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Int. J.

Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12

Static scheduling research to minimize weighted and

unweighted tardiness: A state-of-the-art survey
Tapan Sena, Joanne M. Suleka, Parthasarati Dileepanb,*
School of Business and Economics, NCA&T State University, Greensboro, NC 27411, USA
College of Business Administration, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 615 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403, USA

Received 1 February 2001; accepted 1 March 2002


This paper reviews research on the total tardiness (TT) and total weighted tardiness (TWT) problems. Heuristic
methods and optimizing techniques are surveyed for both types of problems in the single-machine environment.
Complexity theory related to these problems is also discussed. Some extensions of the TT and TWT problems are given
for multi-machine environments.
r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Total tardiness; Total weighted tardiness; Single-machine scheduling; Multi-machine scheduling

1. Introduction weighted tardiness problem in the single-machine

system. The most recent survey was done by
In the area of scheduling, two of the most Koulamas (1994); however, reviewed the research
researched problems are the single-machine total on the TT problem only.
(mean) tardiness (TT) and total (mean) weighted Although the papers by Abdul-Razaq et al.
tardiness (TWT) problems. Although the first (1990) and Koulamas (1994) were of high quality,
research on the TT problem was done as early as neither explored the relationship between the TT
1961, the original problem and its weighted and TWT problems. However, during the past
version remain challenging topics of ongoing three decades, these two problems have become
research. In 1990, an excellent survey of research intertwined, with research on one of the problems
on the weighted tardiness problem was provided encouraging additional research on the other
by Abdul-Razaq et al. (1990). This review was problem. In fact, a number of researchers have
good and extensive, but it dealt only with the considered solutions to the two problems within
the same paper. Therefore, we feel it is relevant to
review the literature on both problems simulta-
neously, especially since no researcher has done so
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +423-755-4675; fax: +423-
recently. In addition, we present a survey of
E-mail addresses: (J.M. Sulek), extensions of these problems to multi-machine (P. Dileepan). environments.

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2 T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12

2. The problems related to the combinatorial optimization pro-

blems and also mention how complex the TT and
This paper reviews research on just two pro- TWT problems are in terms of this theory. Finally,
blems, namely, the Total Tardiness problem and we conclude with some suggestions for future
the Total Weighted Tardiness problem; we will call research.
them the TT problem and the TWT problem,
respectively. Since mean tardiness and TT are
different from one another only by a multiplicative 3. Optimizing techniques: Single-machine TT
constant, the review of research on mean tardiness problems
is also included here. To define these two
problems, we will borrow the assumptions and Most of the optimizing techniques developed to
terminology used by Conway et al. (1967). In the solve the TT problem used branch-and-bound or
single-machine environment, we have n jobs, dynamic programming as the basic computational
1; 2; y; n; all ready at time 0, to be processed on vehicle. Also, a few researchers used a combina-
a single machine which is never idle. No pre- tion of these two implicit enumeration techniques,
emption of jobs is allowed. A job j is defined by its whereas other researchers have proposed methods
processing time pj (which includes the set-up time which do not use any specific controlled enumera-
of the job j), and its due date dj : The single- tion methodology.
machine Total Tardiness problem requires mini- Two of the earliest optimizing techniques for the
mizing the total tardiness T such that TT problem employed the branch and bound
method developed by Schild and Fredman (1961)
T¼ Tj ; and the dynamic programming method developed
j¼1 by Held and Karp (1962). Although these two
controlled enumeration approaches represent a
where, for the processing sequence (1; 2; y; n), Tj ; significant improvement over exhaustive search,
the tardiness of job j; is defined as they are still extremely laborious and are applic-
Xj able only to relatively small problems.
Tj ¼ max 0; pi  dj : Lawler (1964) presented a dynamic program-
ming formulation for the TT problem. Although
Again, if wj represents the weight of job j; then the more efficient Oðn2n Þ than explicit enumeration,
single-machine TWT problem minimizes T; where the method was ‘‘computationally infeasible for
X n even modest sized problems’’ in the early 1960s
T¼ wj Tj (p. 302). In the same paper, for the linear penalty
j¼1 function (TWT), Lawler presented an LP formula-
and where Tj is the same as above. The mathe- tion requiring n þ 2T constraints where
matical expressions for the TT and the TWT
problems are more complex in multi-machine X

systems. T¼ pj :
The material reviewed in this paper is organized
in the following way. First, optimizing techniques It was shown that it is possible to arrive at a much
for the TT problem are reviewed, followed by a smaller mixed integer linear programming formu-
survey of optimizing methods for the TWT lation requiring only 2n constraints, 3n continuous
problems that are presented in the literature. This variables and nðn21Þ=2 021 variables.
is followed by the presentation of some extensions Elmaghraby (1968) presented a network model
of the both TT and TWT problems in multi- which was somewhat equivalent to the earlier
machine environments. Next, heuristic methods dynamic programming formulations. The cost
available for the TT and TWT problems are minimization objective function was changed to a
discussed. We then discuss the complexity theory shortest route problem. Elmaghraby (1968) also
T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12 3

showed how a branch and bound method can be penalty cost due to job tardiness. Computational
applied to substantially reduce the required results were reported in the case of linear penalty
computational time compared to the dynamic functions and the modifications which permit
programming method. Elmaghraby (1968) did treatment of non-linear functions were also
not report any computational experience but described. Shwimer (1972) suggested the use of
Shwimer (1972) later noted that the six step heuristics to reduce branching at the early stages of
method of Elmaghraby (1968) would be difficult the search and emphasized the need for better
to program efficiently on a computer. initial bounds.
A good theoretical development for the TT One branch-and-bound approach was proposed
problem was done by Emmons (1969) who by Rinnooy Kan et al. (1975) who made some
developed some relationships among the job minor extensions to Emmons’ (1969) results. Their
variables pj and dj : By exploiting these relation- algorithm was employed initially to solve the TWT
ships, the size of most problems can be reduced problem and then to solve the TT problem as a
considerably. Emmons (1969) developed three special case thereof. They observed that the lack of
basic theorems and a good number of corollaries structure which is typical of most combinatorial
relating job variables and used them to locate as optimization problems is more pronounced for the
many jobs as possible at the beginning and at the TWT problem than for the TT problem. They
end of an optimal sequence. At the end of suggested that looking into the effects of inter-
the paper, Emmons (1969) extended his results to changing more than two jobs at a time may be
the general criterion of the sum of identical, worthwhile to determine precedence relation-
convex, non-decreasing functions of job tardiness ships among some jobs. One of the important
(TWT) and then proposed an efficient algorithm observations they had was as follows: very
for the same problem. sharp lower bounds are needed in the earlier
Emmons (1969) did not computerize his algo- stages of the search tree, whereas, simpler
rithm nor did he compare his work with any other lower bounds could be more effective at latter
procedure. Although his branching technique can stages.
be improved by some implicit enumeration meth- Another branch-and-bound algorithm for the
od, Emmons (1969) was the first to explore the TT problem was presented by Fisher (1976) whose
relationships among job variables to reduce the algorithm uses a ‘‘dual problem to generate a good
size of the problem. This approach was later feasible solution to start with, and an extremely
adopted by many researchers to construct partial sharp lower bound to the optimal solution’’ (p.
optimal sequences using the three theorems and 229). The author generated a Lagrangian problem
then applying an implicit enumeration scheme for which was subsequently used to generate the
the remaining unsequenced jobs. After Emmons, lower bound. Computational results for 50 pro-
some extensions to his theoretical results were blems were reported. The author developed some
made by Fisher (1976) and Rinnooy et al. (1975); theoretical results which were used to reduce
however, these extensions were minor compared to the number of enumerations at the branching
the monumental work of Emmons. stage. It was claimed that these theoretical
The next optimizing technique was devised by findings contain the results of Emmons (1969)
Srinivasan (1971) who called his method a ‘‘three on the TT problem with some minor extensions.
phase hybrid algorithm’’. The first two phases of The next branch-and-bound algorithm was
this algorithm were used, as in Emmons (1969), to devised by Picard and Queyranne (1978), who
locate as many jobs as possible in the beginning developed an algorithm for the well known
and the end of the optimal sequence. Phase III traveling salesman problem (TSP), of which two
then arranged the remaining jobs optimally using a special cases are the TT and TWT problems. The
modified dynamic programming algorithm. computational results for both the TT and TWT
Another branch-and-bound algorithm was problems are reported, but no comparisons were
developed by Shwimer (1972) to minimize total made with existing methods.
4 T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12

Another solution for the TT problem, called the sequences (at the branching stage) for each of the
‘‘chain algorithm’’, developed by Baker and 120 randomly generated test problems.
Schrage (1978), used a dynamic programming More recently, several excellent papers on
scheme along with Emmons’ (1969) results. Their optimizing methods for the TT problem have
technique was compared to the method developed appeared in the literature. One of these was by
by Rinnooy Kan et al. (1975) and was found to be Chang et al. (1995). After noting that Potts and
much superior in terms of CPU time. Van Wassenhove (1982) had presented some
One of the best methods for the TT problem was conditions on decomposition positions to improve
devised by Schrage and Baker (1978) who made the efficiency of Lawler’s (1977) decomposition
skillful use of the dynamic programming techni- algorithm, Chang et al. (1995) obtained some new
que. The algorithm was compared computation- conditions on the left-most decomposition posi-
ally with those of Kan et al. (1975), Fisher (1976), tions. Another excellent paper was due to Yu
Baker and Schrage (1978), Picard and Queyranne (1996), who showed that if a procedure of proper
(1978). It was found that the algorithm of Schrage augmentation beginning from ‘‘null’’ were used,
and Baker (1978) was by far the most efficient in augmentation of a consistent partial order would
terms of CPU time. In a study by Kao and produce a partial order which is itself consistent.
Queyranne (1982), it was observed that a more Given his findings, Yu (1996) claimed to reduce
recent dynamic programming algorithm of Lawler the gap between Emmons’ dominance theorems
(1979) was superior to the DP algorithm of and the normal procedure of augmentation
Schrage and Baker in terms of CPU time. of partial orders. Szwarc and Mukhopadhyay
Two more dynamic programs for the TT (1996) obtained a new decomposition rule for
problem are due to Potts and Van Wassenhove the TT problem and used a pure decomposition
(1982, 1985), who utilized Lawler’s (1977) decom- approach to devise a fast branch-and-bound
position algorithm (discussed in the next algorithm.
section) in combination with the Schrage–Baker An altogether different approach to the single-
algorithm to produce an algorithm capable of machine TT problem was taken by Tansel and
solving problems with as many as 100 jobs. Sabuncuoglu (1997). The authors examine
Therefore, the authors legitimately concluded that, Emmons’ (1969) theorems about precedence re-
in practical terms, the TT problem had been lationships between job pairs from a geometric
solved. perspective. They generated fresh insight into
Another algorithm for the TT problem, called dominance properties among jobs so that certain
MINIT, was devised by Sen et al. (1983) and was classes of easy and hard instances could be more
based on existing relationships among the job readily distinguished from each other.
variables. The authors compared their algorithm In 1993, Koulamas reviewed a small subset of
with the DP algorithm of Schrage and Baker the single-machine TT problems, which are poly-
(1978) and observed that if storage availability is nomially solvable. He also suggested extensions to
unlimited, DP must be preferred to MINIT; some of these problems.
otherwise, MINIT may be considered as a viable In the past few years, a good number of papers
alternative. on dual criteria of which one is the single-machine
Another optimizing technique for the TT TT problem have appeared in the literature. These
problem is due to Sen and Borah (1991), who include Davis and Kanet (1993), Ibaraki and
developed a set of relationships among the job Nakamura (1994), Vairaktarakis and Lee (1995),
variables and a branching scheme based on these Ben-Daya et al. (1996), and Federgruen and
relationships. The computerized technique was Mosheiov (1997). The second criterion they
compared with the DP algorithm of Schrage and considered include number of tardy jobs and
Baker (1978). Although for most problems DP earliness penalty.
outperforms the Sen–Borah method, the latter All in all, the TT problem has been optimally
method generates a smaller set of candidate solved by several researchers in an efficient
T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12 5

manner, but there is still a possibility that more problem. Noteworthy papers include Elmaghraby
relationships among the job variables can be found (1968), Emmons (1969), Picard and Queyranne
and hence more efficient solution techniques for (1978), and Schrage and Baker (1978). For a
the TT problem may be developed by some future special case of the problem, when the weighting of
researchers. jobs is agreeable, i.e., when pi opj implies wi > wj ;
Table 1 provides a brief summary of the Lawler (1977) developed a ‘‘pseudo-polynomial’’
important advancements in research towards time dynamic programming algorithm for the
solving the TT problem to optimality. TWT problem. This approach also solves the TT
problem, which is a special case of the TWT
problem with wi ¼ 1: Lawler’s algorithm for the
4. Optimizing techniques: Single-machine TWT TWT problem has P the worst case running time of
problems Oðn4 PÞ where P ¼ pj : Lawler (1982) later devel-
oped another algorithm for the TT problem and
For the TWT problem, the objective function to called it a ‘‘fully polynomial approximation
be minimized is of the form scheme’’ which is a modification on the ‘‘pseudo-
polynomial’’ time algorithm mentioned above.
The worst case running time for this method is
wj Tj :
Oðn7 =eÞ where e > 0 is a constant.
One paper that primarily dealt with the TWT
Most of the research that has been done thus far problem is by Potts and Van Wassenhove (1991)
for the TT problem has been extended to the TWT who presented a branch-and-bound algorithm for

Table 1
Optimizing techniques for TT problems

Year Method Complexity TWT Reference

1961 BB Schild and Fredman (1961)
1962 DPb Held and Karp (1962)
1964 DP Oðn2n Þ Lawler (1964)
1968 Network model Yes Elmaghraby (1968)
1969 Dominance rules Yes Emmons (1969)
1971 DP-based hybrid Srinivasan (1971)
1972 BB 30 Jobs, p4.13 s Shwimer (1972)
1975 BB 20 jobs, >300 s Yes Rinnooy Kan et al. (1975)
1976 BB/Lagrangian relaxation Fisher (1976)
1977 Decomposition/DP Oðn4 pi Þ Yes Lawler (1977)
1978 Decomposition/DP 50 jobs Baker and Schrage (1978)
BB 20 jobs, p12.8 s Yes Picard and Queyranne (1978)
DP 50 jobs, 0.844 s Schrage and Baker (1978)
1982 Decomposition/DP O(n7/e) Lawler (1982)
Lawler decomposition extension Potts and Van Wassenhove (1982)
1983 MINIT Sen et al. (1983)
1987 DP p100 jobs Potts and Van Wassenhove (1987)
1991 DP Sen and Borah (1991)
1995 Decomposition extension Chang et al. (1995)
1996 Extension of Emmons’ dominance Yu (1996)
Decomposition/BB 100–150 jobs Szwarc and Mukhopadhyay (1996)
1997 Decomposition Tansel and Sabuncuoglu (1997)
DP=Dynamic programming.
6 T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12

the problem. This method used a Lagrangian summary of the research with TWT problems is
relaxation approach to generate sharp lower given in Table 2.
bounds for the TWT problem and the associated
sub-problem of minimizing total weighted com-
pletion time. Although the method was branch-
and-bound, it used dynamic programming for 5. Extensions to multi-machine systems
checking dominance relationships among jobs in
the search tree. Also, the method contradicted the We have already reviewed the research in the TT
popular idea that one should restrict the size of and the TWT problems in the single-machine
the search tree as much as possible by using the environment fairly extensively. Now, let us briefly
sharpest possible bounds. (Rinnooy Kan et al. look at a few papers on the TT and TWT problems
(1975) had a similar observation more than a for multi-machine environments. Both optimal
decade ago.) The so-called ‘‘curse of dimension- and heuristic approaches are considered here.
ality’’ is somewhat avoided in this method since it One technique was devised by Baker and Kanet
does not need to store all the results generated in (1983) who utilized a different definition of due
the process permanently. date, called the modified due date (MOD), which
Another paper that deals with the TWT is used in a dispatching rule for the TT problem in
problem is by Rachamadugu (1987) who identified a multi-machine job shop system. The authors
a condition characterizing the location of two claimed that the MOD rule compares very
adjacent jobs in an optimal sequence of the TWT favorably with other well-known dispatching rules
problem. No implicit enumeration scheme was that are used to solve the mean tardiness problem.
presented nor was any computational experimen- Raman and Talbot (1993) presented an integer
tation conducted. The author proved that the programming formulation of the TT problem in
condition mentioned above can be utilized in the job shop environment. The authors used the
reducing the branching effort for a branch-and- concept of MOD introduced in Baker and Kanet
bound technique. The author claimed that his rule (1983) to develop a heuristic solution for the job
has the potential to identify the situations where shop TT problem.
the first job in an optimal sequence of the TWT Another paper considering minimizing TT in the
problem is known even before the problem is fully two-machine flowshop was due to Sen et al.
solved. (1989). They developed a branch-and-bound solu-
Szwarc and Liu (1993) considered Arkin and tion procedure to reach the optimal solution.
Roundy’s (1991) (discussed in the next section)
weighted TT problem where tardiness penalties are
proportional to the processing times. They pre- Table 2
sented a decomposition mechanism, which either TWT problem
solves the problem completely or decomposes the Year Method Reference
problem into smaller sub-problems. a
1968 Network model/BB Elmaghraby (1968)
Recently, a new lower bounding scheme for the 1969 Dominance rules Emmons (1969)
single-machine TWT problem was developed by 1975 BB Rinnooy Kan et al. (1975)
Akturk and Yildirim (1998). They introduced a 1977 DPb Lawler (1977)
dominance rule, which guarantees a sufficient 1978 Branch-and-bound Picard and Queyranne
condition for a local optimum for the TWT
1985 BB/Lagrangian Potts and Van Wassenhove
problem. They claimed that if the proposed rule relaxation (1985)
is violated by any sequence, then exchanging the 1987 Dominance rules Rachamadugu (1987)
violating jobs will either reduce TWT or leave it 1993 Decomposition Szwarc and Liu (1993)
unaffected. Thus, the proposed rule can be used in 1998 Dominance rules Akturk and Yildirim (1998)
decreasing the number of alternatives to be a
evaluated to find the optimal sequence. A brief DP=Dynamic programming.
T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12 7

Three well-known heuristic methods, viz., the SPT length of time for problems up to 15 jobs. The
rule, the EDD rule and the minimum slack time authors extended properties characteristic of the
rule (MST) were tested and it was found that the optimal schedule’s structure to the uniform paral-
SPT rule, with a little modification, performed the lel machine environment.
best among the heuristics. An optimizing algo- Alidaee and Rosa (1997) presented a modified
rithm due to branch-and-bound and the modified due date algorithm for scheduling a set of n jobs
SPT heuristic were compared on a set of randomly on m parallel machines to minimize total weighted
generated problems. and unweighted tardiness. Li and Cheng (1994)
Gelders and Sambandam (1978) presented four developed a method to determine an optimal job
heuristics to minimize the sum of weighted schedule to minimize maximum weighted absolute
tardiness and flowtime which is actually a bicriter- tardiness for parallel machine settings. The
ion problem in the flowshop environment. Ow authors proved that this problem is NP-complete
(1985) introduced a scheduling technique for the for the single-machine case and strongly NP-
TWT problem for the proportionate flowshop complete for the general case. They also discussed
system. In another paper Kim (1993) presented a polynomial-time heuristic for the problem.
several heuristics for the flowshop scheduling Bernardo and Lin (1994) proposed an inter-
problem with the objective of minimizing mean active procedure for a bicriterion problem on non-
tardiness. identical parallel machines of which one criterion
Koulamas (1996) examined a special case of the was TT (and the other was set-up costs). Since it
TT problem for the two-machine flowshop where did not utilize a weighted objective function, the
he assumed that the first machine handles pre- procedure allowed the evaluation of job assign-
processing while the second machine is dedicated ments in view of the current situation—without
to the main operation. It was also assumed that pre-emption due to previously assigned criterion
pre-processing time exceeds time spent on the weights.
main operation for each job. Some dominance A more recent paper is due to Barman (1998)
conditions on jobs were presented and a poly- who investigated the impact of a few combinations
nomial-time heuristic for the problems was of some priority rules on lateness and tardiness for
developed. the three-stage flowshop. The performance criteria
Arkin and Roundy (1991) developed a pseudo- included: mean tardiness, maximum tardiness,
polynomial-time algorithm similar to Lawler mean lateness and percent of tardy jobs. Of the
(1977) to solve the weighted tardiness problem in priority rules considered in this paper, the most
the parallel machine environment under the effective were the Modified Shortest Processing
assumption that the weight of the specific job is Time, Shortest Processing Time and Earliest Due
proportional to its processing time. Recently, a Date rules.
polynomial decomposition heuristic was obtained Another recent paper is due to Singer and
by Koulamas (1997a, b) for the parallel machine Pinedo (1998) who studied a number of branch-
TT problem. The proposed approach represented and-bound algorithms to minimize TWT in job
an extension of the decomposition principle shops. An analysis of precedence constraints
embedded in the single-machine problem. The provided the basis for the bounding schemes.
subproblems that were produced by the decom- The authors obtained optimal solutions for all the
position method were solved by a heuristic. A cases where ten jobs and ten machines are
hybrid simulated annealing heuristic was also considered.
Azizoglu and Kirca (1998) proposed a branch-
and-bound algorithm for the NP-hard problem 6. Heuristics
minimizing TT for identical parallel machines.
Computational experimentation indicated that Although the initial attempts at solving the TT
optimal solutions were found within a reasonable and TWT problems used optimizing methods
8 T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12

based on implicit enumeration techniques, a A more recent heuristic for the TT problem was
variety of heuristics have also been reported in developed by Holsenback and Russell (1992). It
the literature. One of these is the shortest proces- utilized the dominance criteria of Emmons (1969)
sing time (SPT) rule which sequences the jobs in along with a heuristic developed by them. This
non-decreasing order of pj ; with ties broken in the heuristic used net benefit of relocation (NBR)
non-decreasing order of dj : This rule provides an analysis to determine which job must be placed
optimal solution, if it is impossible for any job to last in a sequence to reduce TT. They conducted
be on time in any sequence (1974). Another computational experimentation which indicated
heuristic is the well known earliest due date that the NBR heuristic was superior to the API
(EDD) rule which schedules all the jobs in the method of Fry et al. (1989) both in solution quality
non-decreasing order of dj (with ties broken in the and in CPU time. They also compared their
SPT order). This rule is also optimal, if the EDD heuristic with the optimizing algorithm of Potts
sequence produces no more than one tardy job and Van Wassenhove (1987) and claimed that
(Baker, 1974). NBR performs well compared to the Potts–Van
The algorithm that was developed by Wilkerson Wassenhove algorithm, especially for large
and Irwin (1971) for the TT problem, was the first problems.
heuristic that tried to utilize relationships between Another recent heuristic to minimize mean
the job variables pj and dj : Baker and Martin tardiness in the single-machine system was devel-
(1994) later compared the performance of several oped by Panwalkar et al. (1993). Their algorithm
algorithms for the TT problem and discussed (PSK) was compared with the W–I (Wilkerson and
conditions under which the Wilkerson–Irwin Irwin, 1971), API (Fry et al., 1989), and the HR
(W–I) heuristic is able to provide optimal solutions. (Holsenback and Russell, 1992) heuristics for a
Another efficient heuristic method was wide range of problems and was found to be
developed by Fry et al. (1989). This method superior to each of them.
utilized the adjacent pairwise interchange (API) More recently, Fadlalla et al. (1994) developed a
method to minimize mean tardiness. Fry et al. simple heuristic in which the most promising job to
(1989) considered 192 randomly generated pro- sequence in the last position is found recursively.
blems and compared their API method with the This heuristic was tested on classes of problems
W–I method. Their results indicated that the known to be difficult to solve. Fadlalla et al. (1994)
performance of the API method was much super- claimed that their heuristic outperformed the W–I
ior to the W–I method in terms of solution heuristic. They also demonstrated that their
quality. heuristic’s performance improved as problem size
Potts and Van Wassenhove (1991) noted that increased.
the optimizing algorithms based on implicit Ben-Daya and Al-Fawzan (1996) developed a
enumeration require considerable computer re- simulated annealing approach to solve the single-
sources in terms of both CPU time and storage machine mean tardiness problem. They claimed
requirements. In some situations, these huge that their heuristic produced much better solutions
computer resources may be neither available nor than the heuristics of Fry et al. (1989) and
warranted. With this in mind, they tested a Holsenback and Russell (1992).
number of quick and effective heuristics (like The modified due date rule (MDD) is known to
SPT, EDD and some variations and combinations be an efficient heuristic that can minimize TT in
of these) against each other and against the the single-machine environment. Alidaee and
optimal solutions for the problems tested. They Gopalan (1997) showed that the PSK rule of
concluded that the W–I heuristic (1971) out- Panwalkar et al. (1993) is nothing but an
performed the rest. Although the heuristic of Fry implementation of the MDD rule. They also
et al. (1989) was published earlier, it was not tested offered some new insight on the relationship
by Potts and Van Wassenhove against W–I or between the MDD rule and the heuristic of
other heuristics. Wilkerson and Irwin (1971).
T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12 9

In an earlier paper, Panwalker et al. disputed the 7. The complexity theory

experimental results of Holsenback and Russell
(1992) who claimed that their NBR heuristic for It is well known that scheduling problems may
the single-machine TT problem had better solution be classified into two different groups according to
quality than the API routine of Fry et al. (1989). the theory of computational complexity of the
Panwalkar et al. (1993) claimed that their PSK combinatorial optimization problems (Lenstra and
heuristic outperformed the HR heuristic. Russell Rinnooy Kan, 1980). Complexity theory identifies
and Holsenback (1997a, b) contradicted that find- a class of problems called NP-complete problems
ing and presented experimental results which with two important properties:
showed that, in general, the PSK heuristic was
(i) No NP-complete problem can be solved by an
inferior to the NBR heuristic. Also, in another
algorithm whose running time is a polynomial
paper, Russell and Holsenback (1997a, b) im-
function of problem size.
proved on their earlier NBR heuristic with a
(ii) If two problems are categorized as NP-
modified version which they called the M-NBR
complete, and if for one of them, it is found
heuristic. In comparison with the NBR heuristic,
that the running time is a polynomially
the M-NBR heuristic provided better solution
bounded function of the problem size, it will
quality without any increase in computational
be found for the second problem also.
Rachamadugu (1987) supplemented the dom-
In addition, the combinatorial optimization
inance tests developed by Rinnooy Kan et al.
problems that are found to be at least as difficult
(1975) by obtaining a local precedence relationship
as a known NP-complete problem are called NP-
among adjacent jobs in an optimal sequence for
hard. If a problem is not NP, it is a polynomially
the TWT problem. The author also described a
bounded or P problem. It is well known that the
sufficiency condition for identifying the initial job
single-machine TWT problem is NP hard (Lenstra
in an optimal sequence without solving the entire
and Rinnooy Kan, 1980). For the TT problem, the
question of computational complexity was open
More recent heuristics for the TWT problem
for a fairly long time (more than two decades), and
were obtained by Crauwels et al. (1998) who
only a few years ago, Du and Leung (1990) showed
compared such local search techniques as tabu
that the TT problem in the single-machine
search, simulated annealing, descent, threshold
environment is also NP-hard. Consequently, large
search and genetic algorithms by utilizing both
problems (n > 100) cannot be solved readily to
permutation and binary representations of
arrive at the optimal solution due to the exponen-
actual sequences for a large set of test problems.
tial or factorial growth in CPU time and storage
It was found that permutation methods were
requirements with increases in problem size.
more likely to produce an optimal solution than
binary-based methods, but binary-based methods
consistently generated good quality solutions
whereas permutation-based methods did not. Of 8. Conclusion
the search methods that were tested, tabu search
was found to be superior to the others. It has been almost five decades since research on
Recently, a good number of heuristics have been machine scheduling first appeared in the literature.
presented in the literature which dealt with dual The initial emphasis was on minimizing total
criteria of which one was the total (or mean) flowtime (Smith, 1956), tardiness penalties (El-
tardiness problem. Some of these papers include maghraby, 1968; Emmons, 1969; Fisher, 1976) or
Fadlalla (1994), Federgruen and Mosheiov (1994), variance of completion times (Eilon and Chowdh-
Sabuncuoglu and Gurgun (1996), Sridharan and ury, 1977). A good discussion of different aspects
Zhou (1996), Li (1997), and James and Buchanan of production scheduling is available in Eilon
(1998). (1979). It has been almost as long since the first
10 T. Sen et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 83 (2003) 1–12

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