1.05 Analyzing Components of Culture

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Name: Jeheim Rudolph

Date: 2-19-20

School: Central High School

Facilitator: Mr. Alonso Caldwell

1.05 Analyzing Components of Culture

Complete Parts 1-4 below. Submit your completed work to 1.05 Analyzing Components of Culture

Part 1 directions: Identify each item in the chart below as an example of material or symbolic
(non-material) culture by placing an “X” in the corresponding box.

Material or Symbolic Culture? Material Symbolic

1.​ Y
​ our school building X

2.​ R
​ eligious beliefs X

3.​ A
​ hamburger X

4.​ A
​ cross X

5.​ K
​ nowing the President’s name X

6.​ A
​ history textbook X

7.​ L
​ istening to music X

8.​ A
​ baseball glove X
9.​ Y
​ our favorite shirt X

10.​ S
​ poken language X

Part 2 directions: Identify each item in the chart below as an example of a folkway, a more or a
taboo in American society by placing an “X” in the corresponding box.

Folkway, More or Taboo? Folkway More Taboo

11.​ E
​ ating with chopsticks X

12.​ P
​ ublic nudity X

13.​ S
​ peeding in a car X

14.​ I​ ncest X

15.​ ​Wearing shoes in a grocery X


16.​ S
​ haking hands as a greeting X

17.​ ​Driving on the right side of the


18.​ C
​ annibalism X

19.​ V
​ andalism

20.​ U
​ sing foul language in public
Part 3 directions: Identify each item in the chart below as an example of an informal sanction or a
formal sanction by placing an “X” in the corresponding box.

Informal or formal sanction? Informal Formal

21.​ V
​ erbal praise X

22.​ P
​ at on the back X

23.​ S
​ peeding ticket X

24.​ G
​ laring X

25.​ W
​ ritten commendation X

26.​ W
​ inning an Oscar

27.​ A
​ “high five”

28.​ D
​ etention slip

29.​ G
​ ossip

30.​ A
​ voidance/shunning

Part 4 directions: Write a 1-paragraph short story using EXAMPLES of the terms in each
chart above.

Your story should include: ​material ​or​ symbolic aspect of culture​; a ​folkway, more
or​ taboo​; and a ​formal ​or​ informal sanction
Note the following style changes: Change the font color for your example of material
or symbolic culture to ​red​. Change the font color for your example of a folkway,
more or taboo to ​blue​. Change the font color for your example of informal or
formal sanction to ​green​.

India was on a quest to find out ​how to drive​. She knew that there were rules like ​staying on the
correct lane​, or ​driving on the speed limit​. The first thing she decided to do was practice every Saturday
and Sunday. It took awhile but she finally felt that she was very prepared to take her driver’s test. Months
later, on her seventeenth birthday, her father ​bought her a car​.

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