Reflection Summary

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Individual Lesson Assessment Reflection

Reflection in Action
1. What were the formative assessment results each day in ONE of the content lessons?
Make these results up and DESIGN an electronic TABLE GRAPH to identify the results
for this one content. How would you use the results the next day in your planning and
why: Be very specific and correlate your reasoning with sound research/readings from
what you know about young children and learning. It is expected that you have 3
citations. Did you expect these results? Why or Why not?

A) English Language Arts

Name: Topic Ideas & Content Closure Conventions
1. BJ 4 3 4 2
2. Zion 3 3 2 3
3. Ja’Niya 4 2 2 3
4. Inasia 4 3 4 4
5. Abdiel 4 2 3 2
6. Juan 4 2 3 2
7. Freddie 2 2 3 2
8. Mariseli 3 2 3 2
9. Leeroy 2 2 1 1
10. Semiah 4 4 4 4
11. Aurmani 1 2 3 2
12. Aizaiah 3 3 4 3
13. Jeremiah 2 2 1 1
14. Rashaad 3 2 3 1
ELA Results:
I would use these results to determine that many students still need to work on having
detailed sentences in their writing. As we can see only one student got the full four points for that
area with the majority of students getting a two. A score of two means that the student only
included one fact about their topic, when they needed at least three. Students also struggled with
having a closing sentence. There are a couple s student that got the full four points in that
sections but there is still much to be done. The biggest problem that I saw was that students
would just write their topic sentence again. That is an issue because if their topic sentence was
not great then that automatically makes their closing sentence not as great. Because the students
have not worked on writing much before this assessment I expected their scores to be like this.
Like Elizabeth Shellard shared in her writing, “teachers can use data not only to determine how
well their students are learning but also to identify areas where intervention or changes in
instruction are needed”. This data allows me to see my students’ strengths and weaknesses and
how I can use their weaknesses to plan my next lessons.
B) Social Studies
Name: Students strengths Areas for growth To follow up next
on finding time
information and
displaying it on
1. BJ Used the worksheet Use more resources All students need
he filled out to find to find more more practice on
his information information how to use different
resources to find
2. Zion Went to the last If he would have
page of the text to turned back
find the timeline through the book he
would have found
more facts about
that year
3. Ja’Niya Used the worksheet
she filled out to
find his information
4. Inasia Worked together
with partner to
locate information
5. Abdiel Worked together
with partner to
locate information
6. Juan Remembered what
happened in the
year he received
from the read aloud
7. Freddie Flipped through Did not go into
pages of the book detail about that
until he found the year
year he was
looking for
8. Mariseli Remembered that Struggled
there was a explaining the
timeline in the back information
of the text
9. Leeroy  Had partner do
most of the work,
sat with a book
opened but I did
not see him speak
10. Semiah Reread some of the
text with partner to
find the
11. Aurmani  Kept complaining
that he could not
find any
12. Aizaiah Looked back in the
13. Jeremiah  Fell asleep
14. Rashaad Used the worksheet Could not pinpoint
to find information the event that
happened in that
Social Studies Results:
I would use these results to determine that the mot of the students did a
phenomenal job using one resource to find the information needed. The students can find
information quickly when given the resources. I would move further and see how they do
finding the information on their own. In this lesson I gave them a good amount of
resources to find information, in the future I would like to see how they find information
on their own. The areas of growth for most students was just sharing the information that
they found. Also using more than one resource, I provided many resources for them to
use but they would stick to the first one they picked up. That’s were some issues arose
because some students could not find information on the resource they used such as a
book but instead of finding another book or a worksheet they would complain. Data like
this allows me to give feedback to each individual student. With this type of scoring
guide, I can figure out strengths and weaknesses for each student. That is important
because it allows me to see where I should head next in terms of teaching (Havnes,
Smith, Dysthe, & Ludvigsen. 2012).

C) Science
Name: Correctly placed a Correctly placed a Correctly placed a
liquid one or more solid one or more gas one or more
(1 check for each time, times. times. times.
Each student went a
total of 2 times)

1. BJ  
2. Zion 
3. Ja’Niya  
4. Inasia  
5. Abdiel  
6. Juan 
7. Freddie 
8. Mariseli  
9. Leeroy  
10. Semiah  
11. Aurmani  
12. Aizaiah 
13. Jeremiah  
14. Rashaad  
Science Results:
I would use these results to determine that most students can sort an object to its
start of matter. Students that struggled, most of them were having difficulties paying
attention as I was doing my whole group lesson. For the students who got some incorrect
I do not believe they were showing their full potential. They were distracted and not
focusing during whole group instruction and they missed the valuable parts of the lesson.
I taught the students about each state of matter and even gave them example of each. This
data does show that most of the students can sort items into each state of matter. Each
student had the opportunity to do that twice. The data also shows how gas was the most
missed for most of the students that did miss. I could tell that some gasses such as steam
and smoke confused the students as to what it was. Elizabeth Shellerd mentioned how
frequent assessment is needed in schools. I agree with that because if I would continue to
assess these students with this type of assessment and compare the data I have no doubt
that there will be tremendous improvement.
D) Math
Name: I can multiply 2 I can add all sides I can count the
sides of a shape to of a shape to find sides and units to
find the area perimeter find perimeter and
1. BJ  
2. Zion  
3. Ja’Niya  
4. Inasia   
5. Abdiel  
6. Juan   
7. Freddie 
8. Mariseli 
9. Leeroy
10. Semiah  
11. Aurmani  
12. Aizaiah   
13. Jeremiah 
14. Rashaad   
Math Results:
I would use these results to determine if I could move on to finding area and
perimeter in other shapes. For this lesson I stayed with 4 sided shapes because finding
perimeter and area in those shapes is easier than other shapes. This data shows us how
almost every student had the ability to find perimeter. I expected that because all of my
students are able to add. I also expected my class to go almost half and half on them
being able to find area and perimeter counting the square units. I expected that because
all they have to do is count each square inside the shape to find the area on each side of
the square on the outside to find perimeter. Counting the square on the inside is easy but
when it comes to counting the outside that was were the students struggles. Half of the
students struggled finding area but that was expected because they are still learning how
to multiply. Any piece of data is beneficial for the improvement of student learning
(Bernhardt, 2003). That is why this data will be used to ensure the best learning for each

2. Describe what you learned about teaching and learning related to assessment, student
feedback and the use of student data from assessments? Please be specific and use some
concrete professional citations in your answer.

- Although I was not able to actually implement my lessons and give real feedback and
receive real data I have learned a lot from this experience. The first thing I learned is that
teaching is not an easy task. It takes hard work and dedication and a passion for the
students learning and our own growth. As teachers we keep growing every day, as the
times keep changing, technology keeps on advancing, and our classrooms become more
diverse. Although you might think that what I am saying has nothing to do with
assessments it actually does. When we give students any sort of assessment we are
always thinking of each learning style in our classroom. We think about the different
cultures in our classrooms and the language barriers we might have. When we think in
that manner we go from giving our students a worksheet as an assessment to doing
assessments through discussions, through groups, through writing, through think-pair-
shares and so much more. The broader we are with our types of assessments the better we
hit every students needs in our classrooms (Shellard, 2005). When we do that our
feedback to the students is more genuine. I say that because a student might not be good
at a sorting activity but is good at multiple choice questions. When the teacher gives
feedback, they can use what the student’s struggles are and use them for their strengths.
Teacher feedback is one of the most important thing in student’s life. A student will not
grow unless feedback is given at any given time. That is why they teach us to always tell
students what we are giving them feedback about. Do not just say good job to a student
without telling them what they did well. To give feedback you must first have data on
your students. Data is very important to us teachers because a lot is based off of data.
When we are being evaluated most of the time they look at our data. Although personally
data should not be the what children are judged off. There are so many other
circumstances that students might be going through that data on a paper does not clarify.
No student will always be at 100% when they come to school. There are days where your
best student will come to school and decide to not do anything that day. But later on, you
find out a family member passed away or that child has not eaten since snack time the
school day prior. So, what I have learned about teaching from assessments, feedback and
data is that all that is important, but you will not know how to do it correctly unless you
know your students.

Bernhardt, V. L. (2003). Using data to improve student learning in elementary schools. Eye on
Havnes, A., Smith, K., Dysthe, O., & Ludvigsen, K. (2012). Formative assessment and feedback:
Making learning visible. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 38(1), 21-27
Shellard, E. (2005). How assessment data can improve instruction. Principal, 84(3), 30-32.

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