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Social Media Audit

Molly Burns
Jour 436

I have analyzed the social media of Target.

• Target’s social media products include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

• The primary target audience for each of these products in reference to Target’s
social media include:

o Facebook: Couples with young children

o Instagram: Young individuals/couples/families
o Twitter: Young individuals
o Pinterest: Young people going through major life transition (marriage, new
home, job interview, having babies, etc)

• The purpose of each of these social media products is:

o Facebook: Not only does this social media product help to inform Target
followers about deals and discounts within the story, but it also includes real
people using things from the store in real life. This concept helps to advertise
and tries to connect with the audience in a way that they can relate. The way
the Facebook page uses videos, recipes, photos, and real scenarios to engage
with the audience is purposeful because it makes the viewers connect
themselves to Target’s products.
o Instagram: The purpose of Target’s Instagram is similar to the purpose of
their Facebook. They use the Instagram to advertise products sold in their
stores in ways that are relatable to the audience they are trying to reach.
o Twitter: Target’s twitter is more informal. They use this social media
product less for advertising and more to connect with their primary
audience. They tweet informal tweets like jokes, phrases, etc. all referring
back to Target. It is as if they are wanting to make the primary audience feel
as comfortable as possible with them so that they will want to shop at their
o Pinterest: Target uses their Pinterest as more of a strict advertising tool,
with discounts posted on items. They use it to showcase new items, as well
as putting those items into categories so the viewers can decide what they
want to look for in a more organized way.

• In looking through the graphic identity of Target’s social media, the graphics seem
consistent with a few inconsistencies. The consistency in the graphics is that they
photos used are either professionally taken or are a graphic advertising a
holiday/sale. The photographs all seem as though they are taken by the same
photographer/have the same quality. The graphics are consistent themes. The few
inconsistencies involve photos of tweets posted on Instagram or Facebook, or
photos of memes. These inconsistencies add personality to the social media and
imply imperfection. Though that may sound like a negative trait for such a large,
well known company’s social media, it gives the audience the freedom to be their
imperfect selves. This concept is important because it helps the audience to relate
and feel like themselves rather than having to live up to a perfect expectation in
order to shop at the store. Also, all of the people photographed in the images are
ordinary people. This is important to point out because it is another way that the
audience can relate to what they are about.

• The tone of the messages on these social media products would be mostly informal.
This is because most of the captions contain hashtags, as well as jokes or words that
are meant to be funny. Most of the captions used are meant to be lighthearted while
also used as advertising tools. When it comes to advertising discounts, the words
used are more formal in order to get to the point and be simple.

• Target’s mission statement involves great shopping made affordable,

diversity/inclusion celebration, and community involvement. This is evident in
their social media because every person pictured in different images is different. No
one looks the same or give off the same vibes. Everyone has joy on their face in all of
the pictures, which represents the celebration of inclusion. Also, every few
pictures/tweets/posts there will be a quote or reference to the celebration of
diversity and inclusion from a real person.

• Industry peers to Target are Walmart and Amazon. Walmart and Target have a
similar social media presence. Each retail company focuses on diversity and
inclusion evidently in their social media. Walmart focuses more on the overall
savings aspect of their mission, where Target focuses slightly on specific sales they
are having at a certain time. Amazon uses well known faces on their social media to
show that those people support and use their company. Through their social media
they connect what is trending in the media and on other social media sites to
connect with their audience. They use well known people, situations, jokes, etc in
order to advertise their company.

• I think that Target stays true to their mission in all aspects of their social media. I
really appreciate how they add in imperfect comments or pictures so that the
audience does not feel the need to live up to an unrealistic expectation in order to
shop there. I saw some comments on a few of the posts alluding to the store posting
things that customers did not see online or in the store. I would recommend that
they be genuine in what they are posting. I would also recommend that they include
more posts about specific sales or ways that people can save money shopping with
them because their competitors often do this.

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