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Teradata Users Guide: The Ultimate Companion

Author(s): Tom Coffing, Leona Coffing, Chris Coffing, Robert Hines, Steve Wilmes

Publisher: Coffing Data Warehousing, Year: 2002

ISBN: 0970498063,9780970498069

The "Teradata Users Guide - The Ultimate Companion" is the finest Teradata
technical book on the market. Written by the best Teachers and Consultants in the
business, Tom Coffing and his team of Teradata Certified Masters have written an
easy to use, easy to understand guide that has all the information a user will need
to be effective. It covers the Teradata Basics, Logging on to BTEQ and Queryman, a
Queryman Tutorial, an SQL Challenge that allows users to teach themselves SQL, an
SQL Quick Reference Guide, understanding joins, explains, temporary tables, a
Utilities Guide and more. Written in a friendly and motivating way this guide
promises to be the one stop shop for the Teradata users' needs. Tom Coffing and his
team of Teradata Certified Masters have trained over 10,000 users worldwide over
the past decade. This guide is brilliantly designed to be everything to every user
from the new and inexperienced user to the power user.

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