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7854 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2005, 44, 7854-7859

Waste Oil Recycling Using Mixtures of Polar Solvents

Jesusa Rincón,*,† Pablo Cañizares,‡ and Marı́a Teresa Garcı́a§
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, Universidad de CastillasLa Mancha, España

By the proper selection of components and compositions, a composite solvent to recover base oil
from used lubricant oil has been formulated. The composite solvent has two single components:
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and 2-propanol. The best extraction results were obtained when the
single solvents selected were mixed at a 2-propanol/MEK ratio of 3 g/g. However, this solvent
was still unable to completely remove metals and oxidation products. To solve this problem,
very small quantities of KOH (from 1 to 7 g/(kg of solvent)) were added to the composite solvent
and its effect on both the extraction yields and the quality of the oil recovered was determined.
A KOH concentration of 2 g/(kg of solvent) was found to be the most appropriate. The vacuum
distilled oil pretreated with this solvent (2-propanol/MEK at a weight ratio of 3 g/g with 2 (g of
KOH)/(kg of solvent)) was almost similar to a SN-130 virgin oil and, therefore, suitable for the
formulation of new lubricants.

1. Introduction plored based on the belief that, by proper selection of

components and compositions, one can find formulations
Waste lubricant oil constitutes a serious pollution having a more favorable balance of the above-mentioned
problem. It may contaminate water and earth if dis- properties.
charged to the environment and cause air pollution if
burnt as a low-grade fuel. Therefore, both the elimina-
tion of a pollution source and the need of preserving 2. Experimental Section
crude oil reserves justify the interest in the recycling of
waste oil. 2.1. Materials. The organic solvents used were meth-
Most of modern recycling processes consist of the yl ethyl ketone and 2-propanol. They were supplied by
following sequence of operations:1-3 dehydration and Panreac, S. A. Used lubricant oil was supplied by
light hydrocarbon removal by distillation at atmospheric Emgrisa, S. A. Prior to the runs, the oil was treated in
pressure or light vacuum, separation of base oil from a rotary evaporator at 60 °C under vacuum (600 mmHg)
contaminant agents by high vacuum distillation to eliminate water and light hydrocarbons. Both types
(10-30 mmHg), and finishing of the base oil separated of compounds are undesirable for the formulation of new
in the preceding step by hydrogenation. The second step lubricants and may modify the solubility parameters of
has several problems related to fouling of heating and the base oil components in the solvent. Used oil proper-
distillation equipment and cracking reactions, which ties after this treatment are shown in Table 1. As stated
usually create both unpleasant smells (mercaptanes) in the Introduction, this is a common processing stage
and low-quality base oils (poor stability, color, and of the oil before distillation at high vacuum (10-30
smell). However, these problems may be overcome by mmHg) to obtain the base oil.
introducing a pretreatment step before the vacuum 2.2. Extraction Procedure. Mixtures of ∼10 g of
distillation as, for example, extraction with solvents. used oil and solvent in weight proportions ranging from
In a previous paper, we showed that, effectively, the 1/1 to 15/1 solvent/oil were agitated to ensure adequate
treatment of waste oils with single organic solvents such mixing for 30 min.4 Then, the mixtures were poured into
as ketones and alcohols before distillation at high glass centrifugal tubes that were later introduced in the
vacuum was an interesting alternative.4 More specifi- support of a centrifuge (Selecta/Mixtasel). After cen-
cally, it was shown that the flocculating action and sub- trifugation at 400 rpm for 10 min, a sludge phase
sequent impurities removal promoted by the single (additive, impurities, and carbonaceous particles) was
solvents studied could be correlated with several char- segregated from the mixture of solvent and oil. The
acteristics of the solvents such as the difference in the solvent was separated from the solvent/oil mixture by
solubility parameters of the solvents and of a typical distillation at 40 °C in a rotary evaporator under
base oil and the polarity and viscosity of the solvents. vacuum (100 mmHg), and the recovered oil was weighed.
In this paper, all these principles will be applied to The extraction yield was calculated as the mass of oil,
find a more efficient solvent. Thus, the action of mix- expressed in grams, separated from 100 g of waste oil.
tures of single solvents (composite solvent) will be ex- The sludge phase was also weighed in all experiments,
both before and after solvent evaporation in a heater
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 34- at 110 °C, where the sludge was maintained until its
925-26 88 00. Fax: 34-925-26 88 40. E-mail: Jesusa.Rincon@ weight remained constant. It was observed that, on a solvent-free basis, the difference between the mass of

Facultad de Ciencias del Medio Ambiente, Avda, Carlos raw used oil extracted and those of the two phases
III s/n, 45071 Toledo, España.
‡ separated after extraction (base oil and sludge) was
Facultad de Ciencias Quı́micas, Avda, Camilo José Cela,
10 13004 C Real, España. always <1%.
Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Almadén, Plaza Man- 2.3. Analysis of the Metallic Content. Prior to the
uel Meca, 1 13400 Almadén (C. Real), España. analyses, the extracted oil was heated at 200 °C for 4 h
10.1021/ie0580452 CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/26/2005
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 20, 2005 7855

Table 1. Comparison of Crude Used Oil and Two Differently Treated Used Oils
used oil vacuum-distilled vacuum-distilled
used extracted with oil pretreated with oil without extraction
characteristic oil P-3/MEK-1/KOH-2a P-3/MEK-1/KOH-2a pretreatment
viscosity at 40 °C (ASTM D-445), cSt 93.98 28.76 25.84 33.47
viscosity at 100 °C (ASTM D-445), cSt 13.11 5.02 4.81 5.71
sulphur (ASTMD-4294), % 0.66 0.55 0.53 0.60
phosphorus (FRX), ppm 835 480 456 490
acid numberb, (mg of KOH)/g 3.36 <0.05 <0.05 0.82
metallic content, ppm
Zn 947 155 3 27.5
Pb 850 163 6 16.2
Ca 2000 301 7 242
Fe 35 23 <1 23
a P-3/MEK-1/KOH-2: Mixture of 2-propanol/methyl ethyl ketone (3:1 g/g) with 2 (g of KOH)/(kg of solvent). b The acid number is an

indirect measure of the concentration of oxidation compounds.

Table 2. Summary of the Results Obtained with Single Solvents

solvent propertya or extraction resultsb 2-propanol 2-butanol 2-pentanol MEKc MPKc
solub. param., 103 (J/mol3)1/2 5.6 5.3 5.2 4.5 3.9
viscosity (25 °C), cP 2.0 3.7 5.1 0.41 0.51
polarity, (water ) 100) 54.6 50.6 32.7 31.3
optimum S/Od, g/g 10 10 10 7 5
yield, % 78.6 92.1 95.3 91.0 95.5
acid numbere, (mg of KOH)/g 1.1 2.3 2.9 2.5 2.9
metal concentration, ppm
Zn 333 666 700 688 936
Pb 246 282 487 350 443
Ca 235 429 1772 450 1798
Fe 11 19 20 13 18
a Obtained from refs 29 and 30. b Extraction conditions: T ) 25 °C, solvent/oil ) 10 g/g, extraction time ) 30 min. c MEK ) methyl

ethyl ketone and MPK ) methyl n-propyl ketone. d Optimum S/O: solvent/oil ratio at which extraction yield stabilizes. e The acid number
is an indirect measure of the concentration of oxidation compounds.

and calcined at 650 °C overnight. The noncombustible 3. Results and Discussion

residue obtained (ashes) was further treated with
hydrochloric acid, filtered, and diluted with deionized The solvents to recover base oil from waste lubricant
water to determine the metallic content. These analyses oil must have two important properties. On one hand,
were performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy using they should be miscible with the base oil contained in
a Varian Spectra 220 FS spectrometer. Since dry ashing the waste oil being processed, and on the other hand,
could have caused some elements to be lost by volatil- when mixed with the waste oil, they must reject from
ization,5 we checked and found comparable the results the solution the used oil impurities (dispersed particles,
of our first three analyses by this method versus those fresh or spent additives, degraded base oil, etc.), allow-
obtained when using the U.S. EPA (Environmental ing their aggregation to particle sizes big enough to
Protection Agency) Method 3051 for the analysis of separate from the liquid by sedimentation. Therefore,
these metals in sediments, sludges, soils, and oils. in the formulation of composite solvents for the extrac-
tion of base oil, it seems appropriate to select a “basic
The concentration of metals in the sludge was deter- component” miscible with the base oil and a “flocculating
mined only in some preliminary experiments, just to component” that either promotes or improves the seg-
know that amount of metals in the raw used oil was regation and flocculation of waste oil impurities, de-
the sum of the amounts of metals in the two phases pending on if the basic component has the capability of
separated by extraction: base oil and sludge. doing it.
2.4. Analysis of the Oxidation Products. Oxida- In previous works,4,7 it has been found that several
tion compounds were determined following a two-step single alcohols and ketones (2-propanol, 2-butanol,
procedure. First, the presence of oxidation products in 2-pentanol, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl n-propyl
the extracts was investigated qualitatively by obtaining ketone) exhibiting the properties mentioned above have
their IR spectra in a Perkin-Elmer 16 PC FT-IR spec- potential utility in the extraction process for base oil
trophotometer. A spectral band at 1700 cm-1 indicated recovery. When mixed with the waste lubricant oil, they
the presence of oxidation compounds, because of the fact dissolve the desired base oil, and part of the unwanted
that the CdO bond strongly absorbs at this wavelength.6 materials (which form large flakes that settle by gravity)
Then, when their presence was confirmed, their relative are segregated from the solution. A summary of the
concentrations in the extracts were determined by results obtained is shown in Table 2. They have been
measuring the extract acid number according to the used to select the best two components of the composite
ASTMD-664 method.2,7 solvent.
2.5. Other Analyses. Phosphorus content was mea- First, it should be pointed out that the single solvents
sured by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectros- of Table 2 were selected based on a three-stage strategy,
copy using a Oxford ED200 spectrometer. Sulfur content considering: (1)Burrell’s classification of solvents;8 (2)
and viscosities at 40 and 100 °C were determined the existing background on the regeneration of waste
according to ASTMD-4294 and ASTMD-445 procedures, oil extraction;9-18 and (3) the selectivity or capacity of
respectively. the solvent to selectively extract base oil from waste oil.
7856 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 20, 2005

Here, based on the properties of the solvents and the

results obtained in the extractions performed with the
solvents (see Table 2), we will try to select the best
components and composition of the composite solvent
to recover base oil from used lubricant oil.
The basic component should be soluble with the base
oil at the operation temperature, and therefore, 2-pro-
panol, having less than four carbon atoms, should be
excluded.15 As regards the other solvents, since ketones
have lower solubility parameter, polarity, and viscosity
than alcohols (Table 2), they turn up as the first choice.
On the other hand, extraction yields in Table 2 support
this proposal. Furthermore, at industrial scale, the
lower value of the optimum solvent/oil ratio of ketones
(Table 2) will minimize the costs of equipment and
operation of extraction and solvent recovery by distil-
lation. In relation to the best ketone, methyl n-propyl
ketone (MPK), the heaviest one, would be preferred to
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), since it will better dissolve Figure 1. Effect of the solvent/oil ratio on the extraction yields.
the base oil. However, as shown in Table 2, it also better
dissolves the used oil impurities (metallic and acid extraction yields were similar (87.7, 87.5, 87.8, and
compounds), and for this reason, it should be discarded. 87.7%), indicating that the reproducibility of the data
In short, single-solvent properties and extraction results was good. Nevertheless, to minimize experimental er-
suggest that MEK is the best candidate to become the rors, each run was replicated twice.
basic component of the composite solvent. Then, the effect of the solvent/oil ratio on the yield of
As noted above, the flocculating component should the extracted oil was determined. Figure 1 shows that,
promote fast flocculation of used oil impurities at as in the case of single solvents, the extraction yields
operating conditions. According to Alves dos Reis and increase with increasing solvent/oil ratio up to a point
Silva,15 the flocculating action and subsequent impuri- at which they stabilize (7 g/g for all composite solvents),
ties removal promoted by one-component solvents may smoothly with MEK and P-1/MEK-1 and steeply with
be correlated with the difference in the solubility P-3/MEK-1, P-5/MEK-1, and 2-propanol. It can also be
parameters of the solvent and polyisobutylene, a typical observed in Figure 1 that the yields attained with the
polyolefine used in motor oil additive packages. As this composite solvents are between those of pure solvents
difference increases, the efficiency at removing impuri- and increase with the proportion of MEK and that yield
ties also increases. Since these differences are higher stabilization occurs at a solvent/oil ratio similar to that
for alcohols,16 ketones should be the second choice when of pure MEK (7 g/g) and smaller than that for pure
selecting the flocculating component of the composite 2-propanol (10 g/g).
solvent. Data in Table 2 also support this hypothesis: The reason extraction yields increase with increasing
when comparing alcohols and ketones of similar chain solvent/oil ratios and then stabilize is probably due to
length, the impurities level (metallic and acid com- the fact that, at the smaller ratios, the solvents saturate
pounds) of the base oil extracted with alcohols was and do not dissolve all base oil present. With increasing
lower. As regards the best alcohol, solvent parameter solvent/oil ratios, the base oil dissolved increases, but
data shown in Table 2 suggest that 2-propanol would only up to a ratio at which the base oil fraction that
be a better flocculating agent than 2-butanol and each solvent may dissolve is exhausted; consequently,
2-pentanol. Metal concentrations and acid numbers of from this moment, the extraction yield will not increase
base oil extracted with these alcohols, also shown in anymore. As regards the fact that yield stabilization
Table 2, lend support to this statement. occurred with MEK and composite solvents at solvent/
oil ratios lower than those with 2-propanol, it could be
In summary, to improve the quality of the base oil attributed to the fact that the ketone and their mixtures
extracted from the used lubricant oil without renouncing have a smaller viscosity, polarity, and solubility param-
high extraction yields, the use of a composite solvent eter than those of the alcohol. To these factors it may
constituted by MEK as the basic component and 2-pro- also be imputed that extraction yields increase with the
panol as the flocculating agent is proposed. proportion of MEK in the mixture once that stabilization
3.1. Mixtures of Propanol/MEK: Yield and Qual- has been reached.
ity of the Base Oil. To find the optimum composition As regards the quality of the oil extracted with the
of the composite solvent, organic solvents 2-propanol composite solvents, Table 3 compares the concentration
and MEK were mixed at 2-propanol/MEK weight ratios of metals and oxidation products (acid number) attained
equal to 1, 3, and 5 g/g. From now we will refer to these with the solvents when the optimum solvent/oil ratio
mixtures as P-1/MEK-1, P-3/MEK-1, and P-5/MEK-1. was used in the extractions. As expected, it can be
The waste oil extractions were performed with these observed that the quality of the extracted oil decreases
three composite solvents at conditions selected in refs as the proportion of MEK in the solvent is raised, just
4 and 5: T ) 25 °C; solvent/oil ratio (S/O) ) 2, 5, 7, 10, as see with the extraction yield increase. Furthermore,
and 15 g/g; and t ) 30 min. Table 3 shows that both the extraction yield and the
First of all, the accuracy of the experimental extrac- quality of the oils extracted with P-1/MEK-1 are very
tion yields was determined by comparing the results close to those obtained with pure MEK, while the
from four independent runs carried out under identical quality values of the oils extracted with P-5/MEK-1 and
conditions (solvent ) P-3/MEK-1, S/O ) 10/1 g/g, T ) P-3/MEK-1 are very similar between them and worse
25 °C, and t ) 30 min). In these experiments, the than that obtained with pure 2-propanol, with the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 20, 2005 7857

Table 3. Effect of the Solvent on Extraction Yield and

Quality of the Base Oil Extracted
P-1/MEK-1 P-3/MEK-1 P-5/MEK-1
optimum S/O, g/g 7 7 7
yield (%) 89.8 87.5 84.5
Zn (ppm) 631 512 494
Pb (ppm) 357 315 318
Ca (ppm) 450 416 403
Fe (ppm) 14 11 11
acid number,a 2.15 1.81 1.56
(mg of KOH)/g
a The acid number is an indirect measure of the concentration

of oxidation compounds.

extraction yield with this pure solvent being substan-

tially lower than those with the composite solvents.
According to these results, the mixture P-3/MEK-1
appears as the best one to recover base oil from used
lubricant oil. To make such a statement, we have
Figure 2. Effect of the KOH concentration on the extraction
considered that, in principle, the best solvent would be yields.
that leading to the highest yield (i.e., MEK that allows
obtaining a yield of 91%). However, MEK could be
overtaken by any other solvent provided that solvent
fulfills the following two requirements: (1) it allows an
extraction yield to be obtained that cannot be <5% of
that obtained with MEK and (2) it leads to a reduction
in the concentration of oxidation compounds and metals
in the extracted oil of, at least, 15% in relation to that
attained with MEK. According to the data in Tables 2
and 3, the only solvent fulfilling both requirements is
P-3/MEK-1, and that is why it was chosen as the best
solvent to perform the extractions.
Nevertheless, the base oil recovered with P-3/MEK-1
still contains metals and oxidation products. Metal
compounds are usually removed in the vacuum distil-
lation step of the recycling process and do not represent
any problem.4,7,17-20 However, oxidation products have
Figure 3. Effect of the KOH concentration on the metallic
a boiling temperature range similar to that of the base concentration of the extracted oil.
oil and cannot be separated by distillation.
To solve this problem, the addition of aqueous solu- Table 4. Effect of the KOH Concentration on the Acid
tions of the basic salt of an alkali metal has been Number
proposed.21 Oxidation products removal may be favored, (g of KOH)/(kg of solvent)a acid number,b (mg of KOH)/g
because the basic compound introduced may not only 0 1.91
neutralize the acid compounds of the oil but also induce 1 0.16
their saponification and subsequent precipitation. On 2 0.04
the other hand, in the basic medium resulting after the 3 0.02
base addition, metallic impurities may precipitate as 5 <0.01
metal hydroxides. 7 <0.01
The use of aqueous solutions to eliminate oxidation a Solvent: P-3/MEK-1. b The acid number is an indirect measure

products and heavy metals has been investigated by sev- of the concentration of oxidation compounds.
eral authors, and important reductions of these impuri-
ties have been reported.21-25 Nevertheless, this treat- 3.2. Mixtures of P-3/MEK-1 with KOH: Yield and
ment may cause problems such as the clogging of lines Quality of the Base Oil. Waste oil extractions were
by soap, sludge, and polymerization products promoted performed at conditions selected for the composite
by unreacted caustic not removed with the sludge.26-27 solvent P-3/MEK-1 (T ) 25 °C, t ) 30 min, S/O ) 7 g/g).
It should also be noticed that this process introduces The percentage of KOH added to the organic solvent
water to the oil; this water should be eliminated before was varied between 1 and 7 (g of KOH)/(kg of solvent).
the extraction with solvents because it may modify the Figures 2 and 3 and Table 4 show the results obtained.
solubility parameters of the base oil components. It can be seen in Figure 2 that extraction yields
To overcome these problems, other authors16 have decrease as the concentration of KOH in the solvent
suggested adding the basic compound directly to the increases. It may be imputed to two different facts. On
organic solvent (single or composite) instead of doing it one hand, it should be considered that the basic com-
to water and then adding the aqueous solution to the pound introduced to neutralize the acid compounds of
oil. In this work, to determine if significative reductions the waste oil may also induce the formation of soap and
in the concentrations of metals and oxidation products polymers by reaction between the base oil components
can be achieved by this treatment, the effect of adding and the base added;26,27 on the other hand, what
KOH directly to the organic solvent on both impurities probably occurs is an increasing destabilization of the
removal and base oil yields will be analyzed. dispersion formed by the base oil and the impurities and
7858 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 20, 2005

subsequent precipitation of the unwanted impurities4,7,16 Furthermore, sulfur and phosphorus concentrations,
as the concentration of KOH in the organic solvent is and viscosities at 40 and 100 °C, are similar to those of
increased. Such destabilization occurs because the -OH an SN-130 virgin oil2, which are 22 cSt at 40 °C and
groups of the potassium hydroxide break the hydrogen 4.3 cSt at 100 °C. On the contrary, vacuum-distilled oil
bonds between the polar impurities and the dispersant- without solvent pretreatment (column 5) is still con-
detergent additives of the waste oil, additives that are taminated and may not be used in the formulation of
soluble in both waste oil and organic solvents.2 new lubricants without being submitted to a finishing
To confirm this last hypothesis, the quality of the oil treatment.
extracted was assessed through the measurement of the
concentrations of oxidation products and metallic com- 4. Conclusions
pounds. Relative concentrations of the former are shown
in Table 4. It can be seen that the acid number decreases By using the proper selection of components and
with increasing KOH concentration and that the con- compositions, a composite solvent to recover base oil
centration of oxidation compounds is smaller than that from used lubricant oil has been formulated. The
required for a lubricant oil, i.e., <0.05 mg/g2, when the composite solvent has two single components: a basic
concentration of KOH in the solvent is g2 g/kg. As compound miscible with the base oil (MEK) and a
pointed out earlier, this should be due to both neutral- flocculating compound that improves the segregation
ization and saponification followed by precipitation of and flocculation of the waste oil impurities (2-propanol).
acid compounds. The best extraction results have been obtained when
As regards the metals, Figure 3 shows the metallic the single solvents selected were mixed at a 2-propanol/
content of the base oil extracted with P-3/MEK-1 with MEK ratio ) 3 g/g. Nevertheless, the base oil recovered
different concentrations of KOH. It can be observed that, with this composite solvent still contains metals and
for all metals analyzed, their metallic concentrations in oxidation products that are coextracted together with
the oil decrease with increasing KOH concentration. the base oil. Metal compounds are usually removed in
Since the solubility of a particular metal is directly the vacuum distillation step of the recycling process and
controlled by pH,28 it may be imputed to the fact that do not cause any special trouble. However, oxidation
the metals react with the hydroxide ions to form metal products have a boiling temperature range similar to
hydroxide solids, i.e., the metals remain dissolved in the that of the base oil and do represent a problem since
solvent/oil mixtures until the pH raises to a level where they cannot be separated by distillation.
precipitation occurs. To overcome this problem, very low quantities of
In short, since very low quantities of strong base can strong base (KOH) have been added to the composite
be used to neutralize or remove oxidation products and solvent. It has caused the elimination of the major part
metallic compounds, it may be concluded that this of the oxidation products and metallic compounds.
treatment is extremely effective at removing oxidation Oxidation compounds removal occurs because KOH
components from the waste oil without generating large neutralizes the acid compounds and induces their
quantities of treatment waste which create a disposal saponification and subsequent precipitation. As regards
or posttreatment problem. the metals, in the basic medium resulting after base
addition, metallic impurities precipitate as metal hy-
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