2.1 Family Engagement 4.6.1 Describe The Advantages and Importance of Family or Caregiver Involvement in Learner Development

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1 Family Engagement

4.6.1 Describe the advantages and importance of family or caregiver involvement in learner


Family involvement is essential during a child’s education as it produces many benefits

for not only the family and parents, but also for the teacher and student. It is important for

teachers to collaborate with the parents of their students, keeping them informed of what is going

on in the classroom and school.

As a teacher, building relationships with your students is essential; however, it is also

important for the teacher to put forth effort to have a relationship with the parents. This

relationship can benefit the teachers as it creates a sense of trust and respect between them and

the parents, which can be useful during conflicts. In an article called “2.1 The Benefits of Family

Involvement: What Research Has to Say?” they talk about how family involvement can benefit

teachers as they can “acquire a better understanding of families’ cultures and diversity.”

(Evidence 2.1.1) During class we filled out an Iceberg Activity sheet where we included what

morals, values and characteristics can be seen above the surface and what is deeper such as a

student might not be open about eating habits, holiday customs and even the students concept of

self. We talked about how this information can only be obtained through relationships with

teachers, parents and students. This can help the teacher have a better understanding of the

student and their family dynamic and how to successfully differentiate in lesson plans and daily

class time. (Evidence 2.1.2)

Family Involvement can also be significant to the students. It can help them feel

welcomed, and motivated because they know that the teacher cares enough to strengthen the

relationship by reaching out to their parents. In class we wrote student-led conference lesson

plans where we talked about how they can encourage the student to have more confidence in

their stills and improve their self-esteem. (Evidence 2.1.3) Last but not least, family involvement

has numerous benefits for the parents. Teacher communication and outreach to them can help the

parents feel more informed, included in their child's life, and help them have the skills to assist in

their students' learning. Teachers must be diligent with this in the beginning in ways such as a

parent survey that can help the teacher get to know the parents personally. (Evidence 2.1.4)

This communication to the families of the students can come on different levels. First it

must come from the teachers. In class we wrote a mock parent newsletter that reflects ones used

in schools around us. These newsletters can be a simple way for teachers to let parents know

what is going on in the classroom and opportunities for possible volunteer openings. (Evidence

2.1.5) Other ways of communication include email, phone calls or conferences. On the building

level administration can stay in communication via social media, emails and local news. Finally,

it is crucial to have communication from a district level. In a meeting with a member of the

Olentangy District Communication Team, Mrs. Davis explained to us the importance of strong

communication between districts and their parents. She explained how email, news, events,

social media, district wide calls and other forms of communication can help in strengthening the

relationships between them. (Evidence 2.1.6)

Family Involvement and communication are significant and crucial in the circle of

education. Parents must be informed of what is going on not only in their students' lives, but also
their educational upbringing and the only way this can take place is if teachers make it their

priority to keep them up to date.

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