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Mission statement draft

Utah teens struggle with many issues, such as the regular adolescent struggles such as puberty,

growing up and figuring out their identity and place in the world. They also face other issues as

well. Utah has struggled with high teen pregnancy rates for years. (find citation) As well as high

LGBTQ+ suicide rates. This can be linked to sex education within school. Sex ed class is where

adolescence should learn about these aspects, they should learn how to prevent and protect

against teen pregnancy. They should learn about their sexuality when it has to do with the

biological and emotional aspect when it comes to their identities. But in Utah sex ed is mainly

abstinence based. (cite) Because of this Utah youth are uneducated about these concepts in life

which in turn aid in high rates of these issues. Many states that teach comprehensive sex ed are

evident to have less teen pregnancy. Not only will a more comprehensive sex ed help decrease

teen pregnancy rates it will also help our youth be more educated about them selves and the

world. Changing just how sex ed is taught will help teach the youth about their bodies and make

them feel more comfortable in their skin. Help them understand others and how others function.

Help them know how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. It will help them know that sex is

a natural thing, but they need to make smart decisions and understand consent. Instead of being

scared and uneducated about something that is natural. Utah youth would be educated and

making smarter decisions, which will in turn benefit the way the whole community runs and

communicates. Help our state further our youth’s future to be better.

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