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Rehabilitation of Buildings and


Name: K.E.Ramesh Kumar


The paper emphasize on Rehabilitation of Buildings and Bridges. The purpose of the paper is
to highlight the methods of repair and rehabilitation to be undertaken for structures with defects and
deficiencies that necessitate rehabilitation. The paper outlines the issues and trends in the sphere of
repair and rehabilitation of structures and gives a compelling description of the latest developments,
which could shape the future along with its potential for further innovation. Repair and
Rehabilitation methods currently used are reviewed on the basis of present knowledge and the merit
of a holistic system approach, which takes into account not only the individual processes and
phenomena but also most importantly their interaction. This paper focuses on visible symptoms of
the problem rather than on visible and invisible problems as well as the possible causes behind them.
This paper focuses about the repair materials and the techniques used since the use of appropriate
repair materials and techniques is essential for the satisfactory performance of the repaired structure.
This paper presents an analysis of concrete illnesses, curing treatments, and problems leading to
unsatisfactory performance of repaired concrete structures. This paper describes the types of surface
preparations that are commonly adopted in Indian conditions and their limitations. An attempt has
been made in this paper to discuss the properties and types of grouts, the application techniques. The
paper highlights the problem of corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete structures and attempts to
provide the measures available in design to mitigate the effects of corrosion. The various types of
coatings available and the precautions to be taken in the selection of coating systems in view of these
limitations are also discussed. This presents a review on the use of silica fume to control damaging
alkali-silica reaction in concrete, with particular emphasis on the development of a new standard
practice. In particular, the latest information on important technical findings pertaining to hot-dip
galvanizing is discussed. This highlights the importance of epoxy resins and systems in the
construction/civil engineering applications such as repairing of cracks, patching and grouting of
concrete, industrial flooring, structural adhesives, anti-corrosive linings, etc. This also discusses how
electrochemical repairs of reinforced concrete structures are proving to be highly effective in terms
of durability, life cycle costing and the ability to extend concrete protection beyond the boundaries of
localized patch repairs. Traditional measures are not covered in detail and the newer technologies
and materials are featured. The paper concludes with a typical session of the expert system, which is
a system for diagnosing causes and repairs of defects in reinforced concrete structures.

Structural rehabilitation work has come to the forefront of industry practice in response to the
aging of buildings and civil infrastructure worldwide. The general decrease in the new construction
activity forced the concrete repair and rehabilitation. Current repair and protection techniques and
practices used in the rehabilitation of deteriorated structures have been derived largely from methods
used in new construction. An effective retrofit solution is one that is durable and relatively easy to
design and evaluate, while minimizing the need for specialized labour and service disruption and
lowering total costs, even when requiring more expensive material.
The tasks of the structural engineers are not only designing and building new structures.
Increasingly, they are called up to consider the maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of existing
structures, both bridges and buildings. The Rehabilitation of structures include the following
 Inspection methods, assessment, monitoring, maintenance of structures
 Concrete durability, fatigue issues in bridges, seismic strengthening issues, laboratory
studies, dynamic testing and analysis
 Seismic strengthening of bridges and buildings
 General repairs for bridges and buildings

The rehabilitation methods involve the attachment of new materials to existing structures or
applying protective coatings to the structures. Research in rehabilitation includes the prevention of
corrosion of steel which is the most important structural member used in the construction.
Research in design, behavior, and analysis of reinforced building and bridge construction includes
studies in materials, components, and complete structural systems. Materials studies have included
normal- and high-strength concretes; effects of materials aging and materials deterioration on
component properties; bond between concrete and steel reinforcement, and use of headed
The current research interests also include design, behavior, and analysis of reinforced concrete
buildings and bridge construction with an emphasis on earthquake engineering applications; seismic
evaluation and rehabilitation of existing construction; and performance-based earthquake


Structure rehabilitating or retrofitting is a process whereby an existing structure is enhanced to
increase the probability that the structure will survive for a long period of time and also against
earthquake forces. This can be accomplished through the addition of new structural elements, the
strengthening of existing structural elements, and/or the addition of base isolators.
Structural repair of reinforced concrete members incorporates numerous repair techniques
depending on the structure's type of reinforcement, extent of deterioration, type of distress and
logistical access points. Different types of reinforcement require various demolition and surface
preparation techniques. Typically, structural deterioration of reinforced concrete members can occur
as surface scaling, spalling, cracking, corrosion of reinforcing steel, weathering, post-tension losses,
deflection beam shortening, volume shrinkage and strength reduction. Moisture, chlorides,
carbonation, and chemical attack induce these; freeze thaw disintegration, and sulfate attack, erosion
and alkali aggregate reaction.
The rehabilitation measures includes epoxy mortar, epoxy bonding coat, epoxy grout, polymer
based bonding slurry and mortar, jacketing of columns, shotcreting, epoxy grouting, cement grouting
accordingly to the type of distress. The member’s load bearing capacity, structural shape and
location greatly influence material placement techniques and material selection.
Rehabilitation of bridges is confined to both superstructure and substructure. The distress
generally observed is appearance of cracks, honeycombing, and spalling of concrete and corrosion in
reinforcement/metallic bearings in simply supported and balanced cantilever bridges with
articulations. The rehabilitation measures include application of cement/polymer modified mortar,
guniting, shotcreting, cement/epoxy grouting, epoxy protective/bonding coating, repairing of
articulations by lifting suspended spans or without lifting suspended spans by transferring their load
by prestressing cables to adjacent spans, replacement of bearings by lifting superstructure,
repair/replacement of expansion joints and strengthening of bridges by external prestressing.
Deficient bridges are to be rehabilitated according to their needs. Bridges must be rehabilitated to the
same criteria as new bridges. The techniques to achieve earthquake resistant design includes; adding
base isolators, wrapping columns, strengthening footings, adding hinge restrainers, and increasing
the width of supports at abutments so that the superstructure will not fall off the support.
In rehabilitation process good/sound concrete sharing the load should not be removed for any
reason, as is being done today. The second principle of restoration of structurally distressed RC
members is to restore the building portion by portion.
Buildings and other concrete structures suffer deterioration due to a variety of reasons. These
may vary from corrosion of rebars to deficient workmanship at site during construction.
The first principle should therefore be that the treatment should be limited to locations where
the problem (e.g. spalling of cover concrete due to corrosion of rebars) occurs. The efficiency of
various techniques like guniting, jacketing, etc. in restoration can be considerably enhanced. It is
practically impossible to de-stress the RC members to be restored before treatment and reload them
back after the restoration - as restoration has to be taken up in as is condition, and when the building
is occupied.

Concrete repair has moved from a relatively unknown phenomenon to a position of
international importance. Characteristics of the repair product may now be stipulated; these may
include, for example, strengths, bond and permeability characteristics. Equally as important is the
limitation of drying shrinkage. Excessive shrinkage can lead to the negation of other specified



The main purpose of surface preparation is to provide maximum coating adhesion and to
increase the surface area by increasing the roughness of the surface. Indeed, in order to achieve a
proper rehabilitation job, it is important to have proper surface preparation. The durability of the
bond in repair systems is a lasting interfacial coexistence of repair and existing phases. Achieving an
adequate lasting bond between repair materials and existing concrete is a critical requirement for
durable concrete repair. Good surface preparation using proper concrete removal methods and
workmanship is the key element in a long-lasting concrete repair technique.


Grouting is the process of placing a material into cavities in concrete or masonry structures for
the purpose of embedding reinforcing bars, increasing the load bearing capacity of a structure,
restoring the monolithic nature of a structural member, filling voids around precast connections and
steel base plates, providing fire stops, stopping leakages, placing adhesives and soil stabilization.
Primary grouting materials and their common uses are:
CHEMICAL Mass Placement
Control Seepage Architectural (non staining)
Shut-off Seepage Structural (high-strength)
Soil Stabilization Caustic Environments
High Temperatures
Bolt Anchoring Building Envelope Insulation
Base Plate Leveling Acoustical Sealant
Acidic Environments
Smoke Seals
Bolt Anchoring
Fire Stops
Grouting is one of the age-old tools, which is becoming more and more useful with the
progress in material science. A large spectrum of new materials - organic polymers as well as
inorganic chemicals - is being used in structural and non-structural repair of concrete structures.
Methods of application normally used include: hand pumps, piston pumps, single and plural
component pumps, gravity and dry packing placement, micro capsules and single component
pressurized cartons. In practice, grouts must be placed at pressures consistent with good engineering
practice and at rates, which make use of grout materials economical and successful.
Grouting is a procedure in which grout replaces the natural fluids or materials in the formation
of a void. The specific mechanical properties of a grout are important factors in the selection of a
grout for a specific job. These include mechanical permanence, penetrability and strength. Similarly,
the chemical properties include chemical permanence, gel time control, sensitivity and toxicity and
the economic factors of availability and cost.
Used for soil stabilization - Characterized by low mixed viscosities, controllable/variable gel times,
ability to handle dilution (set up in moving water), low tensile and compressive strengths. Two
components (dual pumps) usually used, although not required for urethanes only.
Used for sealing cracks in concrete - Characterized by higher viscosities than gels, use water as
only catalyst, will set up with water to polymer ratios in the area of 0:1 to 1:1 or more, high tensile
and low compressive strengths, have expansion and elongation during and after cure. One
component usually pumped. Also characterized by lower viscosities than hydrophilic urethanes,
"iso" component must be added to main ingredient, cannot tolerate as much moving water as gels
and hydrophilic foams, much higher tensile and compressive strengths, little expansion or
elongation. One or two component pumps used.


Guniting is an effective technique, which has been extensively used in the rehabilitation of
structurally distressed RC members. There have been cases of heavy rusting of the mesh in the form
of powder or in the form of a sheet coming out. In the present practices the cover concrete is
removed on a mass scale, and even good/sound concrete is removed forcibly by chisel and sledge
hammer, has to make way for a more focused treatment of the affected part of the structure.
It is not known if the restored portion of the RC member shares the load as it did prior to the
treatment. De-stressing before restoration is possible only in the case of overhead tanks which can be
restored when the tanks are empty.
The guniting technique suffers from other drawbacks like dust and noise nuisance. Though the
guniting technique is now being increasingly replaced by other methods, the following points need
to be kept in mind for better results:
 Coating of existing as well as new bars by zinc rich epoxy primer to guard against corrosion.
 Mesh reinforcement is not advised. In the present-day practice of guniting, mesh
reinforcement is invariably placed further. This is not coated with any protective coat against
corrosion and many times the mesh reinforcement provided is already rusted before guniting
is taken up.


In this method the entire height of the column section is increased and a cage of additional
main reinforcement bars with shear stirrups is provided right from the foundation as per the
requirement of additional load, etc. However, there are many instances where the column section is
increased with additional reinforcement bars only on one face, and that too starting from the floor
slab level of a particular floor and only up to the height of deterioration of the column. This
additional section with additional reinforcement helps by reducing the floor space of the room with
obstacles. This is commonly referred to as jacketing.
The prolonging service life and enhancing the load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete
(RC) structures calls for new approaches in addition to the well-established techniques. The recent
development in the field of structural adhesives, particularly the ones that are based on epoxy resins,
has led to the development of new technique of strengthening RC structural by adhesively-bonded
external plates. In these methods of strengthening, an epoxy adhesive (normally consisting of two
components - a resin and a hardener) is used to bond steel plates to overstressed regions of RC
members. Normally, the steel plates are located in the tension zone of concrete to enhance the
flexural capacity. The plates can also be placed in the compression and shear regions for enhancing
the axial and shear-capacities of the RC structural elements. As the adhesive provides a continuous
shear connection between the RC member and the external plates, a concrete-adhesive-steel
composite structural member is developed to cater for the additional live load effects on the
Concrete provides a thick and dense barrier and also creates and inhibitive environment that
helps in preventing reinforcement corrosion. But sometimes concrete fails and hence the structures
should be provided with economic and long-term protection against corrosion problems. Corrosion
of steel in concrete occurs when the passive state of the steel is altered. When the building is
constructed and poured with "new" concrete, the pH of the concrete was approximately 12-13. The
high pH offers a protective environment for the passive steel. However, due to a variety of factors,
concrete structures deteriorate. The two mechanisms that can change the passive state: Chlorides
(salt contaminates) and Carbonation.
Salt Contaminates: The chloride salt produces a continual layer of moisture on the steel. Once the
salt comes in contact with the steel, corrosion begins.
Carbonation: The second mechanism which causes corrosion of steel and the deterioration of the
concrete is the chemical reaction of carbon dioxide with the concrete to produce carbonates. The
reaction of carbon dioxide with alkaline hydroxides in the cement lowers the pH of the concrete
environment around the steel, and the corrosion process is initiated.
Once the reinforcing steel begins to corrode, layers of corrosion products (rust) form on the surface
of the steel, causing a tremendous amount of pressure within the concrete. The pressure eventually
exceeds the tensile strength of concrete and the surfaces of the concrete rupture, producing spalls on
the surfaces and major cracks. When spalling of concrete occurs, corrosion activity has advanced to
an extreme level and a major concrete rehabilitation project is just around the corner.

The technologies to protect against corrosion include cathodic protection (CP) for concrete and
metallic structures, realkalisation and chloride extraction, anodic protection for vessels in very high
or very low pH environments and on-line corrosion monitoring. Patching practices, membranes &
sealers, painting, galvanizing and other coating systems can also prevent steel corrosion.
Tremendous expense is involved in rehabilitating reinforcing steel in concrete.


A method to reduce chloride in concrete has been attempted by using aluminium oxide as a
chemical admixture. The conclusion is that aluminium oxide may effectively reduce the free chloride
content in concrete and thereby reduce the risk of reinforcement corrosion.


Steel can often be protected adequately by the application of suitable coatings. Coatings to
concrete provide protection against reinforcement corrosion, chemical attack, and water and salt
intrusion. The traces of impurities can significantly reduce the rate of corrosion and can be added in
low concentration to the surrounding medium. Paint is the most common coating used to slow the
rate of atmospheric corrosion. Many other materials, such as plastics, ceramics, rubbers, and even
electroplated metals, can be used as protective coatings. The corrosion resistance of a metal can be
greatly increased by the proper choice of alloys.
A suitable protective coating system will go a long way in enhancing the durability of such
structures under aggressive exposures. Among the various coating systems, two systems namely,
fusion-bonded epoxy coating and hot-dip galvanizing have found wide use.
A user-friendly method based on polymer-cement-inhibitor coating on steel which can give a
good impermeable membrane as well as effective passivating environment for steel. Test results
indicate that such treatment could be useful for both stressed as well as normal steel.
A significant development occurred in the coatings to manufacture powder coatings. These
powders, based on thermosetting epoxy, polyester or acrylic technology, are electro statically
sprayed. For general industrial metal finishing they offer advantages in film toughness as well as
eliminating solvent emission.

Cathodic protection is an electrochemical method of preventing corrosion and is being installed

on various condominiums and other concrete structures for corrosion protection. This reduces future
rehabilitation resulting from rebar corrosion. It has been used to prevent corrosion for more than 70
One method of cathodic protection utilizes thin layers of zinc anode that are installed on the
floor or ceiling of a balcony and connected to the steel rebar. When two dissimilar metals, zinc
anode (1.1 volts) and steel rebar (.5 volts) are connected, the metal with the higher voltage (zinc)
will generate a small electrical current from the zinc to the steel rebar. Through a series of
electrochemical reactions at the surface of the steel, corrosion activity will be arrested. The system
stops the corrosion process and eliminates deterioration of steel rebar and subsequent damage to
concrete surfaces.
This electrochemical method of corrosion prevention is becoming a standard part of preventive
maintenance for condominiums and can be applied at the time of new construction, before concrete
damage has occurred. It can also be applied on old buildings or after a restoration project has been
completed to stop future corrosion. Applying a cathodic protection system can reduce the overall
cost of present and future concrete restoration projects.


The polymer modified cement/concrete mortars; epoxy resins, high performance cement,
polymer based materials and FRP materials are best suited for repair and rehabilitation jobs. The use
of advanced composite materials using fibre-reinforced composites is the latest technique in the
emerging market of structural rehabilitation industry. The materials used for patching and other
filling purposes should propagate much slower, thereby extending the lifetime. The materials should
possess high degree of extensibility.

Polymer modified concrete/cement mortar

The use of polymer-modified concretes for major rehabilitation works is gaining wider
acceptance in the Indian subcontinent. Despite increased use of polymers in concrete, there are no
standards and specifications, particularly in India, to guide the specifiier, client and contractor. This
is based on first hand experiences of repair and restoration works of high rise buildings, bridges,
marine installations and bomb-blast affected structures.
Fiber-Reinforced Plastics
The Fiber-reinforced plastic composites are now being considered for many possible
applications in infrastructure repairing and retrofitting. Bonding fiber-reinforced composites on steel
or concrete structures should increase their service life and fortify them against earthquakes or other
natural hazards. The materials that are used for cracks are applied over it like a patch, using high
strength epoxy adhesive.

Epoxy resins
The epoxy resins are widely used in the repairing of cracks, patching and grouting of concrete,
industrial flooring, structural adhesives, anti-corrosive linings, etc. Various types of resins, hardeners
and modified epoxy systems are commonly used in structures.

Polymer-based materials
Polymer-based materials are being widely used in the building industry in various forms such
as coatings, membranes, adhesives, sealants, etc because of their high durability. These materials
possess predictable performance, the designer must have a good knowledge and understanding of the
properties of polymers, how the materials will interact with the environment in-service, and a clear
description of maintenance procedures and intervals.

High Performance Cement

High performance cement is the cement along with new complex admixture. Intergrinding the
complex admixture with clinker, gypsum, and selected mineral admixtures allows to rise the strength
and durability of the cement. Strength increasing is the demand for engineering of cement with high
volume of mineral admixtures or utilizing of industrial by-products and waste in the cement
composition. This phenomenon allows to use a required amount of mineral admixtures like
granulated blast furnace slag (35- 50%) in the composition to increase chemical and thermal
High performance cement based mortars possess low permeability, high resistance to chemical
attack, thermal resistance, and excellent freezing and thawing resistance. Very low permeability of
HP cement systems provides high resistance to chemical attack. HP cement system possesses
excellent freezing and thawing resistance. The production and application of HP cement and
concrete significantly increases the lifetime of structures and reduces cost of repairing and
rehabilitation works due to high durability.
Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) can be used for bridges to prevent corrosion. The FRP tube
filled with concrete seems to be a good alternate to address this problem. The FRP tube can be
engineered to provide sufficient confinement to filled concrete and to increase the capacity of the
section in shear and compressive strength and also provide increased resistance to earthquake forces.


One of the primary factors assuring durability of concrete repair is its resistance to cracking.
The control of cracking depends upon the amount of strain in tension before cracking occurs, that is,
on the tensile strain capacity of the system. The main thing is the understanding of the concept of
tensile strain capacity on extensibility of the repair phase. Crack prevention or its significant
reduction can be achieved by providing materials with a high degree of extensibility as a response to
restrained volume changes for protective repairs.


The structural integrity of chemically deteriorated reinforced concrete beams is restored by
repairing one set of beams by epoxide resin latex and another by polymer-based latex system. It is
interesting to observe an increase in the load-carrying capacity and rigidity of the beams after repair
and rehabilitation work of the structure.


Fiber-reinforced polymers or FRP's are robust materials that are highly resistant to corrosive
action, have a high strength to weight ratio and are well suited for assembly line production into
modular components that can be rapidly erected. However, FRP material costs are significantly
greater than traditional concrete and steel materials. Therefore, cost savings due to either reduced
weight, increased speed of construction or lower maintenance and increased life expectancy must
offset this higher cost to make sensible use of FRP materials.
Because of the severe environmental conditioning that bridge decks are subject to and the fact
that they account for a major percentage of a bridge structures dead load, they are the most suitable
bridge application for FRP materials. An 8-inch deep FRP deck weighs approximately 20-lbs./sq. ft.
as compared to 100-lbs./sq. ft. for a concrete deck of the same depth. In addition, FRP decks can be
constructed faster than conventional cast-in-place decks that take more time due to formwork
construction, rebar placement and concrete curing.
Overview of Typical Deck Systems

The majority of the FRP deck systems on the market today utilize glass-reinforcing fibers set in
a polyester or vinyl ester resin matrix. Other FRP material systems that utilize carbon or aramid
fibers and epoxy resins offer superior structural performance characteristics but are cost prohibitive
for use in bridge deck systems.
The typical deck systems on the market today consist of two principal types: pultruded tubes
that are bonded together with adhesive and honeycomb or sandwich core systems that are hand laid-
up or utilize vacuum assisted resin transfer molding techniques.
The overlay system can consist of a conventional latex concrete, micro-silica concrete or high-
density concrete; however, these types of overlays do not have comparable stiffness, tensile strength
and compressive strength properties as compared to FRP deck systems. Thin polymer modified
concrete and epoxy overlays are better suited for FRP deck applications.
Hot-applied asphalt has been used as an overlay for FRP decks; however, the temperature of
the asphalt typically exceeds the glass transition temperature of the resin. FRP materials begin to
lose their rigidity as they approach the glass transition temperature of the polymer and start to exhibit
a viscoelastic type behavior. The corresponding effect on the behavior and performance of the deck
should be analyzed and tested prior to the use of a hot-applied asphalt overlay.
FRP decks that are supported by beams require a haunch or fillet between the beam and deck to
provide adequate tolerance to accommodate geometric imperfections introduced during fabrication
or erection of the beams. Either a conventional non-shrink grout or polymer-modified grout can be
used to form the haunch. Regardless of whether the bridge is designed for composite or non-
composite action under superimposed loads, the deck must be connected to the beams with a
nominal number of connectors in order to provide adequate confinement of the haunch. Otherwise,
the haunch will break apart over time as the deck rotates over the beam line and separates from the
haunch as the deck is subject to unsymmetrical live loading.
The method of connecting FRP decks to beams is one topic. Welded shear studs contained
within grout-filled pockets have been used successfully for connecting FRP decks to steel beams to
achieve full composite action. The key to this approach is to ensure adequate strength and
confinement of the grout in order to develop the required connection capacity. The advantage to this
approach is that it utilizes conventional technology; however, the trade-off is the increased
fabrication cost associated with cutting holes in the deck and forming the pocket at each connection
Cost Effective Applications

The cost of FRP deck systems is approximately two to three times that of conventional cast-in-
place reinforced concrete decks. This high initial cost must be offset by either a savings associated
with a reduction in life cycle cost or a savings associated with the reduction in dead load. Thus, the
two primary market applications for FRP decks are replacement of deteriorated concrete decks on
high volume roadways and rehabilitation of weight sensitive structures. The benefit of FRP decks is
that they result in a system that can be rapidly erected and offer-enhanced durability that
significantly reduces the need for future rehabilitation.
The second major area is related to weight sensitive structures including cable-stayed,
suspension, arch, moveable and truss bridges. However, the most promising markets seem to be
replacement of open grating decks on moveable bridges and replacement of open steel grating or
concrete decks on truss bridges. FRP decks offer the advantage of a closed deck system that protects
the floor system of the bridge thereby increasing the overall durability of the structure. In addition,
there are a significant number of existing truss bridges with concrete decks that are deficient with
respect to live load capacity. FRP decks are approximately 20 percent of the weight of a concrete
deck. By replacing an existing concrete deck with an FRP deck, the live load carrying capacity of the
bridge can be increased without requiring significant rehabilitation or replacement of the main
structural members.
FRP deck systems offer the benefit of a lightweight decking system that can be rapidly erected
and provides excellent long-term durability. FRP decks systems are available today as a viable
alternative to traditional decks. Nonetheless, further research, development and validation of FRP
deck systems is necessary in order to further optimize and standardize these decks systems so that
they gain widespread acceptance in the industry. Standard design and construction specifications are
necessary to properly design and build FRP decks. FRP's have long-term durability characteristics
relating to fatigue, freeze-thaw, creep and moisture.
FRP decks will likely never be competitive with conventional deck systems based upon first
cost alone. Our industry needs to make a fundamental change in our approach to quantifying costs
and making decisions regarding the use of specific structure types and components. The appreciable
advantage of the speed of construction and durability attributes the FRP decks and reduces the future
rehabilitation works much.
A number of bridges using balanced cantilever superstructure with suspended spans have been
constructed in different parts of the country. However in view of inadequate detailing of
reinforcement and lack of proper precautions during concreting of the crucial articulation portion,
many of these bridges experienced problems in service and needs rehabilitation works.


For enhancement of durability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in marine environment like
bridges, different protective systems, namely coating to steel/concrete surface, corrosion resistant
rebars, addition of inhibitor admixtures, etc are adopted. The efficiency of each system should be
ensured by conducting appropriate quality assurance tests.


A large number of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in India are deficient for seismic design.
The reasons for this state include: modifications in seismic zone map, upgrading in design seismic
force, advancement in engineering knowledge. The earthquake resistant design of existing structures
includes the addition of non-structural elements or equipments in order to resist the lateral forces
acting on the structure.
The basic approach underlying more advanced techniques for earthquake resistance is not to
strengthen the building, but to reduce the earthquake-generated forces acting upon it. Among the
most important advanced techniques of earthquake resistant design and construction are:
 Installation of Isolators
 Installation of Energy Dissipation Devices

Quartz sand does not contain silt and gives high strength along with polymer mortar. Good
quality river sand with permissible silt content is available almost at 1/3rd the rate of quality quartz
sand. Both river sand and quartz sand have similar properties. The strengths of the RC members,
which are taken up for restoration, are designed for M-15 or M-20 and strength of the polymer
mortar gives good strength even when river sand is used. This should be a point to consider
especially since quartz sand costs almost three times as much as good river sand.


High performance concrete of grade M 75, using silica fume, is being used for the purpose of
long durability. Silica fume is not only used as a part replacement or addition to cement in a concrete
mix but also to enhance the performance characteristics of concrete. Silica fume concrete is now
being used in the construction of hydraulic structures like bridges. The use of silica fume in
combination with potentially-reactive aggregates and determines the minimum level of silica fume
on the basis of the degree of aggregate reactivity, the alkali content of the cement, and the nature of
the structure. This approach is supported by data from expansion tests on concrete in the laboratory
and under field conditions, and by the results of studies on the effect of silica fume on the
composition of the pore solution. By the use of this type of concrete the Alkali silica reaction in
concrete can be prevented.


Hot-dip galvanized steel has been effectively used. The value of galvanizing stems from the
relative corrosion resistance of zinc, which under most service conditions is considerably better than
iron and steel. In addition to forming a physical barrier against corrosion, zinc, applied as a
galvanized coating, cathodically protects exposed steel. Furthermore, galvanizing for protection of
iron and steel is favored because of its low cost, the ease of application, and the extended
maintenance-free service that it provides. Galvanizing primary component is zinc. The fundamental
steps in the galvanizing process are:

Soil & grease removal - A hot alkaline solution removes dirt, oil, grease, shop oil, and soluble
markings. Pickling - Dilute solutions of either hydrochloric or sulfuric acid remove surface rust and
mill scale to provide a chemically clean metallic surface.
Fluxing - Steel is immersed in liquid flux (usually a zinc ammonium chloride solution) to remove
oxides and to prevent oxidation prior to dipping into the molten zinc bath. In the dry galvanizing
process, the item is separately dipped in a liquid flux bath, removed, allowed to dry, and then
galvanized. In the wet galvanizing process, the flux floats atop the molten zinc and the item passes
through the flux immediately prior to galvanizing.

Galvanizing - The article is immersed in a bath of molten zinc at between 815-850 F (435-455 o C).
During galvanizing, the zinc metallurgical bonds to the steel, creating a series of highly abrasion-
resistant zinc-iron alloy layers, commonly topped by a layer of impact-resistant pure zinc.

Finishing - After the steel is withdrawn from the galvanizing bath, excess zinc is removed by
draining, vibrating or - for small items - centrifuging. The galvanized item is then air-cooled or
quenched in liquid.
Galvanizing is used throughout various markets to provide steel with unmatched protection
from the ravages of corrosion. A wide range of steel products from nails to highway guardrail to the
Brooklyn Bridges suspension wires to NASAs launch pad sound suppression system benefit from
galvanizing superior corrosion prevention properties. Galvanizing delivers incredible value in terms
of protecting our infrastructure. Less steel is consumed and fewer raw materials are needed because
galvanizing makes bridges, roads, buildings, etc., last longer. Additionally, because galvanized steel
requires no maintenance for decades, the rehabilitation against corrosion of steel is insufficient.

The severely deteriorated reinforced concrete frame structures continue to live for years

disproving apprehensions of imminent mishap. If carefully nursed through proper rehabilitation

techniques based on the fundamental principles elucidated earlier, many a building can be restored to

a state of health and vitality. The materials used for repair and rehabilitation purposes should have

high degree of extensibility and should possess long-term durability. As of today the rehabilitation

technique by composite materials with fibre-reinforced composites addresses the problems of

restoration admirably and is perhaps the best suited. The proper method of rehabilitation for different

structures should be adopted. The rehabilitation method should be performed without de-stressing

the structure. The performance of the repaired or rehabilitated structure is more important such that it

should unnecessitate the future rehabilitation for the fore coming years. The need for rehabilitation is

due to the improper design of the structures during construction. Just constructing the structures with

long-term durable materials can eliminate the rehabilitation process. Steel for reinforcement in

structures should be provided with proper protection against corrosion. The structures to be built in

future should be installed with corrosion resistant reinforcement bars. Various methods for corrosion

prevention are there and the right one for the purpose can be chosen. The modifications in seismic
zone map, upgrading in design seismic force and advancement in engineering knowledge has proved

that every place in India is predicted to suffer earthquake forces. Hence the existing structures and

the structures to be built in future has to seismically designed to resist the lateral forces acting on the

structure from the ground motion.

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