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2 – Decision Making in Educational Systems

2.2.7 -- Identify how decisions are made in education systems.

Some things to consider while making decisions in the education system are: If I make

this decision, who will be affected by it? How will the community be affected? Is it a necessary

step for the district to take? Do the pros of this decision override the cons? All these things are

discussed in school board meetings and could potentially be voted for by the community. That

means that not everything discussed during school board meetings is decided by the

superintendent and school board. The community gets to vote on school related issues during

voting cycles. Anyone at anytime can go to a school board meeting and sit and listen to

everything going on at the schools and some new ideas that people have to make the school

district better. The government, at the federal, state and local level, however has one of the

greatest impacts as they work to approve funding, testing, and the curriculum schools have to

follow. Therefore, the school district has to be very careful to watch their spending and keep the

support of the community. They have to educate the community on how the funding in our state

works and showing they are being fiscally responsible with the communities tax dollars

(Evidence 1.2.1).

Some pros of Title IX (Evidence 1.2.2) is that the class presentation we all had a part in is

that before Title IX, majority of athletic scholarship opportunities were granted to men. The

Education Amendments created more access for women to receive scholarships because equal

opportunities had to be provided. At the same time, schools were able to create more diversity

within their student body and offer new opportunities that could expand their recruiting
influence. Some cons of Title IX are that there are many stakeholders that are affected by this

decision because there was equal access granted to women, the role of women’s coaching began

to fade away at the collegiate level. To gain new recruits, more money was funneled into

programs and that increased the wages that coaches were being offered. Men became interested

in women’s coaching jobs and societal bias of the time caused many programs to hire male

coaches instead of female coaches. In 1972, 90% of women’s college teams were coached by

women. In 2012, 57.1% of women’s college teams were coached by men (1.2.2 Timeline Of

Important Events In American Education).

One pro for the No Child Left Behind Act is that it added structure to educational

programs nationwide. Although the standards were set by the states, No Child Left Behind

became one of the first concentrated efforts to improve the standing of US students compared to

the rest of the world. By creating standardized testing results, students could be compared via

performance to identify learning gaps. That allowed more students to receive an individualized

plan to improve their learning opportunities. A con of No Child Left Behind Act is that there is

no enhancement procedures or good reforms for special education were established. This means

students with learning disabilities will not benefit from the reform. Because academic standards

are set by the state, many professionals argue that comparison of data on a nationwide scale is

impossible. Measurement is also based only on an annual multiple tests on reading and math.

Not everyone's strong side in school are math and reading. (1.2.3 Vittana No Child Left Behind).

The local school board meeting includes the Superintendent, the treasurer, school board

members, and the community. The meeting consists of presentations to inform the school board
on things happening in the schools and reports from the board president, superintendent, and

treasurer. It also consists of discussion items such as bond levy planning. It also has board action

items, treasurer action items, and superintendent action items where the board has to vote. The

board consists of five members so that a tie it not possible when voting. I viewed the board

meeting Sept. 12 meeting of OLSD Board Of Ed (Evidence 1.2.4)

1.2.1- Olentangy Schools Resource Stewardship
1.2.2-​Timeline PowerPoint
1.2.4- Meeting agenda

1. Things to consider when making a decision and the process

2. 2 acts on timeline we researched (pros and cons of each)
3. The school board meeting

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