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Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about Fundamental concepts of Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019
Geology and its key elements. Ref: Research gate, books and DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019
Syllabus outline- Introduction to Geology (2012)
B Tech SEM III- PEGS 2012 NO. OF Course Assignment/
SESSION Outcomes Quizzes/
(Hours) Addressed Tests

CO1 &
UNIT I Interior and Exterior of Earth, Fundamentals of plate tectonics, convergent, 06
divergent and transform margins. CO3
MINEROLOGY & PETROLOGY: Introduction and classification of Minerals, Assign-1
CO1 &
UNIT II Elementary ideas about crystal structures. Introduction to Igneous, 06 Test-1
Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks.
PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: Rock weathering and its types. Geological work of
UNIT III Wind, River and Ocean, glacier. Principles of Isostasy. 08 CO3


clinometer compass and its uses. Basic concepts of Stress, Strain and Rock CO4 &
UNIT IV deformation, Geometry, Mechanism and classification of Folds and Faults. 08
Morphology and Mechanism of Joints, shear zones and Salt Domes.
Type Section, Type Location and Type Area, Unconformities – origin and
types, Geological Time Scale,
Introduction to Paleontology, Fossils and Fossilization, Introduction and CO4 & Quiz
DR. ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR Importance of Invertebrate Paleontology. Micro-Paleontology: Morphology CO5
Associate Professor and Distribution of Microfossils (Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Conodonts,
Ostracodes, Diatoms and Palynology),
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Science
Importance of Microfossils in Petroleum Exploration.

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1. Physical and Engineering Geology by S. K. Garg. ISBN: 81-7409-032-0
2. Mahapatra, G.B., Textbook of Geology. CBS Publication ISBN 10: 8123900139
3. Mukherjee, P.K., Textbook of Geology. The World Press Private Limited ISBN-13:
Total Class room sessions
Total Quizzes/ Test
Total Assignment
4. Sam Bogg Jr., Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. ISBN 0-13-154728-3
1. Fossen. Structural Geology (2010) ISBN-13 978-0-521-51664-8
2. Prothero, D.R., Bringing Fossils to Life - an Introduction to Paleontology. McGrawHill, Boston, Weightage (%) 30 20 50
etc., 1998 ISBN 0-07-366170-8
3. Ghosh, S. K., Structural Geology: Fundamentals and Modern Developments. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (IA): WEIGHTAGE – 30%
4. Billings, M.P., Structural Geology.
5. Manual of Mineralogy (after James D. Dana), 21st Edition, Revised Hardcover – July 27, 1998, by S. No. Description % of Weightage out of (30%)
Cornelis Klein.
1 Class Tests and Quizzes 30%
6. Petroleum Geoscience by Knut Bjørlykke (2010). ISBN 978-3-642-02331-6
2 Assignments 50%
WEB RESOURCES: 3 Attendance and conduct in the class 20%
• Blackboard contents
• Science Direct resources DISCIPLINE: Based on student’s regularity, punctuality, sincerity and behavior in the class.
• You tube videos relate to topics,

Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019 Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019

Attendance record
GEOLOGY: Geology is an earth science comprising the study of solid Earth, the
rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change.
• Form this semester onward the Sap record of attendance will be locked by
same day evening. Various branches of the geology
• Students having less then 75% attendance, will be debarred. (card punching
in class room is mandatory)

• Faculty will not be responsible for that.

• Your parents will be informed by every week

or biweekly basis, regarding your class attendance.
The science which deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth, their
history, and the processes which act on them.


Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019 Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019

The origin of the Earth…


It’s Interior and Exterior


Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019 Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared for academic understanding of the students about origin and evolution of the Earth. DR ATUL KUMAR PATIDAR, 2019

Nebular Hypothesis
Origin of the Earth & other planets of the Solar System • The idea that the Solar System originated from a nebula was first proposed in 1734
by Swedish scientist Emanual Swedenborg.
• Gravity makes hydrogen and helium gas amalgamate to
form giant clouds that will became galaxies, smaller clumps
• Kant, developed the theory further and gave Theory of the Heavens (1755).
of gas collapse to form the first stars.
• In this, he argued that gaseous clouds (nebula) slowly rotate, gradually collapsing
• There are few famous theories of the origin of the Earth
and Solar system. and flattening due to gravity and forming stars and planets.

Monistic or Parental Hypothesis • A similar but smaller and more detailed model was proposed by Pierre-Simon
• Nebular hypothesis Laplace, which he released in 1796.
a) Kant’s Gaseous hypothesis (1755)
b) Nebular Hypothesis of Laplace (1796) • Laplace theorized that the Sun originally had an extended hot atmosphere
throughout the Solar System, and this “protostar cloud” cooled and contracted. As
Dualistic or Biparental Concept the cloud spun more rapidly, it threw off material that eventually condensed to
• Collision or encounter hypothesis form the planets.
• Planetesimal hypothesis
• Tidal hypothesis (By Harold Jeffreys and • The Laplacian nebular model was widely accepted during the 19th century, but it
James Jeans 1916) had some rather pronounced difficulties.
• Big bang theory (George Gamow 1948)
The main issue was angular momentum distribution between the Sun and planets, which the
• Binary Star hypothesis nebular model could not explain.
• Interstellar Dust Theory
For more details – video link-

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Nebular Hypothesis
• In this theory, the whole Solar System starts as a large cloud of gas that contracts Video link
under self-gravity.
• Conservation of angular momentum requires that a rotating disk form with a large
concentration at the center (the proto-Sun) and within the disk, planets form.
Nebular Hypothesis - Origin of the Earth Solar system
Kant, explained

Angular velocity


Concentric ring formation

Summary: A huge cloud of dust and gas (called a Nebula) spun faster and flattened as it
cooled and shrank. It threw of 9 rings of matter which compressed into planets. The
central strongest cloud became the sun.


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Encounter Hypothesis (by G.L.L. de Buffon in 1745) Planetesimal Hypothesis (By T.C. Chamberlin and F.R. Moulton 1901-05)

It’s one of the earliest theories for the formation of the planets- • They suggested that a passing star caused the Sun to eject filaments of
This theory proposes that the planets formed from material ejected from the sun or
material. These condensed into planetesimals from which the planets formed
acompanion star during the encounter with another star.
by accretion.
1. In this scenario, a rogue star passes close to the Sun about 5
billion years ago. • Also, suggested that the close passage of a star…..? to the sun caused many
small bodies (Planetesimals). Which are drown from the sun, eventually
2. Material, in the form of hot gas, is tidally stripped from the coalescing to form the planets.
Sun and the rogue star.
• The planets and satellites of the solar system were formed by gravitational
3. This material fragments into smaller lumps which form the
aggregation of planetesimals.

Cold Sun
4. This hypothesis has the advantage of explaining that why all
the planets revolve in the same direction (from the
encounter geometry) and also provides an explanation for Intruding star
why the inner worlds are denser than the outer worlds.

However, there are two major problems for a theory of this type. Gravitational
• One is that hot gas expands, not contracts. So lumps of hot gas would not form planets. Pull…..
• The second is that encounters between stars are extremely rare, so rare as to be improbable in the Mass ejected
lifetime of the Universe (15 billion years). (Planetesimals)

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Tidal theories (By Harold Jeffreys and James Jeans 1916)

Origin of Universe (BIG BANG THEORY)
An surprising observation was made in the late 1920's. The light from distant galaxies is
Hot sun
• The theory was proposed by Sir James H. Jeans and shifted to lower frequencies (red shift) similar to the way the sound of a horn on a passing
Sir Harold Jeffreys. train or car shifts to a lower pitch (The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength).
The light frequency shift can be explained in the same way; the distant galaxies are
• This Theory of the origin of the solar system, moving away from us.
involving the approach near the Sun of another star.

• This set up tidal forces, and the instability of the

Sun resulted in part of its mass being torn off to Pull
form the planets.

• They suggested that a star grazed the Sun, drawing Cigar shaped filament
out into solar orbit a cigar-shaped filament of
material that fragmented to form the planets: the
larger planets – Jupiter and Saturn – condensed
from the thicker central regions of the filament.

About 4.6 billion years ago our solar system formed from a cloud of gas and dust which
Schematic representation of the Jeans-Jeffreys tidal hypothesis.
slowly contracted under the mutual gravity of all of its particles.
(a) A tidal bulge is induced….. (b) A filament of material is drawn out in which condensations form.
(c) The produced protoplanets orbit the Sun with high eccentricities.
Image credit: Stephen Oxley, doctoral thesis, Univ. of York, 1999

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Big bang theory (George Gamow 1948) Motive to show the concept of the Earth origin ……..

• The Big bang theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the Universe. REF: Physical and Engineering Geology by S. K. Garg. ISBN: 81-7409-032-0

• This theory suggest that the universe was created sometime between 10-20 billion Video Links
years ago from a cosmic expansion that continue to spread matter in all directions.
The Formation of the Solar System
• George suggested that, if this universe was created with a hot big bang, then the
various elements, such as H, He, would be produced for a minutes immediately after
the Big bang due to the extremely high temperature and density of the universe. The History of Earth - How Our Planet Formed - Full Documentary HD
• As the universe expanded, H and He cooled and condense into stars and galaxies.
Formation of the Solar System (Stephen Hawking)
Support: (a) Distant galaxies are travelling away from us at great speeds. (b)
Cosmic radiation can be observed.
The Encounter Theory
Problem: (a) 1st law of Thermodynamics- energy can neither be created nor
destroyed. (b) Doesn’t account for organic living matters, only gas….?
Nebular Hypothesis - Origin of the Earth Solar system


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Lectures Outline- Interior of the Earth

• Earth Interior

• Three major Layers of the Earth’s Interior

Lecture 2 • Structure and the thermal history of the Earth’s Interior

• How do we know about the Earth’s Interior…? Different Methodologies

• Fundamental properties of the Crust, Mental and Core

• Relation of Temperature, Pressure and Density of the Earth’s Interior

• Summary - History of the Earth

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Three major Layers of the Earth’s THE EARTH

1. Thin CRUST (oceanic and continental) of
silicates. The upper mantle contains two
mechanically significant layers:

Lithosphere, a rigid layer that includes the

chemically distinctive crust. (Surrounding the entire
planet is a blanket of surface fluids water and air).

Asthenosphere, a soft low seismic velocity layer.

Interior and Exterior:
2. Thick, solid MANTLE of iron and magnesium • Earth's interior is made up of a series of layers that sit below the surface crust.
• In order of depth, these layers include the semi-solid, but flowing mantle, the liquid outer core and

3. Dense CORE of metal with a solid inner core the solid iron outer core,
and a molten outer core, • The layers can also be categorized into the rigid outer lithosphere (which includes the crust and top
portion of the mantle and makes up Earth's tectonic plates)
• The asthenosphere: the portion of the mantle that is solid, but made up of hot, weak, flowing rock.

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Structure of the Earth’s Interior How do we know about the Earth’s Interior…?

• It is not possible to know about the earth’s interior by direct

observations because of the huge size and the changing nature of its
interior composition.

• It is an almost impossible distance for the humans to reach till the

center of the earth (The earth’s radius is 6,370 km)

• But still, through some direct and indirect sources, the scientists have
a fair idea about how the earth’s interior look like.

• SiAl makes up a majority of the continental crust, the oceanic crust is primarily
composed of SiMa.
• SiMa is the earth's crusts lower layer and contains rocks with an abundance of
magnesium silicate minerals.
• The SiAl is lighter than SiMa, the continents are said to be floating on denser SiMa.


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Sources to study Earth’s Interior How do we know about the Earth’s Interior…?
Direct Sources: It gives us information about the composition of the rocks and minerals of the other
1. Rocks from mining area By studying
• Stony meteorites are rich in olivine and pyroxene Similar to Earth’s lithosphere.
2. Volcanic eruptions • Iron meteorites are made of iron and nickel Earth’s interior (core) is similar.

Large Volcanic Eruptions

Direct • Voluminous volcanic eruptions
Indirect Sources: observation • Can infer something about mantle composition
1. By analyzing the rate of change of temperature & pressure from the surface originating Study of the propagation of mechanical energy released by earthquakes.
towards the interior. from depth)
When energy is released, waves of motion (like the effect of a pebble tossed into a
2. Meteorites, as they belong to the same type of materials earth is made of. pond) are set up in the Earth.
3. Gravity anomaly, which is the change in gravity value according to the mass By studying
Seismic velocity (how fast earthquake waves travel through rocks) depends on the
of material, gives us information about the materials in the earth’s interior. earthquake
composition of material
We can use the behavior of seismic waves to tell us about the interior of the Earth.
4. Magnetic/ Resistivity/ EM methods (Changes in P- and S- wave velocity reveal about Earth’s Internal Layers)
5. Seismic Waves: These waves (Primary and secondary waves) give us
Experiments By Multi-anvil Press technique in high temperature high pressure condition, etc
information about the state of materials in the interior. at high

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Fundamental properties of the Crust Fundamental properties of the Mantle

1. The portion of the interior beyond the crust is called as the mantle.
1. It is the outermost solid part of the earth, normally about 8-40 kms thick. It’s
brittle in nature. 2. The discontinuity between the crust and mantle is called as the Moho discontinuity. The
mantle is about 2900 kms thick.
2. Nearly 1% of the earth’s volume are made of the crust.
3. The major constituent elements of the mantle are Silicon and Magnesium and hence it
is also termed as SIMA.
3. The thickness of the crust under the oceanic and continental areas are
different. Oceanic crust is thinner (~ 5kms) as compared to the continental 4. The density of the layer is higher than the crust and varies from 3.3 – 5.4g/cm3.
crust (~ 30kms).
5. The asthenosphere (in between 80-200km) is a highly viscous, mechanically weak and
4. Major constituent elements of crust are Silica (Si) and Aluminium (Al) and ductile, deforming region of the upper mantle which lies just below the lithosphere.
thus, it’s often termed as SIAL (Sometimes SIAL is used to refer Lithosphere,
which is the region comprising the crust and uppermost solid mantle). 6. The asthenosphere is the main source of magma and it’s the layer over which the
lithospheric plates/ continental plates move (plate tectonics)
5. The mean density of the materials in the crust is 3g/cm3.
7. The discontinuity between the upper mantle and the lower mantle is known as Repetti
6. The discontinuity between the hydrosphere and crust is termed as
the Conrad Discontinuity. 8. The portion of the mantle, just below the lithosphere and asthenosphere, but above the
core is called as Mesosphere.

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Summary - History of the Earth

Fundamental properties of the Core (A) Intense bombardment continued after formation of the planet by accretion of
planetesimals. The planet differentiated, a solid crust formed, an atmosphere and
1. The core consists of two sub-layers: the inner core and the outer core. hydrosphere were outgassed.
• Meteorite bombardment and vigorous convection in the mantle recycled the primitive
crust of Earth.
2. The inner core is in solid state and the outer core is in the liquid state (or semi-
liquid). (B) Continents developed, probably by partial melting of basaltic crustal rocks over hot spots
or in primitive island arcs. The continental blocks became stabilized at the surface by
intrusion of low-density granitic rocks, so they could not be recycled back into the mantle.
3. The innermost layer, the core is separated from the mantle by Guttenberg’s • These highlands were immersed in an ocean of liquid water that was cycled across the
Discontinuity. continents as rain and in rivers, which eroded the highlands.
• Simple forms of life evolved in the oceans.
(C) Continental platforms developed and sedimentary rocks were deposited in shallow seas
4. It is composed mainly of iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) and hence it is also called as along their margins.
NIFE. • Rift initiation and some type of plate tectonics began in this stage. Life expanded,
producing oxygen in the atmosphere.
• Carbon dioxide was removed to form carbonate sedimentary rocks, reducing the pressure
5. The core is the densest layer of the earth with its density ranges between 9.5- of the atmosphere dramatically.
14.5g/cm3. (D) Plate tectonics persisted as lithospheric slabs participated in the convection of the mantle.
• The continents grew slowly, but rifting, mountain building, hot-spot activity, and climate
6. The discontinuity between the upper core and the lower core is called as change produced oscillations in the level of the sea, yielding cycles of marine deposition
on the continents.
Lehmann Discontinuity. • Pangaea, a large super continent, developed by collision of smaller blocks of continental
crust. Life rapidly diversified in the seas and eventually on land as well.
7. Barysphere is sometimes used to refer the core of the earth or sometimes the
(E) The breakup of Pangaea about 300 million years ago followed as a result of rifting and
whole interior. the growth of a new ocean basin. The continents took on their present outlines.


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Temperature, Pressure and Density of the Earth’s Interior Temperature, Pressure and Density of the Earth’s Interior
1. A rise in temperature with increase in depth is observed in mines and deep wells. 1. Just like the temperature, the pressure is also increasing towards the center
of the earth.
2. These evidence along with molten lava erupted from the earth’s interior supports
that the temperature increases towards the center of the earth.
2. It is due to the huge weight of the overlying materials like rocks.
3. The rate of increase of temperature is not uniform from the surface towards the
earth’s center. It is faster at some places and slower at other places. 3. It is estimated that in the deeper portions, the pressure is tremendously
high which will be nearly 3 to 4 million times more than the pressure of the
4. This rate of increase of temperature is at an average rate of 30C for every 100m atmosphere at sea level.
increase in depth.
Temperature 4. At high temperature, the materials beneath will melt towards the center
5. While in the upper 100kms, the increase in temperature is at the rate of 120C per
km and in the next 300kms, it is 200C per km. But going further deep, this rate part of the earth but due to heavy pressure, these molten materials acquire
reduces to mere 100C per km. the properties of a solid and are probably in a plastic state.
1. Due to increase in pressure and presence of heavier materials like Nickel
6. The temperature at the center is estimated to lie somewhere between 30000C and and Iron towards the center, the density of earth’s layers also gets on
50000C, may be that much higher due to the chemical reactions under high-
increasing towards the center.
pressure conditions.
7. Even in such a high temperature also, the materials at the center of the earth are in 2. The average density of the layers gets on increasing from crust to core and
solid state due to the heavy pressure of the overlying materials. it is nearly 14.5g/cm3 at the very center.

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The thermal history of the Earth Major Concepts of Origin of Earth

Concepts Explanation
It formed by accretion and consequently became hot Earth, like the other rocky inner planets, is differentiated with a dense iron-rich core that is
enough for internal differentiation to occur very early in Dense iron-rich still partially molten, a thick mantle of iron- and magnesium-rich silicates, and a crust of
core silica-rich and magnesium-poor rocks.
its history.
Present The present atmosphere contrasts sharply with those around other inner planets because it
Following differentiation atmosphere is poor in carbon dioxide, rich in the residual nitrogen, and also rich in oxygen.
• The planet has cooled, but its internal temperatures Earth's Earth's lithosphere is ten to several hundred kms thick and is thinner and more mobile than
that of the Moon, Mercury, or Mars.
have been moderated by radiogenic heat. lithosphere
The continents and ocean basins are the principal surface features of Earth. They are
• Because of its larger size, Earth cooled more slowly The continents created and modified by a distinctive tectonic style called plate tectonics that reflects the
than Mars, its interior is still hot, and ocean basins style of convection in the upper mantle. Deep mantle convection is driven by mantle plumes
like those on other planets.
Liquid water is stable at the surface of Earth and forms deep oceans. It is in constant
• Following a very active period of volcanism thick Liquid water is motion, driven by energy from the Sun and Earth's gravity to form an integrated hydrologic
crust formation, and recycling, Earth's lithosphere stable at the system. In dry regions, the wind, also driven by solar energy, creates vast dune fields. In
became thicker and stronger, surface of Earth Earth's polar regions and at high altitudes, water is stable as solid ice, which deforms and
flows as glaciers.
• Development of plates of lithosphere that were Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago by accretion. It differentiated during this time of heavy
meteorite bombardment. Liquid water existed from at least 3.8 billion years ago, the age of
periodically pulled back into the mantle. the oldest rocks. Life developed in these warm seas by about 3.5 billion years ago.
Stages of
formation of the
• The movements of these slabs of lithosphere carry Earth
High-standing continents began to form at this time and were not recycled back into the
mantle. As the planet cooled, modern-style plate tectonics developed by about 2.5 billion
the less dense continents with them.
years ago. Repeated cycles of ocean basin formation and closing shaped the present
appearance of the planet's surface.

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Brief summary about the Lithosphere

Exterior of the Earth

Interior and Exterior:

• Earth's interior is made up of a series of layers that sit below the surface crust.
• In order of depth, these layers include the semi-solid, but flowing mantle, the liquid outer core and
the solid iron outer core,
• The layers can also be categorized into the rigid outer lithosphere (which includes the crust and top
portion of the mantle and makes up Earth's tectonic plates)
• The asthenosphere: the portion of the mantle that is solid, but made up of hot, weak, flowing rock.


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The Earth’s Lithosphere The Lithosphere

The Earth's lithosphere (Oceanic and Continental) is relatively thin in
contrast to inner part of the planets.
A geologic map of Earth shows it
• Moreover, it is broken into a number of large fragments or plates, each of major features. Low ocean
which is in motion, and much of the planet's geological activity basins form most of the surface,
(earthquakes, crustal deformation, and volcanism) occurs along plate and transacted by the mid-
margins. ocean ridge (MOR) system.

• The igneous rocks at the surface of the oceanic crust are mostly Basaltic and
young (<0.2 billion years old).

• The high continental platforms are composed of older (as much as 4 billion years old), more deformed, and less dense rocks that have Granitic composition.

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Continent and ocean basins The elevation & area of the continents and
ocean basins
Ref: S K Garg

• The data presented graphically in figure shows that the continents have a
mean elevation of 840 m above sea level, and the ocean floor has a mean
depth of about 3700 m below sea level.

• The ocean basins are not only larger than the continental platforms, but the
average depth of the ocean floor is greater than the average height of the
Cross section of Continent and Ocean Basins. Not to scale

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Exterior of the Earth

Earth's lithosphere is divided into two principal regions The Earth Lithosphere is surrounded on its exterior by different layers of the
gases, called Atmosphere.
Continents and Basins-
These major divisions differ markedly, not only in elevation, but also in Exterior part
geologic history, rock types, age, density, and chemical composition. (Extend upto 700 km)

• Oceanic lithosphere covers 60 percent of Earth and having variety of

spectacular landforms, most of which are due to extensive volcanic
activity and movements of the lithosphere that continue today.
Interior part
• The difference in elevation between continents and ocean basins
represents a fundamental difference in rock densities in the two types
of lithosphere.

• Rocks of the continents have a lower density than rocks of the ocean
basins. It is this density difference that causes the continents to rise
and float higher than the denser oceanic crust.
Ref: S K Garg


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Exterior of the Earth

• Topmost layer extend upto 700km
upward. Lesson learn form this unit
• This gaseous zone consisting • The origin of the Earth (various hypothesis)

charged atom molecules (IONS),

called Ionosphere. • Geology and its branches……
• This zone extends upto 104 km • Interior of the Earth
• Methods of investigation of Earth interior
• This layer is composed by
different layers of thermal and • History of the Earth origin from 4.6 billion years to recent
chemical properties.
(Ozonosphere, Mesosphere) • About Lithosphere (Continental and Oceanic crust/ basins)
• Nearest gaseous zone extending upto 11km, • Exterior of the Earth (different layers)
• Responsible for most of the meteorological
processes/ weather forming Ref: S K Garg

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