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Socio demographic characteristics of the nursing staff of Neonatal Intensive Care


Socio demographic and background data:

1.Gender: M F Age: ---------------------------

Stream of education in school a. scientific
b. None scientific
1. Diploma
2. BSN
2. Level of education:
3. High diploma
4. MSN
5. PhD

Less than 1000 NIS 1000-1999years 2000-2999 years

3. Level of income
3000 and more

4. Place of Residence: City Village Camp

Area one: Knowledge questions responses regarding ventilator associated

pneumonia and preventive bundle practices
:The next 10 questions ask about infection control measures )1
1- Continuous education to ICU nurses on prevention of nosocomial infection is
associated with
A. Increased rates of VAP
B. Decreased rates of VAP
C. Does not influence the rates VAP
D. I do not know

2- Increase the nurse – patient ratio who work with patients in critical care setting is
associated with:
A. Increased risk for VAP
B. Decreased risk for VAP
C. Does not influence the risk for VAP
D. I do not know

:Frequency of ventilator circuit changes -3

A. It is recommended to change circuits every day.(or whenever clinically
B. It is recommended to change circuits every week. (or whenever clinically
C. It is recommended to change circuits for month. (or whenever clinically
D. I do not know.

:Ventilator and bedside maintenance -4

A. It is recommended to decontaminate respiratory and bedside equipment with
germicidal wipes routinely every shift and whenever soiled.
B. It is recommended to decontaminate respiratory and bedside equipment with
germicidal wipes whenever soiled.
C. Decontamination of respiratory and bedside equipment with germicidal wipes
does not influence the risk of VAP.
D. I do not know.

:Condensation in the ventilator circuit -5

A. It is recommended to drain tubing condensation away from patient routinely
before care and before position changes
B. It is recommended to drain tubing condensation away from patient frequently
C. Condensation in the ventilator circuit does not influence the risk of VAP
D. I do not know

:It is recommended to change humidifier of ventilator -6

A. Every day.
B. Every week.
C. Every month.
D. I do not know.

7- Routine hand washing is one of the most important strategies to reduce nosocomial
a. True b. False

Decreasing length of ventilator days is the most important strategy for the -8
.prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia
.a. Trueb. False
9-Neonates are at higher risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia because of immature
immune systems and immature mucous membrane barrier protection.

.a. Trueb. False

10- Most common organisms that may cause VAP: Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

.a. True b. False

Area Two: The next 10 questions ask about oral care in care of
:ventilated patients
It is recommended to perform Oral care by using a swab moistened with mouth -1
:wash and sterile water
A. One time per shift.
B. Every 3 hours.
C. whenever necessary.
D. I do not know.

:Insertion of the suction catheter into the endotracheal tube -2

a. Is a sterile procedure
b. Is a clean procedure
c. Can be a clean or a sterile procedure
d. I do not know.

:ETT suctioning should be done to patient -3

a. Every 3 hours.
b. Routinely to every shift.
c. As needed.
d. I do not know.

:A nurse is required to dispose a suction catheter -4

a. Immediately after one single use

b. Can be cleaned and used twice
c. Can be used without being cleaned
d. I do not know

Which of the following is best recommended routine when intubating a premature -5

A. Oral intubation is recommended.
B. Nasal intubation is recommended.
C. Both routes of intubation can be recommended.
D. I do not know.

:Over feeding a ventilated patient is associated with -6

A. Increased the risk for VAP
B. Decreased the risk for VAP
C. Do not influence the risk for VAP
D. I do not know.

7- All of the following are risk factors for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP),
A. Polycythemia of the Newborn.
B. Long duration of mechanical ventilation.
C. Multiple intubations.
D. Crowding & understaffing.

8- All of the following are signs of worsening gas exchange, except:

A. Oxygen desaturation.
B. Increased oxygen requirement.
C. Decreased oxygen requirement.
D. Increased ventilator support.

:Breast milk has been associated with a lower risk of sepsis in preterm infants -9
a. True b. False

10- Neonates may be at greater risk for aspiration because their ET tubes are cuffed:
a. True b. False

Area Three: Information about Subjective norms regarding Delivery Options

1- Strongly disagree, 2- Disagree, 3 – Neutral, 4- Agree, 5- strongly agree

Item 1 2 3 4 5
1-Delivering my baby by the scheduled cesarean
section will help build a healthy relationship
between my partner and me.
2- I believe that it is important to my partner that
I deliver my baby by the scheduled cesarean
3-My partner believes that the vaginal birth
method is dangerous for my baby
4-. Delivering my baby by the scheduled
cesarean section is convenient for my partner.
5- I believe that it is important to my mother in-
law that I deliver my baby by the scheduled
cesarean section..
6- My mother-in-law believes that the vaginal
birth method is dangerous for my baby.
7-My mother-in-law believes that the vaginal
birth method is dangerous for me.

Thank you
Key Answers
Area one Area Two
Question answer Question answer
1 B 1 B
2 B 2 A
3 B 3 A
4 A 4 A
5 A 5 A
6 B 6 A
7 A 7 A
8 A 8 C
9 A 9 A
10 A 10 B

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