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Unit 24


In common usage, the term ENGINE is used widely for devices which produce motion. In
stricter technical sense, an engine is said to transform energy, especially heat energy, into
mechanical work. An engine that converts heat energy into mechanical work is called a

The principal types of heat engines are: steam engines, internal combustion engines and
reaction engines.

STEAM ENGINES. The principal parts of a steam engine are: 1. frame, 2. cylinder, with
valve chest, 3. piston, piston rod, crosshead, connecting rod, 4. crankshaft, bearings, and
flywheel, 5. valves and valve gear, and 6. governor.

The cycle upon which the engine operates is briefly described as follows:

Slightly before the piston reaches the dead-centre position corresponding to minimum
cylinder volume, the valve connects the cylinder with the steam line so that, as the piston
starts on its outward travel, the full steam pressure is acting on it. The beginning of this action
is known as the event of ADMISSION. When some 20 to 30 % of the stroke has been
completed, the valve closes the port on the event known as CUTOFF and during the
remainder of the stroke, the steam is expanded adiabatically to the accompaniment of
decreasing pressure. Near the end of its stroke, the valve again opens the port, this time
connecting the cylinder with the exhaust line. This event is known as RELEASE. The
cylinder remains connected with the exhaust during the return stroke of the piston, and the
steam is expelled until approximately 2/3 of the return stroke has been completed. The valve
then closes the port, and the remaining steam is trapped in the cylinder and compressed. The
beginning of this process is known as the event of COMPRESSION. The four events just
described govern the form of steam engine cycle.

INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. Although under much criticism during recent years
because of polluting emissions, the internal combustion engine nevertheless represents one of
the most significant inventions of all time, particularly in terms of its primary applications as
a portable power source (in automobiles, airplanes, ships, locomotives, etc.). internal
combustion engines may be four-stroke or two-stroke engines.

The two most frequently used types of internal combustion engines are: the gasoline engine
and the Diesel engine.

Unit 24

The Gasoline Engine. The gasoline engine consists primarily of the carburetor, the cylinder
with the valves (the inlet valve, also called intake or admission valve, and the exhaust valve),
the transmission mechanism (the crankshaft and connection rod), the ignition system and
cooling system.

The liquid gasoline is passed through the carburetor, where it is changed from a liquid into a
gas and at the same time mixed with air.

This mixture of gasoline vapor and air is forced into the combustion chamber, where it is
ignited and the force of the expanding gas, caused by the explosion of the mixture, is used to
run the engine.

Practically all automobiles today are propelled by four-stroke engines, the strokes being as
follows: the SUCTION (intake) stroke, the COMPRESSION stroke, the EXPANSION
(power) stroke and the EXHAUST stroke.

The Diesel Engine. The construction features of a high-speed Diesel engine are almost
identical with those of the gasoline engine, an essential difference being that the Diesel engine
uses a heavy oil called fuel oil for power instead of gasoline. Another difference is that the
Diesel engine has neither the carburetor nor the spark-plugs. In the first stroke, air is let into
the cylinder. The air pressure in the cylinder head may be as great as 50 atmospheres. This
great pressure makes the air very hot (up to 900 K). In the third stroke, the oil for burning is
injected through a fuel injector (spray nozzle) in the form of a finely divided spray. The heat
of the air is sufficient to ignite the fuel when injected. No electric spark is used in the true
Diesel engine. The products of fuel combustion expand, giving work to the piston. In the
fourth stroke, these are forced out from the cylinder.

REACTION ENGINES. A reaction engine (also called REACTION MOTOR) is an engine

that develops thrust by its reaction to a substance ejected from it. A reaction engine operates
in accordance with Newton's third law of motion, i.e. to every action (force) there is an equal
and opposite reaction. Both rocket engines and jet engines are reaction engines.

Unit 24


U uobičajenoj upotrebi, termin MAŠINA/MOTOR se široko koristi za uređaje koji proizvode

kretanje. U strožijem tehničkom smislu, rečeno je da motor pretvara energiju, posebno
toplotnu energiju, u mehanički rad. Motor koji pretvara toplotnu energiju u mehanički rad se

Glavni tipovi toplotnih motora su: parni motori/mašine, motori sa unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem
i reaktivni motori.

STEAM ENGINES. Glavni dijelovi parnog motora su: 1. kućište, 2. cilindar, sa razvodnom
komorom, 3. klip, klipnjača, ukrsna glava, motorna poluga, 4. koljenasto vratilo, ležajevi, i
zamajac, 5. ventil i pogon razvodnika, i 6. regulator.

Ciklus na kojem motor radi kratko je opisan kako slijedi:

Nešto prije nego klip dosegne mrtvi položaj koji odgovara minimalnoj zapremini cilindra,
ventil povezuje cilindar sa parom tako da, kako klip počne na svom vanjskom hodu, na njega
djeluje puni pritisak pare. Početak ove akcije poznat je kao događaj PRIJAVE. Kada je
završeno 20 do 30% takta, ventil zatvara otvor na događaju poznatom kao PREKID
DOVODA, a tokom ostatka hoda, para se adiabatski širi uz pratnju pada pritiska. Blizu kraja
svog hoda, ventil ponovo otvara otvor, ovaj put povezujući cilindar sa izduvnim vodom. Ovaj
događaj je poznat kao OTPUST. Cilindar ostaje povezan sa izduvom (izlazom) tokom
povratnog hoda klipa, a para se izbacuje dok se ne završi otprilike 2/3 povratnog hoda. Zatim
ventil zatvara otvor, i preostala para je zarobljena u cilindru i komprimirana. Početak ovog
procesa je poznat kao događaj KOMPRESIJA. Četiri upravo opisana događaja regulišu oblik
ciklusa parnog motora.

MOTORI SA UNUTRAŠNJIM SAGORIJEVANJEM. Mada pod velikim kritikama tokom

posljednih godina zbog zagađujućih emisija, motor sa unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem ipak
predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih izuma svih vremena, posebno u smislu primarne primjene
kao prijenosnog izvora energije (u automobilima, avionima, brodovima, lokomotivama itd.).
motori sa unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem mogu biti četverotaktni ili dvotaktni motori.

Dva najčešće korištena tipa motora sa unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem su benzinski (Otoov) motor
i dizel motor.

Unit 24

Benzinski motor. Benzinski motor se u osnovi sastoji od karburatora, cilindra sa ventilima

(usisni ventil, također nazvan upusni ili usisni ventil, i izduvni/ispusni ventil), prijenosnog
mehanizma (koljenasto vratilo i klipnjača), uređaja za paljenje i sistema hlađenja (rashladnog

Tečni benzin se propušta kroz karburator, gdje se mijenja iz tečnog u čvrsto stanje i
istovremeno miješa sa zrakom. Ova smjesa pare, benzina i zraka se usmjerava u komoru za
sagorijevanje, gdje izgara i sila širenja gasa nastala eksplozijom smjese koristi se za
pokretanje motora.

Praktično su svi današnji automobili pogonjeni četverotaktnim motorima, taktovi počinju

kako slijedi: usisni (ulazni) takt, takt sabijanja, takt širenja (snage) i izduvni takt.

Dizel motor. Konstruktivne karakteristike visokobrzinskog dizelskog motora su gotovo

identične onima kod benzinskih motora, a bitna razlika je u tome što dizelski motor za
energiju umjesto benzina koristi teško ulje koje se naziva ulje za dizel motor. Druga razlika je
u tome što dizelski motor nema niti karburator niti svjećice za paljenje motora. U prvom
taktu, zrak se pušta u cilindar. Pritisak zraka u glavi cilindra može biti visok kao 50 atmosfera.
Ovaj veliki pritisak čini zrak veoma vrućim (do 900 K). U trećem taktu, ulje za sagorijevanje
se ubrizgava kroz injektor goriva (brizgalica) u obliku fino raspršenog mlaza. Toplina
vazduha je dovoljna da zapali gorivo kada se ono ubrizgava. Nikakva električna iskra se ne
koristi u pravom dizel motoru. Produkti sagorijevanja goriva se šire, čime se pokreće klip. U
četvrtom taktu, oni su izbačeni iz cilindra.

REAKTIVNI MOTORI. Reaktivna mašina (koja se naziva i REAKTIVNI MOTOR) je

mašina koja razvija pritisak svojom reakcijom na supstancu izbačenu iz nje. Reaktivni motor
radi u skladu sa Njutnovim trećim zakonom kretanja, tj. za svaku akciju (silu) postoji jednaka
i suprotna reakcija. I raketni i mlazni motori su reaktivni motori.

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