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1. A, B and C are organs that can be damaged by drugs.

A heart
B lungs
C liver
Choose the correct letter to match each of these descriptions:
a. Two organs damaged by smoking
b. Two organs are damaged by alcohol
2. A survey was carried out into the drinking habits of men and women in the UK.

% who drink more than the

Age recommended amount

Men Women
Under 35 39 21
Over 35 35 16
Write two conclusions that can be made froms these results.
3. Draw lines to each drug to the correct type and effects.

Drug Type Effects

Caffeine or nicotine Hallucinogen Slows reactions. Increases
Cannabis Depressant Speeds up reactions. Makes
users feel alert.
Alcohol Stimulant Changes the way users see
and hear things.

4. Suggest two reasons why infectious diseases stop families escaping from poverty.
5. Why do people with AIDS often die from other infections?
6. A student is investigating the pressure that a block of wood is exerting on the floor. The
weight of the wood is 20 N. The block is 10 cm long, 5 cm wide, and 2 cm high.
a. What is the biggest pressure that the block can exert on the floor?
b. What is the smallest pressure that the block can exert on the floor?
7. Copy and complete the table below for a simple hydraulic machine.

Area of piston A Force applied to Pressure in the Area of piston B Force produced
piston A liquid by piston B
2 cm2 8N 25 cm2
5 cm 20 N 20 cm2
0,01 m2 6N 0,1 cm2
8. Calculate the densities of the following materials.
a. Material A has a volume of 2 cm3 and a mass of 30 g.
b. Material B has a volume of 10 cm3 and a mass of 8 g.
c. Is material A or material B more likely to be a liquid?
9. Match each word with its correct definition. Write out the numbers and letters.
a. A region where the particles are close together in a sound wave is called a ....
b. The solid, liquid or gas that the sound wave is moving through is called the ....
c. A region where the particles are far apart in a sound wave is called a ....
d. A sound wave is produced by something that is ....
10. The table shows the speed of sound in each of six materials. Use the table and the
information in question 3 to answer the questions below.

Material Speed of sound (m/s)

A 4000
B 1207
C 1497
D 259
E 6420
F 435
a. Which two materials are probably liquids?
b. Which two materials are probably gases?
c. Which two materials are probably solids?
d. In which material are the particles closet together?
e. In which material are the particles furthest apart?

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