How To Write A Graduation Thesis

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21/4/2020 卒論の書き⽅

◇◇ How to write a graduation thesis ◇◇

Below are some general guidelines on how to write a graduation thesis. The method of creating and submitting a
graduation thesis differs for each laboratory, so please follow the instructions of your academic advisor.

★ Graduation Thesis Schedule

The graduation thesis is generally submitted from mid-February to late February. Therefore, if you calculate
backward from that, you should aim to complete the research in January at the latest and start writing the thesis
in February . I think that most people write a thesis for the first time, so it is necessary to have the academic
advisor see it when the draft is completed. It will be repeated several times to receive advice from your academic
advisor and make corrections, so it is advisable to wait at least one week for corrections . By the way, at this
time, we will not have enough time. If a machine trouble occurs and the file of the paper you wrote is erased or
cannot be opened, it will be irretrievable. Be sure to back up important files.

(Teacher's inside story)

Graduation thesis is usually circulated among teachers at the graduation thesis presentation. Since the
presentation time for each person is limited, the professor does not have the time to read the entire paper in
detail. It is the teacher through the eyes in this limited time overview of the paper is. Therefore, write here
exactly (^ o ^). And if there are too few references , the lack of study and research is exposed. At least five. It is
better to cite not only textbooks but also related research papers. Web page quoting is not good either. If you
have published your research externally in a study group, please include that paper in the references. The number
of pages is 12 points and about 20 pages are average. If the number of pages is too small, it will be conspicuous,
so let's put in figures and make good use of the space between chapters (^ _ ^;).

In the following, we will explain the specific writing method.

★ How to write a graduation thesis

Graduation thesis is written in a word processor such as LaTeX or Word. It should be noted that the template
(sotsuron.tex) of If you want to create a thesis in LaTeX here to, PDF file of the sample (sotsuron.pdf) is here in
the. (The number of lines, the number of characters, the width of the text, etc. are not specified, so this template
is just a standard one.)

The structure of the paper is roughly as follows.

Overview (1 page)
Table of contents (1 page)
Main thesis (10 pages or more)
Conclusion (1 page)
Appendix (5 pages or less)
References (1 page or more)

Below, let's talk about each writing style. 1/8
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■ Cover

The standard format is as follows:

┌ ┐

XXXX graduation thesis

(Research theme)

XXX YY YY XXX ← Submission date

△△△△ Department
(student number:********)
□□ □□ ← Name
◯◯ University ◯◯ Faculty

└ ┘

■ Overview

The content of the research paper is summarized in about 500-600 characters. Read this summary so you know
what you have studied. Specifically, I will briefly summarize the points of what kind of research was conducted
and what conclusion was obtained as a result .

■ Table of contents

Write chapters and corresponding pages.

(Example of writing)

Table of contents page

Chapter 1 Introduction 3
1.1 Research Background 3
1.2 Purpose of the study 4
1.3 Structure of this paper 5
Chapter 2 Preparation 6
Chapter 3 Main Thesis 11
3.1 Raising a problem 11
3.2 Research Description 13
Chapter 4 Consideration 18
Chapter 5 Conclusion 20
References 21
Appendix 22

You may add more chapters as needed.

■ Content

In the body of the research paper, write in the following structure.

(Note that the titles of the following chapters can be changed by yourself) 2/8
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Describes the background, motivation and purpose of the research. Regarding the background of the
research, describe what kind of research has been done in the research field you have conducted so far,
with reference to the literature. In addition, the citation of the document is written as follows (refer to the
writing of the reference document).

.... Various search methods are used to solve problems [1]. Of these, the α-β method [2] is a
search strategy for games. ...

研究の背景を書くのは実は難しい。これは、それなりの⽂章を書くためには、 その分野の⼗分
な知識が必要とされるからです。卒業研究をする学⽣は、当然、 キャリアが浅いため、教科書
や参考⽂献に書いてある⽂章を参考に書くことが多くなります。 しかし、⽂献に書いてある⽂
章をそのまま丸写しをしてはいけない。 これは著作権の問題とも絡みます。では、どうすれば
よいか? ⽂献に書いてある⽂章を⾃分の⾔葉で⾔い替えること、 それから少なくとも2つ以上の
⽂献を調べて、複数の⽂献に書いてある ⽂章から必要な⽂章を取り出して、⾃分流にアレンジ
すればよいのです。 ⽂献に書いてある⽂章をそのまま引⽤する必要がある場合はかぎ括弧や引

.... ⼈⼯知能の未来について、アメリカの計算機科学者カーツワイルは 1998年の著書

[3]の中で以下のように予⾔している。 ``2029年までにダウンロード可能な思考が登
場し、2099年までには⾁体を持たない 知性体が出現することは間違いない"....


研究の動機 ⽬的については、上述した背景において現状でどのような問題が あり、その問題
を解決するためにどのような⼿段で研究を⾏い、その結果 どのような効果が期待されるか、と
いったことを記述する。 また、章の最後に論⽂の構成について⼿短かに書く。



.... 研究の背景・動機・⽬的など .....


本論⽂では .... について研究を⾏う。

第3章では、.... の問題に対して、.... のアルゴリズムを提案し、
なお、付録として ...... を加えた。
第2章 準備
この論⽂で使う概念や⽤語の定義を説明する。 ⽂献にある定義を使う場合は引⽤先を明⽰す

第3章 本論
研究の内容について述べる中⼼部分。構成としては、 本研究で対象とする問題は何かを説明
し、 その問題に対して、本研究ではどのような⼿法により、 どう問題を解いたのかを具体的に 3/8
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詳しく書く。 各章は内容を分けて、3.1, 3.2 ... のように細分化してもよい。 また、論⽂の読みや

すさを向上させるために、 ⽂章だけでなく、図や表などを使って、内容を視覚的に表現する⼯
夫も必要。 図は他⽂献から参照した場合は必ず⽂献を引⽤する。 また、pdf の図を貼りつける

第4章 考察

本研究の結果について、客観的な評価 考察を⾏う。 本研究によって、どのような有効性が確
かめられたか、 関連研究と⽐較してどのようなメリットがあるか、などを書く。 またプラス⾯
だけでなく、本研究の限界、問題点などについて⾔及することも必要である。 また、こうした
問題点がなぜ⽣じたのか、その問題を解決するためにはどうすればよいか、 などを考察する。

第5章 結論
本研究で何を明らかにしたのか、また、 今後の課題としてどのような問題が残されているの
か、 といったことをまとめる。


例:本研究を⾏うに当たり、ご指導を頂いた□□教授に感謝します。 また、⽇常、有

論⽂を書く上で参考にした⽂献を、番号を振って列挙する。 書籍の場合は、(著者、本の名
前、出版社、発⾏年)、 論⽂や雑誌の解説記事の場合は、(著者、論⽂名、出典、ページ、発
⾏年)を書く。 Webページの場合は、ページのタイトル(もしあれば)と URL を書く。但し、
URL はリンクが切れることがあるので、参照した年⽉を書いておく。


[1] ⾧尾真:知識と推論,岩波講座ソフトウェア科学14 (1988)

[2] 実近憲昭: ゲームと AI,⼈⼯知能学会誌 vol.5, pp.527-537, 1990.

[3] ⼈⼯知能の歴史 (2010年2⽉参照)

LaTeX の bibliography 環境を利⽤すると、参考⽂献に番号が振られ、 本⽂中で \cite{⾧尾} のよ

うに引⽤すれば、⾃動的に⽂献番号が引⽤される。 なお、URL でたまに意味不明の⾧い⽂字列
のアドレスが引⽤されている場合がある (例:。

プログラムや実⾏結果など、 本論を補⾜する上で必要と思われるものがあれば付録としてつけ
る (なければつけなくてよい)。

※ 卒論を書く上での⼀般的注意 4/8
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Sentences of sentences use "~ is", "~ suru" instead of "~ isu", "~ masu". In addition, avoid ambiguous
expressions such as "~ Dou", "likely", "like ~", and say "is a", "believed to be", "expected to be" Use
affirmative language.

■ Submission of thesis
For the graduation thesis for submission, print it out and bind it to a commercially available file. A file may be
specified. We may also submit electronic formats such as pdf files.

■ Paper presentation

Use presentation software such as PowerPoint.

■ Pass / Fail judgment

Based on the content of the graduation thesis and the result of the presentation, it will be decided by the
examination committee of the department.

(Teacher's inside story)

Depending on the university and faculty, the presentation will be scored according to the following criteria (100
points maximum).

1. Sufficiency of research content (maximum 40 points)

There are no problems with the research content, and the degree of completion is high ... 40 points
The content is not so good, but it can be seen after doing the best within the range of his ability ... 30
The content is not enough, there is room for more effort ... 20 points
The contents are scarce and the effort is not enough ... 10 points

2. Presentation ability (maximum 30 points)

About slide composition and presentation attitude,

There is no particular problem ... 30 points

There are some problems ... 20 points
There are quite a few problems ... 10 points

3. Q & A ability (maximum 30 points)

The answer was generally accurate: 30 points

There are some questions that can not be answered, but the allowable range is 20 points
Almost no answer ... 10 points

Student abilities vary from individual to individual. Side to be evaluated, individual students whether or not the
maximum effort in their abilities have a look at. I tend to skip research on a daily basis, and the content of the
research that I prepared just before the presentation is thin, so I can understand it immediately. At the time of
presentation, you should wear normal clothes, but you should refrain from wearing gorgeous clothes.

* About the composition of the presentation slides 5/8
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If the presentation time is 10 minutes, the number of sheets should be around 15 excluding the cover. As a

Research background / motivation (1 to 2 pages)
Purpose of the study (1 page)
Preparation (pages 2-3)
Main Thesis (4-5 pages)
Discussion (1-2 pages)
Conclusion (1 page)

Such a feeling. As for writing, instead of writing long sentences as they are in papers, write points in bullet
points. Also, consider visually appealing using figures, tables, graphs, and demos.

* Notes when preparing slides

Here are some examples of bad slides I've seen so far:

The text is tightly written.

Slides that are too small to read are not papers. Itemize the minimum required text. Information that is
small and unreadable is zero information. It just stresses the listener.

paper figures as they are If you paste the paper figures and graphs as they are, the letters will inevitably
become smaller. Let's edit it for slides even if it is troublesome.

Units are
not shown on the graph Please consider that a graph without units on the vertical and horizontal axes is

Be able
to answer any questions you may have, such as technical terms that cannot be explained . Don't write on
slides that you don't know or cannot explain!

The slide design and slide show are too disciplined

. Please enrich the content rather than the appearance. The background is simple. The letters are basically

The introduction is too long for this thesis to start. The

presentation time is limited. The introduction is reasonable. There will be no time to publish the essential
research content.

The text is cut and broken at a strange place

For example,

The following table shows

the result of simulation by this algorithm .

If you write a sentence without thinking, a line break will be inserted in the middle of the word and the
slide will be difficult to read.

Also, for example, 6/8
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.............. The result of the simulation is shown in the table below


.............. The results of the simulation are shown in the table below.

If you write, the number of lines will be reduced by one and it will be easier to see.

Finally, there is no need for a slide like "Thank you for your attention" ! !!
It is natural for the teacher to listen quietly to the announcement at the screening. Such a slide has zero
information on the listener side. It is easier for the listener to think about the question if the final
conclusion slide is left rather than the slide for such a slide. Also, if the presentation time is insufficient,
just say "This is the summary of the conclusion", and if you project the final conclusion slide, you will
have more time to present. Please make sure to prepare the minimum number of slides for presentations of
10 to 15 minutes.

* Precautions for presentation

Here are some examples of bad announcements.

Stick reading of slides Since the

audience is watching the slides, they can understand what is written without having to read each one.
Presenters should be careful to say ** not on the slide **.

Some people make presentations by looking at the computer or screen that does not look at the audience .
Think about where your audience is.

Voice is small
announcement Let's talk tall with confidence.

graduation thesis presentation schedule is tight even if the presentation end time is reached . An
announcement that does not end even at the end time may be forced to stop.

It's a pain for everyone to take lectures that people usually read texts, don't look at students, have a low voice,
and don't finish even when the lecture finishes. The same applies to presentations. The student presentations
listed above are also painful for the listener (-_-).

★ Last word

What is important in graduation research is to make every effort to the end, regardless of the content. A
professional (those who get paid for research) research has all the results and the process is not evaluated.
Graduation research is not a professional research, but a process. I think this is true in sports and other worlds. It
should be the first experience for most people to research on one subject over a year. The experience of repeating
trial and error and completing graduation research with your own power should be a great asset for your future
life. Please do your best.

* References for writing a thesis

The following are the know-how books for writing graduation thesis. 7/8
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"Science Writing Techniques", Kinoshita Kore, Chuko Shinsho 624 (1981).
"For Youth Writing Reports and Graduation Thesis", Satoshi Sakai, Kyoritsu Shuppan (2007).
『よくわかる卒論の書き⽅』,⽩井 ⾼橋 著,ミネルヴァ書房 (2008). ・

『新版 ⼤学⽣のためのレポート 論⽂術』,⼩笠原喜康 著,講談社現代新書(2009).
『理系のための 即効! 卒業論⽂術』,中⽥亨 著,講談社ブルーバックス(2010).


Last Updated, February, 2019 / Produced by Chiaki Sakama 8/8

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