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Future-mapping: A practical way to map out the future and achieve what you

Article  in  Career Development International · April 1996

DOI: 10.1108/13620439610114298


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1 author:

Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips Consulting Ltd


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Research into consulting approaches based on unconsciously operating metaphors of company cultures View project

Stemmed from discovery of a then (1988) new way of thinking about and envisioning and planning ideal futures View project

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Career Development International
Future-mapping: a practical way to map out the future and achieve what you want
Bill Phillips
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Bill Phillips, (1996),"Future-mapping: a practical way to map out the future and achieve what you want", Career Development
International, Vol. 1 Iss 2 pp. 10 - 18
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Anthony J. Mento, Patrick Martinelli, Raymond M. Jones, (1999),"Mind mapping in executive education: applications and
outcomes", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18 Iss 4 pp. 390-416
Steven H. Appelbaum, Sally Habashy, Jean-Luc Malo, Hisham Shafiq, (2012),"Back to the future: revisiting
Kotter's 1996 change model", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 31 Iss 8 pp. 764-782 http://

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Future-mapping: a practical way to map out the
future and achieve what you want

Bill Phillips Management Consultant, The Phillips Consulting Company,

Rochdale, UK

Describes future-mapping, an What would it be like if you could take a leap the moment when you realized you had
innovative process for cre- into the future, stop, and look around, notic- achieved it. As you remember now the feel-
ative strategic thinking and ing that what you see, hear and feel tells you ings you had of satisfaction, elation, pleasure,
decision making. The idea this is real? Naturally, you would be able to or maybe just relief, remember also what you
consists of imagining already remember the leap, and all that had occurred or others said about your success. Perhaps
living in an ideal, successful in between to make your future happen. that little voice in your head congratulated
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future, describing it in detail In addition, how would it be if the future you, or yelled how it had always known you
as if it were real, and then you leapt into were one that you would could do it. What did you see around you?
“remembering”, step-by- describe as ideal or very successful? And if, Who else was there? What were the visible
step, how it was arrived at. as you remember the major steps and events signs of your achievement? The more you
Not only is the future ideal which took you there, you were to map them think back, the more you can realize that
mapped out systematically, out on a progress chart, this chart might your success may be described in some detail.
but the steps to making it serve, when you had finished, as something You will also be aware that, looking back
happen are likewise mapped like a route map to an ideal outcome. This from your success, you can remember the
out. Future-mapping has been way of thinking, which I first formulated in milestone events, the turning points which
developed through direct 1989, is now called “future-mapping”. brought you to where you are and perhaps
application in a wide variety This paper will describe the future-map- times when things seemed impossible. Yet,
of organizations since 1989. ping process in terms of what it is, how it problems were overcome, and new things
Provides three brief case works, its benefits over other processes, its learned. Even difficult people or relation-
examples and an example of value in teams – an example, conclusions: its ships were changed, thus moving things
its power in teamworking. operating assumptions, and brief case exam- towards your final outcome. You might even
Outlines how to carry out ples showing its versatility. have done things which, in some time past,
future-mapping at each you had truly believed could never happen to
stage, with explanations of you. In this way, you can recall exactly what
techniques, and background So what is future-mapping? steps had been needed to get you to success.
research. Defines some of the This process of looking back at success is
benefits of this way of think- Future mapping is a powerful process for
illustrated by the simple steps and faces
ing and decision making and creating a compelling vision, deciding how to
model in Figure 1.
describes its key operating achieve it and generating a motivation to act.
If you were to slide this kind of thinking
assumptions. Because it engages the normal mechanisms
forward into the future and apply it to a suc-
of mind by which we all get to know what we
cess that you have not yet had, then, as men-
want, it can work for everyone, is sensitive to
tioned in the introduction, you would be
organizational culture and style and helps
future-mapping. This is represented by the
people to notice immediate opportunities to
modified model in Figure 2.
take action.
It can range from being highly creative and
generative, to being detailed, tightly struc-
tured and specific. Future-mapping will work
How does future-mapping work?
for short-, medium- and long-term thinking Future-mapping works by basing yourself in
and planning. Short term can be as short as a the future at the hour or date of your ideal
couple of hours, and long term can mean outcome. This successful outcome, described
many years. Applications can range from in detail, comprises the vision of the future.
long-term corporate and business planning, Looking back from the future-base allows
to agreeing the outcome of a meeting as it similar milestones and turning points to be
begins. It helps creative thinking and the identified, as in reviewing remembered
sharing of ideas, and can build a strong sense success.
of common purpose among those who use it Apart from the similarity in Figures 1 and
together in teams or work groups, etc. 2 of starting with perceptions of success and
Career Development
International An example from most people’s experience looking back, there is another key factor to
1/2 [1996] 10–18 will illustrate the process. In recalling an note. Both in the remembered state and the
© MCB University Press event or a time in your life when you future-mapping state, the steps to success,
[ISSN 1362-0436] experienced success, you can probably recall the starting point and the successful
[ 10 ]
Bill Phillips outcome are all taking place in the mind. Visioning rather than forecasting
Future-mapping: a practical Both processes are imaginary in nature There have been occasions during future-
way to map out the future and with no real-world, tangible elements at all. mapping seminars or work with clients when
achieve what you want
It is important to recognize this, especially the idea of imagining a future time and the
Career Development when comparing future-mapping with other, events leading up to it have caused concern
1/2 [1996] 10–18 more chronological ways of planning or for some people. Some have considered it
vision building. Our thought processes can unrealistic, or were afraid that the
and do operate in any direction, forwards or unexpected, or things outside their control,
backwards, often whether we want them to might interfere. Some of these very real and
or not. ln the case of future-mapping, think- legitimate concerns have led to refinements
ing backwards has some advantages over in the design and use of future-mapping.
thinking forwards. These will be discussed There is, however, an important principle to
later. consider at this stage.
There seem to be two broad ways in which
we think or plan ahead:
Figure 1
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1 forecasting, and taking steps to manage or

Steps to success looking back from now
cope with what we expect to emerge;
2 “visioning” or dreaming, and taking steps
to make it happen.

Both these approaches are legitimate and


successful in many contexts and environ-


ments. Often, I have found that, when some-


Existing success one is concerned about “realism”, their mind

is on forecasting. This is by far the more com-
mon mind set of the two mentioned here for a
large part of the population. This is hardly
surprising when we realize how prediction is
so much a part of our lives. Just consider the
amount of journalisitic and political energy
expended in trying to predict what will hap-
pen or be decided tomorrow or the following
Past day. Under these circumstances, it is difficult
anticipation not to have doubts about the validity of pre-
dicting an ideal future.
Imagination Future-mapping, while not discarding the
value of well-informed forecasting, is more
closely related to the second form of thinking
ahead. It deals more specifically with formu-
Figure 2
lating a vision or vivid description of how you
Steps to success looking back from the future
would really want things to be if you could
control your destiny. It invites us to ask ques-
tions: “What do I really want, and if I could
have it right now, how would I have got here?”
Importantly, future-mapping side-steps the

sense of inevitability which characterizes


attempts only to forecast. It deals instead


with optimism and a sense of resourceful-


Future success
ness. Both forecasting and vision building, no
matter how creative, complex, or based on
past experience and accurate data, remain
figments of the imagination until the first
action and result dictate what must come
next. Forecasting, or predicting, is no more or
less real, or realistic, than visioning or
dreaming. They are just different ways of
preparing to act.
What Is the future-mapping process?
There are three distinct phases in future-
Imagination mapping:
[ 11 ]
Bill Phillips 1 creating a compelling ideal future as if it heading from Step 2, “How our customers see
Future-mapping: a practical were happening already; us”:
way to map out the future and 2 mapping out milestone events and achieve- “We have a customer panel that is meeting
achieve what you want once a month.”
ments that took you there;
Career Development 3 managing accomplishment of the “Our customers are tending to bring their
outcomes, beginning back in the present. friends now.”
1/2 [1996] 10–18
“We have had several letters again this
These three phases, although always remain-
month praising our back-up service.”
ing in the same sequence, are emphasized or
“Our customers feel comfortable suggest-
further subdivided into various steps, accord-
ing improvements; they are full of good
ing to the context or content to which you
wish to apply future-mapping. These steps
“It is amazing how supportive some
are outlined below.
customers have been when we have had a
Phase 1: creating a compelling ideal future problem.”
This first phase is designed to help you define Where possible, turning the verbs in your
statements into the present continuous form,
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what your ideal outcomes would be at a time

and date that comply with what you need to such as “is meeting” or “are tending”, will
achieve. Many people complain that they find reinforce the sense of things happening; as if
it difficult to form an image of how they your internal pictures are turned into mov-
would like things to be, and still more diffi- ing ones. Maintaining a sense of the present
cult to describe it. The steps you take here are is central to the effectiveness of this phase of
designed to help you do both. future-mapping[6-8]. Remember, we are
Step 1. Always fix a time or date for your visioning, not forecasting!
ideal outcome, and write it down. For exam- Step 4. For each achievement listed, write
ple if you were future-mapping a year ahead, down what can be seen, heard or felt as evi-
you would write down, “Today is 10 July dence (in this imaginary future) that this
1997”. If you were setting the outcome of a statement is true[9,10]. Taking one example of
meeting, you might write, “It is now 4.30, and achievement from above, “We have had sev-
our meeting is finished”. From now on, it is eral letters this month praising our back-up
vital that you behave as if this time or date is service”: see “the letters themselves in the
the present[1,2]. file”; hear “a colleague reading out the latest
Step 2. What is it important for you to suc- one”; feel “proud! one of the letters was
ceed in? Think of a series of headings or addressed to me!”
phrases which state in broad terms what you This process of detailing evidence which
are successful at, and write them down. In a you can see, hear or feel is what underpins
work or business setting, they may include the power future-mapping has to motivate us.
remarks such as, “New investments”, “Our This lets us know what we want, and helps us
share of the market”, “How our customers see to recognize it when we have it. Without this
us”; “How we work together”. For future- sensory evidence, the strength which the
mapping your personal life or career develop- vision can have to drive us is much reduced.
ment, typical headings might include, “My The ideal state of mind to generate when
job”, “Income levels”, “Where we live”, “My working through steps 2-4, is to mentally step
qualifications”, “Time with my family”, etc. into the experiences and see, hear and feel
The important point is that these headings or what it is like to be saying and writing these
criteria are those that you would use to things.
describe what you mean by success.[3] The above is a brief description of the four-
Step 3. Under each heading, and behaving step procedure designed to help describe
as if the time or date of your outcome is now, your state of success in as much or as little
list your achievements, in the present or past detail as you wish. The following three steps
of the second phase hold the key to building
tense[4,5]. There are two main rules for list-
the bridge between this ideal future and the
ing these achievements:
Each success listed must be one that you
yourself have been able to either directly Phase 2: mapping out milestone events
bring about, or at least influence. This helps and achievements which took you there
to maintain a sense of realism, wanting some- This second phase is where you are asked to
thing over which you have absolutely no remain in your imaginary future, and behave
influence, or which requires others to take as if you are remembering the actions and
action is to upset that sense. events that led up to your success.
It is vital to make these statements positive, Step 5. For each heading under which you
as specific as you can, and in the present or listed achievements, identify at least one
immediate past tense. For example, under the action or outcome that had to happen to make
[ 12 ]
Bill Phillips your success in this area possible, and write reduced by deciding not to be too ambitious,
Future-mapping: a practical them down. These are the key events or turn- by sticking to only short-term planning, or by
way to map out the future and ing points. The thought has to be that, if this reducing the difference between the vision
achieve what you want had not happened at the time, and in the way and the present. “Let’s be realistic”, we
Career Development it did, your success might not have occurred. sometimes say. Because the future-mapping
International Examples might be: vision is described as if it were reality (in
1/2 [1996] 10–18
• Heading: “How we work together.” present tense language with sensory
• Milestone: “We decided to get help with evidence) it seems our unconscious creativity
team building.” is directed to inventing the pathway in order
• Heading: “My qualifications.” to reduce this tension or dissonance, rather
• Milestone: “I got accepted on the degree than by scaling down the vision.
course at the business school.” Step 7. Draw up a simple progress chart,
In Step 2, choosing success headings helps to listing the milestones down the left and dates
frame your vision, allowing it to be “coloured across the top, then map when they happened
in” by listing achievements. Here also bring- onto the chart. Table I shows an example of a
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ing to mind these milestone or critical events chart developed in a light engineering com-
helps to frame or map-out your pathways to pany planning to install a computerized pro-
success by identifying markers along the way. ject management and production scheduling
In some circumstances, you may identify system.
milestone events which fit more easily with Phase 3: managing accomplishment back
particular achievements listed, rather than in the present
with a heading. This is perfectly legitimate, This third phase begins with preparing for
and depends on the level of detail appropriate action and for managing it. Although future-
in your context. Generating milestones for mapping has a strong tendency to generate
each of the achievements listed gives much spontaneous action, some groups have failed
more data for planning complex situations. to take this phase seriously, and have been
There are two important things to notice disappointed at their subsequent progress.
about these milestone descriptions: Step 8. Document the vision in a way that
1 They are spoken and written in the past allows it to be kept in people’s minds easily.
tense. Use pictures, charts, diagrams or written
2 They are expressed as “I, we or they, did materials if they help. One group produced a
this or that”. company newspaper detailing its achieve-
They may also be worded as “so and so hap- ments in news form. The more easily you can
pened”. This helps to keep them as specific revisit and review your map of the future, the
statements of past actions taken, and in the more continually motivating it will be, and
same type of language we normally use when the easier it will seem to track your
describing past actions for real. progress[13,14].
Step 6. Agree or assess and write down Step 9. Appoint a project leader or manager,
when each milestone action or event took and give them authority to remind others of
place, and if significant, who was involved. their deadlines and agreements to take
One powerful effect in the future-mapping action. In a work or organization setting, this
process happens at this step. In “remember- step can make the difference between making
ing” your success, the timing of these mile- rapid, recognizable progress, and people
stones becomes obvious. It is as if a kind of becoming immersed in the day-to-day activity
anxiety or “cognitive dissonance”[11,12] is set that helps them not get to what they agreed to
up when we generate or choose a vision of a do, and which often makes the simplest
very different future. This anxiety is usually action a major hurdle to overcome. Even the

Table I
A simple progress or Gantt chart
Milestones January February March April
Consulted staff xxx
Agreed new plan x
Purchased equipment x
Trained staff xxxxxxxxxxx xxx
Installed equipment xxx
Met interim target x

[ 13 ]
Bill Phillips simplest of progress monitoring techniques than problems. Most of us are more moti-
Future-mapping: a practical will have a valuable effect. vated by thoughts of achievement rather
way to map out the future and Step 10. Draw up a timetable of events and than of difficulties.
achieve what you want actions developed from the milestones identi- • It is success-centred, side-stepping common
Career Development fied in step 5 and beyond. Timetabling mile- feelings such as fear of failure and seeing
International only hurdles that need to be overcome. It
stones has already been suggested in step 7.
1/2 [1996] 10–18
This step 10 timetable is likely to include begins by generating a sense of achieve-
much more detailed dates and actions, and is ment.
the stage at which the small steps to accom- • It is flexible and versatile, being well-suited
plish each milestone are agreed and written to a very wide range of needs to plan or
into people’s diaries. make decisions about the future from just
If future-mapping is related to project eval- hours to years ahead.
uation and review technique (PERT) project • Future-mapping releases creativity, espe-
planning techniques, developing headings, cially when several people work on it
listing achievements and timetabling mile- together. The very process of imagining
stones are together akin to activity listing, achievements neutralizes the kind of nega-
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critical path and crude network analysis and tive thinking that tends normally to inter-
preparing Gantt charts[15]. fere.
In more detailed planning, identifying • It builds compelling visions due to the
milestones for each achievement listed quantity and nature of descriptive informa-
(rather than in the broader terms related to tion generated. The seeing, hearing and
headings) may be necessary, with correspond- feeling dimensions are the most powerful
ing increases in the progress chart listings. part of this.
For each event or action, ask the following • It lends itself to involving people and moti-
question (and act on the answer!): “What vating them to act. Future-mapping can be
specifically prevents us from doing this right cascaded across and through an organiza-
now?” tion, enabling groups, teams and individu-
Step 11. Revisit or review your vision at als to develop their own part of the vision
intervals. Doing this formally allows your and implementation plan. A strong sense of
outcomes to be kept in view. It allows you to common purpose develops in future-map-
be reminded of what you are aiming for, and ping groups, partly because individuals
to notice the need to update or modify your tend to vizualize ideal relationships and
vision to keep it current as results dictate. mutual support as parameters of success.
The ease with which you can update your As they describe these relationships and
visions is an important feature of future- feelings together in the present tense, indi-
mapping. One characteristic of successful viduals come to realize they are already
people is their readiness to be flexible and rehearsing what they want.
alter their plans in the light of new informa- • It helps people spot opportunities to take
tion or experience[16]. action, often almost immediately. This
tends to happen at the point where individ-
Summary uals or groups begin to accept specific roles
The above steps provide a way to describe the and responsibilities. Having future-mapped
key elements of the three-phased future-map- ideal outcomes and considered first steps, it
ping process. Since its first formal written often becomes clear that there is nothing
description in 1991[17], experience has shown preventing immediate action and people
that people applying future-mapping have not become motivated to achieve early results.
• Future-mapping can be very broad and
kept to any one formal structure, but have
general and some groups have found that
varied it according to what they have needed
completion of phase 1 is sufficient. If fol-
to do. When compared with more predictive
lowed through to completion of phase 3
forms of forward thinking, future-mapping
with a wide range of detailed information
has a number of benefits.
in phases 1 and 2 then future-mapping can
be used meticulously to support complex
What benefits does future-mapping
• It is easy and quick to update. At any time
during implementation, phases 1 and 2 can
Future-mapping can bring with it a number be reviewed in the light of new experience
of distinct advantages overcoming many of or unexpected developments. In fact, one
the usual blockages that we suffer when need- way of following through implementation
ing to think and plan ahead: of the various steps to success is to future-
• It is solution-centred, generating accurate map next steps as specific projects are com-
specification of desired outcomes rather pleted or turning points reached. This is
[ 14 ]
Bill Phillips one way in which actual experience and I have found that people at work tend to find
Future-mapping: a practical results guide progress in bringing about it relatively easy to agree on how they want
way to map out the future and change. things to be, compared with their more
achieve what you want strongly held (and defended) differing beliefs
• The future-mapping process is relatively
Career Development easy to learn, and is not reliant on jargon or about how to get there. Certainty, safety, secu-
International rity, support, good relationships, trust and
1/2 [1996] 10–18 technical planning expertise. Apart from its
name, there is no specialized language recognition are all states of wellbeing that
needed in future-mapping. When develop- people wish for in common, and they often
ing a future-based vision, people will nor- tend to emerge in some way in listing
mally reflect personal and organizational achievements. This is reinforced by
values and beliefs in their impression of Kotter[18] in his writings on leadership,
success. This is one way in which the where he says that, “Such feelings touch us
process remains both organizationally and deeply and elicit a powerful response”.
culturally acceptable. Kotter goes on to say that good leaders
always articulate the organization’s vision in
a manner which stresses the values of the
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Future-mapping in teams audience they are addressing.

In agreement with those managers in the
One of the earliest applications of future- educational establishment, my common expe-
mapping (early, that is, in its development) rience in future-mapping with teams of many
was with a newly formed team of senior man- kinds is that developing a description of how
agers in an education establishment. This they jointly want things to be is almost
team was being brought together to formu- always a motivating and inspirational
late a three-year strategic plan in response to process. If nothing more, it provides potential
Government legislation. The problem for aligning team members’ beliefs about
expressed by the vice-principal was that sev- what should be, and helping them discover
eral members of the group had spent most of rather more that they have in common than
the previous 15 years competing with one they might previously have recognized.
another for resources, recognition, profes-
sional status and anything else they could
think of. In fact, some of them even hated one What makes future-mapping work?
another. So this was to be the beginning of a It works by utilizing the cognitive mecha-
team-building exercise. nisms we use in our day-to-day lives to orga-
At the end of a day spent role playing an nize our experience and make sense of the
ideal future three years on, the group was world around us. Consider, for example, the
buzzing with excitement. The one major topic following questions:
or heading everyone had focused on was • How do you know when you really want
excellent working relationships. Having something?
spent several hours talking and describing • How do you know what to want?
how much they enjoyed mutual trust, sharing
Some people will say it begins with a feeling.
of resources, supporting one another and
For others, they picture themselves achieving
being highly productive, it seemed they now
or having it and perhaps hear that little voice
found it impossible to go back to their previ-
in their head saying how good it will be.
ous attitudes.
Think for a moment, of an ambition you
This sense of enjoyment and common pur-
have or had, or a time when you really set
pose continued throughout the team’s life.
your heart on something. How exactly did
Incidentally, the establishment was reorga- you first perceive it? Do you notice any
nized and integrated with a much larger unit images, sounds, feelings smells or tastes.
before the three years had passed. Neverthe- These are the signals we generate to guide us
less, during their remaining time together, to getting what we want. They are the key
they reported working more effectively than components of what we might call our com-
ever before, and several members of the team pelling visions. The images, feelings sounds
went on to more senior posts in other organi- and internal dialogue keep us on track and
zations around the UK. fuel our desire to succeed.
This is a response colleagues and the This is the background process of phase 1
author have found quite common when in future-mapping, and the reason why
future-mapping is used in teams. When peo- visual, hearing and feelings evidence is so
ple are encouraged to state their professional important. Imagining and sensing successful
and personal ideal outcomes in the form of achievement in this way brings with it feel-
achievements and the evidence for them, they ings of resourcefulness, and such feelings
are declaring how they want things to be. you will recognize as the underpinnings of
[ 15 ]
Bill Phillips optimism. They also generate creative behav- done. In a curious way, this matches how we
Future-mapping: a practical iour. In a resourceful state, obstacles become think about steps to failure, and although I
way to map out the future and challenges rather than difficulties and our have not established a direct link between
achieve what you want ability to find solutions is enhanced. these two modes of thought, the fact that a
Career Development An interesting phenomenon occurs when sense of risk and fear of failure are common
International we create a vision in this way. We become companions of the latter is interesting.
1/2 [1996] 10–18
tuned to opportunities to achieve it. The Looking back to the models in Figures 1 and
process which takes place is rather like when 2, it will become evident that looking down a
you first notice, let us say, a particular model flight of steps from the top reveals the plat-
of car you would like to have. Perhaps it is the forms or steps that were reached on the way
shape or even a specific colour that attracts up. Looking up from the bottom, you are faced
you. Sometimes you may like it because you only with a view of the risers; obstacles to
do not see many of them on the road, because progress.
it is new or unusual. You want to be different. One of the biggest blockages to planning
It is in the days and weeks following this that and implementation concerns lack of agree-
you begin to see them everywhere. This is ment from and between people involved or
Downloaded by Manchester Metropolitan University At 03:01 03 November 2015 (PT)

because you have “tuned” your senses to affected. Experience has shown that people
something you were unaware of until now. have been drawn together very strongly by
The more sensory information you build future-mapping ideal working elationships. It
into your vision of the future, the stronger the seems that most of us have an underlying
tuning effect will be. In future-mapping desire for wellbeing in all we do. Future-
terms, perhaps a product idea or a chance to mapping in phase 1 can lift people right out of
invest which would normally be overlooked their everyday behaviours, and encourage
or ignored will become significant. The most them to state their ideals openly. Discovering
pleasing point is that you do not have to that on this “higher plane” they have so much
remember to notice these opportunities. The more in common allows people to agree more
process is automatic and unconscious. Cer- easily.
tain things or actions will appear to be a It may be worth considering the potential
“good idea”, and you may or may not notice at power of this in negotiation.
the time that this thing or action will take you
one step nearer to your vision.
One further valuable side effect which Conclusions
occurs through these two processes of vision-
ing a particular outcome and becoming tuned There can be very little that is thought of or
to it is that people often become aware that created that is brand new. The processes and
there is nothing preventing them from underlying assumptions of future-mapping
achieving it immediately. This is one way in are no exception. Indeed, one of its strengths
which items or actions planned for will is that the cognitive mechanisms is relies on
appear to happen almost spontaneously. Peo- are part of everyone’s repertiore, even if we
ple will have begun to notice opportunities to are often unaware that we are using them.
take action immediately. What is different about future-mapping is the
way in which our use of those mechanisms it
Barriers overcome organized for the purpose of deciding what
Steps to success are remembered very differ- we want to lie ahead, and how to get ourselves
ently from steps to a failure. We appear to there.
remember different elements of our history One operating assumption essential to
according to whether we think we achieved being able to plan convincingly for an ideal
or failed. When we recall steps to success, we future is that it is possible to achieve suc-
seem most readily to recall how we took cesses which perhaps at present do not seem
them, often with pleasure or pride at how attainable. One helpful way to think about
clever we were to influence events or other this issue, is to consider something which
people. When we fail, we tend to remember you once achieved, which, at an earlier time,
most readily why – why it was not possible, or you had genuinely believed to be impossible
how someone’s motives blocked us – or for you. That something might have been a
because we misjudged, or there was not particular job, perhaps a qualification or a
enough money available at the time. relationship. The achievement is evidence
It is interesting to note that when we try to that the earlier belief, no matter how strong
plan ahead conventionally, we tend to con- or convincing, was not correct.
sider why an idea or decision will or will not Another vital assumption is that what you
work. When we write reports to justify our do now will largely affect your future out-
plans, there is a tendency to explain the bene- comes. This may seem obvious, but it is very
fits of doing this or that, i.e. why it should be difficult to motivate yourself to act unless this
[ 16 ]
Bill Phillips cause-effect relationship is quite clear in your Optimizing HR team resources
Future-mapping: a practical mind. Once phase 1 is complete, and you have A key issue for a newly formed regional per-
way to map out the future and a description of your ideal outcomes, phase 2 sonnel team of a large national UK organiza-
achieve what you want tion was how to work together effectively and
in which you map out the milestone events
Career Development and actions takes care of making this cause- maximize resources. Doing this would hope-
International fully give a sorely needed raise in profile.
1/2 [1996] 10–18
effect link. The key importance of the above
two operating assumptions is that, without Using future-mapping, the team built a
them, you may not even be prepared to begin vision for one year ahead. This included set-
future-mapping. ting milestones and entering dates into
Future-mapping has been tried and tested diaries to make sure the agreed actions were
in a variety of sectors and situations. The taken. Three months later, one member of the
author and his colleagues have developed and team reported that the first two meetings
refined it through their consulting work with agreed had not taken place. She felt disap-
clients of International Training Service Ltd pointed that they had not invested more effort
(ITS) over the last five years. Some of that in planning and carrying through their inten-
Downloaded by Manchester Metropolitan University At 03:01 03 November 2015 (PT)

experience is captured in “Getting to grips

with future-mapping: a user’s guide”, an ITS Fourteen months later, the personnel man-
product due for publication in 1996. Continu- ager reported his pleasant surprise that a
ing experience and research will further recent review had shown that, despite their
enhance the power and value of future-map- failure to project manage the implementation
ping as a way of deciding what to do next. It of their plans adequately, almost everything
is, however, vitally important to keep this they had agreed was now up and running. He
value in perspective. Future-mapping is a was intrigued, commenting that their vision
creative and carefully structured approach to had come to fruition in spite of their failure
to manage and monitor their actions. “It’s as
strategic thinking and action planning. We
if it all happened spontaneously”, he said.
must remember that until that first action is
This particular case illustrates the power of
taken and a result obtained, all of this is still
vivid visioning. The vision was fulfilled
no more that imagination.
despite the lack of planning and monitoring
The following brief case studies will show
for the very reason that it was so vividly pic-
how, for some ITS clients, imagination has
tured in the minds of those people involved.
become reality.
However, in more complex situations, this
does not negate the need for project managing
Client and contractor relationships
the implementation phase.
Over an 18-month period between 1991 and
1992, ITS consultants carried out an assign-
Their future on video
ment with a major multinational oil company
In 1993, a manufacturing company contracted
and its key seismic and survey contractor.
ITS consultants to help it to think through
The focus was on the quality standard ISO what the company needed to do in order to be
9000 (BS 5750) and its implications for both operating successfully two years ahead. The
client and contractor in forthcoming con- top team constructed its vision under head-
tracts. One major implication was a change ings including quality, sales, communications
in role for those managers representing the and the environment.
client from a directive to a consultative All 24 of the company’s senior managers
approach. Future-mapping was used to help had contributed to this and the top team
managers describe how they were carrying needed to share the emerging vision with
out their roles one year on. them. It then needed to consult with other
After learning the future-mapping process, staff groups to obtain feedback and to symbol-
client and contractor managers were paired ize a new cultural norm of a consultative
together. They were asked to work together management style. However, the emerging
and describe how, in their ideal future, they vision had to be presented to the staff groups
were now doing their work, managing people from different functions in a clear, consistent
and solving problems and what evidence was way.
available to show this. They were then helped The company chose an imaginative way to
by the consultants to set milestones which achieve this, based on future-mapping. It
had brought this about, and this formed an based itself in 1995; its degree of success and
excellent basis for an action plan. Not sur- transformation as a company had attracted
prisingly, the plan also had elements relating media attention. A journalist had taken a
to personal development, since some of the particular interest and wanted to write an
milestone events were in the form of article about it. He visits the company in 1995
described skills and behaviours to be learned, and interviews the top team about the success
making possible the successful changes. and how it was achieved.
[ 17 ]
Bill Phillips These interviews, role played by a group of 7 Autogenic conditioning and Timothy Gall-
Future-mapping: a practical the company’s managers, were filmed and wey’s Inner Game of Tennis[8] are tried and
way to map out the future and made into a one-and-a-half-hour long video tested techniques using relaxation and “liv-
achieve what you want cassette. This was then taken out and shown ing” the action mentally in advance. The evi-
Career Development to wider staff groups. It proved to be a highly dence shows that such mental rehearsal is as
International effective and innovative step towards con- effective as “real experience” in preparing the
1/2 [1996] 10–18 body for skilled action. Future-mapping uti-
structing a vision of the future. Having set the
scene, the managers then went on to produce lizes a similar approach using language as the
guide to the inner experience.
a highly detailed description of their ideal
8 Gallwey, T., The Inner Game of Tennis, Random
future, accompanied by a series of Gantt
House, New York, NY, 1975; Jonathan Cape,
charts which formed the core of the plans for
London, 1977.
action intended to guide them towards their
9 O’Connor, J. and Seymour, J., Introducing
vision. The company has consequently radi-
Neuro-linguistic Programming, the New Psy-
cally restructured, forming self-directed chology of Personal Excellence, Mandala, Lon-
teams, and training its workforce and man- don, 1990, pp 96-8.
agers extensively. Although it still has some
Downloaded by Manchester Metropolitan University At 03:01 03 November 2015 (PT)

10 When linked to the use of the present tense,

way to go, it continues operating successfully this addition of sensory evidence can make our
in a very difficult global materials market. state of mind and our bodies undergo subtle
A future account will describe how to changes. They begin to operate as if this state
install the use and results of future-mapping of success were really happening. This is
visions in organizations. This will deal with because, in order to produce the words or
the processes for communication, interpreta- understand their meaning, we have to have the
tion, and involvement of people in making it sensory experience internally.
happen. 11 Festinger, L., A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance,
Row, Peterson & Co., Evanston, IL, 1957.
Notes and references 12 The research in [11] showed that when
1 This notion of using your imagination in this forced to make a difficult choice between
way was described in [2] as early as 1960. things we value, a feeling of anxiety or
2 Maltz, M., Psycho-Cybernetics, a New Tech- dissonance is set up in our mind. The results
nique for Using Your Unconscious Power, also showed healthy minds to have a built in
Wilshire Book Co., Hollywood, CA, 1960, process to quickly reduce this anxiety, which
pp. 36-9. we demonstrate by emphatically justifying
3 Beginning with these headings is unique to our choice as the best one under the
future-mapping and is a central part of the circumstances.
process which helps us to map out and articu- 13 Alder, H., “Seeing is believing: the natural way
late an ideal future. They provide a framework to success”, Management Decision, Vol. 29 No.
within which to organize our detailed achieve- 1, 1991.
ments, just like drawers in a filing cabinet into 14 Alder[13], commenting on progress from
which we can place our files of information visioning to achievement, says: “So what
and data. happens during the five-year period – apart
4 In Chapter 3 of [5], the authors describe how from the habitual revision and practice of the
verb tenses alter or affect our perception of new self-image?”
events in time. These perceptual shifts result 15 Haynes, M.E., Project Management – from Idea
from subtle changes in our internal (usually to Implementation, Kogan Page, London, 1990,
subconscious) pictures, sounds and feelings. pp. 30-7.
The use of the present and past tenses to 16 Cameron-Bandler, L., Gordon, D. and Lebeau,
describe our idealized achievements is capable M., Know How: Guided Programs for Inventing
of fooling our subconscious into thinking this Your Own Best Future, Real People Press, Moab
is real. UT, 1985, pp. 61-70.
5 Andreas, S. and Andreas, C., Change Your 17 Phillips, B., “Future-basing explained”, unpub-
Mind and Keep the Change, Real People Press, lished manuscript, Industrial Training Ser-
Moab, UT, 1987, pp. 25-36. vice Ltd, Leeds, 1991.
6 Ostrander, S. and Schroeder, L., Super Learn- 18 Kotter, J.P., “What leaders really do”, Harvard
ing, Sphere Books, London, 1981, pp. 145-77. Business Review, May-June 1990, p. 107.

[ 18 ]
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