspondence (MPC) Solution?
Q.33 Prove that recursively enumerable languages closed under intersection.
Q.34What do you understand by undecidable problem? State the Halting Problem and prove that Halting Problem is
Q.35Design a Turing Machine that computes the integer function f defined as follows: f(n)=3n where n is integer and n>=0.
Q.36Prove that if a language L and complement of L both are recursively enumerable then L is recursive.
Q.37 Give an example of a language that is recursively enumerable but not recursive. Justify your answer.
Q.38Prove that if PCP is decidable then MPCP would be decidable.
Q.39Design a Turing Machine that accepts the language , L={wwr | w is in (0+1)* and wr represents reverse w}.
Q.40Write Short notes on the following:
(a) MultiTape Turing Machine (b) MultiHead Turing Machine (c) MultiTrack Turing Machine (d)Multidimensional TM
Q.41Differentiate with suitable examples between recursive and recursively enumerable languages.
Q.42Does the following PCP have a solution? A=(10, 01, 0, 100, 1) and B=(101, 100 , 10, 0, 010).
Q.43Construct a TM for a Language, L={0n 1n 2n |n>=0}.
Q.44Prove that arbitrary context free grammars G1 and G2 , the problem” L(G1) ⋂ L(G2) is context free” and is undecidable.
Q.45What do you mean by unsolvable problem? Explain.
Q.46Design a TM recognizing the following language, L={am b an b ap b am+n+p |m,n,p>1}.
Q.47Design a 2-track TM that takes as input on track-1 an and leaves on track-2 the binary representation of n.
Q.48Design a Turing Machine which computes function f:NN defined as f(n)=2n.
Q.49Design a Turing Machine for the following language, L={ww| w€(a+b)*}.
Q.50Prove Complement of recursive is recursive.
Q.51The union of two of two recursive languages is recursive and so is for two recursively enumerable languages.
Q.52Design a Turing Machine to compute the function, f(n)=n2 .
Q.53Give recursive definition for :n+m.
Q.54Design a Turing Machine to recognize the language “The set of strings with an equal no. of 0’s and 1’s”.
Q.55Let f1 and f2 are two natural functions which are computed by TMs M1 and M2 respectively .Construct a TM that
computes max(f1, f2).
Q.56 Construct a TM for following Languages: (a) L={an bn cn |n>1} (b) L={an b2n |n>0}(c) L={an bn+1|n>0}.
Q.57 Design a TM for a Language, L={an+2 bn|n>0}.
Q.58Design the following 2-tape TM to accept the language of all strings of 0’s and 1’s with an equal number of each.
The first tape contains the input and is scanned from left to right. The second tape is used to store the excess of 0’s
over 1’s or vice-versa , in the part of the input seen so far . Specify the states, transitions and the intuitive purpose
of each other.
Q.59Describe the counter machine accepts the following language,{0n 1m |n≥m≥1}.
Q.60Explain how: (a)A computer can simulate a Turing Machine.
(b)A Turing Machine can simulate a Computer.
Q.61Show that the following question is decidable:
(a)The set of codes for TMs M such that when started with blank tape will eventually write some non-blank symbol
on its tape.
(b)Show that a set of TM codes for TMs that accept all inputs that are palindromes (possibly along with some other
inputs) in undecidable.
Q.62 Design a TM to recognize all strings consisting of an odd number of a’s.
Q.63Does the Post Correspondence Problem (PCP) with two lists X=(b, bab3 ,ba) and Y=(b3 , ba, a ) have a solution?
Q.64Design a TM that accepts the language of odd integers written in binary.
Q.65Find at least three solutions to PCP defined by the Dominoes.
1 10 1 0111
111 0 10
Q.66There exists a recursively enumerable language whose complement is not recursively enumerable .Prove it.
Q.67Covert the TM, M=({q1 , q2, q3},{0,1}, {0,1,B}, δ, q1, B, {q2}) where δ ig given by:
qi δ (qi, 0) δ (qi,1) δ (qi ,B)
q1 (q2,1, R) (q2,0,L) (q2, 1, L)
q2 (q3,0,L) (q1,0,R) (q2, 0,R)
and input string w=01 to an instance of MPCP.
Q.68What are checking off symbols?

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