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Elgin Conditt, Kevin Sornig, William Replogle (group 2)


ENC 1101


The Three Little Thieves

This story begins with three mischievous brothers; Frank, Hamilton, and Kyle Swine.

The Swine brothers, always getting in trouble, mainly for stealing. The trio planned the perfect

heist, to steal the gold and money from a mysterious and very wealthy businessman. After the

robbery was completed, the three brothers went on their merry way to enjoy their new lives now

that the heist went off without a hitch. Throughout all their research and planning before this job,

they neglected to think of one crucial detail. The Swine’s didn’t take into account who they were

robbing, and if he would send someone after them. The businessman was so furious that he had

been robbed, so much that he sent a notorious hitman known as The Wolf. His task: Eliminate

the three thieves that had stolen his fortune. With his orders and unlimited arsenal he sets out to

carry out the contract.

Upon receiving their equal share of the loot, the three brothers then went on their separate

ways. The youngest brother Kyle, paranoid that he was followed, locked himself inside his shack

of a safe house hidden in the woods. Thinking he would be safe in his meager cabin. He settled

down with the plan to return to his old life once the heat had died down. Kyle could not have
been more wrong. The Wolf found him with ease, tracking him straight to the pittiful shack he

called a safe house. With Kyle unprepared for the events about to unfold, The Wolf burst through

the door with the intent to kill! Kyle frightened by this starts shooting with unsureness, but his

efforts were no match for The Wolf’s precision. Kyle reluctantly tries to fight him off, but The

Wolf was too persistent. Brawling with The Wolf, Kyle starts to pannick, struggling Kyle tries

with all his might but he was no match. The Wolf throws Kyle down, draws his pistol, and

continues doing what he was sent to do. The Wolf huffed and puffed as he pulled the trigger.

BANG! Kyle, lifeless on the floor as The Wolf calls his employer saying “Kyle Swine has been

eliminated, one down two to go.” With a click the phone call was over, but Kyle was not dead

just yet. With little life left in him, he struggles to get to the phone. Crawling in the pool of his

own blood to the counter where the phone lies. He couldn’t reach. Suddenly with a mild grunt,

he perishes.

The second brother, Hamilton, oblivious to his brother's death had spent his days

surrounded by luxuries within his newly bought penthouse suite in Las Vegas. With spring break

in full swing, Hamilton decided to throw a party with all of his fellow accomplices and others

who have been hired by less than reputable people for less than respectable jobs. With the stereo

on full blast, the people dancing to their heart's content, Hamilton looks out over the crowd and

sees a face he does not recognize. Suddenly, an urge of dread fell upon him for the character he

was looking at had a serious countenance about him which made him fear for his life. To calm

his nerves Hamilton walked to the bar to grab a drink, and who should sit right next to him but

the mysterious man himself. After an hour or so had passed by Hamilton and the mysterious man

had been drinking so heavily they became wasted, Hamilton excused himself from the
conversations to go relieve himself; but before hamilton could leave Wolf’s presence, Hamilton

collapsed on the floor dead. Concerned party goers thought nothing of it, but Wolf had slipped a

drug into Hamilton’s drink, paralyzing and killing him. Vanishing from the party scene, Wolf

had but just one target left to complete his job.

Frank Swine, 1234 Happy Lane in the middle of suburbian hell, lays down for the night.

Thinking that hiding in plain sight would be the best course of action after this incredible

burglary. Unbenounced to him, what happens next will ultimately change his life forever.

Suddenly the phone rings, his wife answers


A gruff voice on the other end answers back,

“Hello Karen, how have the treatments been?”

She hesitantly answers, “I’m in remission. Who is this?”

“Just a friend no need to worry; anyway, is Franky there? I need to talk to him, it's about

his brothers, it’s kinda urgent, they've had an accident.”

Karen turns towards Frank, as white as a ghost, fearfully hands her husband the phone.

“Hello, Who the hell is this!?!” Says Frank.

“Hi ya there Franky. You know, you're a hard man to find. Well... Mr. Swine, let's get

down to business. It seems you and your brothers have taken something that doesn't belong to

you. My employer isn't at all too happy about it. Let's just say two thirds of the debt is paid back,
and now it's your turn to pay up.” Frank hangs up the phone in a fit of fear and rage. The phone

haltingly falls to the floor. The distant sounds of what could be huffs and puffs of thunder. In a

moment of silence, it seemed as though time had stopped. A hail of bullets scream across the sky

penetrating the suburban home. Frank desperately scrambles to shield his sweet Karen! Frank

pulls his panicked screaming wife to the floor all while bullets chaotically ravage the Swine’s

home. As the dust settles, the phone rings again. Frank frantically answers!

“Hello Franky are you still there?”

“Ya!! I'm still here you *CENSORED*!!” “Stop shooting you psycho! My wife has

nothing to do with this! Please just let her go!”

A low growl reverberates across the phone and front of the house.

“Sorry Franky no witnesses!” A loud thud at the front door resonates all throughout the

first floor. Frank runs to his closet and grabs his sawed off shotgun. Frank then turns to Karen,

“Baby, I need you to hide in the closet. I have a pistol there. If I don't make it, I need you

to try and protect yourself! I'm sorry, beautiful. I love you!” Karen desperately tries to get Frank

to stay with her but he swiftly closes the door and locks her in for her safety. Frank then turns to

the bedroom door, he moves tactically through the house checking every corner, with his shotgun

dug into his shoulder. Frank makes his way to the kitchen, all while feeling as though Wolf is

watching him. Frank posts up in the kitchen waiting on his aggressor, Frank looks out the

window but he couldn’t see The Wolf. Two eyes emerge behind him from the black of shadow.
“Hiya Franky… I'm gonna gut you like a pig!!”. Wolf attacks with ferocity, knocking

Franks shotgun onto the counter. Wolf pins Frank’s hand to the kitchen counter with a butcher

knife and then wraps the sink’s spray hose around Franks neck!

“You know, Franky, you were actually a fun contract, too bad it’s over. Oh, sorry about

your wife. I'll make it fast!” Frank, struggling to breathe, spots his shotgun on the counter.

Starting to blackout, he desperately reaches for his last chance to survive. He clenches his gun

with fury and transports it to the chin of The Wolf.. BOOM!!...The concussion of his shotgun

point-blank at Frank face disoriented and deafened him.Frank falls to the ground still pinned to

the counter and exhausted after thwarting the Wolfs kill. Frank screams out in pain from pulling

the butchers knife from his hand. Karen screams out for her husband!!! But no answer, a deathly

calm falls over the house. She sits and sobs, until she hears footsteps climbing the stairs,

“Frank?!? Is that you?” Silence is all she hears and the stumbling footsteps, until they get to the

closet door. Karen's eyes closed draws her pistol up as the door opens and fires !!! A hollow thud

rocks the floor beneath.

So here we are: three thieving brothers, a hitman, and a trail of blood. Nothing short of a

horrific mess. All of this could’ve been prevented if the Swine’s would have just stayed out of

this risky business. As for the Wolf, his contract was over, but so was he. Frank and I are off the

grid. To everyone we’re dead, and we aim to keep it that way: under the radar on our little

hidden beach. As far as we know, no one will be coming for us. For the rest of our lives we will

remain in hiding. Yet I doubt anyone will forget about the Swine brothers, or their thieving

nature. Kyle did this for his own personal gain as well as to help cover the costs of my
treatments. As for Hamilton, not so much. Hamilton’s self righteous ways landed the three in

deep trouble. His bold and boisterous lifestyle was very easy to spot. All of his talks to his so

called friends about their heist probably got back to the businessman they robbed. He’s the

probable reason why they got caught anyway! What’s done is done and we can’t go back now.

This was their largest and final heist. The funny part of this whole event is that it was all for me.

It seems like everything Frank does is for me. As for me the cancer is all gone, not a single

cancer cell has been found since the completion of my treatments. Now all that's left is for Frank

and I to continue our new life, running and hiding as often as needed. With all the money still

left over from the robbery, we should have no problems staying hidden. Who knows maybe this

new lifestyle won’t be so bad?

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