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Polynomial Tic-Tac-Toe 

Directions: ​ You must do the 5th activity and from there you can pick one blue and 
one yellow square that makes tic-tac-toe, a straight line through the boxes. For 
example, you may do activities 1, 5, and 9 but you may not do activities 1, 5, and 6. 

Write/illustrate a     
comic of the life  Teach at least  Online, research 
of a famous  three different  about the 
mathematician.  people about how  practical uses of 
Use the internet to  to find intercepting points  polynomials. Write a 
research some  of a quadratic equation.  page-long report 
mathematicians that  Get initials of each below:  explaining and exploring 
contributed to the    how polynomial equations 
knowledge of quadratics.  _______ ________ _______  can be used in real life. The 
Have a minimum of six  write-up should be typed. 

Design a game,  Explain four  Write six of your 

detailing the rules  common  own word 
on a write-up,  mistakes you  problems using 
that uses math  think other  polynomial 
concepts. Specifically,  students will make when  concepts. Solve each of the 
polynomial concepts must  solving polynomials. Share  problems in addition to 
be used but more math  them with at least three  making the problem. 
concepts can be used in  other students and get 
addition. The write-up  initials: 
should be typed.   
_______ ________ _______ 

Make a song to  Make a digital  Make a diagram 

help someone  slide show that  of four different 
remember how to  explains the  kinds of 
factor quadratic  difference in four  polynomial 
equations. Be sure to use  polynomial graphs and  graphs. Constant, linear, 
math terms in the song.  shows how to find x and  quadratic, etc. And label 
y-intercepts for all of them.  each graph. 
The poster must be clear to 
read and neatly organized. 

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