10 Challenge

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Harmony McCorristin

Brett Rosen

 2 - 5oz cans of Chunk Light Tuna

 13.5 Light Coconut Milk
 15oz Black Beans
 12oz lightly salted peanuts
 14.5oz whole peeled tomatoes
 16 oz long grain rice
 4 - 15.25 cans of sweet corn

total weight: 10.5 LBS

To maximize your food dollars, you can buy

off brands, look for sales, use coupons, buy
only what you need, and never shop hungry.

I did not add perishable or fresh food, due

to planning to donate, but ways to prevent
food waste for fresh food can be to plan meals
ahead of time and make what you plan, not
buying more then you can use, and freeze or
can foods you can’t eat before it spoils.

The 10-dollar video was silly and over the

top, but it still shows how much more food
you can buy when actually buying nutrient
dense foods. Buying healthy foods are
cheaper because they go further then junk
food. Finding a good balance is the key to
saving money and eating healthy.
Harmony McCorristin
Brett Rosen

Ways other than weight to compare foods would be how much

nutrients are in the food, for example fruits and vegetables will
keep you fuller longer then sweets or chips and will give you more
nutrients to keep your body running smoothly

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