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Name of the company QUESOS REYMA
Trade’s name Production and Marketing
Company’s activity Direct sale of fresh cheeses to fixed
customers and the general public.
History of the company in detail Advertising Reyma cheeses; The REYMA Cheese
has been traditionally done? factory is located two and a half hours
from the capital of the
Department of Huila, was created on
September 25, 1978 by its owner, the
result of an entrepreneurial project and
with its own resources, in the course of
the market study, it has been developed to
identify market niches. Realization of
supermarket chain marketing processes,
shopping centers through tastings and
display of products at market booths that
have a large influx of people.

What kind of advertising and what issues were Exhibitions in chain markets, POP
addressed? advertising, spoken and written. there
were economic problems, because of the
cost of the guidelines in radio and press,
the competition has advertising on
television which makes it a problem for
Cheeses Reyma, because they do not have
enough resources to get to schedule on
television, which makes it a problem for
the company.

What were the objectives of previous The objectives were; advertise the product
campaigns? to people and places that had no impact
on the product launch, plant the product,
seek acceptance among people who have
not been able to promote cheese sales

What are the characteristics of your product or Cheese is one of the main derivatives of
service? milk, rich in protein and calcium. It is
defined as a product obtained by ripening
the milk curd, with its own characteristics
in each of its classes. It began as a
handmade product. With the technological
What is the current position of your product in It is in a challenging position, because it is
the market? second in the market by 80% and 20% is
leader, first, fighting for first place with
the competition that has been in the
market for years.

Description of the product or service with all

its features:
 Physical (if it has) Fresh Reyma cheeses is a product in
presentation of 250 grams, packed in an
empty package for the kitchen of the
homes, its pleasant natural flavor based on

 Chemical characterization (if it has) The product is made with excellent

quality raw material, it also has a unique
and smooth taste. As it also has an easily
recognizable packaging, with a good
design and attractive to consumers, other
features are that the packaging is made of
recyclable material, which makes it
environmentally friendly and makes it
stand out.

 Packaging (if it has) Carton box of 50 by 30 centimeters by 10

high, contains 24 jars of Tropimix jam of
250 Grams.

 Benefits Cheese contains a large amount of folic

acid, making it an essential food during
Cheese also favors the production of
breast milk in pregnant women.
Cheese helps us strengthen the immune
system, which increases our defenses
against diseases.

 Trajectory (how long was it released). Cheeses Reyma has 4 years in the market,
started as a strange product occupying
60% in the canned market, 4 years later it
is a product that occupies 80% and 20%
occupies the first place in large markets.



Weaknesses (they are internal to the company)

1. Being a new company, its participation
in the market is low.
2. Low business experience within the
3. In sales, growth is very slow because it
Opportunities (they are external, what the sale is a new product in the market.
opportunities are)
1. The growing demand for natural and
traditional products.
2. Customers is willing to try new
Strengths (they are internal ) products. 3. Strategies at the points of

1. Manufacturing is easy to prepare.

2. It is a market niche.
3. the cheese reyma is a 100% natural
product and has a high nutritional content.
4. Product of massive and permanent
Threats (they are external ) consumption.

1. The competition between strong brands

positioned and with fixed clients.
2. Aggressive advertising between
3. Increase of raw material for production.

It’s the money assigned to the project. The money assigned to the project is $
280,000,000, own contributions and bank


Describe the three types of consumers:
 End consumer: The person who Person or organization that makes
consumes the product, but doesn’t effective use of a certain product or
decide on the purchase. service and that entails the supply of a
good. These are the consumers advertisers
target in their mass media advertising
 Real consumer or objective: The
person who makes the purchase The "REAL" client is the one for which
decision. you have worked (he has not worked with
you), for many years.
That is the loyal customer, he makes the
orders to you, there is confidence he does
not look for another supplier but you.
 Potential Consumer: The person who
has a provisional contact with the The potential client is one of the
product or who will be the consumer in fundamental aspects that is always taken
the future. into account in any economic entity,
because in them lies the opportunity for
growth and development.
The potential client is any person who can
become a buyer (the one who buys a
product), user (the one who uses a
service) or consumer (the one who
consumes a product or service), since it
presents a series of qualities that they do it
prone, either by needs (real or fictitious),
because they have the right profile,
because they have the economic resources
or other factors.

Result of image so that it is a profile

A demographic profile is a set of
Describe the profiles estimators, tables and graphical
representations that succinctly summarize
 Demographic profile the state of a population (or population
structure: characteristics of its members
and spatial distribution for the moment
evaluated) and the processes of growth or

Geographical segmentation refers to the

division of the market taking into account
the geographical differences between one
place and another, when distributing the
products or services. Geographic
 Geographic profile segmentation helps to collect and analyze
information according to the physical
location of the people.

Result of image so that it is a Profile

Transcript of consumer's psychographic
profile. It is an attribute which serves to
segment the market and divides the
 Psychographic profile buyers into different groups based on their
social class, lifestyle or personality
characteristics. Values Personality
Consumer Lifestyle Activities.

Describe the type of competition your product

or service has:

 Direct The correct competition of reyma brands

such as alpine cheese, fresh milk, colanta

 Hint Products such as milk, butter, cheese, etc.

 Main Competition We observe that there is a leading brand

in Colombia that is natural and artisanal,
because for many years it has created a
strong brand with a lot of memory in
Colombian families,

Describe the goal to be achieved in your Consolidate Reyma Cheeses, with its star
project. product as the number one regional and
national level, to provide employment and
development to the communities, with the
purchase of raw materials and the
generation of employment. Locate the
company as one of the 5 producers in the
country of large-scale preserves and with
the hygiene guidelines required by law.

Explain the market research you have made in A segmentation was performed as
your project: which are the latest changes of follows: Demographic segmentation: male
consumers and the target public? and female buyers between 5 years and
older. Male and female consumers of all
ages of strata 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Geographic segmentation: Initially
covering the city of Villavicencio (Meta),
with a market size of 600,000 people,
with a warm climate that does not exceeds
32 °. Psychographic segmentation: upper
class, upper middle, middle and lower
middle, people who like healthy, natural
and good-tasting products. Use /
consumption of segmentation: Generally,
in Colombian households they buy fresh
cheese twice a month, but in Villavicencio
they usually buy weekly, however, they
can buy more but of different flavors and
textures, being their frequency of daily
use in breakfast , ounces or food, the most
frequent places of purchase are shops and
small neighborhood supermarkets and, as
a second option, chain stores. Every day
the markets are changing, they have new
tastes, new diseases are born that make
preserves forbidden by doctors, children
who previously consumed treated cheeses
now no longer do so because their parents
no longer have the money to include this
product in the family basket.

Include the distribution channels for the

products of your project:

 Direct With the popularization of the Internet

and the solution of electronic commerce,
the distribution channels have undergone
logical changes to adapt to new
technologies and digitalization. This has
caused the rapprochement between
manufacturers and consumers, blurring
the participation of the different
distribution agents, but traditional
channels continue to exist and work.
Own or direct channel: the company
Quesos Reyma itself is responsible for
bringing your product to the end customer
 Indirect Indirect channel A distribution channel is
usually indirect, because there are
intermediaries between the supplier and
the user or final consumer. The size of the
distribution channels is measured by the
number of intermediaries that form the
path that the product travels, as transport
companies, private individuals that exege
this work of freight transport.

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