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1. Arjuna inquired: Who is more perfect: Those whoa are properly engaged in
your devotional service, or those who --------------------------------------------------
2. Krishna then briefly describes the Jnana Yoga process and says that to -------
--------------in that discipline is very difficult.
3. Krishna says that he delivers ----------------------from the ocean of birth and
4. What is meant by saying that “a devotee is silent”?
a) He doesn’t speak anything nonsense
b) He doesn’t speak
c) He keeps his mind always fixed in the Lord
d) He doesn’t speak while mediation
5. A devotee does not think himself a ------------------
6. A devotee is engaged in devotional service with -----------------
7. He who follows the imperishable path of ----------- and who completely
engages himself with -----making ----------the supreme goal is very very dear
to Krishna.
8. A devotee is equipoised in honor and dishonor, --------and ---------,
happiness and dtsress ------------and --------
9. In ----------chapter it is stated that whoever thinks of Krishna at the moment
of death is at onece transferred to the spiritual sky, krishna’s abode.
10. In the impersonal conception of the absolute truth one works without
fruitive result, meditates and cultivates knowledge to understand spirit and
matter. This is necessary as long as one is not in ------------------------------------

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