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SPE 15578

Specific Mixing Energy: A Key Factor for Cement Slurry Quality

by J.:, Orban, Anadrill Schlumberger, and P.A. Parcevaux* and D.J, Guillot, *
Dowell Schlumberger
●SPE Members

Copyrighl 1986, Society of Petroleum Er@ineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at tha 61at Annual Technical Conference and Exhibitionof the Sociel\ of Petroleum Engineers held in Naw
Orleana, LA October 5-9, 1986.

This paper wes selected for preaenlalion by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract : ..bmilted by the
author(a). Contents of fhe paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineera and are subject to c; rection by the
author(s).The ma!erial, aa presented, does not neceaaarily reflect any positionof the Sociely of Petroleum Engineers, ita officers, or members. Papera
presented at SPE maetings are s~+.,...0, f. publi~ali~n review by Erjilorial Commitleea of the Society of Pefroleurn Engineers. permission to coPYia
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where and by whom the paper is prasenfed. Write PublicationsManager, SPE, P,O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75063.3836. Telax, 730989 SPEDAL.

ABSTRACT As a consequence it is recommended to increase ihe

field specific mixing energy to a value as close as possible
In this paper, the relations! ips between cement mixing to the API one. This provides optimum slurry quality a td
and cement slurry quality are investigated. Laboratory good similarity between laboratory and field conditions.
mixing conditions, using a high shear mixer, are com-
pared to field mixing conditions, including conventional
jet mixer, recirculating type mixer and batch mixer,
AH the mixing conditions can be reduced according
to a 6ingle parameter, the specific mixing energy, that Both in the construction and the oil industry, the con-
allows the comparison of laboratory and field mixing with sistency of fresh concrete and cement paste is known to
confidence. be dependant on the mix’ng conditions 1’2, The API rec-
ommends the use of a very precise procedure - including
Typical cement slurry properties, like rheology, free the equipment - to mix an oil well cement slurry in the
water, fluid loss, thickening time and compressive strength, laboratory 3, But little attention has been paid in the
are meaaured as a function of the specific mixing energy, paat to adjust mixing conditions used in the laboratory
All these properties improve when the specific mixing en- to field ones.
ergy increases. The efficiency of cement additivea, like
dispersant and fluid-loss agents, is also found to vary In the present study, we investigate the influence of the
significantly with the energy. A tentative explanation is mixing procedure, not only on the theological properties
proposed through a mechanism of particle deflocculation of cement slurries, but also on other properties of primary
and dissolution, leading to an increase in the available importance such as: free water, fluid loss, thickening time
specific surface area. and compressive strength. In the laboratory, mixing con-
ditions are changed by varying the rotational speed of
Optimal slurry properties are obtained at specific ener- the mixing device as well as the duration of mixing, all
gies close to that imparted by a laboratory mixing follow- other parameters being kept constant, In order to be able
ing the API Specification 10. The specific mixing energy to compare the results, we try to normalize the different
parameter has been quantified for different pieces of typ- mixing conditions by a single parameter based on a me-
ical field equipment and conditions, from mixers to cen- chanical energy balance. A tentative explanation is then
trifugal and high premure positive displacement pumps, proposed for the variation of cement slurry properti~e as
and pumping through orifices, Current standard field a function of the intensity of mixing.
practices can represent aa low as 10 Yof the specific energy
imparted by the API procedure, Comparative measure- Then we present the properties of cement slurries when
ments in the field have shown that the cement slurries mixed using several types of field equipment. An equiva-
mixed then in these conditions have considerably poorer lent approach is attempted to norrr- a.lize <he large variety
properties than the same ones mixed in the laboratory. of conditions encountered in the fiekl. T’>;s permits a di-
.—. ——.——— ——_—_. rect comparison between a cement sl::wy as designed in
References and illustrations at end of paper. the laboratory according to the A F; specifications, and
the actual one which is pumper’ h the well.

LABORATORY STUDIES It has been experimentally observed that ths torque T

exerted on the propellor of the miwi is, as a first ~pproxi-
Experiment al Procedure mation, proportional to the rotational speed w arid to the
specific gravity p of the mixed fft.;d, as shown in figure 2.
Cement slurries cre prepared by mixing Class G cement So, the expression {or the mechanical work becomes:
with tap water using a propeller-type mixer, M per the
.4PI Specification 10, second edition, Section 5 ‘, The
volume of mixed slurry is keLJt,constant at 600 mL for all E-~kxpxw2xt (2)
the tests performed. The mixer’s blades are thoroug$”’y
weighed every 10 tests and char:.ged when the weight loss where k was experimentally t’,wnd to be equal to:
is larger than 5%,

The mech~nical mixing power it. in this case the :o- 6.410-9 N.m/kg.rc-3/rpm
tatioiml speed o! the blade and the duration of mixing
are varied in the following respective range: [4000-12000] Such experimental results were obtained by directly
rpm, [10-360] s\ c, The cement powder is poured into the measuring the torque exerted by the nj~tor of the mixer
mixer bowl within 15 seconds, while the system is rotating on the axis of the propelier when running the mixer at a
at 4000 rpm, then the speed is set at the desired value. given rotational speed with water first, then with cel lent
Reported durations of mixing do not include these first slurries of specific gravity varying between 1.44 and ;..;!7.
15 seconds. Torque measurements were corrected for friction in the
Following mixing, the cement slurry is conditioned in
an atmospheric conslstometer rotating at 150 rpm for 20 The chosen reducing parameter then is defined as the
rein, at 20 or 85 deg. C Aepending on the series of experi- mechanical work per mass ot’ slurry:

All physical testing following cement slurry mixing and

conditioning is performed according to reference 3. E/M = ~x;2xt (3)
Effect of mizing on slurry theological properties
So if the volume of slurry V is kept constant, which is
The effect of the mixing procedure on cement slurry the case in this study, E/M is proportiona 1to the duration
properties has been first evaluated through theological of mixing and to the square of the rotational speed.
measurements made with a rotational viscometer accord-
ing to API specification 10 Appendix H, Results are then When plotted as a function of E/M, the two theological
analyzed using the Bingham plastic model, parameters plastic viscosity (PV) and yield value (TY)
fall respectively on a single curve (Fig.3;,. This shows
The authors are aware of the limitations of the equip- that., although the chosen parameter is baaed on a crude
ment, of the experimental procedure, and of ‘he theolog- approximation - it is assumed that the work provided to
ical model used 4, but it is not the purpose of this paper
the fluid is entirely spent in shearing the slurry - it permits
to go into details of this specific subject. This procedure
a reasonable reduction of the theological data.
was adopted because it is to-date the one most commonly
used in the oil industry, and because it permits an easy
comparison from one test to another, According to equation (3), the energy per mass corre-
sponding to API mixing of a cement slurry is 5.5 kJ/kg. In
When plotted as a function of the duration of mix- the following, the energy per mass of slurry is adimention-
ing, for any constant rotational speed of the propeller, alized by making the ratio with the value corresponding
the plastic viscosity (PV expressed in cP) and the yield to the API laboratory procedure, i.e. 5.5 kJ/kg, and is
value (TY expressed in lbf/100 ftz) of a neat Class G ce- referred as the specific mixing energy or SME.
ment slurry first decrease and then increase (Fig. 1), This
relationship is also strongly dependant on the rotational It is to be noticed that the rheology of a neat cement
speed used, thus time or speed alone can not be used to slurry is optimum for an SME value in the range of 1,
normalize the data. close to the API procedure, as shown in figure 3. For a
dispersed slurry (I?ig.4) the plastic viscosity continuously
Normalization of mixing conditions decreases, while the yield stress stays close to a minimum
value up to a critical specific mixing energy around 1,
To allow for a comparison between the different mixing and then diverges for higher values. T’. :se results are in
procedures, we have tried to reduce the theological data to qualitative agreement with the one obtained by D.M. Roy
a single master curve using the mechanical work provided and K. Asaga in 2.
by the mixer to the slurry during time t:

E= Txwxt (1)
.<PF ----
lfi5?~ -J.[)RRAN.
. -,,-...-, P.PA??CFVAIIX
. . . . ... . . . . .. .. f. n. . C11711(IT

Baaed on these results and rheology-wise, it appears effects observt?d on all the physical properties: lower parti-
that the quality of a cement slurry is improving with in- cle sizes would promttte lower viscosities, lower free water
creasing specific mixing energy, and is opt’mum at an content, better fluid 10SScontroi, ~hortw thickening time,
SME around 1, e.g. close to the API mixing, but that and improved compressive strength,
this quality can be degraded by too high energy levels,
allove 2. Measurements of specific surface area with a laser gran-
ulometer have proven the existence of cement agglomer-
InjZuence of the specific mixing energy ates which can be broken through ultrasonic stirring. For
on other cement properties this the specific surface area of cement grains in a slurry
mixed at different levels of energy has been measured un-
The specific mixir.g energy not only affects the rheology
der the same conditions, without and with ultrasonic stir-
of cement slurries but also other characteristics of slurries
ring. This apparent specific surface area has then been
and of set cements, Typical examples are given in table 1.
normalized by the valt~e obtained after 1 min ultrasonic
The free water content of two cement slurry composi- stirring, and plotted as a function of the specific mixing
tions has been me,wmred at 20 and 85 deg.C. It ir observed energy (Fig,5). It is oh-. ious that the apparent specific
that the free watt r of the neat cement remains unchanged surface arez increases with the specific mixing energy, and
when increasing the mixing energy, while for the dispersed levels off toward 1 when the SME increases above 1 (API
systerri at 85 cleg. C, it decr~ J’ es by a factor 4 from 22 to value of the SME). 1 his definitely shows that mechanical
5 mL/250 mL between an c$ME of 0,1 and I. stresses do destroy the agglomerates of cement powder
during mixing, thus reduce the apparent cement parti-
Fluid loss IS also extremely sensitive to mixing energy cle size, Once again the cptimum dispersion is obtained
below 1 API. The efficiency of an organic fluid loss agent for an S?VIE close to the API value, At S.ME values well
is affected by the level of energ~ during the mixing phase, above 1, a divergence is seen between neat am’ dispersed
since for an SME of 1 the value obtaired is good (90 cer.lent slurries. This might suggest that mechanical dis-
mL/30 rein), while for an SME of 0.1 we get hardly any persion can not totally compensate for chemical disper-
fluid loss cmtrol (320 mL/30 rein). sion as provided by organic dispersant,

Thickening time and compressive strength, although The degradation in some cement properties at high lev-
not being as sensitive as free water and fluid loss, do els of specific mixing energies can be explained b;~ a pos-
evolve with the spe~ific mixing energy, Thickening time is sible increase in the dissolution rate of fine partic!w, that
reduced by 15 to 20% when SME increases from 0,1 to 1, would increase the early cement reactivity and promote
while compressive strength is only marginally affected in higher viscosities. However this hypothesis has not yet
this range, Improving significantly compressive strength been experimentally verified,
requires much more energy to be spent i,e. 3 to 4 times

After defining this concept of mixing energy in the lab-

These results show that the efficiency of cement ad- oratory with the API recommended mixer, attempts have
ditives, such as fluid loss agents and dispersant, varies been made to generalize it to larger scale mixing.
substantially with the specific mixing energy. In most
For this, a series of large scale tests were performed,
cases the quality of cement slurries waa found to improve
using real field mixers. Between 10 to 20 ms of cement
significantly when increasing the SME from O to 1, to sta-
slurry are mixed each time, Cement slurry samples are
bilize between 1 and 2, and then to possibly deteriorate at
taken at different places on the mixer and at different
higher levels above 2, with the exception of compressive
times during mixing, and their theological properties im-
strength development.
mediately measured in the laboratory.
These properties are then compared to the properties
It is well accepted that dry cement powder is composed of the same slurries, mixed in the laboratory at different
of aggregates of cement particles held together by electro- mixing energies, using the same materials, cement and
static, capillary, and/or chemical forces, When measuring mix water, aa for the large scale test. All the mbdng en-
the particle size distribution of cement powders, through ergies are normalized aa per the API one. Mixing energies
laser scattering or sedimentometry, these aggregates are provided to the cement slurry during large scale tests are
first destroyed by preparing the Si .rnple in an ultrasonic computed using a very simple mechanical energy balance,
bath. by summing the mechanical works separately provided by
a) flow through orifices; b) rotating agitators; c) centrifu-
A possible explanation for the described phenomena gal pumps.
and may be for cement mixing in general is that the aver-
age size of cement particle aggregates is reduced when the The total mechanical energy is then given by an ~x-
mixing energy increases, promoting, then, a better con- pression of the form:
tact between water and cement. A reduction in cement
apparent particle size would be perfectly in line with the
E/M= E*=Z~ (4)
pxv pxQ
The following examples taken from Gurope are repre-
sentative cases of how additional mt~chanical energy can
where P is the power, Q the flow rate, t a time, V the
improve cement slurry properties.
slurry volume and p its specific gravity,
Ca8e 1
Mixing energies directly related to the effect of jetting
water againsta dry cement flow inthejet mixer itselfand A 9 5/8 in. casing wu set at 650 m in a 12 1/4 in. ver-
to the flow of cement slurry through a positive displace- tical open hole (average hole diameter was 13 in.). Previ-
ment pump have been empirically derived from correla- ous casing was a 13 3/8 in. sel at 150 m . BHCT was 35
tions of cement slurry properties with laboratory mixed
deg,C. The well had been drilled with a fresh water-base
slurries. The sum of both devices that is a constant in all bentonitic mud at 1.25 s.g., and wss to be cemented to
the tests performed is found to b? aa small aa 10% of the suiface with a tail in slurry at 1,89 s.g. with dispersant
API mixing energy, M shown in 5qure 6. and fluid loss control, and a lead dispersed slurr~l also at
1.89 s.g.
Conventional jet mixer, recirculating type mixer, and
batch mixer have been used. Forthese large scale tests, Both slurries were low pressure jet mixed in a 6 bbl
cement slurries, neat and dispersed, have been mixed at recirculating type mixer, but the tail in slurry was then
, design specific gravity varying be~ween 1.87 and 1.94. pumped into a batch tank where it was recirculated once
In table 2 are presented the computed mechanical en- across 1/2 in. jets, while the lead slurry was pumped
ergies provided by several of the mixing set-ups used for down hole on-the-fly,
this study. In addition, the extra mechanical energy that A sample of tail in slurry taken in the recirculating
can be imparted to a cement slurry through a choke de- mixer gave the following results : PV 22,4, TY O, tem-
vice is presente ~ in table 3. It is clear that any range of perature 28 deg,C, free water after 2h30min 10 mL/2:0
mechanical energy, from a level as low as one tenth of the mL, s.g. 1.86, The same sample was remixed on location
API one, up to very high i es like 3 or 4 tiines the API with a laboratory mixer for 35 seconds at 12000 rpm, and
one, can be imparted to a cement slurry, depending on gave : PV 21,8, TY 1, temperature 29 deg.C, free wa-
the mixer and possibly chokes used. ter after 2h30min O mL/250 mL. Obviously the quality of
The similarity between laboratory mixing and field scale the slurry in the mixer was poor, and improved a lot after
mixing, when using mechanical energy aa the normalizing enough mechanical energy was added to it,
parameter is shown in figure 6 and table 4 for various mix-
A sample of tail in slurry taken in the batch tank after
ing set-ups such as a simple jet mixer followed by pumping
circulation through the jets gave : PV 33, TY 2,8, tem-
through positive displacement pump, recirculating mixer,
perature 29 deg.C, s.g. 1.89, free water dfter 2h20min O
and choke devices. mL/250 mL.This sample remixed in the laboratory mixer
gave PV 29, TY 3.0, temperature 29 deg.C, free water 0.5
Not only are the theological properties of cement slur- mL/250 rnL showing almost no change in properties.
ries mixed at a normalized energy of 1, both in the lab-
A SIUXry sample wss then mixed on location with tne
oratory and in large scale with various field mixers, very
laboratory mixer at 1,89 s.g. using dry cement from the
close from to each other, aa demonstrated in table 4, but
silo and mix water, and gave : PV 32, TY 3, temperature
this similarity is still valid throughout the whole range of
25 deg,C, This shows that the slurry in the batch tank
energy, from 0.1 to 1.5, aa shown in figures 6. This shows
was similar to design, and increasing further on the me-
that field mixing of cement slurries can be modelled very
chanical energy did not change significantly its properties.
simply, and that the cement slurry aa designed in the lab-
oratory can exhibit the same properties as the field mixed Finally, a sample of lead slurry was then taken from the
one provided this model is used. return line and gave : PV 14,5, YV O., temperature 25
deg.C, s.g. 1,87, free water after lh 25 mL/250mL. Such
a result tends to show that if the quality of the slurry is
CASE HISTO RIES no good at mixing stage, the shearin[: energy down the
casing and up the annulus is not enough to improve it.
As a consequence of such an interesting correlation be-
tween small and large scale mixing, and because of the Case 2
observed implications of mixing energy on other cement
A 13 3/8 in. casing was set at 3100 m in a 17 1/2 in.
slurry properties, the mixing energy concept was later
vertical open hole (average hole size 19 1/2 in). BHCT
used and evaluated during cement jobs.
was 100 deg.C. Previous casing was a 20 :n. at 400 m. 6
This concept haa been extensively used during the past centralizers were run in the open hole sectio,l and the the-
few years, especially when cementing critical production oretical annular volume was 450 m3. The well had been
strings. More than 200 of such jobs have been done to drilled with a 1.78 s.g. bentonitic water-base mud. The
date, In most situations, the additional mechanical en- annulus was to be cemented over 1000 m with neat class
ergy required to optimize cement slurry quality was input E cement at 1.98 s.g., using 40 m3 of spacer ahead. Slurry
through simple jets m through special choke manifolds. was low pressure jet mixed into two 50 bbl recirculating
type mixers at a total rate of 4 tonnes/rein injected at 14
bpm, and displaced at 12 bpm.
arL#JJt” .Z. VOW. IIT, f .rnr-. -v, v?...? C. w...- ..*--v I z

Samples were taken at the goose neck, or from a butter- . Similarity between drastically different mixing scales
fly sampling valva in the recirculating mixer, then cast in and procedures was proved to be possible by summing the
1 in, cylindrical perspex tubes and cured for 8 days at am- mechanical work provided by the mixing devices used in
bient conditions. Upon unmoulding, samples were tested the laboratory and in the field.
for compressive strength, permeability and porosity. Al-
though the overall cement properties were of low values, . Optimum cement slurry quality is generally obtained
as curing had been performed at ambient conditions, a sig- for a mixing energy close to the one corresponding to the
nificant improvement was noticed on samples taken from API laboratory procedure,
the recirculating mixer compared to samples taken at the
, In some field situations, this high level of energy can-
goose neck: compressive strength was increased by 100%,
not be provided by conventional jet mixers. Recirculation
permeability decreased by 50% and porosity decreased by
jets or choke manifolds through which the slurry is circu-
lated, are thus needed to optimize cement slurry quality
Following the job, cement slurries were mixed in the in the field.
laboratory according to the API procedure at the same
When a specific mixing energy close to the API one
slurry density as recorded on location, cast and cured sim-
can not be obtained in the field, the cement slurry would
ilarly for the same period of time, and tested for the same
be best designc 3 in the laboratory using a mixing proce-
properties. Cement properties were further improved by
dure that provides the same level of energy as the one to
another order of magnitude, This can be attributed to two
be used in the field.
main reasons: one is air entrapment that could have been
much lower for laboratory experiments, the other is me- NOMENCLATU~
chanical mixing energy. When computing the mechanical
mixing energy imparted by the recirculating type mixer, M mass of slurry
it turned out to be only 30% of the API mixing energy, P power of a mixing device
Ca9e 3 Q flow rate
T torque on a mixer propeller
A 7 in. casing was set at 1000 m in an 8 1/2 in. t duration of mixing
open hole with a 40 deg v~’erage deviation. BHCT was V volume of slurry
35 deg.C. Previous casing wa a 9 5/8 in. set at 690 m. P specific gravity of slurry
The well had been drilled with 1.1 s.g. fresh water ben- W rotational speed of a mixing device
tonitic mud, and was to be cemented to surface with tail PV plastic viscosity
in slurry at 1.89 s.g. and a lead slurry at 1,65 s.g. both TY yield value
with fluid loss control and dispersant. Both slurries were
jet mixed into a batch tank and subsequently sheared one
full volume through 1/2 in. jets at 1000 psi differential CONVERSION FACTOR
pressure. Slurries were pumped downhole at 7 bpm and
1 HP.min/ppg.bbl = 2,34 kJ/kg
displaced at 10 bpm.

Samples were taken at various stages of mixing and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

pumping, and observed for free water development. Both
The authors wish to thank the management of Dowell
tail in and lead slurries from the goose neck developed
Schlumberger for permission to publish this paper, They
about 10% (25 mL/250 mL) free water in 3 hours. Tail
are pleased to acknowledge the contribution of M. Belharizi
in and lead slurries after circulation through the jets, just
who performed the theological measurements in the lab-
prior to pumping, as well aa the lead slurry returning via
the annulus, developed no free water at all in 3 hours,
Rheology and specific gravity of the lead slurry were -
PV 28 ; TY O ; s.g. 1.65- at the goose neck, - PV 17 ; TY 1. Papadakis, M. :’Recherches sur le malaxage a haute
1 ; s.g. 1.65- after shearing through the jets, and - PV turbulence des suspensions de ciment’, Revue des Mate-
22 ; TY 5 ; s.g. 1.65- on return. Rheology and specific riaux de Construction, No.498, pp 69-78, 1956.
gravity aa per laboratory design waa meant to be - PV
15 ; TY 2 ; s.g, 1.65 -, well in line with the rheology of 2, Roy, D, M,, and Asaga, K. :’Theological properties
the slurry just prior to pumping. The increase of plastic of cement mixes: 111,The effects of mixing procedures on
viscosity on the returning sample could be due to a minor viscometric properties of mixes containing superplaaticiz-
contamination with spacer. ers’, Cement and Concrete Research, VOI.9, Pp 731-739,
3. API Specification 10, Second Edition, June 15,
The properties of cement slurries and set cements, 1984 :’API Specification for Materials and Testing for
especially rheology, free water and fluid loss, are found Well Cements’.
to vary a lot with the intensity of mixing, It is believed,
alt bough not 100% proved, that a deflocculat ion process, 4. Grban, J,, and Parcevaux, P. :’Viscometers evalu-
due to mechanical stresses during the mixing phase, is the ated for accurate determination of cement slurry rheol-
baais of this sensitivity. ogy’, Oil and Gas Journal, June 30, pp. 94-100, 1986,
SE 15578

TA8LE 2: Mechanical energy per mass by f iald mixers

TABLE 1: Properties of slurries and set cernan$eversus SME to cement alurrien
(Class G cement mixed with fresh water at 1.89 s .g. )

----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------

0.10 I I [ I
I TEST I SUE 1.0 4.0 I
I Mixer I Mixing rate I Mechanical energy I
l---------------- l----------------------------------------l
I in I in I
i API Free water 1 Neat Slurry 4 6 41 bpm YP.min/ppg. bbl I
I at 86 deg.C I Dispersed 22 6 31
I ------------- _-----------_ ---l ___--_ -------- l----__ -_-----------l
~ m md.(250 ML I Slurry (
l---------------- l----------------------------------------l
I Jet mixer + triplax pump I 4 I 0.46
I API Fluid Loss I Slurry with
I 16 I 0.3 I
I at 86 deg. C I Fluid Loss 320 80 60 I
I 10 I 0.2
I in mL/ 30 min I Additive
f---------------- i----------------------------------------;
I mixer + triplex
Jet pump + I 4 I 0.75
I API Thickening I Neat Slurry 145 120 100 I
I 6 bbl recirculating mixe I 8 I 0.38 I
i time in min I Dispersed 160 130 105 i
I at 86 dag. C I Slurry
I Jet mixer + triplex pump + I 4 I 1.76 I
l---------------- l ---------------------------------------- i
I 26 bbl recirculating mixer I 6 I 0.90 I
I API Compressive I Neat Slurry I
I Stren@h in MPaI After 3 days 12 13 16 I
I Jet mixer + triplex pump + I 4 I 1.80 I
I I After 10 days 19 20 26 I
------------------------------------- ------------- --------- I 60 bbl recirculating mixer I 8 I 0.90
I API laboratory procedure I --- I 2.41
l ----------------------------- [-----___ ------ l------___ ----------l

TABLE 3: 14echanical enargy par mass given by chokes

to cement slurries TABLE4: Similarity between field and laboratory mixing

--------------------------------------------------------- . -------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Choke lEfficirmcy I Flow rate I Mechanical energy I I l___ -___ -._-------_ --_-----_ -__-l
I diamater in lcoeff icient I in I in I Mixing I Cement Slurry I Pv I TY I Pv [ TY I
inches I I b>m I HP.min/ppg .bbl I system I slurry S!4E I llbf/iOOl llbf/1001
------_ --_--- l ----------- _____________________________ I I a.g. I CP Isqftl CP Isqftl
l___ -____ l-------- ___---_-_-l---l------- l-__ -_-- i---_--_l
24/64 I 0.76 2.1 2.41 I I
I 0.75 3.0 4.82 Iill I 1.87 1.2 26.2 7.0 26.0 7.0 I
24/64 I 0.86 2.4 2.41 1212 I 1.90 1.0 26.7 26.2 27.6 2361
I 0.85 3,4 4.82 I I I I
I 1212 i 1.95 1.0 34.0 38.3 33,6 40.0 I
36/64 I 0.75 4.8 2.41 I
I 0.76 6.8 4.82 I 1212 I 1.86 I 1.0 I 18.6 12.4 19.7 10.5
I i I I I
I 36/64 I 0.86 6.6 2.41 I 13 I 1.94 I 1,0 I 33.1 32.1 34.0 30,5
I I 0.85 I 7.7 4.82 I l----_ ---1 -.--!--- l-l-___ -Al_------ l------- ------ ------- -------
l---------_____ l-----_ ----_ l_-_ ----___ l-_---__ -__--_ ----_-l
Mixer 1 : Jat mixing in a 6 bbl tank recirculation for 10 min with a 5x6
centrifugal pump, then pumping with triplex pump

Slurry 1: Class A cement with 0.12 gal/sk dispersant and 0.02 gal/sk
anti foaming agent mixed with fresh water

Mixer 2 : Jet mixing in a 6 bbl recirculating mixer then pumped through

a low pressure choke

Slurry 2: Claas G cement, 0.06S gal/sk dispersant, 0.02 gal/sk antifoaming

agent, fresh water

Mixar 3 : Jet mixing ,then pumped with a triplex pump through a high
pressure choke

Slurry 3: Class G cement, 0.06 gal/sk dispersant, 0.02 gal/sk antif oaming
agent, f reah watar
SPE 15578

1’ I
s $s-

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o Ullca=
so- < 1
0 ma o 2CQ Ibw 1s00
OFMXINOh Socvnds

Fig. l–lntluence of laboratorymixing time and speed on nc?t cement slurry rhezkgy.

1 I

2:- 0

Fig. 2-Calibr8tlon

of the torque exerted on the Ialmrakq

mixer’s propeller.


W. /9


s /’
‘“ 7
m: /

F@. 3-lrdlu.nco of the mixing my on rwxt comont slurry rhdogy.

s~E 15578



/ Legend
■ ci08s GNw.
❑ C43** c Ckmrd

0.00 J , ~
0 1 s

Fig. 4-influence of SME on the rfrwkrgy of a dleperwd CO. Fig. 5—Relatlonshlp between cement spwiflc surface area
ment slurry. and SME.

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Fig. 6-SimllwNy bwtwwn field wrd laboratory mlxlng as a furrctlon of SME,

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