Could Electromagnetic Corrections Solve The Vorton Excess Problem ?

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Alejandro GANGUI, Patrick PETER, and Céline BOEHM

Département d’Astrophysique Relativiste et de Cosmologie,
Observatoire de Paris–Meudon, UPR 176, CNRS, 92195 Meudon, France
(October 6, 2018)
The modifications of circular cosmic string loop dynamics due to the electromagnetic self–interaction
are calculated and shown to reduce the available phase space for reaching classical vorton states,
thereby decreasing their remnant abundance. Use is made of the duality between master–function
and Lagrangian formalisms on an explicit model.
arXiv:hep-ph/9705204v1 1 May 1997

PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq, 11.27+d

I. INTRODUCTION vorton formation. It should be clear that an arbitrary

cosmic string loop, endowed with fixed “quantum” num-
Most particle physics theories, extensions of the so– bers, will not in general end up in the form of a vor-
called standard model of interactions, suggest that topo- ton. This has to be quantified somehow, and one way
logical defects [1] should have been formed during phase of doing so is achieved by looking at some specific initial
transitions in the early universe [2]. Among those, the configuration, circular say, and then letting it evolve un-
most fashionable, because of their ability to solve many til it reaches an equilibrium state, if any. This has been
cosmological puzzles, are cosmic strings, provided cou- done [12,13] for various neutral current–carrying cases
plings with other particles are such that they are not of which showed again that many loops can indeed end up
the superconducting kind [3]. In the latter case, however, as vorton states, and using many different equations of
they would not be able to decay into pure gravitational state [14], moreover providing analytic solutions to the
radiation, terminating their life in the form of frozen vor- elastic kind of string equations which may be useful in
ton states which might be so numerous that they would future sophisticated numerical simulations taking into ac-
cause a cosmological catastrophe [4–6]: a rough eval- count the possible existence of currents.
uation of their abundance yields a very stringent con- Our purpose here is twofold. First, it is our aim to
straint of a symmetry breaking scale which, to avoid an calculate the effect of including an electromagnetic self–
excess, should be less than 109 GeV, which is incompat- coupling in the dynamics of a rotating loop. The rea-
ible with the idea of them being responsible for galaxy son for doing it is that this self–interaction modifies the
formation and leaving imprints in the cosmic microwave equation of state [10,15], so that the evolution is indeed
background. supposed to be different. Besides, it is the very first cor-
There are many ways out of this vorton excess problem, rection that can be included without the bother of in-
the most widely accepted relying upon stability consid- troducing the much more troublesome complications of
erations: since vortons are centrifugally supported string evaluating radiation, and in fact the radiation can only
loop configurations, the origin of the rotation being hid- be consistently calculated provided this first order effect
den in the existence of a current, it is legitimate to first has been properly taken into account.
ask whether the current itself is stable against decay by The development of the formalism needed to make
quantum tunnelling. This question, however, has not yet these calculations is also among the motivations for this
been properly addressed, and presumably depends on the work: the usual way of working out the dynamics of a
particular underlying field model one uses, so that, al- current–carrying string (or any worldsheet of arbitrary
though it is clearly an important point to be clarified, dimension living in a higher dimensional space) consists
it will not be considered in this work. Another issue, at in varying an action which is essentially the integral over
a lower level, concerns the classical stability: a rotating the worldsheet of a Lagrangian function, itself seen as a
string configuration in equilibrium may exhibit unstable function of the squared gradient of a scalar function living
perturbation states; if it were the case in general for any on the worldsheet and representing the variations of the
equation of state, then one would expect vortons to dis- actual phase of some physical field [3,17]. There is how-
sipate somehow, and the problem would be cured [7,8]. ever an ambiguity in this procedure in the sense that the
This hope is not however fulfilled by the Witten kind of phase gradient used can be chosen in a different way by
strings whose equation of state [9,10] falls into the possi- means of a Legendre kind of transformation [18] whereby
bly stable category [11]. one then considers the relevant dynamical variable to be
Finally, another point worth investigating is that of instead the current itself. This newer alternative proce-

dure provides a completely equivalent dual formulation of the induced metric, γab on the worldsheet. The lat-
which turns out to be the only one that can deal with ter will be given, in terms of the background spacetime
some instances like that of inclusion of the electromag- metric gµν with respect to the 4–dimensional background
netic corrections here considered. coordinates xµ of the worldsheet, by
In the following section, we recapitulate this duality
between both descriptions, whose equivalence we show γab = gµν xµ,a xν,b , (2)
explicitely. Then, after a brief description of how are
using a comma to denote simple partial differentiation
electromagnetic self–corrections included, we discuss the
with respect to the worldsheet coordinates ξ a and us-
particular case of a circular rotating loop for which we
ing Latin indices for the worldsheet coordinates ξ 1 = σ
calculate an effective potential in view of resolving the
(spacelike), ξ 0 = τ (timelike). The gauge covariant
dynamics. We conclude by showing that in general this
derivative ϕ|a would be expressible in the presence of a
corrective effect tends to reduce the number of vorton
background electromagnetic field with Maxwellian gauge
states attainable for arbitrary initial conditions.
covector Aµ by ϕ|a = ϕ,a −eAµ xµ,a .
In Eq. (1) the scalar potentials ψ and ϕ are such that
II. THE DUAL FORMALISM their gradients are orthogonal to each other, namely

γ ab ϕ|a ψ|b = 0 , (3)

The usual procedure for treating a specific cosmic
string dynamical problem consists in writing and vary- implying that if one of the gradients, say ϕ|a is timelike,
ing an action which is assumed to be the integral over the then the other one, say ψ|a , will be spacelike, which ex-
worldsheet of a Lagrangian function depending on the in- plains the different signs of the dimensionless constants
ternal degrees of freedom of the worldsheet. In particular, κ0 and κ̃0 .
for the structureless string, this is taken to be the Goto– Whether or not background electromagnetic and grav-
Nambu action [19], i.e. the integral over the surface of the itational fields are present, the dynamics of the system
constant string tension. In more general cases, various can be described in the two equivalent dual representa-
functions have been suggested that supposedly apply to tions [18,17] which are governed by the master function
various microscopic field configurations [14]. They share Λ and the Lagrangian scalar L, that are functions only
the feature that the description is achieved by means of of the state parameters χ and w, respectively. The cor-
a scalar function ϕ, identified with the phase of a phys- responding conserved current vectors, na and z a say, in
ical field trapped on the string, whose squared gradient, the worldsheet, will be given according to the Noetherian
called the state parameter w ∝ ∂a ϕ∂ a ϕ (a denoting a prescription
string coordinate index), has values which completely
∂Λ ∂L
determine the dynamics through a Lagrangian function na = − ←→ z a = − . (4)
L{w}. This description has the pleasant feature that it ∂ψ|a ∂ϕ|a
is easily understandable, given the clear physical mean-
This implies
ing of ϕ. However, as we shall see, there are instances for
which it is not so easily implemented and for which an al- K̃na = κ̃0 ψ |a ←→ Kz a = κ0 ϕ|a , (5)
ternative, equally valid, formalism is better adapted [18].
In this section we will derive in parallel expressions for where we use the induced metric for internal index rais-
the currents and state parameters in these two represen- ing, and where K and K̃ can be written as
tations, which are dual to each other. This will not be
specific to superconducting vacuum vortex defects, but dΛ dL
K̃−1 = −2 ←→ K−1 = −2 . (6)
is generally valid to the wider category of elastic string dχ dw
models [18]. In this formalism one works with a two–
As it will turn out, the equivalence of the two mutually
dimensional worldsheet supported master function Λ{χ}
dual descriptions is ensured provided the relation
considered as the dual of L{w}, these functions depend-
ing respectively on the squared magnitude of the gauge K̃ = −K−1 , (7)
covariant derivative of the scalar potentials ψ and ϕ as
given by holds. This means one can define K in two alternative
ways, depending on whether it is seen it as a function of
χ = κ̃0 γ ab ψ|a ψ|b ←→ w = κ0 γ ab ϕ|a ϕ|b , (1) Λ or of L. We shall therefore no longer use the function
K̃ in what follows.
where κ0 and κ̃0 are adjustable respectively positive and The currents na and z a in the worldsheet can be rep-
negative dimensionless normalisation constants that, as resented by the corresponding tangential current vectors
we will see below, are related to each other. The arrow nµ and z µ on the worldsheet, where the latter are defined
in the previous equation stands to mean an exact corre- with respect to the background coordinates, xµ , by
spondence between quantities appropriate to each dual
representation. We use the notation γ ab for the inverse nµ = na xµ,a ←→ z µ = z a xµ,a . (8)

The purpose of introducing the dimensionless scale This way of identifying the energy per unit length and
constants κ̃0 and κ0 is to simplify macroscopic dynami- tension with the Lagrangian and master functions also
cal calculations by arranging for the variable coefficient provides the constraints on the validity of these descrip-
K to tend to unity when χ and w tend to zero, i.e. in the tions: the range of variation of either w or χ follows
limit for which the current is null. To obtain the desired from the requirement of local stability, which is equiva-
simplification it is convenient not to work directly with lent to the demand that the squared speeds cE2 = T /U
the fundamental current vectors nµ and z µ that (in units and cL2 = −dT /dU of extrinsic (wiggle) and longitudi-
such that the Dirac Planck constant h̄ is set to unity) nal (sound type) perturbations be positive. This is thus
will represent the quantized fluxes, but to work instead characterized by the unique relation
with the corresponding rescaled currents ω µ and cµ that
are obtained by setting L dL
>0> , (14)
p √ Λ dΛ
nµ = −κ̃0 ω µ ←→ z µ = κ0 cµ . (9)
which should be equally valid in both the electric and
Based on Eq. (3) that expresses the orthogonality of magnetic ranges.
the scalar potentials we can conveniently write the rela- Having defined the internal quantities, we now turn
tion between ψ and ϕ as follows to the actual dynamics of the worldsheet and prove ex-
plicitely the equivalence between the two descriptions.
ϕ|a = K √ 0 ǫab ψ |b , (10)
where ǫ is the antisymmetric surface measure tensor
(whose square is the induced metric, ǫab ǫb c = γac ). From The claim is that the dynamical equations for the
this and using Eq. (1) we easily get the relation between string model can be obtained either from the master func-
the state variables, tion Λ or from the Lagrangian L in the usual way, by
applying the variation principle to the surface action in-
w = K2 χ. (11) tegrals

In terms of the rescaled currents, and using Eqs. (5) and SΛ = dσ dτ −γ Λ{χ}, (15)
(8) we get
cµ cµ = w/K2 = χ ←→ ωµ ω µ = −K2 χ = −w . (12)

Both the master function Λ and the Lagrangian L are SL = dσ dτ −γ L{w}, (16)
related by a Legendre type transformation that gives
(where γ ≡ det{γab }) in which the independent variables
Λ = L + Kχ . (13) are either the scalar potential ψ or the phase field ϕ on
the worldsheet and the position of the worldsheet itself,
The functions L and Λ can be seen [18] to provide values as specified by the functions xµ {σ, τ }.
for the energy per unit length U and the tension T of the The simplest way to actually prove this claim is to
string depending on the signs of the state parameters χ calculate explicitely the dynamical equations and show
and w. (Originally, analytic forms [14] for these functions that they yield the same physical motion. To do this,
L and Λ were derived as best fits to the eigenvalues of the we shall see that Eq. (7) is crucial by establishing a rela-
stress–energy tensor in microscopic field theories [9,10]). tion between the dynamically conserved currents in both
The necessary identifications are summarized in Table 1. formalisms.
Independently of the detailed form of the complete sys-
tem, one knows in advance, as a consequence of the local
Equations of state for both regimes or global U (1) phase invariance group, that the corre-
sponding Noether currents will be conserved, namely
regime U T χ and w current √ √
−γ na ,a = 0 ←→ −γ z a ,a = 0 .
electric −Λ −L <0 timelike
magnetic −L −Λ >0 spacelike For a closed string loop, this implies (by Green’s theo-
TABLE I. Values of the energy per unit length U and ten-
rem) the conservation of the corresponding flux integrals
sion T depending on the timelike or spacelike character of the I I
current, expressed as the negative values of either Λ or L. N = dξ a ǫab nb ←→ Z = dξ a ǫab z b , (18)

meaning that for any circuit round the loop one will ob-
tain the same value for the integer numbers N and Z,

respectively. Z is interpretable as the integral value of η µν = γ ab xµ,a xν,b . (25)
the number of carrier particles in the loop, so that in the
charge coupled case, the total electric charge of the loop Plugging Eqs. (9) into Eqs. (24), and using Eqs. (7),
will be Q = Ze. (11) and (13), we find that the two stress–energy tensors
The loop will also be characterised by a second inde- coincide:
pendent integer number N whose conservation is trivially µν µν µν
obvious. Thus we have the topologically conserved num- TL = TΛ ≡ T . (26)
bers defined by
I I I This is indeed what we were looking for since the dynam-
ical equations for the case at hand, namely
2πZ = dψ = dξ a ψ|a = dξ a ψ,a
←→ I ηµρ ∇ρ T = 0, (27)
2πN = dϕ = dξ a ϕ|a = dξ a ϕ,a , (19) which hold for the uncoupled case, are then strictly equiv-
alent whether we start with the action SΛ or with SL .
where it is clear that N , being related to the phase of
a physical microscopic field, has the meaning of what is
usually referred to as the winding number of the string IV. INCLUSION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC
loop. The last equalities in Eqs. (19) follow just from ex- CORRECTIONS
plicitly writing the covariant derivative |a and noting that
the circulation integral multiplying Aµ vanishes. Note Implementing electromagnetic corrections [15], even at
however that, although Z and N have a clearly defined the first order, is not an easy task as can already be seen
meaning in terms of underlying microscopic quantities, by the much simpler case of a charged particle for which
because of Eqs. (18) and (19), the roles of the dynam- a mass renormalization is required even before going on
ically and topologically conserved integer numbers are calculating anything in effect related to electromagnetic
interchanged depending on whether we derive our equa- field. The same applies in the current–carrying string
tions from Λ or from its dual L. Moreover, those two case, and the required renormalization now concerns the
equations, together with Eq. (10) yield master function Λ. However, provided this renormal-
ization is adequately performed, inclusion of electromag-
4π 2 κ0 κ̃0 = −1, (20) netic corrections, at first order in the coupling between
which confirms our original assumption. the current and the self–generated electromagnetic field,
As usual, the stress momentum energy density distri- then becomes a very simple matter of shifting the equa-
butions T̂Λµν and T̂Lµν on the background spacetime are tion of state, everything else being left unchanged. Let
derivable from the action by varying the actions with us see how this works explicitely.
respect to the background metric, according to the spec- Setting K µν ρ ≡ ηµτ ηνσ ∇τ ησρ the second fundamental
ifications tensor of the worldsheet [18], the equations of motion
√ of a charge coupled string read
µν 2 δSΛ 2 ∂( −g Λ)
T̂Λ ≡ √ ≡ √ , (21) µν
−g δgµν −g ∂gµν T K µν ρ =⊥ρµ Fµν j ν , (28)

and where ⊥ρµ is the tensor of orthogonal projection (⊥ρµ =

√ gµρ − ηµρ ), Fµν = 2∇[µ Aν] the electromagnetic tensor and
2 δSL 2 ∂( −g L)
T̂Lµν ≡ √ ≡ √ . (22) j µ the electromagnetic current flowing along the string,
−g δgµν −g ∂gµν namely in our case
This leads to expressions of the standard form
j µ = rez µ ≡ qcµ , (29)
√ √
−g T̂ µν = dσ dτ −γ δ (4) [xρ − xρ {σ, τ }] T µν (23) with r the effective charge of the current carrier in unit
of the electron charge e (working here in units where
in which the surface stress energy momentum tensors on e2 ≃ 1/137). The self interaction electromagnetic field
the worldsheet (from which the surface energy density U on the worldsheet itself can be evaluated [3] and one finds
and the string tension T are obtainable as the negatives
of its eigenvalues) can be seen to be given [18,17] by Aµ

= λj µ = λqcµ , (30)
µν µν
T Λ = Λη µν + K−1 ω µ ω ν ←→ T L = Lη µν + Kcµ cν ,
λ = 2 ln(mσ ∆), (31)
where the (first) fundamental tensor of the worldsheet is
given by

where ∆ is an infrared cutoff scale to compensate for the be expected from more realistic current–carrying cosmic
asymptotically logarithmic behaviour of the electromag- string models [22]. In essence, the microscopic properties
netic potential [10] and mσ the ultraviolet cutoff corre- of the string are described by means of two complex scalar
sponding to the effectively finite thickness of the charge fields, the string–forming symmetry–breaking Higgs field,
condensate, i.e., the Compton wavelength of the current- and the charged–coupled (or not [9]) current–carrier [10],
carrier m−1
σ [9,10]. In the practical situation of a closed whose phase gradient serves to calculate the state param-
loop, ∆ should at most be taken as the total length of eter w. Once these fields are defined, it suffices to con-
the loop. sider a stationnary and axisymmetric configuration and
The contribution of the self field (30) in the equations integrate the corresponding relevant stress–energy tensor
of motion (28) can be calculated using the relations [15] components over a cross–section of the vortex to deduce
the energy per unit length and tension of the string. Re-
⊥ρµ ηµσ ∇σ Aν

= Aν

K µν ρ , (32) peating this operation for various values of w as well as of
string string the free parameters of the model, one finds the required
equation of state, albeit only numerically [9,10].
For this model, it was shown that, in the electric regime

σ 1
where the current is timelike, the current diverges log-
Fµν = 2η[µ (∇σ + η αβ K αβ σ )Aν] , (33)

string 2 string arithmically when the state parameter approaches the
current–carrier mass squared, m2∗ say. Using this prop-
which transform Eqs. (28) into erty, it was then possible to propose a best fit to the
   otherwise numerical equation of state [14], fit which is
µν 1 amazingly good for almost all values of the state param-
K µν ρ T + λq 2 cµ cν − η µν χcα cα = 0, (34)
2 eter. In particular, including a divergence in the electric
regime was shown to also imply a current saturation in
which is interpretable as a renormalization of the stress the magnetic regime. In the Lagrangian formalism, it
energy tensor. This equation is recovered if, in Eq. (21), reads, setting the string’s characteristic mass scale to m,
one uses
1 2 w
Λ → Λ + λq 2 χ (35) L{w} = −m − ln 1 + 2 , (36)
2 2 m∗

instead of Λ. This formula [15] generalises the action which, upon using Eqs. (11) and (13), provides K as a
renormalisation originally obtained [16] in the special function of χ in the form
case for which the unperturbed model is of simple Goto– p
Nambu type. dΛ w 1 − 1 − 4χ/m2∗
K=2 =1+ 2 = , (37)
That the correction enters through a simple modifica- dχ m∗ 2χ/m2∗
tion of Λ{χ} and not of L{w} is understandable if one
remembers that χ is the amplitude of the current, so where, in the last equality, use has been made of Eq. (11)
that a perturbation in the electromagnetic field acts on and the minus sign in front of the squared root ensures
the current linearly, so that an expansion in the elec- that K → 1 when χ → 0 (the Goto–Nambu limit of no
tromagnetic field and current yields, to first order in q, current). Integrating Eq. (37), and normalizing in such
Λ → Λ + 12 jµ Aµ , which transforms easily into Eq. (35). a way that Λ{0} = L{0} = −m2 , yields Λ as
Using this modification entitles us to consider essen-
tially non coupled string worldsheet dynamics at this or- m2∗ h p
Λ = −m2 + 1 − 1 − 4χ/m2∗
der, an uttermost simplification since we thus do not have 2
to consider radiation backreaction. Note however that p !#
1 χ 1 + 1 − 4χ/m2∗
the correction we are now going to take into account is + ln , (38)
m2∗ 1 − 1 − 4χ/m2∗
necessary prior to any evaluation of the radiation. We
therefore still have to define the circular motion but be-
fore that, let us specify the model, i.e., the equation of in which it now suffices to incorporate the shift (35) to
state before the corrections are included. account for the inclusion of electromagnetic correction at
first order [and note that now K is modified to K + λq 2 ,
as one clearly sees from Eqs. (6) and (7)]. As should
V. EQUATION OF STATE be clear on this particular example, getting back to the
original Lagrangian formalism would be a very awkward
task, and in fact does not lead to any analytically known
The underlying field theoretical model we wish to con-
form for L{w}. This unpleasant feature however is not
sider is that originally proposed by Witten to describe the
much bother since the dual formalism is avalaible.
current–carrying abilities of cosmic strings [3]. Although
An important point needs be noted at this stage: it
it is the simplest possible model fulfilling that purpose,
concerns the relevant dimensionless parameters. The
it is believed to share most of the features that would

model (36) in fact depends solely on one such parameter, t being a timelike coordinate, and one spacelike ℓµ
namely the ratio
∂ ∂
 2 ℓµ = 2π , (41)
m ∂xµ ∂φ
α= , (39)
with φ ∈ [0, 2π] an angular coordinate; both t and φ are
which, in a reasonnable cosmic string microscopic ignorable.The length ℓ of the string loop is then given by
model [3], would be at least of order unity, and in many
applications [6] largely in excess of unity. As it was ℓ2 = ℓµ ℓµ , (42)
shown [13] in a previous study not including electromag-
netic corrections that the results for the vortons them- while its total mass M and angular momentum J are
selves were not in any essential way dependent on α as defined by
long as α > ∼ 1, we shall consider the case α = 1 on the
figures that follow. M ≡ − dxµ ǫµν T ρ k ρ , (43)
As an illustration, Eqs. (11) and (13) have been used
to calculate the equation of state U (ν) and T (ν) for var- and
ious values of the electromagnetic correction parameter I
λq 2 , and they are exhibited on Fig. 1. Similar figures J ≡ (2π)−1 dxµ ǫµν T
ν ρ
ρℓ . (44)
can be found in Ref. [9,10], with the same axis ν (scales
are different because not normalized in the same way) for
the numerically computed equation of state in the Wit- So long as we do not consider radiation of any kind (a
ten bosonic superconducting cosmic string field–theoretic requirement equivalent with the demand that k µ and ℓµ
model. On this figure, U and T are plotted as functions of be Killing vectors also for the string configuration), these
ν, which is defined as pthe square root of the state param- are conserved. Note also that the relation J = N Z holds.
eter w: ν = Sign(w) |w|. Its meaning is very simple:
for a straight string lying along the z axis say, one can set
the phase of the current carrier as ϕ = kz − ωt, and there
exist a frame in which ν is either k or ω, i.e. it represents 1 0
the momentum of the current–carrier along the string’s 2.0
direction, or its energy. The electromagnetic correction
in this case is seen to enlarge the picture: a small (or
vanishing) correction yields the usual form of the equa- 1.5
U/m* and T/m*

tion of state where the tension (hence c2E ) goes to zero

for large negative w (phase frequency threshold) [9], and
c2L vanishes on the magnetic side for w = ws (satura-

tion). The threshold becomes more and more negative
with increasing λq 2 , and the saturation point is reached
for larger values of w; both these remarks show that in- 0.5

clusion of electromagnetic corrections can be interpreted

as a rescaling of w, which in Fig. 1 is equivalent to rescal-
ing the x axis. −7 −5 −3 −1 1 3 5 7

VI. CIRCULAR MOTION IN FLAT SPACE FIG. 1. Variation of the equation of state with the electro-
magnetic self–correction λq 2 . It relates the energy per unit
We now restrict our attention to the motion of a cir- length U (upper set of curves) and the tension T (lower set
cular vortex ring in flat space. The analysis in this case of curves), both in units of m2∗ , the current–carrier mass, and
has already been done [13], so we only need to summarize is plotted against ν, which is the square root of the state
parameter w. Values used for this correction are in the set
the results, and eventually rephrase them in terms of Λ
[0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20], and the figure is calculated for
instead of L.
α = 1. Increasing the value of λq 2 enlarges the corresponding
curve in such a way that for very large values (in this particu-
lar example, it is for for λq 2 ≥ 7), the tension on the magnetic
A. Equations of motion
side becomes negative before saturation is reached.

The background and the solution admit two Killing Other quantities need be introduced, related with the
vectors, one timelike k µ normalized through integer numbers N and Z, in which it turns out to be
∂ ∂ convenient to include the scale parameter κ0 (or equiva-
kµ = , (40) lently κ̃0 ) in the following clearly dual definitions
∂xµ ∂t


2α − λq 2 χr − 1 + 1 − 4χr
p p
B ≡ N/ −κ̃0 , C ≡ Z/ κ0 . (45)
1 1 + 1 − 4χr
Now specifying to the particular case of a flat space- − ln χr √ > 0 [T > 0 magnetic], (51)
time background in which the circular string is con- 2 1 − 1 − 4χr
fined on a plane so that we can use circular coordinates 2α + λq 2 χr

{r, θ, φ, t} and set θ = π/2, t = M τ and φ = σ (recall τ
1 1 + 1 − 4χr
and σ are the respectively timelike and spacelike internal − ln χr √ > 0 [T > 0 electric], (52)
2 1 − 1 − 4χr
coordinates), use of equations (19) imply that the phases
vary like √ √
1 − 1 − 4χr + λq 2 2χr 1 − 4χr
√ √  > 0 [cL2 > 0]. (53)
ψ = s(t) + Zφ , ϕ = f (t) + N φ, (46)

1 − 4χr 1 − 1 − 4χr + λq 2 2χr
with s and f functions only of time and expressible in The first and second of these constraints specify the
terms of the conserved numbers B and C through condition that the extrinsic ‘wiggle’ squared perturbation
√ √ velocity must be positive (and therefore also the tension
B 1 − ṙ2 ˙ 1 − ṙ2 T > 0) in both the magnetic and the electric regimes (i.e.,
ṡ = , f = CK √ , (47)
K 2πr −κ̃0 for spacelike and timelike currents, respectively). The
2πr κ0
third constraint Eq. (53) demands that the longitudinal
a dot meaning a derivative with respect to the time co- ‘woggle’ squared perturbation velocity be positive and
ordinate t. The variation of the string’s radius r = ℓ/2π is always satisfied provided χr < 1/4. We plot this as
follows from the equation [13] the vertical line in the picture on the right of Fig. 2, the
p allowed range of χr values being to the left of it. These
M 1 − ṙ2 = Υ(r), (48) constraints were used in the calculation of Fig. 1.

from which we conclude that the string evolves in a self– electric magnetic
potential Υ(r). Thus, it suffices to know the form of 10

this potential to understand completely the proto–vorton

dynamics. It is given, in terms of our variables, by [13] 1
10 1 0.1
10 unstable
(cL <0) 10
Υ= − Λℓ, (49)
Kℓ α 10
−2 α
while the string’s circumference reads 0.1 10

−1 unstable −2
10 2 10
(cT <0)
1 B2
2 2 unstable
ℓ = −C . (50) 2
(cT <0)
χ K2 −2 −2
10 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
In order to express the results, it is simpler to rescale −χmin/m*2 χmax/m*2
everything by means of χr = χ/m2∗ , ℓr = m∗ ℓ/|C|,
Λr = Λ/m2∗ , Lr = L/m2∗ , and Υr = Υ/(m∗ |C|) so FIG. 2. Constraints yielding minimum and maximum val-
that all quantities of interest are dimensionless and de- ues for the normalized current χ/m2∗ , according to Eqs. (51),
pend only on three arbitrary also dimensionless parame- (52), and (53), for values λq 2 = 10−2 to 10. In the figure on
ters, namely α, which we discussed already, b, defined by the left, for each particular value of λq 2 , the unstable region
b2 = B 2 /C 2 and through which one expresses the time- (where cT2 < 0) lies below the corresponding curve. The same
like or spacelike character of the current [from Eq. (50)], is true for the figure on the right, but in addition χ/m2∗ < 1/4
and the most important parameter here, namely λq 2 . We for otherwise cL2 < 0.
are now ready to examine the actual electromagnetic cor-
rection to a string loop dynamics at first order in the The first thing to determine in order to plot Υr (ℓr )
coupling jµ Aµ . is whether the current is timelike or spacelike. This is
achieved by looking at Eq. (50) which states that the
sign of χ, and hence the timelike or spacelike character
B. The self potential of the current, is also the sign of b2 − K2 . Now Eq. (37),
modified to account for (35), shows that the range of
The potential Υr as a function of ℓr is derivable by variation of K is
means of first expressing Υr and ℓr as functions of the
state parameter χr through Eqs. (49) and (50). In order χ ≥ 0 (magnetic) =⇒ 1 + λq 2 ≤ K ≤ 2 + λq 2 , (54)
to do this, one needs to know the range in which χr and
varies, range given by the requirements (14), which can
be rephrased into the following constraints: χ ≤ 0 (electric) =⇒ λq 2 ≤ K ≤ 1 + λq 2 . (55)

Therefore, it is only possible for χ to be positive if Υr ∼ ℓr , occurs whatever the underlying parameters may
b ≥ 1 + λq 2 , and negative otherwise. So we deal with be and is mainly due to the fact that it requires an infinite
a magnetic configuration or an electric configuration de- amount of energy to enlarge the loop to infinite size, its
pending on whether b is respectively greater or less than energy per unit length being bound from below (U ≥
its critical value bc = 1 + λq 2 . Since χ cannot change m2 ). The divergence at ℓr = 0 is however not generic,
sign dynamically, by fixing b one also fixes the character as is shown on Fig. 3, since for some sets of parameters,
of the current and, where the physical constraints (51) the quantity ℓr does not take values in its entire range of
to (53) cease to be satisfied, the curves plotted in the potential variations [0, ∞[. This can be seen as follows.
various figures end. As the quantity bc was unity in the
decoupled case, we see that electromagnetic corrections
can modify the nature of the current for a given set of 15
integer numbers Z and N .


9 9

λq =10

7 6 b>λq +2

5 MS b=λq +2

4 2
b<λq +2
λq =1

3 0
MS 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
2 MV χr

λq <0.1
FIG. 4. The characteristic behavior of ℓr as a function of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 χr for λq 2 = 1 in the magnetic regime where χr > 0: the
l curve down, indicated b < λq 2 + 2 is for b = 2.1, and the
upper curve for b = 5. They all diverge around χr = 0.
FIG. 3. Variations of the self potential Υr with the ring’s
circumference ℓr and the electromagnetic self coupling λq 2 On the magnetic side, the function ℓ2r (χr ) ranges from
for α = b = 1. The thick curve stands for various values of +∞ in the limit where χr → 0+ , to 4[b2 − (λq 2 +
λq 2 < 0.1 for which they are undistinguishable, and in the 2)2 ]/(λq 2 + 2) for χr → 1/4 as sketched on Fig. 4. De-
“safe” zone; the minimum value of Υr is then Mv , the vorton pending therefore on whether b is less or greater than
mass. Υr for the same parameters α and b, this time for (λq 2 +2), the ℓr = 0 limit will or will not exist. In the for-
λq 2 = 1 is represented as the full thin line, where it is clear mer case, the potential Υr , which diverges for ℓr → 0, will
that we now are in a “dangerous” zone where the potential have the form indicated as the thick curve on Fig. 3, and
has a minimum (new value for Mv ) but now terminates at the string loop solution is in a “safe” zone. If b > λq 2 + 2,
some point where it equals Ms . Finally the dashed curve then the minimum value for ℓ2r is non zero so the poten-
represents the potential for λq 2 = 10, an unrealistically large tial terminates at some point, which can be either suffi-
value, and this time the curve terminates even before reaching
ciently close to the origin that the minimum for Υr can
a minimum: this is a “fatal” situation for all loops with such
be reached (“dangerous” zone) or not (“fatal” zone). In
parameters will eventually decay.
the former case, the resulting configuration may reach an
equilibrium state of mass Mv (when radiation is taken
Once the nature of the current is fixed, it is a simple
into account, such a configuration will eventually loose
matter to evaluate the potential Υr , and it is found, as
enough energy to settle down into a vorton state) pro-
in Ref. [13], that three cases are possible, depending on
vided its mass M is less than that obtained for χr = 1/4,
the values of the free parameters, namely the so–called
Ms say, with the same set of parameters, whereas it will
“safe”, “dangerous” and “fatal” cases. They correspond
enter a regime in which the thin string description is no
to whether the thin string description holds for all values
longer valid if M > Ms . Finally, there is also the pos-
of the allowed parameters or not, as illustrated on Fig. 3.
sibility that no minimum of Υr (ℓr ) is attainable on the
The general form of the potential Υr (ℓr ) exhibits a
entire available range for ℓr ; this is called “fatal” because,
minimum and two divergences, one at the origin which
whatever the value of M , the loop again ends up in the
prevents a collapse of the loop, and one for ℓr → ∞
region where no string description holds anymore. When
which holds the loop together and is responsible for the
this happens, the topological stability of the vortex can
confinement effect [13]. The latter divergence, going like

be removed dynamically and the quantum effects make VII. CONCLUSIONS
the loop decay into a burst of Higgs particles.
The electric regime presents roughly the same fea- We have exhibited explicitely the influence of electro-
tures of having “safe”, “dangerous” and “fatal” zones, magnetic self corrections on the dynamics of a circular
although for slightly different reasons: the magnetic case vortex line endowed with a current at first order in the
ends either when cL2 → 0 or cT2 → 0 whereas the elec- coupling between the current and the self–generated elec-
tric case does so only in the case cT2 → 0. On Fig. 5 tromagnetic field, i.e., neglecting radiation. This is neces-
is sketched the function ℓr (χr ) for χr < 0 and various sary before any radiation can be taken into account and
values of the parameters b, given λq 2 . What happens evaluated, a task which is still to be done. Moreover,
in the electric regime is that the limiting case this time use of the duality formalism developed by Carter [18]
is for b = λq 2 , ℓ2r behaving as (b2 − λ2 q 4 )/(λ2 q 4 χr ) as has been made and shown to be especially useful in this
χr → −∞; thus, if b < λq 2 , as χr is negative, ℓ2r is al- particular case in the sense that it enabled us to derive
ways non zero and there must exist a value for χr such the dynamical properties of a proto–vorton configuration
that the string’s tension vanishes, and the loop itself be- analytically. It is to be expected that such a dual calcu-
comes unstable with respect to transverse perturbations. lation will prove indispensable when evaluation of the
Such a loop would clearly not form a vorton. On the higher electromagnetic orders will be performed.
other hand, if b > λq 2 , then ℓ2r can get to zero, and for
some values of the parameters (unfortunately the range
is not derivable analytically), it will do so before the ten-
sion vanishes. The corresponding loop might then end as ::::::::
a vorton. ::::::::
2.0 ::::::::
1.8 ::::::::
:::::::: ::::::::
1.6 A
:::::::: ::::::::
1.4 ::::::::
:::::::: ::::::::
:::::::: ::::::::

:::::::: ::::::::
λq +2 λq +2
2 2
λq λq
2 2

(A) (A) (B) (B)


FIG. 6. A possible way out of the vorton excess problem:

0.8 b<λq a sketch of a distribution of loops with b, and “safe” inter-
0.6 vals [cf. Eq. (56)] for different values of λq 2 . It is clear that
the actual number density of ensuing vortons, at most pro-
portional to the shaded areas, will depend quite strongly on
0.2 b=λq 2
b>λq the location of the safety interval. Note also that this elec-
tromagnetic correction may reduce drastically the available
−1.50 −1.00 −0.50 0.00 phase space for vorton formation since the maximum of the
χr dN/db distribution is usually assumed to be peaked around
b = 1.
FIG. 5. The characteristic behavior of ℓr as a function of
χr for λq 2 = 1 in the electric regime where χr < 0: The curve We have shown that most of the conclusions of our
down is for a “safe” configuration with b = 1.9 > λq 2 , whereas previous paper on that subject actually hold when elec-
the upper curve is “fatal”, with b = 0.1 < λq 2 . The two tromagnetism is accounted for, at least at this order,
upper curves terminate at the point where the string tension with the result, perhaps not intuitively obvious from the
becomes negative and the string is unstable with respect to outset, that this self–interaction tends to destabilise the
transverse perturbations. string loops towards states for which a classical string
description does not hold, configurations which are ex-
Finally the safe zone, for all regimes taken together, is pected to decay into the string constituents (the Higgs
limited to field in particular) when quantum effects are taken into
λq 2 ≤ b ≤ λq 2 + 2, (56) As is clear from Eq. (56), increasing the electromag-
a condition which is increasingly restrictive as λq 2 in- netic correction is equivalent to reducing the available
phase space for vorton formation, as b of order unity
creases, and may even forbid vorton formation altogether
for a very large coupling. is the most natural value [6], situation that we sketch
in Fig. 6. On this figure, we have assumed a sharply
peaked dN/db distribution centered around b = 1; with

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matters delt with here, and M. Sakellariadou for many
[29] B. Carter, Phys. Lett. 238, 166 (1990).
stimulating discussions. The research of A.G. was sup-
ported by the Fondation Robert Schuman. He also ac-
knowledges partial financial support from the programme
Antorchas/British Council (project N◦ 13422/1–0004).

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