Comparative Study of Performance in Public and Private Sectors Employee Proposal

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The expected length of your proposal should be 15 pages (7,500 words),

excluding references.

Research Proposal Template for Research Project

Student Name Marshad Badiwi sanjur
Student ID 201910659
Word Count
1. Research Topic
(Provide a brief descriptive title of no more than 20 words)
Comparative study of performance in public and private sectors employee

Comparative study of performance in public and private sectors employee that

extant work has largely attentive on the private sector, with little work
sightseeing the public sector even more so, few trainings have been carried out
on the cohesion between the two. It provides a complete analysis on the
potential advantages, barriers and challenges associated with linking public and
private sector reporting of goals and targets. [1]
Absent are the days when only the Public Sector was ubiquitous in the
economy. At present, numerous republics have accepted the policy of Transfer,
done which Private Sector is also ahead rank. For the growth and expansion of
any country, both the sectors necessity go hand in hand as only one sector
cannot lead the country in the track of achievement. The private sector includes
of business which is owned, achieved and skillful by persons. On the
contrary, public sector encompasses of numerous commercial initiatives owned
and achieved by Management. Such administrations are either entirely or
partially possessed by the midpoint or state and come under the distinct
department. [1]
2. Research Details
(Give a brief comprehensive statement according to the headings below)
2.1 Literature Review & Background Study with Links to References

Comparative study of performance in public and private sectors employee There are

some ways that employment in the public sector classically fluctuate from those in

the private sector due to the nature of the management’s aims These structures need

to be measured when wily and employing operative policies for drafting and

rousing rule employees. [2]

The public sector has partial ability to suggestion employee’s sure types of welfares

that private companies can offer, such as shareholdings to incentivize executives to

maximize company performance. This also means that officials and civil retainers

are less expected to be directly affected by poor concert, equated to managers who

may involvement monetary losses from ineptitudes. Public sector often has rigid

rules that restrict hiring and firing of employees. Public sector structures regularly

use strict designs that define criteria for hiring, return, and promotion likened to the

private sector anywhere there is typically more litheness. These rubrics have

frequently been calculated to prevent bureaucrats from exerting undue influence

over public employees, but they also tend to limit the management’s ability to

incentivize performance. [3]

The fact that public sector administrations serve societal needs may draw different

types of folks into the public sector compared to the private sector, so it can be

useful for personnel policies to take this into account. In exact, if these entities are

appropriately stirred to work to the best of their facilities, present routine pay will

growth the improving performance. [4]

Private sector employee’s performance often faces limited competition in the

services provided. Private services like health and education are often heavily

subsidized and face limited competition from other providers. This absence of

rivalry may interpret into less weight on employees and a better need for nursing as

likened to the private sector, where race helps to incentivize output and reduce

inadequacy. Though all the subjects overhead may current some tests for worker

employment and group, with drivable care, they need not unavoidably limit public

sector recital. [5]

Performance in public and private sectors employee Captivatingly administration

employees in emerging countries are usually paid much better than their private

sector foils, but limiting hiring, firing, and elevation rules often weaken

performance. Compares regular wages of public and secluded sector employees in

39 countries using domestic review data In greatest countries, regular pays in the

public sector are advanced than in the private sector –and the pay gap is main in

poor republics where public sector labors earn more than twice as much as their
private sector counterparts. After regulatory for other factors such as location, age,

and education, the public sector wage best vanishes for developed countries but

leftovers significant for the poorest countries. Complete, the indication proposes

that poor administration performance in emerging republics is not just due to

administration employees being underpaid. [4]

In the first twentieth period, the expansion of performance in public and private

sectors employee range employing a upward share of wage-earners commanded a

number of sociologists to mirror on the principles and observes current in this

world, as conflicting to those in the private sector and among the self-employed. Of

the correction’s establishment fathers, donated importantly to the thinking about

this distinction, stress the specificity of actors who act in the name of bureaucratic

rationality. Meanwhile, attempted to establish a link between administrative

structures and the personalities of those who compose them. But it is especially in

the discussions on the alteration of communal classes that the divide between public

and private has given rise to argument. [8]

In the period of dangerous rivalry and the battle of management, performance

management system in both public and private sector administrations helps to
improve performance of employees as well as organizations. Various
researches have been conducted in the area of performance management however
there are very few studies which compare the performance management system
of public and private sector Oman. [9]
Concluded in a study on the comparison between performance management
systems manufacturing industries that Performance Management System is the
vital key in Human Resource Management . In extra arguments, PMS is a critical
business chauffeur that helps to achieve corporate effect. An effective PMS can
lift the partnerships to exploit the employee performance. An actual system
ought to be such that it can reassure a logistic macroclimate of trust, self-
government, teamwork, message and cooperation etc. It is significant for an
association to have such scheme that not only classify and know the top
players somewhat help the staffs and group to achieve maintainable growth.
Most of the modern day organizations identify this need and are spending a huge
quantity of cash to grow and tool a real Performance Management System still a
huge quantity of change can still be seeing in the employees’ performance. In order
to gain the modest advantage, the government’s performance management system
must be intended in such a way that it can attach the employee’s performance
prospects to that of the organization’s goals. [10]
2.2 Research Questions
(Explain the research question, hypothesis and/or problem to be addressed)

In order to answer the research question and to test the hypotheses, we conducted

a survey research. Individuals who are employed in public and private work

performance are the unit of analysis of this research. This study seeks to examine

Comparative study of performance in public and private sectors employee.

The research questions that guide this study are:

 What are the similarities and differences of sustainability reporting

between the public and private sector?

 What are the potential benefits and risks of linking reporting between

public and private sector sustainability reporting?

2.3 Aims/Objectives of the research
(Explain how the problem will be addressed)

This study’s aims and objectives of the research are to examine the performance

levels between public and private sector employees, and assess the impact of

socio-demographic factors on employees’ levels. And also the aims and

Objective of this study is to Comparative study of performance in public and

private sectors employee.

The two research objectives of this thesis are:

 To identify the comparative and performance of the public and private


 To determine the benefits and risks of Comparative study of performance

in public and private sectors employee

2.4 Significance/Contributions
(Justify the significance or contribution of the research from a review of the literature on the topic)

The review of prose in this study provides the deep vision of the work done by

the specialists and scholars on various parts of Comparative study of

performance in public and private sectors employee. To amount the range of Job

Satisfaction mid Employees of Public Sector and Private Sector. To novelty out

change in the level of job fulfillment between the employees of Public Sector

and Private Sector. To make proposals to organization for ornamental the

satisfaction level of employees.

2.5 Theoretical framework and methods
(Include a discussion of the sources to be referenced)

The theoretical frame work and methods of this study to Comparative study of

performance in public and private sectors employee in which a researcher or

team of researchers combines elements of qualitative and quantitative research

approaches. The extant training has been planned with a view to consider the

approval level of Public Sector employees performance and Private Sector

employees performance, to detection out the result of many features (pay and

outlying welfares, relative with co –labors organization, staffs authorization,

countryside of job, employees influence, performance assessment and exercise

and growth, etc.)

3. Research plan and timeline
(Provide a plan of your research development with time-line of proposed goals. A Gantt chart is
preferred to illustrate the different stages of activities)

The research plan of this study is to collect the data of current study to interview

from different expert and organization public and private sector. Primary data

has been collected from one hundred ten respondents of different age group,

education level, income and designation. The exposure is passable custody in

view the nature of the study and imperfect resources at the disposal of the

defendants. Sampling used in this research is simple random sampling. The

survey conducted on employees of Public Sector and Private Sector. The target

audience was managers, officers and clerks. The diversity of the study is that it

involves of all age groups and career levels.

Timeline Table

Sr. No Time Hours
1. literature review 6 days 4-5

2. Research Question 2 days 3-4

3. Aims/Objectives of the research 4 days 2-3

4. Significance/Contributions 5 days 4-5

5. Theoretical framework and methods 3 days 1-2

6. Plan and time line 2 days 2-3

7. Graph 7 days 5-6

8. References 1 days 1-2

After our research and interviews we make a pie chart to explain the private and
public sector employee’s performance.

Employees Performance

Public Sector
Private Sector

After completed our all research and interviews of different peoples our This

graph is showing the employee’s performance the public sector employee’s

performance is 60% however the private sector employees performance is 40%

now we can see the public sector is better performance than private sector.
3. References
(Provide a list of scholarly references cited in the proposal)

Google scholar

1. Adams, C. (2002). International organizational factors influencing public

and private sector: Beyond current theorizing. Accounting, Auditing and
Accountability, 15 (2), 223-250 Google scholar
2. Alcaraz- Quiles, F. J., Navarro-Galera, A., & Ortiz-Rodríguez, D. (2013).
Public & private sector literature review. Lex Localis, 55-78.
3. Amran, A.B., & Devi, S.S. (2007). Corporate social reporting in
Malaysia: performance in public and private sectors employee 3(1).
4. Ball, A. & Grubnic, S. (2007), Sustainability accounting and
accountability in the public sector literature review.
5. Baron R. (2014). The evolution of corporate reporting for integrated
performance. Employees performance. OECD, Paris. Google scholar
6. Beare, D., Buslovich, R., & Searcy, C. (2014). Performance of employees
– public and private sector, literature 21(6), 336-350.
7. Bellringer, A., Ball, A., & Craig, R. (2011) Reasons for sustainability
reporting by New Zealand local governments, Sustainability Accounting,
Management and Policy Journal, 2(1), Google scholar
8. Public & private sector, employee’s performance (CED). (1971). Social
responsibilities of business corporations. New York.
9. Crespy, C. T., & Miller, V. V. (2011). Sustainability reporting: A
comparative study of NGOs and MNCs. Corporate Social Responsibility
and Environmental Management, 18(5), 275- 284.
10.Dumay, J., Guthrie, J., & Farneti, F. (2010). GRI sustainability reporting
guidelines for public and third sector organizations: a critical review.
Public Management Review, 12(4), 531-548.
11.Ebner, D., & Baumgartner, RJ. (2006). The relationship between
sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Paper
presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2006.
Dublin, Ireland. Retrived from
12.Farneti, F., & Guthrie, J. (2009). Sustainability reporting by Australian
public sector organisations: Why they report. Accounting Forum, 33(2),
13.Gwet, L. Kilem. (2008). Intrarater reliability. Wiley Encyclopedia of
Clinical Trials. Retrieved from: Google scholar
14.Haveman, H. (1993). Follow the leader: Mimetic isomorphism and entry
into new markets. Administrative Science Quarterly. 38 (4), 593-627.
15. International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). (1992).
Business Strategies for Sustainable Development. Winnipeg, Canada.

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