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I n d . E n g . C h e m . Res.

1987,26, 155-159 155

Kinetic Aspects in the Oxidation of Hydrogenated

E. Santacesaria*
C.N.P.M., Centro Nazionale Propulsione ed Energetica, 20133 Milano, Italy
R. Ferro and S. Ricci
Montefluos S.p.A. Company, 20133 Milano, Italy
S. CarrP
Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica Applicata del Politecnico, 20133 Milano, Italy

In this paper the kinetic aspects of the oxidation of hydrogenated 2-ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone

have been examined. This reaction occurs with molecular oxygen in gas-liquid reactors and is a
key reaction in the industrial production of hydrogen peroxide. I t has been observed that reaction
rates are strongly affected by mass transfer of oxygen across the liquid film. The mass-transfer
coefficient of oxygen has been experimentally evaluated in absorption-desorption runs by employing
an amperometric membrane electrode. Kinetic runs have been carried out in three types of reactors:
a Levenspiel reactor with very low interfacial area, a CSTR reactor, and a well-stirred batch reactor
with very high interfacial area. The kinetic regime has been determined and corresponds to a slow
to moderately fast reaction with a Hatta number in the range 0.2-0.4 and enhancement factor of
about 1. A second-order kinetic law has been proven to be reliable for interpreting the kinetic data.

In the process &-TETRA (Powell, 1968; Ullmann, 1969) rates. Therefore, in this paper mass-transfer effects have
for the industrial production of hydogen peroxide, 2- been carefully considered. In particular, the mass-transfer
ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone (THEAQ), is subjected to rates of oxygen in the working solution have been exper-
cyclic reduction and oxidation as in the following scheme: imentally measured, in transient conditions, for deter-
0 OH mining the related coefficient. Kinetics have been studied
by employing two different types of CSTR reactors and
*H2- (1) have been verified in a batch reactor.

0 OH Experimental Section
(A) Method, Apparatus, and Reagents. In order to
study the kinetics of the oxidation of THEAQHz,we have
OH 0 employed three types of gas-liquid reactors: a slightly
modified Levenspiel reactor (Levenspiel and Godfrey,
*02- W H 2 0 2 (2)
1974), a CSTR reactor, and a well-stirred batch reactor.
OH 0 The use of the first type of reactor, characterized by a very
small interfacial area, had the scope to individuate the
A mixture of 70% THEAQ and 30% 2-ethylanthraquinone operative kinetic regime and to estimate the mass-transfer
(EAQ) dissolved in a suitable solvent is usually worked up coefficient of molecular oxygen in the presence of the re-
in industry, as reported by Ullmann (1969). Also EAQ is action. The second type of reactor has been employed for
reduced by hydrogen to EAQH2, but it readily reacts, as determining the chemical kinetic constant, while the third
described by Berglin and Shoon (1983), to give type has been employed for testing the reliability of both
EAQHz + THEAQ THEAQHz + EAQ (3) the kinetic model and the parameters. Mass-transfer rates
of oxygen in the solution have been independently mea-
This equilibrium is almost completely shifted to the right. sured in transient conditions by the classic amperometric
However, in order to avoid secondary reactions, only membrane electrode suggested by Clark (1959). The em-
60-70% of the mixture of anthraquinone is reduced in the ployed electrode was from Ingold Co. The response of this
hydrogenation step. Therefore, only THEAQHz is in- electrode to the oxygen concentration was fast enough to
volved in the successive oxidation step. allow accurate measurements of the oxygen mass-transfer
No paper has been published, in the past, dealing with coefficient also by neglecting the time constant of the
the kinetic aspects of the above described oxidation re- electrode, very small in respect to the duration of the run.
action. This reaction can be classified as an autoxidation Two types of runs were performed that are characterized
in agreement with James and Weissberger (1938). How- by absorption or desorption of oxygen in the solvent of
ever, with respect to other well-studied autoxidations, in anthraquinones, that is, a mixture of aromatics. The liquid
this case, reaction rates depend on oxygen concentration. was gently stirred in order to avoid increase of the inter-
This behavior seems to be common to other autoxidable facial area by cavitation. The current signal, proportional
substances that form stable radicals as,for example, phenol to the oxygen concentration, was recorded during the time.
(Denisov, 1980). The oxidation of THEAQHz with mo- In the absorption runs, oxygen was fed upon the surface
lecular oxygen is usually performed, on a large scale, in of the liquid purged with nitrogen. On the contrary, in
gas-liquid reactors in which gas-liquid interfaces are the desorption runs, nitrogen was fed upon the surface of
maximized. This fact clearly denotes that oxygen mass the liquid saturated with oxygen. The presence of an-
transfer plays an important role in limiting the reaction thraquinone, in the oxidized form, has been tested and
does not affect significantly mass-transfer rates and oxygen
*To whom correspondence must be addressed. solubility. The measurements, therefore, were performed
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156 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Vol. 26, No. 1, 1987

to the gasvolumetric
o-\\ y



1 out

Figure 1. Scheme of the slightly modified Levenspiel reactor.
Floatings have been employed in order to avoid formation of foams.
(1)and (3) correspond to the inlet and the outlet, respectively, of the
thermostating fluid, while (2) and (4) are the inlet and outlet of the Figure 2. Scheme of the employed continuous gas-liquid reactor.
working solution. ( 5 ) is connected to a gas volumetric buret. In the same scheme is also represented in detail the stirrer used in
the kinetic runs. (1)and (3) are the inlet and outlet, respectively,
in the solvent of anthraquinones. of the thermostating fluid, while (2) and (4) are the inlet and outlet
The solubility of oxygen in the working solution has been of the working solution. ( 5 ) is connected with a gas volumetric buret.
evaluated by the method suggested by Nitta et al. (1983).
All kinetic runs have been performed, at 50 "C, on a
mixture of EAQ-THEAQ not fully reduced (60-70%) or
in the presence of fully reduced THEAQ. The composition
of the mixture was about 30% EAQ and 70% THEAQ in
moles, while the concentration of THEAQ was kept below
0.3 M.
The employed Levenspiel reactor is represented in 30 t /

2ol J
Figure 1. In this reactor the interfacial area was changed
by using floatings in order to avoid the formation of foams.
The reactor, having a total volume of 3 L, was filled with 10
1650 cm3 of liquid and was operated as a continuous re- 0
actor for the liquid and as a batch reactor for the gas. Pure 0 500 1mo 1500 ZOW 2500 rpm
oxygen and mixtures of nitrogen with oxygen were em-
Figure 3. Effect of stirring, with the turbine represented in Figure
ployed in the kinetic runs. 2, on the apparent interfacial area.
The CSTR reactor, used in the kinetic runs, is repre-
sented in Figure 2. It had a capacity of about 1 L and respect to the reference described conditions, increases the
was filled with 300 cm3 of liquid. mass-transfer rates of oxygen, in the sulfite solution. This
Only pure oxygen has been employed in these runs. A effect is due mainly to the increase in interface area, but
stirrer of particular shape, in Figure 2, was employed. This the mass-transfer coefficient also increases with stirring.
stirrer operates in such a way that both phases can be Since these two parameters appear to be always coupled
considered completely mixed and very high interfacial in the mass-transfer relationships, it is convenient to define
areas, related to the rotating speed, can be obtained. The an "apparent interface area" in which both the stirring
effect of stirring on gas-liquid mass-transfer rates can be effects on the true interface area and on the mass-transfer
determined with the sulfite method described by Char- coefficient are contained. The mass-transfer coefficient
pentier (1981) and Linek and Vacek (1981). This can be is consequently considered constant, with stirring, and
done by comparing the absorption rates of oxygen, in equal to the one measured in the described fluid dynamic
aqueous solutions of sodium sulfite, of opportune con- reference conditions. The obtained values of apparent
centration, containing cobalt ions, as catalyst, stirred at interface area, at different stirring speeds, are reported in
different values of rpm, with the one obtained in a solution Figure 3. It must be pointed out that the trend of Figure
of the same type, well stirred, but without producing 3 probably is different in the case of solvents other than
bubbles. This last condition has been considered by us, water. On the other hand, in our case, viscosity and
as a fluid dynamic reference situation, in which interface density of the employed organic solvent were comparable
area is obviously known. In the same fluid dynamic con- with respect to water, and the observed values of gas
ditions, the mass-transfer coefficient of oxygen, in the holdup were also similar, despite the different surface
working organic solution, has been determined, with the tensions. On the basis of these facts, we have assumed,
amperometric electrode. Increasing rotating speed, with as a reasonable approximation, the apparent interface area
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Vol. 26, No. 1, 1987 157
I InAl
equal, in the two mentioned systems, at the same rpm.
400 r
The possible error in this procedure would be, according
to us, of the same order of magnitude of the experimental
error in the kinetic measurements. The stirred reactor,
operating in batch conditions for both the liquid and gas 300 I
phases, is quite similar to the one just described. Since
the oxidation reaction is very fast at high levels of inter-
facial area, care must be taken, in batch runs to avoid the 200
dead time in mixing reagents. If this aspect is neglected,
erroneous conclusions could be reached about the presence
or not of autocatalytic effects in the reaction. 100
Kinetic runs in batch conditions have been performed
on fully hydrogenated THEAQ and EAQ, respectively,and
on partially hydrogenated mixtures.
Runs have been performed by introducing the liquid, 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time I S I
kept a t 50 "C and under nitrogen, a t constant feed rate
into the reactor, which has been previously fiied with pure Figure 4. Fitting of the evolution of current as a function of time
oxygen. In practice, oxygen mass transfer and reaction in an absorption run performed at 20 "C.
rates become significant only when the level of the liquid
reaches the impeller. Table I. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters
Reaction rates were measured, in all types of reactors, Determined for the Oxidation of THEAQHz
by measuring the oxygen consumption by a gas volumetric Henry const, atm cm3/mol H,,oc = 112 100
buret. This buret measures and replaces reacted oxygen Hb, o c = 109 000
mass-transfer coeff, cm/s kL(20 "C) = 5.5 X
without requiring any manual intervention. All the kL(50 "C) = 6.6 X
reagents have been supplied by Montefluos S.p.A. kinetic const, cm3/(mol s) kc = 3830 f 300
Results and Discussion Table 11. Rates of Oxygen Consumption Obtained in the
Oxidation of THEAQHz by molecular oxygen occurs Levensoiel Reactor. in Different Ooerative Conditions"
through the following steps: (a) diffusion of oxygen from interface liq PO,' rates, 103kL,
the gas phase to the gas-liquid interphase and (b) diffusion area, cm2 flow rate atm mol/s x lo6 cm/s
of oxygen from the liquid interphase into the bulk of the 89.62 0.744 1 2.568 3.12
solution with chemical reaction. 89.62 0.372 1 2.713 3.30
By operation in the presence of pure oxygen, the first 89.62 0.372 1 3.230 3.93
step can be ignored. The other two steps can occur si- 89.62 0.372 1 2.903 3.53
multaneously. Therefore, in order to evaluate the extent 89.62 0.372 1 3.400 4.13
34.23 0.372 1 1.507 4.80
of the reaction occurring in the liquid film, the enhancing 34.23 0.744 1 1.395 4.44
factor or Hatta number must be determined. This has 34.23 0.372 1 1.395 4.44
been done by evaluating oxygen mass-transfer rates both 89.62 0.372 0.4 1.12 3.41
in the absence and in the presence of the reaction. De- 89.62 0.372 0.5 1.30 3.16
termination of the oxygen mass-transfer rates across the 89.62 0.372 0.6 1.69 3.43
gas-liquid interphase in the absence of the reaction has "Initial concentration of the organic reagent was 2.9 X lo4
been performed with the Clark electrode. These rates can mol/cm3. The rpm of the stirrer was 300 in all cases, and the
be expressed, in the case of oxygen adsorption, as temperature was 50 "C.

ygen concentrations. The results are summarized in Table

11, along with the operating conditions. In the adopted
conditions, very low conversions were obtained, that is,
Integrating relation 4 from 0 to any value of Co, until about 3% in a hour, although residence times were rather
saturation, after the introduction of the proportionality long. Moreover, a change in the interface area produces
factor between oxygen concentration and current intensity, a change in the reaction rate. Therefore, it is possible to
we obtain conclude that the reaction is sufficiently fast to lower the
1 1 1 1
concentration of oxygen close to zero in the bulk liquid,
according to the classification of the gas-liquid reactions
reported by Charpentier, consequently:

where F(i) is a function of the electrode current measured.

The proportionality factor b can be obtained by dividing
the oxygen concentration a t saturation by the corre- In Table I1 are reported the values obtained for KL in the
sponding current intensity, and it resulted in b = 2.62 X different runs. The comparison of these values with the
IO-* mol/(cm3 nA). As expected, the trend of F ( i ) as a value of kL obtained in the absorption-desorption runs
function of time was, in all cases, a straight line whose slope should give directly the enhancing factor if, effectively,Co,
gives the mass-transfer coefficient. In Figure 4 mean E 0. Since the values obtained in the comparison are in

values of i obtained in absorption runs, performed at 20 the range 0.5-0.75, it can be concluded that Co, cannot be
"C, are reported. Data have been fitted by eq 4 with an considered equal to zero, and consequently, the enhancing
average value of kL = 5.5 X cm/s (ai= 0.16 cm-l). factor would be near to the unity.
Table I shows the mass-transfer coefficients and Henry's Other kinetics runs have been performed in the CSTR
law constants obtained, respectively, at 20 and 50 "C. reactor of Figure 2, which is characterized by a much
Kinetic runs have been performed in the Levenspiel greater interphase area. Runs have been performed at 50
reactor with various feed rates, interfacial areas, and ox- OC and at different feed rates and concentrations of the
158 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Vol. 26, No. 1, 1987

Table 111. Kinetic Results Obtained for the Oxidation of Oxygen retained
THEAQH2 in the Continuous CSTR Reactor of Figure 2"
flow rate
mol/cm3 rpm 100(conversion)
cm3/(mol s)
800 1
1.561 3.38 1900 77.8 4360 700 ~

1.427 3.38 1900 81.0 4630

1.111 3.38 1900 86.4 4422 600 -
0.783 3.03 2000 90.7 3440
0.694 2.49 2000 92.4 3734 SO0 -
0.555 2.83 2000 94.6 4246
0.833 3.38 1900 89.0 3467
1.111 2.26 1900 85.0 3100
1.111 0.99 1900 88.0 3090
"The temperature was kept in all cases a t 50 "C and the liquid
volume a t 300 cm3.

organic reagent. The speed of the stirrer has been kept

a t 1900-2000 rpm, which corresponds to 41-43 cm2/cm3
of the apparent interface area, as it can be observed in
Figure 3. The results together with the operative condi- Time i s )
tions are reported in Table 111. These runs have been
interpreted by assuming a second-order kinetic law and Figure 5. Kinetic runs performed in batch conditions a t 50 "C (rpm
employing the relation = 1800). Curve 1 is related to a 212-cm3THEAQH, solution with
concentration of 7.5 g/L; curve 2 to 270 cm3 of solution with con-
centration of 15 g/L; curve 3 to 290 cm3 of solution with concen-
tration of 30 g/L. Curve 4 is related to 300 cm3 containing 30 g/L
of mixture of quinones hydrogenated for about 80%. Curve 5 is
related to a solution of 10 g/L of fully hydrogenated EAQ. Except
that is, eliminating Co, the rate of oxygen consumption for curve 5, experimental points have been fitted by employing the
becomes described kinetic model with the parameters of Table I. Continuous
lines in curves 1-4 are calculated, while the points are experimental.
with the second-order kinetic law. In fact, in Figure 5 is
reported the uptake of oxygen, as a function of time, for
three runs performed in batch conditions a t different
concentrations of fully hydrogenated THEAQ. The tem-
perature was always kept at 50 "C. The runs have been
kLai has been calculated as the product of kL, determined fitted by introducing the parameters in the equations
with the electrode measurements, per the apparent in-
terface area reported in Figure 3. This product must be
equal to the product of the true parameters. This proce-
dure is convenient because it allows us to separate the
influence of fluid dynamic effects on mass transfer from
the influence of other factors.
The values obtained for kc, in the different runs, are
reported in Table 111, while the mean value is reported in -- -
02' ' rtransf - rreact
Table I. As it can be seen, the values obtained for kc in dr VMVL
the different runs are reasonably scattered in the range
of the experimental error for a foaming gas-liquid system d VL
- - - filling rate
as the one considered. With the introduction of the mean = constant (13)
value of k c in the Hatta number
and by integrating. Here r = t - tdelay, where tdelay is the
(Do,k&n)"2 time necessary for filling the reactor with the solution a t
Ha = (9) the level of the impeller. V0,' is the volume of the
kL transferred oxygen, while Vo,'* is the volume of reacted
it is possible to evaluate that in the runs reported in Table oxygen.
111, the Hatta number is about 0.2-0.4, that is, a range to By solving the above-mentioned equations, it appears
which corresponds an enhancement factor of 1 (Charpen- that reaction rates are only deceleratory, in accordance
tier, 1981). The conclusion is that oxidation of THEAQH, with a second-order kinetic law.
is a moderately slow reaction occurring mainly in the bulk No autocatalytic effect, therefore, is present in contrast
liquid, whose rate is affected by the mass transfer across with the behavior of hydrogenated durohydroquinone,
the liquid film.Therefore, both interfacial area and liquid reported by James and Weissberger (1938) and by James
holdup should be maximized in the industrial reactor. The et al. (1938). In Figure 5 are also reported, for comparison,
second-order kinetic relation has been chosen on the basis kinetic runs performed, respectively,on fully hydrogenated
of the following observations: (a) If a zero order is at- EAQ and on partially hydrogenated mixture of EAQ and
tributed to oxygen, the low conversions obtained in the THEAQ. As it can be seen, the kinetic behavior of the
Levenspiel reactor cannot be justified. (b) Changes in mixture is equal to the behavior of pure hydrogenated
THEAQHz concentrations in the runs of Table I11 are well THEAQ, while the behavior of EAQ is completely dif-
interpreted with the second-order law. (c) The oxidation ferent, because the reaction rate seems to be insensitive
of phenol proceeds with the same kinetic law. (d) Also the to the organic reagent concentration and equal to the
runs performed in batch conditions can be well interpreted mass-transfer rate of oxygen. That is, oxidation of EAQHz
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987,26, 159-161 159

is faster than oxidation of THEAQH2. Nomenclature

The absence of autocatalytic effects could be explained ai = specific interfacial area referred to the liquid volume,
in a classical autoxidation by assuming that steady-state cm2/cm3
conditions for the involved radicals are readily achieved. CO, = concentration of oxygen in the liquid, mol/cm3
On the contrary, it is difficult to explain, on the basis of CR = concentration of the organic reagent, mol/cm3
the corresponding radical mechanisms, the second-order Do, = molecular diffusivity of oxygen in the liquid, cm2/s
kinetic law. It is reasonable to suppose that the hydrogen E = enhancement factor
bond in this reaction can be transferred directly to the F = feed rate of liquid, cm3/h
oxygen molecule as already suggested by Etienne and H = Henry’s law constant, atm cm3/mol
Fellion (1954), for explaining the mechanism of dihydro- Ha = Hatta number
phenazine autoxidation. Similarly, it is possible that ox-
kL = oxygen mass-transfer coefficient, cm/s
kc = second-orderkinetic constant, cm3/(mols)
ygen forms a complex with the hydroquinone followed by i = current intensity, nA
the formation of two radicals that rapidly react, giving a P O , = partial pressure of oxygen, atm
molecule of hydroperoxide as in the scheme Ro, = rate of oxygen consumption, molls
S = exposed interfacial area, cm2
t = time, s
V , = volume of liquid, cm3
V , = molar volume
Registry No. EAQ, 84-51-5; THEAQ, 15547-17-8; EAQH2,
839-73-6; THEAQH2, 68279-54-9; H202, 7722-84-1; 02,7782-44-7.

Literature Cited
Berglin, T.; Schoon, N. H. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Deu. 1983,
The formation of radicals would be the rate-determining 22, 150.
step, and consequently reaction rates can be expressed as Charpentier, J. C. In Aduances in Chemical Engineering; Academic:
New York, 1981; Vol. 11.
r = kcl[complex] = kclKe[CR][Oz]
= kc [CR][02] (15) Clark, L. C. US Patent 2913 386, 1959.
Denisov, E. T. In Comprehensive Chemical Kinetic; Banford, C. H.,
where k , is the equilibrium constant for the formation of Tipper, C. F. G., Eds.; Elsevier: New York, 1980; Vol. 16, p 125.
the complex and kc1 is the true kinetic constant. Runs Etienne, A.; Fellion, Y. C. R.Hebd. Seances. Acad. Sci., Ser. C 1954,
performed in batch conditions at different temperatures 238, 1429.
James, T. H., Weissberger, A. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1938, 60, 88.
showed an activation energy of about 15 kcal/mol for the James, T. H.; Snell, J. M.; Weissberger, A. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1938,
apparent kinetic constant kc. This fact confirms that the 60, 2984.
mechanism 14 is more reliable than classic autoxidation Levenspiel, 0.; Godfrey, J. H. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1974, 29, 1723.
mechanism. Linek, V.; Vacek, V. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1981,36(11), 1747.
However, both of the mechanisms explain well the Nitta, T.; Akimoto, T.; Matsui, A.; Katoyama, T. J . Chem. Eng. Jpn.
greater reactivity of EAQHz due to the greater aromaticity 1983, 16(5), 352.
Powell, R. Hydrogen Peroxide; Noyes Development Co.: New York,
of this molecule with respect to THEAQHz. 1968.
Ulmann, T. Encyclopedie der Technischen Chemie; Wiley: New
Acknowledgment York, 1969; Vol. 17.
Thanks are due to the Montefluos S.p.A. Company for Received for review October 22, 1985
financial support. Accepted June 16, 1986

Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group

Contribution. 4. Revision and Extension
Detlef Tiegs and Jiirgen Gmehling*
Lehrstuhl Technische Chemie B, University of Dortmund, 46 Dortmund 50, West Germany

Peter Rasmussen and Aage Fredenslund

Instituttet for Kemiteknik, T h e Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Revised UNIFAC interaction parameters are presented for a number of groups, especially the aniline
group. Parameters are given for 52 pairs of groups where the parameters have not previously been
available. N-Methylpyrrolidone has been introduced as a new group, and interaction parameters
with five important groups are given.

The range of applicability of the UNIFAC group-con- presented by Gmehling et al. (1982) and supplemented by
tribution method is dependent on the availability of group Macedo et al. (1983).
volumes (Rk), group-surface areas (QJ, and group-inter- UNIFAC parameters have been published for various
action parameters (ann and ann). Extensive tables with specific group interactions. Recent examples of such
parameters for 41 commonly applicable groups have been publications are shown in Table I. The parameters
OS88-5SS5/8?/2626-0159$01.50/0 1987 American Chemical Society

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