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Monday, April 20, 2020

Complaint letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a commuter who have taken the 1860 Beijing to Shanghai train on November 11th
2019. I am not quite satisfied with your service on the train and here are several things I
want to complain about.

First of all, the lighting in my compartment was broken during the entire journey, that
made me impossible to read my paper because the whole compartment was way too

Moreover, the seats were extremely uncomfortable, there were a lot of dust and I found
a few empty bottles and garbage on the floor, there is even a dead body of an insect
right under my seat. This is absolutely unacceptable and disgusting.

When I tried to complain about the situation to an attendant, she threw a hard look at
me, and said this was not her responsibility to solve the problem. Her reaction without
any apologies was rude and impatient that made me so disappointed.

Therefore, I am writing this complain letter to you and I hope this will bring to your
attention and I trust that you will take actions to rectify the situation. Thank you for your
time and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Monday, April 20, 2020
Dear Sir,

I have just heard from the local newspaper that the city authorities had the intention to
enlarge the central airport to accommodate more flights.

I would like the members of the planning committee to think about the expansion plan
carefully for the consideration of the residents who live close to the airport. As they
have already suffered constantly from the huge unbearable noise by the aircrafts taking
off and landing.

My sister live with her husband and two new-born babies in Acadia Avenue which is
proximate to the flight path, experience the noise pollution on a daily basis. It is
troubling her so much since everyday her babies have the difficulties to sleep because
of the noise. I believe all the residents who live nearby have the similar problems going
on. If this proposal is approved and more flights are added, the situation of people live
nearby will be even worse.

I would really appreciate that the city authorities could reconsider the decision
seriously for those long-suffering people that are influenced so badly by the noise
pollution. As you know, noise pollution is as dangerous as any other kind of pollution.



Monday, April 20, 2020
Dear Sir,

As a regular library user, I am extraordinarily happy to hear that the local library has the
intention to improve its service and facilities. Here are some proposals I would like to

As we all know, libraries are essential for the students and researchers. And they play a
significant role in the education and entertainment of the readers at different age levels.
For students who study at universities and researchers who aim to go deeply into a
specific field, they have to spend a great amount of time finding the relevant research
papers and journeys for their work. Hence, it is important to make sure that the library
has the full list of reference books with the latest publications.

Nowadays administrative tasks and cataloguing can be done and found via computers.
Therefore the library should provide sufficient computers for the youngsters and elders
to have the access to the internet.

In my opinion, libraries should take all measures to make sure everything is keeping up
with the times. I will be very grateful if you take my proposals into consideration.



Monday, April 20, 2020

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