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Makaila Hay

Requirements of the class:

 Class name, section, room, and subject:
o Health is the name of the class as well as the subject but I elaborated on the subject and
included education in the name so that the subject was clear. Instead of a section I used
a class period. I felt this was more appropriate to what one might find in a middle school
environment. I included 8th grade in the description because some schools offer
separate health classes depending on the grade.
o Health education is meant to teach students various subjects pertaining to topics such
as mental health and physical health among other topics. The two topics I decided to
create were sexual assault (which goes along with the group project lesson plan) and

 Theme:
o I changed the theme to something more health oriented.

 Here is the class announcement posted on the stream. The intent of this post would be to have
a quick comprehension quiz to assess understanding before moving onto the next lesson.

 I posted material, an assignment, and quiz under the topic Sexual Assault. I posted a question
under the Bullying topic.
Makaila Hay

o The material pertains to some information on sexual assault awareness month. SAAM is
in April which ties into the current month. It includes a quiz on consent which ties into
our lesson.
o The assignment is a writing prompt asking students to define bodily autonomy and how
to respect boundaries. A big part of preventing sexual assault is consent and respecting
a person’s boundaries. This question allows students to explore what that means to
o The quiz is tied into terms that students would have learned during the sexual assualt
lesson. Students were also asked to use these terms in their group project. The quiz is
meant as an end of term analysis on their understanding of the terms.
Makaila Hay

 Here are the quiz questions for the Sexual Assault topic. I included a short form question for
their name and then a non-graded question for the students to fill out what period they have
my class for.
Makaila Hay

 Here is the question for the bullying topic.

o Before beginning the next lesson, which in this case I made bullying, I would ask
students to name a negative effect of bullying. By their grasping their prior knowledge
on the subject, I would have a better understanding on their initial comprehension.

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