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Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

Alayna Greenland

English 2010

Salt Lake Community College

Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

The seats are filled, in the living room of a small worn-down house in bountiful. The

residual smell of food that was cooked earlier in the day wafts quietly through the air. The room

is cold yet cozy, sitting on the L shaped couch is Aspen Lopez, she is a student at SLCC. She

was a wide understanding of the teenage experience. She has been to many schools throughout

the Salt Lake valley. Where she has met many peers her age. Experiencing and seeing many

different people go through this crucial time in every individual’s development has given her

great insight on the challenges young people face when it comes to sex education.

Sex education within Utah schools have become an issue for adolescence. In respect to

their identity, sexuality and overall knowledge of sexual encounters. While some people don’t

see this as an issue. I feel it is an important issue that should be talked about. I chose to talk to

Aspen, because she is a fellow peer who is very social. She has attended many schools and made

many friendship connections with people in various ages. I felt that her insight would help to see

the overall social issue, and question if it is an issue or not. That was my first question, if Utah’s

sex education was a prominent issue in the state or not. She answered, “yes. While it isn’t the

most important issue, there are many other issues that should be taken care of before sex

education. But the sex education within the state is an issue. Because it sets the foundation for

teens who will grow up to be the next generation of adults to rule all overall structures and


I then asked what could be done to better this education, and what should be taught.

Aspen thought that the state should open up the curriculum to be less abstinence based. “While

the concept of abstinence shouldn’t be lost, and that idea is very important. We have to stress

that sex isn’t just an act, that it holds great importance to an individual’s overall moral code and
Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

wellbeing.” Throughout my research I found that Planned parenthood has a great website with

knowledgeable information on many topics. These topics should be the ones we talk about in

school. Just like the website these type of topics should feel comfortable to talk about and

discuss. The discussion and knowledge of sex should become more open within the sex

education system. We should talk about sexuality and gender identity in schools. And ways to

explore these pathways safely. “We should talk about female sexuality and consent and so many

other topics that society doesn’t talk about.” Aspen explained.

While I fully understand where she’s coming from, and I would love to live in a world

where these topics were covered. However, realistically could we make this happen. How could

we get past parents who don’t want their children to learn about such things? Although there

would have to be changes in the system and policy. These changes could be done. School boards

could have surveys of these topics and ask parents to pick what topics they want and don’t want

to be taught. There could even be differing classes for different topics, that parents could have

their children go or not. This would be a good start at opening up to these topics that aren’t

talked about. Hopefully make it where these topics would be talked about in every sex education

class. But for a start there would have to be big changes and accommodations.

Since Utah’s sex education is mainly abstinence based. (Tanner, 2019) I wanted to

expand on the idea that stepping away from abstinence-based sex education and talking about

sexuality and gender expression how that could help LBGTQ+ adolescence. If the education

system was to talk about different sexual identities and bring knowledgeable information teens

would be able to have current information to understand themselves. There are many teens who

don’t understand why they feel a certain way, and most don’t have anyone to talk to. If LGBTQ+

teens were educated about these topics it would help them understand their identity and help
Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

them develop to be who they should be. While LGBTQ+ suicide rates have been high in our

state. (Evans, 2020) Bringing attention to the problem and actively trying to stop it would help

diminish this problem within our youth. According to an article by Deseret news, Utah hasn’t

really cared about collecting the numbers of students who are gay, lesbian, Bisexual etc. They

explain how many Utahns think that not bringing attention to the issue the issue will go away.

(Evans, 2020) That is not the case for this issue there needs to be action. I feel opening up the

discussion about sexuality and educating the youth on it will help fix this problem.

I then asked if opening up the discussion of these controversial topics would overall

benefit the majority of teens in Utah or cause more problems. My question stumped Aspen

because, like me I have looked at the benefits of diversifying the education. She then explained

how it would overall benefit the community. As teens began to learn more about themselves

through this education, they would make smarted and more informed decisions. They would be

surer of themselves and more secure in their identity. But, “teens already experiment and do

rebellious acts, because they are teenagers. But if they were more knowledgeable, they would be

able to make smarter actions.” In summation it wouldn’t add the problems teens already face, it

would give them the background knowledge to these problems to help them face these

difficulties in their development.

While this issue may not seem as important as other issues around us. The sexual

education of adolescence can affect individuals into their adult lives and can ultimately affect the

community as a whole. When I began packing up my things to leave Aspen’s we ended the

conversation by talking about how the community would overall benefit with a more

knowledgeable youth. Innovations have been made when people are more knowledgeable of how

things work. Just to think how empowered our youth would be if they understood themselves a
Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth

little better. I would rather live in a community that is open and knowledgeable of the multiple

aspects of the human experience. “I feel this issue should be talked about more because there are

many teens who do struggle with these issues. The youth are our future, and I want the future to

have the tools and resources to make smarted decisions rather than repeat history.” Aspen stated

while we departed ways.

Profile: Sex Education in Utah and How it Effects Local Youth


Evans, E. (2020, February 11). Suicidality is decreasing among LGBTQ youths in the U.S.,

report says. What about in Utah? Retrieved from

behavior-study-pediatrics-cdc-yrbs-dataParenthood, P. (n.d.). Sexual Health Information For

Teens: Sex Facts & Myths. Retrieved from, C., & Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. (2019,

February 26). The sex ed bill clarifying what Utah teachers can say about condoms passed in the

House - with surprising support. Retrieved from

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