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Test 1 Approx.

:]0 minutes

- Listening

Questions 1 - 7

• There are seven questions in this part.

• For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
• You will hear each recording twice.
• For each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording.
• Choose the correct picture and put a uck (/¡ in the box below it.

What time is Tom going LO the theatre?


1 What do es the rosc bush need?



2 What's thc matter with Julie?


3 What are they going to eat?

. '


4 Where's the swimming pool?

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j 19
Test 1

5 Which present did Roger buy?

6 What is the jacket like?

7 Where are the keys?



Questions 8 - 13

• Look at the questions for this parto

• You will hear an announcement at a school féte.
• Put a tick (,,/) in the correct box for each question.

8 The money will be spent on 11 You can enter the three-legged race if you
A O school computers

8O a new building
O a child with an adult

e O the féte
O a I1)u.m and a dad

e O an aunt and an unclc
a new swimming pool
D an adult over 18
9 What starts at 2 o'clock?
12 How many raffle tickets do you get for n?
A [J the rete

8 O the county gymnastics cornpetition-

A O 150

B O 30
e O the gymnastics display"
/ e 0 3
D fun and games
O 50

10 You can have a coffee break

13 l(ou should buv your raffle tickets
I, A O in classroom 7

B D in classroom 6
A O by 4.JOpm

B O at ópm
e O in the front playground

D O in (he sports hall

e O when vou enter the fe te

D O any time before 5pm

Test 1

Questions 14 - 19

• Look at the notes.

• Some information is AMAN DA MORR[§
• You will hear a teacher
talking to her class Became ill when she was (14) years old.
about a brave person,
Amanda Morris. She wasn't strong enough to werk or (15)
• For each question, fill in She went to (16) for an operation.
the rnissing information
in the numbered space. She decided to try (17) with dolphins as a new

Amanda has made lots of triends throuqn the (18)

She is known as the (19) u girl'.


Questions 20 -25

• Look at the six statements Ior this parto

• You will hear a conversation between a boy, Scott, and his mother, who has just returned horne
from a trip.
• Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct. put a (v") in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correcL.
put a (X) in the box under B for NO.



20 Scott thinks that the plants are healthy.

21 Scott.'s mother is angry with both Scott and Bob.
22 Scott complains that his mother is lazy. O O
23 Bob did not water the plants. O O
24 Scott's mum doesri't like plants. O O
25 Scott has a present for his mum. O O

Express Publishing



I e 8 D 14 21/twenty one 20 A
2 B 9 e 15 walk 21 A

16 Americe
17 swirning
18 Internet
-- 6 D 13 A 19 dolphin 25 B
7 D
R ,= Rubric
Woman: Oh no, where are my keys? I thought they were by the phone.
Test 1 Man: I saw them on the kitchen table this morning.
Woman: I've been out since then. They were in my pocket.
R: This is PET Praclice Test 1. There are lour parts lo Ihe lest. You will hear Man: Look, here they are. They're still in the door!
each recording twice. During Ihe test Ihere will be a pause belore each [pause]
part lo allow you lo look Ihrough the questions, and otber pauses lo iet you [The recording is repeated.]
Ihink ebout your answers. You should wrile your answers on Ihe question [pause]
paper. You will have twelve minutes al Ihe end 01 Ihe lesl lo Iransler your
Thal is Ihe end of Part 1.
answers lo Ihe seoerete answer sheet.
You now have half a minute lo check your answers. We \ViII lell you
when Part 2 begins.
Part 1 [pause]
R: There are seven queslions in Ihis parto For each question Ihere are lour
pictures and a short recording. You will hear each recording twice. For
each queslion, look al Ihe pictures and lisien lo Ihe recording. Choose Ihe
Part 2
correcl picture and put a tick in Ihe box below it. R: Now turn lo Part Two, queslions 8 - 13.
Look at the questions lor this parto You will hear an announcemenl made al
a school téte. Put a tick in Ihe correct box for each queslion. At the end, the
Belore we slart, here is an example.
recording is repealed.
R: What lime is Tom going to Ihe Ihealre?
Woman: What time are you going to the theatre tonight, Tom?
R: Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.
Tom: Well, the show starts at hall past seven, but I'm going at a quarter
Woman: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Belmont School
to seven to buy the tickets.
fete. You will remember that the money we raised last year went
[pause] towards buying school computers. I'm very pleased to tell you
R: The answer ise quarter lo seven. The second picture is correct and Ihe that all the money raised today will go towards building a new
lick has been pul in Ihe box under Ihe picture. swimming pool.
Anyway, there's lots of lun and games going on today, so make
Now we are ready lo start. Here is a short recording lor Ihe tirst lour pictures. sure you have a good look round. The big event 01 the day is a
Don '1 lorget lo pul a tick in one ot tbe boxes. Listen carelully. display by our gymnastics team. We are very proud 01 our girls,
R: One: What does Ihe rose bush need? who came first in the county gymnastics competition this year.
Woman: John, you're good at gardening. What should I do with my rose The display starts at 2 o'clock in the Sports Hall, so don't miss the
bush? It looks terrible! chance to see the county champions!
John: Well, it tooks like it gets enough sunlight. Do you water it olten? In the Iront playground, you will lind lots 01 different stalls. You
Woman: Yes, every day. can buy anything Irom cakes and plants to second-hand books
John: In that case, it must need leeding. and toys. Then, il you lancy a break Irom shopping, why not visit
[pause] our calé in classroom 6? There are home-made cakes and
sandwiches, all made by Year 7 pupils who will also be your
[The recording is repeated.]
waiters, and while you sit back and relax, the school erchestra will
[pause] entertain you by playing classical music.
R: Two: What's the metter with Julie?
The main hall has turned into a games room just tor today. Come
Man: What's wrong with Julie? Has she got another headache? along and play 'Pin The Tail on the Donkey', 'Guess the Number
Woman: No, but I think she's in a lot 01 pain. She's hurt her back. of Beans' or everyone's lavourite, 'Hit the Teacher with a Wet
[pause] Sponge'! Many thanks to Miss White and Mr Brown lor offering to
[The recording is repeated.] take part in this game.
[pause] I'd also like to remind you of the parent and child three-Iegged
R:Three: Whal are they going lo eat? race on the sports lield. The race takes place at half past three.
Woman: Hi, Dave, have you ordered yet? To enter, children should come along at three o'clock with an
Dave: Yes, but they've run out ollish. adult. It could be your mum or dad, auntie or uncle, or any adult
Oh no, I wanted lish too. So, are you having chicken then? over 18. In the race you have to run across the lield lor lifty
metres. Sounds easy? Well, remember that one of your legs will
Dave: Yes, with potatoes and salad.
be tied to your partner's! The lucky winners will get a t:l0 gilt
[The recording is repeated.] Finally, at the end of the day we will announce the winner of our
[pause] raffle. You can buy raffle tickets lrom the main entrance at 50
R: Four: Where's the swimming pool? pence each, or why not buy 3 for El? The prize for the winner is
Woman: 1'11 meet you at the pool, Ryan, OK? t:150. The second prize is a free meal for two at Bates restaurant
Ryan: No, I don't know where it is. Is it next to the gym? and the winner 01 the third prize will receive two theatre tickets.
Woman: No, that's the sauna. The pool is opposite the café. Please, buy your tickets before half past tour, as we will pick the
Ryan: Oh yes, that's right. I remember now. winning tickets at 5 o'clock exactly. So, have a great day and
[pause] thanks again fer your support. Let's try and beat last year's
record and raise more than E2,OOO.
[The recording is repeated.]
[pause] [pause]
R: Now lisien again.
R: Five: Which present did Roger buy?
Did you buy Sally a present, Roger? [The recording is repeated.]
R: That is tne end of Part 2.
Roger: Yes, something from the jeweller's.
You now have a minule lo check your answers. We will tell you
Woman: I thought she wanted a new coat.
when Part 3 begins.
Roger: Unfortunately, they didn't have her size. So I got her a nice,
modern watch. [pause]
[The recording is repeated.] Part 3
R: Now tum to Part 3, questions 14 - 19.
Look at Ihe notes. Some information is missing. You will hear a leacher
R: Six: What does the jacket look like?
talking lo her class about a brave person, Amanda Morris. Far each
Woman: Do you like my new jacket? It's for work. I wanted one with a belt
question, liI/ in Ihe missing information in the numbered space. Al Ihe end,
and pockets.
tbe recording is repeated.
Man: Yes, it's very smart. I like the buttons, too. They're nice and small.
R: Now we are ready lo sien. Listen carelully.
[The recording is repeated.]
[pause] I would like to tell you about a very brave woman. I hope you will
R: Seven: Where are the keys?
Teacher: learn something Irom her story. Ten years ago, Amanda Morris


was a healthy young woman enjoying lile. Then, when she was 21 Part 1 Part 2
she was told there was something very seriously wrong with her. R:Nowl
R: There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are four
Amanda wasnt strong enough to work. and slowly she became pictures and a short recording. You will hear each recording twice. For Look,
so ill that she couldn't even walk. She didn't give up, though. each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording. Choose the exam
With the help 01 her grandmother she raised enough money to fly correct picture and put a tick in the box below it. enc', t.
to America lor an operation. Alter the surgery Amanda got
stronger, but the doctors told her there was a chance that she
Before we start, here is an example. R:Nowl
would become iII again.
R: What time is Tom going to the thealre? Man
Instead 01 leeling sorry lor hersett, Amanda decided to try a new
treatment. She had read about how swimming with dolphins had Woman: What time are you going to the theatre tonight, Tom?
helped other sick people. Eighteen months later, Amanda Tom: Well. the show starts at hall past seven, but I'm going at a quarter
collected enough money to go swimming with dolphins in Eilat, to seven to buy the tickets.
Israel. [pause]
As soon as she got into the sea, Amanda lelt much better. The R: The answer is a querter to seven. The second picture is cotrect and the
dolphins gave her the strength to go on. She wanted to get better tick has been put in the box under the pie tu re.
so that she could swim with them lor longer the next time.
Today, Amanda lives her lile as any young person would. She Now we are ready to start. Here is a short recording for the first four pictures.
g08S to the gym, and she sends e-mails to Iriends all over the Don't forget to put a tick in one of the boxes. Listen carefully.
world, Iriends she has made through the Internet. They call her R: One: Which picture shows the picnic?
the 'dolphin girl' because she loves dolphins so mucho Amanda Man: How was thé picnic? Did you sit under the oak tree?
knows that one day she might become ill again and be back in a Woman: No, we went to the picnic area because there was a Iree table.
wheelchair. Her love 01 lile and strong will to survive keeps her
Man: Oh, did you have a good time?
going and has inspired other sick people. She has taught them
Woman: Well, Sue lorgot to bring the drinks. but t Iflast it didn't rain!
not to give up hope, and how to become stronger by swimming
with dolphins. Now children, I hope that you ." (Iade)
[The recording is repeated.]
R: Now listen again.
R: Two: Which is the picture of Brian's sister?
[The recording is repeated.]
Man: You see the girl over there? Aha! That's my litt'e sister.
R: That is the end of Part 3.
Woman: The one wearing a hat?
R: You now have a minute to check your answers. We will tell you
when Part 4 begins. Man: No, not her, my sister is wearing a hat today, but she's much
taller than that girl. .
Part 4 [The recording is repeated.]
R: Now turn to Part 4, questions 20-25.
Look at the six statements for this Parto You w;1I hear a conversation
R: Three: Which postcard did Anita send?
between a boy, Scott, and bis mother. Decide if you tniok each statement
Woman 1: I think 1'11 send Mum a postcard wilh a picture 01 the Eiflel Tower.
is correct or incorrect. If you th;nk it is correct, pul a tick in the box under
A for YESoIf you tbin« it is not correct, put a tick in the box unoerB for NO. Woman 2: Oh, that's boring! Send her a lunny one, like this one 01 the onion
N ttie end, the recording is repeated.
Mother: Hi. Scott! I'm back. Woman 1: No, I think she'd preler a postcard 01 Paris. I know, 1'11 send her
this one 01 Ihe River Seine.
Scott Hi, Mum! How was Boston?
Mother: Great. Ahh! Wñat's happened to all my plants? They look hall
dead, [The recording is repeated.]
Scott: (surprised) What do you mean? They look line to me! [pause]
Mother: Typicall (annoyed) Look, the leaves have all dropped on the R: Four: Where is Ron going to hang the picture?
Iloor. I thought I asked you to water them while I was in Boston! Woman: Are you going to hang Ihe piclure over the lireplace?
Scott: No, you didn't. You just asked me to walk the dog and check on Man: I'd like to, but there's no room. It doesn't look nice by the
the pool. window, so I think 1'11 hang it next to !he book ase,
Mother: I did not! I lelt you and your brother a clear list 01 instructions. [pause]
Scott Oh, Bob took that. [The recording is repeated.]
Mother: (annoyed) Well, why didn't he water the plants then? I just can't [pause]
believe you two sometimes! Do I have to do everything? R: Five: What does Halima need to bring?
Scott: OK, Mum, relax! I suppose he just lorgot. He's been really busy Man: You're bringing the cooking equipment, f'L~;¡~la,rinht?
lately. Anyway, we can water them now. They'lI be fine. Halima: Well, Rick said he would, and Clare's bri::g;r;[j the te nt and two
Mother: I hope so. You know how much I love my plants, Scott. torches.
Scott: Ves, but there's no reason to get so upset. We'lI take care 01 Man: Okay, you just need to bring your own sic~~- 'Ig bag then.
them now. Then you can tell me all about Boston. [pause]
Part 3
Mother: Alrighl. You lix me a cup 01 coflee and 1'11 tell you all about lt, Oh, [The recording is repeated.]
and 1'11 give you your present.
R: Now
Scott: Ah! A present! Thanks Mum, you're great! R: Six What present did Rosie buy for Cherie?
Mother: Well, I never lorget my sons, even though they don't always do Rosie: I'm so tired. I've been all around town looking lar that CD Cherie qlJesl
their jobs! wanted, but I couldn't lind it! I lound a T-shirt and a skirt but in end, '
[pause] the end I decided to buy her a gilt token lor E10 so she can
R: Now listen again. choose her own present.
R: Now
[The recording is repeated.] [pause]
R: That is the end of Part 4. YOIJnow have twelve minutes to check [The recording is repeated.]
and transfer your answers to the answer sheet. [pause] John:
That is the end of the test. R: Seven: What is Susie do;ng now?
Woman: Susie is such a good girl, she's cleaned her entire bedroom and
hoovered the lounge. Now she's cleaning the windows.
R: This is PET Test 2. There are four parts to the test. YOIJ will hear each [The recording is repeated.]
recording twice. DlJring the test there w;1I be a pause before each part to [pause]
allow you to look tnrouqt: the questions, and other pauses to let you think R: That is the end of Part 1.
about your answers. You should write your answers on tbe question You now have half a minute lo check your answers. We will tell
paper. You will have tweíve minutes at the end of tbe test to transfer your you when Part 2 begins.
answers to the separa te answer sheet. [pause]


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