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Melvin Lazaro is a 19 years old african american boy, currently living

with his mother in small apartmant in Los Santos. He was born and raised
in the streeets of Chicago by his loveley mother Olivia. He has no brother
or sister, he was the only child in the family. They lived in gang infested
district area in Chicago, and his dad Dante was part of that. Despite his
his mom would always try to keep him on the right path.

Melvin had a very rough childhood, every day he watched his father beat up his
he started smoking cigarete at the age of 9, he began by stealing food but later
to robbing people outiste of bars. Melvin's father was in a lot of debts that's why
he was
killed when Melvin was 10.
In 2012 Melvin and his mother Olivia moved in Los Santos for better life.
Melvin began going to high school and is in his final year, also he works as a
delivery provider on weekends for some extra cash.

RAPE is allowed with permission from the victim and an OOC agrement between the
players involved,
OOC sexual harassment or unaproved sexual harassment is forbidden. In order for
rape to happen in
game characters must be out of public. For Instance somewhere in the country or in
the desert.
Not done in a place like Idlewood stacks as this is considered.Breaking this rule
will result in a permanent ban.

ROBBERY - the player must be level 3 or higher to be robbed, there is robbery limit
of 500$ dollars.
After you rob the victim you may not kill him unless he does something that gives
you a reason,
for instance him pulling out a knife. Robbing anything else link a bank you must
get admin approval
to do so. Must have a legit may of actually robing the place such as guns and
tactics. And more the
6 cops have to be on the time. Once you pull a gun in the back the police will
Don't just DM the cops when robbing the bank.

SCAMMING the most you can scam is up to 50000$ and the other player must be level 5
or higher in
order this to happen, once again you can not kill the player. You can not scam
vehicles, businesses,
and houses. Admin permission for anything higher. Legal Gambling such as raffles
and casino gambling
cannot be scammed. In legal gambling there is nothing an admin can do about. If a
player gests banned,
everything the player has that you owned is long gone and admin cannot do anything
about it.

Metagaming is using OOC knowledge IC, for example using an in-game name to identify

a cahracher you haven't meet in game or using in-game knowledge from a previously
played or dead account.

PG: Forcing roleplay on another individual, causing potential unfair and

unrealistic actions,
for example John is surrounded by SWAT with M4's, he pulls a knife out and kills
them all instantly
without even giving them time to react. Another example is "/me hits someone
knocking them out"
there is no reaction time given.

DM: Deathmatching - Killing someone without a valid RP reason.

Chicken Running: Running around in a Zig-Zag so they can't get a shot on you.

CK: Character Kill - Suicide, any form of killing yourself that kills them

KoS: Killing on sight- It stands for attacking or killing someone with no or

minimal roleplay
involved or without interacting wiht the person beforehand and attaining an reason
in the conversation etc.
for example GroveMember sees vagos member kills him because of his outfit.

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