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Nonprofit Advisor ▲

UHY Advisors Mid-Atlantic, Inc.

June 2008
Vol. 1 • No. 4

6851 Oak Hall Lane Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21045 410-720-5220 Fax 410-381-2524

Watch out! 2008 Form 990

Best Practices Series
Your 403(b) Plan Rules
are Changing Conflict of
By Debbie Crown, Senior Manager Interest Policy
T here have been
some import-
required terms and conditions
under that plan. A written plan doc-
By Matt Duvall, Senior

ant revisions made

to the regulations
governing 403(b)
ument is defined as a written
defined contributions plan which
satisfies certain provisions in form
In our February
2008 newsletter,
I discussed the
retirement plans. and operation. These provisions release of the 2008
Most of these would include: terms and condi- Form 990 and the
changes will take tions for eligibility, contributions IRS’ three goals of
Debbie Crown place for plans and applicable limitations, form and 1) increasing the
with tax years beginning after timing of distributions, contracts transparency of
Matt Duvall filing organiza-
December 31, 2008, but these changes available under the plan, responsi-
can be made prior to that date. ble party for administration and tions to the public, 2) increasing
compliance of the plan, and option- compliance with government regu-
403(b) plans covered under the lations and 3) decreasing the overall
al plan provisions, such as loans or
Employee Retirement Income Secu- filing burden.
hardship withdrawals.
rity Act of 1974 (ERISA) will now be continued on page 2
subject to the same reporting and As with ERISA-covered plans, non-
audit requirements that currently ERISA plans must meet the contri-
exist for section 401(k) plans. This butions rules that require the funds WE HAVE YOUR
means that ERISA-covered 403(b) to be transferred to providers within FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS
plans with 100 or more participants a period no longer than is reason-
will be required to file audited able for proper plan administration. UHY has a full staff of account-
financial statements beginning with If your plan is not an ERISA plan, ing professionals who can pro-
their 2009 Form 5500 filing. 403(b) then you should evaluate your cur- vide excellent support to your
plans with fewer than 100 partici- rent payroll processing to ensure accounting department. If you
pants may be eligible to use new that elective deferral contributions need to supplement your staff
abbreviated reporting forms with- are remitted in a timely manner. with accounting clerks, book-
out audited statements. keepers or experienced CPAs,
Some changes to note include: just call us and we’ll help.
In addition, non-ERISA-covered We also provide consultation
• The rules relating to elective
403(b) plans will have to have a services, design of internal
deferrals for 403(b) purposes have
written defined contribution plan controls, operating procedures
been limited.
which satisfies 403(b) in both form and accounting systems.
and operation, and contains all the continued on page 2

UHY Advisors brings specialists in nonprofit solutions in accounting, audit and tax.
June 2008
Vol. 1 • No. 4

Your 403(b) Plan Rules longer works for the employer eli- This quick summary is not all inclusive,
are Changing gible to maintain a 403(b) plan. but it should give you an idea of the
massive changes that have been made
continued from page 1 • Employer contributions and
to the 403(b) retirement plan regula-
employee after-tax contributions
tions. We have always recommended
• No longer can incidental life insur- must satisfy the nondiscrimination
that employers seek experienced and
ance be part of a 403(b) plan. requirements in the same manner
qualified guidance related to the bene-
as qualified plans.
• These plans may terminate and fits provided to employees. Make sure
distribute assets with full rollover • There are fewer exceptions for you get started now on ensuring your
ability, as well as recognize sever- excluding employees from partici- organization plan is up-to-date and that
ance where an employee no pation in 403(b) plans. you comply with all requirements.

Conflict of Interest Policy • Are officers, directors, or trustees If you think your organization’s con-
and key employees required to flict of interest policy could benefit
continued from page 1
disclose, annually, interests that from some rejuvenation, or if you’re
Over the next several newsletters, I could give rise to conflicts? just getting started on developing
will be providing guidelines and this best practice, you’re not on your
• Does the organization regularly and
resources you can use to help meet own. The IRS has made a sample
consistently monitor and enforce
the IRS’ goal of increasing trans- conflict of interest policy available on
compliance with the policy?
parency and compliance. I can’t, its website, and Independent Sector
however, promise that this informa- The last question is the reason I can’t also provides helpful insights on the
tion will help reduce your filing bur- promise a reduced filing burden. If necessary components to include.
den, but two out of three isn’t bad! you answer “yes,” you are required
to explain in narrative form how
First, let’s start with taking a look your organization monitors and Here are some links
at the importance of a written conflict
of interest policy. A conflict of interest
enforces compliance. The narrative to these resources.
should include an explanation of
policy defines conflicts, identifies the which persons are covered under IRS Sample Conflict of
classes of individuals within the the policy, the level at which deter- Interest Policy
organization covered by the policy, minations of whether a conflict
facilitates disclosure of information exists are made, the level at which Independent Sector Conflict
that may help identify conflicts of actual conflicts are reviewed and of Interest Guidelines
interest, and specifies procedures to any restrictions imposed on persons
be followed in managing conflicts with a conflict of interest.
of interest.
A “conflict of interest” arises when a
person in a position of authority Need help getting your organization
over an organization, such as an offi- ready for the new Form 990?
cer, director, or manager, may bene-
fit financially from a decision he or We can help with training for
she could make in such capacity.
staff and boards.
In addition to asking whether the
organization does in fact have a Call Jennine Anderson at
written conflict of interest policy 410-720-5220, or email her
(already a question on the old Form
990), the 2008 Form 990 asks these at
additional questions:

UHY Advisors, Inc., provides tax and business consulting services through wholly owned subsidiary entities that operate under the name of “UHY Advisors.” UHY Advisors, Inc.,
and its subsidiary entities offer services from offices across the United States. UHY Advisors, Inc., and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms.
UHY LLP is a licensed independent CPA firm that performs attest services. UHY Advisors, Inc., and UHY LLP are independent U.S. members of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited.

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