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GROUP: 551016







Section I – Introduction

Hook It is a love that, as the great Pablo Neruda would say: "you do not look, you feel, and
even more so when she is close to you".
Thesis Statement Are there are many types of loves and passions? If, there are for the couple, family,
friends, work, travel, sports or nature.
But there is a love that very few understand, only those whose poison got so deep inside
Argument # 1 that the night is short and the day does not have enough hours to dedicate it.
It is a love that, as the great Pablo Neruda would say: "you do not look, you feel, and
Argument # 2 even more so when she is close to you". That great love is for some the writing.
That facility to escape from the world and get others to do it too thanks to what they
create. Being able to gather letters, make sentences and build a great story that exists
Argument # 3 only in the world of books.

Section II – Body
From the moment that man writes and expresses his thoughts in a comprehensible way to
others, the end of the language is fulfilled «to transmit the thought to the written»..
Argument # 1
Example # 1 The use of language is a complex phenomenon in which if it is easy not to speak, neither
is writing correctly.
Martín Vivaldi, when dealing with the subject, refers to the expressions of Fidelino de
Example # 2 Figueiredo, which states: "Life, speech and thought are inseparable; thinking and
knowing is wanting to say and being able to say, because what the man feels and thinks
incorporates into the world of words.
Example # 3 Everyone has ever encountered the problem of deciphering something written by
someone who ignores the most elementary of the art of writing, and it can be said that it
is not because of what he writes but because of how he writes it.
Persuasive Phrase Some say that writing is a gift from heaven, although it is true that some of this art is not
learned; A lot depends on the effort and the work.
The study of the manuscripts and of each one of their editions reveals the numerous
corrections that the works undergo before going, definitively, to the printing press.
Argument # 2
Example # 1 Writing is fighting with words and phrases, correcting them over and over again. This art
carries with it the virtue of patience.
Example # 2 Each one can create their own style to express their ideas and thoughts.
Example # 3 The simplest thought is unintelligible in certain occasions.
Persuasive Phrase The style of the writing adds precision, elegance, clarity and harmony to the text that is

Argument # 3 Writing is the one that leads to the understanding of the abstract world, of space, of the
image, to relate it to the already known world; it is then through writing that man can
balance his thought with reality in order to configure and restructure his perception of
the world; Ong, W (1987)
Example # 1 A partir de lo anterior, se hace necesario que desde la escuela se haga hincapié en la  
indiscutible y estrecha relación que existe entre la lectura y  la escritura,  ya que “la
escritura tiene por objeto la lectura” Chambers, A, (2006).
Example # 2 Ludwig Wittengenstein (1992) afirma que “pensar es hacer operaciones con signos:
escribir es operar con un sistema de signos y reglas”.
Example # 3 Writing is more than forms and words.
Persuasive Phrase El desarrollo de la escritura ha extendido las potencialidades del lenguaje y otorga una
nueva estructura al pensamiento (Padrón Amaré, 2000: 17).
Section III – Conclusion
Writing, like love, transports us to a different world which gives us different

Restate Thesis (different pleasures each person enjoys the same way. Reading is presented as an adequate
words) way to leave traces and legacies. Writing is a skill that does not require training,
but the more you do it, the better it gets.

Written expression represents the highest level of linguistic learning, since it

integrates experiences and learning related to all linguistic skills (listening,
speaking and reading) and puts into operation all the dimensions of the linguistic
Restate Arguments system (phonological, morphological syntactic, lexical-semantic and pragmatic).
(different words)
Writing is a complex skill, which implies that the writer has knowledge, basic
skills, strategies and ability to coordinate multiple processes.
Clincher Persuasive Phrase Writing, which forms and words.
(tie it all together)
 Ong,  Walter. (1987)  Oralidad y Escritura, México. F.C.E. Chambers, Aidan, (2006)  Un consejo para escritores
principiantes: “cuando se trata de escribir eres lo que lees”, Por qué leer y escribir,  Alcaldía de Bogotá.
Yutang, Lin,  (1999) El arte de leer El arte de escribir, LEER y releer N° 21, sistema de bibliotecas Universidad
de Antioquia, Junio de 1999. Melo, Jorge,(1994) Niños y jóvenes que no leen, El Tiempo, Lecturas fin de
semana, 30 de enero de 1994. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. (1992) Cuadernos Azul y Marrón. Madrid. Tecnos., L. I. (8 de mayo de 2008). El arte de escribir. Obtenido de
Moreno, M. R. (12 de enero de 2015). Obtenido de
Savater, F. (1998). Citas, cuaderno de lenguas. Obtenido de Citas, cuaderno de lenguas: -
© Victoriano Colodrón Denis
School, D. V. (06 de Abril de 2016). EL DIARIO. Obtenido de EL DIARIO:

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