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Fluid Mechanics Course

Topic IV

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- Conduits: pipes, ducts, annulars,…..etc

“Pipe” “Rectangular duct” “Annular”

How to determine the energy losses due to friction for Flow in pipe of length L?

MEB: gz  z   u 2122u

 P  P
 w pfw


 P1 P2 P1  P2 : is pressure drop

 wf
 P21 P  P is pressure difference

1 /38 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shannag

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Thus, if we know pressure drop ( P1-P2) we can then calculate energy losses due to friction.
How to determine P1-P2?
P1-P2 can be measured experimentally by using, for example, U-manometer: 12

Apply barometric Eq.: 
P1  H   m H  P2
 P1  P2  H  m   
 H  m   
W f H

This experimental method is impractical for long pipes.

nduits and Energy Losses

alternative way. First let us understand the relation between pressure drop and flow rate by discussing the following
pening (VO).
llected volume during

certain time and at each VO.

- Record H at each VO.
-put you data in a table as shown in the next slide.
Flow-regulating valve L

Smooth pipe

m bucket stopwatch
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
P1  P2 
VO% volume; v Time Q=V/t H
H  m  

0 0 --- 0 0 0
10 --- --- --- --- ---
30 --- --- --- --- ---
40 --- --- --- --- ---
50 --- --- --- --- ---
70 --- --- --- --- ---
80 --- --- --- --- ---
90 --- --- --- --- ---
100 --- --- --- --- ---

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

If you draw P1-P2 versus volumetric flow rate Q you will find a trends as shown in the figure below:

Intermediate flow rate region
Low flow rate region High flow rate region
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
It is clear from previous plot that:
1- In the low flow-rate region: Linear relationship between
P1-P2 and Q.
2- In the intermediate flow-rate region: No clear trend.
3- In the high flow-rate region: power law relationship
between P1-P2 and Q.

Why this strange behavior?!

In the year 1883, Osborne Reynolds explained this

strange behavior. He performed flow visualization
experiments using dye as shown in the next slide

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

dye “Reynolds experiment”

smooth contraction to stabilize the flow Syringe needle
Flow-regulating valve
Smooth glass tube


Therefore, Reynolds used smooth contraction.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

“Low flow rate region”

Straight streamline

gy Losses
acterized by the following:

reak down the pipe.

nt radial locations, it is found that all formed streamlines are straight and parallel to each other. This means that all m

and thus: r
u  u(r)
P  P(x) x

-In this flow region, fluid moves in a thin shells or layers or

laminas. Thus, the region is called laminar flow region.
-The flow is steady state.
Flow in Conduits and Ene
“High flow-rate region”

Dispersion of dye

-The injected dye is rapidly dispersed throughout the entire flow filed. This means that there
- Since this region is characterized by good mixing, it is called
turbulent flow region.

Energy Losses


but it is NOT stable. Any small disturbances or vibrations will switch the flow to be turbulent. Thus, this region is call
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

-Reynolds found the most important dimensionless group in fluid mechanics which is calle

Re  UL  UL
 
U : Characteristic velocity.
L : Characteristic Length.
, , : Density, viscosity, and kinematic viscosity of the
flowing fluid, respectively.
Exercise: Verify that Re is dimensionless quantity

- Note that Reynolds number depends on hydrodynamic conditions (U), geometry (L) and phy

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- For flow in pipe: Re 

Where D is the diameter of the pipe and u is the average velocity.
-ReynoldsfoundthatforflowofNewtonianand incompressible fluid in smooth pipe, when:

Re  uD  2000
: The flow is laminar

2000  Re  4000 : The flow is transition
Re  4000 : The flow is turbulent

-The value of Re below which the flow switch from laminar to transition is called critical Reynolds number ( Rec).
For flow in pipe: Rec  2000
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

u(y) Boundary layer; 

“Flow over flat plat”
UL  500000
For flow over flat plat, the flow is laminar If: Re 

 Rec  500000
Momentum (velocity) Boundary layer : distance from the wall in which there is velocity gra

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Laminar ( Poiseuille) flow in pipe:

Smooth pipe Cylindrical shell

u max

u=0 x

P1 P2
-The flow is steady
- u=u(r), p=p(x)
-Newtonian fluid
-Incompressible fluid
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Steady state x-component force balance on the cylindrical shell:
F r r

Fp F r r
x F p xx r
“cylindrical shell”

x-Forces: Pressure forces Fp and shear stress forces F :

Fp Fp F r r
x xx

Fp PAx 2rrP ; Fp  PA xx  2rrP xx

x x x

F r  A r  2rx ; F r r  A r r  2 (r  r)x r r


Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

2rrP  2rrP xx
 2 (r  r)x  2rx r  0
r r
Divide by 2 and rearrange the equation as:

 (r  r)x r r rx r  rrP  xx
rrP x

Divide by rx and rearrange Eq. as:

(r  r) r r r r P P

 r

r x
 
 1 d (r )  dP(x)
Take limit when x  0; r  0 :
rdr dx
For Couette flow:   du( y) dy“for dy=+ve du=+ve  =+ve
For flow in pipe:    du(r) dr“for dr=+ve du=-ve  =+ve
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
d  r du(r) 
 
  dr   dP(x)
r dr dx
d  r du(r) 
 
1  dr   1 dP(x)
r dr  dx
Since the left hand side is function of r only and the right
hand side is function of x only:
1 dP(x) x 2 P 2

 
 dx  cons tan t  C  Cdx x1P1

P 21 P
  C(x 21 x )  P 21P  C 

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

d  r du(r) 
 
 dr    P 21P r
dr L 

du(r) P  P  r 2
Integrate the above Eq.: r   21  c1
dr   L 2
du(r) P  P
21  r c1
Divide by r:  
dr  L 2r
Integrate the above Eq.: u(r)   21  c1 ln r  c2
 L 4
constants c1 and c2: At r=0: u=umax ; du/dr=0

At r=R=D/2: u=0
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
At r=0 the velocity must have limited value, umax, thus c1 must be zero to avoidln(0)  :

Thus, the profile becomes: PPr2

u(r)   21  c2
 L 4
At r  R  D/2 : u  0
 P  P  R2  P  P  R2
0   21  c2  c2   21 
 L 4  L 4
 P  P 2r2
 21 u(r)   21 
L 4L 4 
 P  Or:
P   r 2 
u(r)  R 2  12 1   
 4  L   R 
 

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

At r  0 : u  umax
 P  P   0 2  PP
u  umax  R 2  12    R  
1 u  R2  12  
 4L   max
 4L 

  r 2 
u  umax 1    Laminarflowhasparabolic
 R  velocity profile
 

To find the volumetric flow rate for laminar flow:

R R r 2 
Q  u(r)dA  u(r)2  rdr  2  max
u1  rdr
0 0  R2 
r 2 2u
 2 umax   1rdr   R max
0 R2  2
Flow in Conduits and Ener
Q  R2 umax
But we know that: Q  Au  R2u
u  umax
 P  P 
Q  R2u  R2 R 2  12   
 4L 
 D412P  P 
Hagen-Poiseuille Eq.
Hagen-Poiseuille Eq. has importance in fluid mechanics. It shows that the pressure drop is line

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

P  P  128L Q
From Hagen-Poiseuille Eq.:
D 4

P1  P2

The equation can be used:

-To measure viscosity by plotting slope  128L
pressure drop versus Q. D 4
-To determine Q if pressure drop is measured.
-To determine pressure drop if Q is measured.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Now energy losses for laminar flow in smooth pipe can be determined by applying MEB:

P 21P
gz 21 z   u 2122u 
1 P1 P2
 wp  wf
2 
 P1  P2
 wf

 128L Q
 wf
D 4 

- The equation is also applicable for laminar flow in vertical (or inclined) pipe. Verify that!

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- Turbulent flow in pipe (Re4000):

Random fluctuation of each velocity component in time and all directions.
-Unsteady flow.
- Good mixing.

Velocity is averaged in time:


 V (t)dt
x T=tf-ti
u ti

T ti tf
Vx : Axial velocity component
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
The time-averaged velocity profile for turbulent flow is:

 r 1/ 7
u(r) max
u1  equation obtained from experimental measurements”
 R  

Laminar flow has parabolic Turbulent flowhasflat

velocity profile: velocity profile:
  r 2   r 1/ 7
u(r)  max
u1   u(r) max
u1 
 R   R

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- Why in turbulent flow the velocity has flat velocity profile?
Turbulence means good mixing and thus a uniform

valuesof Therefore centerline

the velocity has a umax value along the
and in the adjacent zone. Moreover, the
ut with small.
maller than that for laminar flow. Since momentum boundary layer represents a resistance to momentum transfer,
heat, and momentum.
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
- What is the relation between umax and u for turbulent flow?

 r 1/ 7
Q  Au  R2u   u(r)dA  u(r)2rdr   2umax 1  rdr
00  R
After integration:

R2u  R2 0.8umax

 u  0.8umax
The value of average velocity for turbulent flow is more closed
to umax than that for laminar flow ( u  0.5umax ).

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

-Prove that the correction factor used
in the kinetic laminarand
energyterm ofMEB is   0.5 for
  1.0 flow turbulent flow.
P 21P
 z  u 2122u 
MEB: gz  wp w
2 
21 f

dE k  0.5u 2 dm

 E  E 
 k    k  dm  dQ  u(r)dA   2ru(r)dr
 m2 m1
dEk  (0.5)(2 )ru3 (r)dr
Ek    ru3 (r)dr
Laminar flow: 0
   r 2  
   dr
R R Rmax
Ek   ru (r)dr   r umax 1 
3 
0  R    8
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

m  Q  R2u  R2 (umax / 2)

R2u3 / 8u  u 2
k max max   max   u 2
mR2 (u/max2) 4  2 
 E k  E k 
    u  u21 2 u  u21
2 12 1
 2
 m  2m  1 2 2
Turbulent flow: 3
R R
  r 1/ 7  R2u 3
Ek  ru (r)dr   r u max 1     dr max
  3

0 0
   R  4
m  Q  R2u  R2 (0.8u
max )

E R2 (0.8u)3 / 20.8u 2 u2

k maxmax
m R2 (0.8u) 2 2

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

 E  E  u2 u2
 k   k  2 1
u 21 u 2   1
 m2 m  1

Comparison between laminar and turbulent flows:

Laminar flow Turbulent flow
Steady flow Unsteady flow
Straight and parallel streamlines Random motion in all direction
Parabolic velocity profile Flat velocity profile
Large boundary layer Thin boundary layer
Low transfer rates High transfer rates
  0.5   1.0
u  0.5umax u  0.8umax
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
How to determine the energy losses wf for turbulent flow?
In general, for both laminar and turbulent flows:

wf  fun(u , L, D, ,  ,  )
 :Roughness of the pipe
Darcy found thatw f is directly proportional to the square of
average velocity u 2and length of the pipe L and inversely proportional to the radius of the pi

Lu 2 Lu 2
wf   wf  f
Lu2 Lu2
wf  4 f D 2 Or hf  4 f D 2g “Darcy’s Equation”

Where f is the proportionality constant which is

friction factor and hf is the head loss due to friction.

Energy Losses
d viscosity and roughness of the pipe are all included through friction factor as we will see below.
d that as Reynolds number, Re, increases, friction factor, f, decreases. Obviously, as pipe roughness increases, friction

f  fun(Re  uD ,  )
Where  / D is the relative roughness
- Roughness depends on the material of construction of the pipe.

- One of the most widely used methods for evaluating the friction factor employs the Moody diagram.
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

“Moody diagram”
Relative roughness; /D
Friction factor , f

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- Friction factor can be evaluated using Moody diagram or using the following Colebrook Eq.:

  D1.225 
1  4 log 
f  3.7 Re f 
 
Special case: laminar flow

128L Lu2  D2
wf  D4  Q  4 f D 2 Q  Au  u
128L D2 Lu2 
u  4 f 16 fu D 2D
 D 4 4
f  16
Re “ For Laminar flow: Re < and =0”

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- Three common friction factor problems:
wf  fun(u or Q, L, D, ,  ,  )

Type Given To find Solution method

1 u or Q, L, D, , , wf Direct
2 wf , L, D, , , u or Q Trial-and-error
(It can be direct)
3 wf ,u or Q, L, , , D Trial-and-error

How Type 2 can be direct? Use Colebrook Eq. together with

Darcy Eq. and Definition of Reynolds number to find:
8.8856 Dwf   D 1.7324 /  
u log  Verify that!
 L  3.7 DDwf / L 
 
Q   D 2u 4
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Example. Determine energy loss due to friction and pressure drop for a flow of a Newtonian fl

= / =1
Glass has
Re  uD
For lamina

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

wf  4 f D 2  6.86 J/kg the head loss is:  wf
h f g
Or use: w f  128LQ (D4  )  6.86 J/kg
 0.146 m
Apply MEB to find pressure drop across the pipe:
P2  P1   w
f  P  12 P  w f 5145 Pa

(b) Volumetric flow rate is 80 L/s: Q  0.08m3/s
u  Q / A  4Q D2 10.186 m/s
Re  uD /  8.5103 Turbulent flow: Re>4000
Re  8.5103
from Moody diagram : f  0.008
 / D  0 (smooth)
w  4 f L u166 J/kg hf  w f/ g  16.9 m
P1  P2  w f  124.5kPa
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Example. Determine energy losses and pressure drop for a flow of 140 L/s of oil ( = 0.008 kg

and 200-mm-diameter. wf =?T

Q=140 L/s=0.14 m3/s; = / =0.00001 m2/s; D=0.2m; L=400 m From a previ
u  Q / A  4Q D2  4.456 m/s Re  uD /  8.9104
 / D  0.0012from Moody diagram : f  0.0058
Turbulent flow: 0 and Re>4000

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

wf  4 f D 2  460.7 J/kg and the head loss is:
 wf
hf  47 m
Apply MEB to find pressure drop across the pipe:
P2  P1   w
12 P  w f 369 kPa
f  P 

xample. Water at 15 oC flows through 300-mm diameter riveted steel pipe with head loss of 6 m cross a length of 30
. Find the volumetric flow rate.
=? Type 2 problem
om physical properties table of water at 15 oC: =1.1310-6
2/s. From previous table riveted steel has =1.810-3 m.

=0.3 m; L=300 m; hf=6 m

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Trial-and-error method: Use Darcy Eq. to relate u with f:

hf  4 f D 2g

hf gD  0.17155
u 
f 2 fL
Take trial f value from moody diagram: f = 0.01 Find u:  0.17155  1.716 m/s

Find : Re  uD  4.6105
 from Moody diagram : f  0.008
 / D  0.006

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Recalculate : u  0.17155  1.918 m/s
Recalculate : uD
Re   5.110 5

from Moody diagram : f  0.008

 / D  0.006
Since this f value is similar to the previous one, stop iterations:
u  1.918  Q  u  0.136 m3/s  136 L/s
Direct method for type 2:
8.8856 Dwf   D 1.7324 /  
u log   1.910
 L  3.7 DDwf / L 
 
Q  D2u 4  0.135 m3/s  135 L/s
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Example. Determine the diameter of commercial steel pipe required to convey 400 gpm of oi
D=? Type 3 problem
From previous table, commercial steel has =1.510-4 ft. L=10000 ft; hf=75 ft

Q  400  8.913ft3/s
min 7.48gal 60s
The strategy for solving type 3 problem is

h  4 f L u 4 f L 4Q
unknown D with f through Darc2 y Eq.
D 2g D
32 fLQ2 
D5 4.0335 f
 2 hf g

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Take trial f value from moody diagram: f = 0.005 Find : D  4.0335 f  1.398 ft
Find : u  4Q / D2  5.806ft/s

Find : Re  uD  8.1104
 Moody diagram : f  0.0049
 / D  0.00011
Recalculated : D  4.0335 f  1.392 ft
Recalculate : u  4Q / D2  5.857 ft/s
Recalculate :

Re  uD  8.2104
 from Moody diagram : f  0.0049
 / D  0.00011  D  1.392ft
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Energy losses due to fittings:
Fittings: elbow, valve, contraction, expansion, joint, bend,…etc

“Globe valve” “Gate valve” “Check valve-swing type” “Angle valve”

“Foot valve with strainer- hinged disc”

“Check valve-ball type” “Butterfly valve”

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

“Pipe entrance” “Contraction” “Expansion”

Sudden expansion/contraction when =180o

“90o smooth bend” “90o miter bend”

There are other fittings in the market……

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

These fittings dissipate energy. The energy loss due to fitting is expressed into two ways:
A- Loss (resistance) coefficient method:

w  orh f
2 2
Ku Ku
f fitting fitting
2 2g

: Energy due tofitting

f fitting

h fitting
: Head loss due to fitting
: Lossf (resistance) coefficient of fitting
: Largest
K average velocity ( inlet average velocityoroutletaveragevelocity,

depending on its value.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

hf  Ke 2g

hf  KC 2

u2 0.92
hf  KE 1

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

hf  Kb 2g

hf  Kb 2g

hf  K 2g
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

How can we determine K for other fittings in the laboratory?

1 2
Barometric Eq.:
P  H  1m2
HP Fitting
 P1  P2  H  m    
P 21P
MEB :  (w ffitting
) H

 P1  P2  H  m    m
 (w ffitting
 
u2 2H   
But (w f ) fitting  K K m
2 u 2

duits and Energy Losses

length method:
ue to fitting can be expressed in terms of the equivalent length of the pipe that has the same energy loss for the sam

Leq u 2 Leq u 2
  4 f
wffitting D2 or
hf fitting
 4 f D 2g

 
wf fitting
WhereEnergy loss :due to fitting
 
Head loss due
hf fitting
: to fitting
: Equivalent length of the fitting average velocity in the pipe
Leq u
This method does NOT used for expansion/contraction since inlet diameter differs from outlet diameter.
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Equivalent length for various kinds of fittings

Type of fitting Leq/D
Globe valve, wide open 340
Angle valve, wide open 145
Gate valve, wide open 13
Check valve (swing type) 135
90 standard elbow 30
45o standard elbow 16
90o long-radius elbow 20

Remark. The available data orient us to use either Leq- method or K-method or a combination of them.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Example. Find the static head H shown in the figure below to have a discharge of 60 L/s

Water reservoir
=1000 kg/m3
60 m
= 0.001kg/m.s

12 m Globe valve wide open 60 L/s

30 m
90o standard elbows
150 mm-diameter clean cast iron pipe; =0.25 mm

D  0.15 m ; Q  0.06 m3 / s
u  4Q / D2  3.4 m / s
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Apply MEB between reservoir free surface and pipe discharge:

P 21P
gz 21 z   u 2122u 
 w pfw
2 
z2  z1  H ;u1  0; wp  0; P2  P1  Patm
u 22 u 22 w f
Hg   w f  H 
2 2gg
or H  2  hf
Where hf is the total head losses due to friction in pipe and fittings.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

(a) If we neglect head losses:

u2 u2
H  2  0  0.5892 m
2g 2g
Is it safe to neglect hf?!. Let us see
(b) If we take head losses into account:
What head losses does the problem have?
-Head loss due to friction in pipe segments.
-Head loss due to sudden contraction; D2/D1=0
-Head loss due to 2 standard 90o elbows.
-Head loss due Globe valve wide open.
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
-Head losses due to friction in pipe segments:
Since the pipe segments has the same diameter and the same roughness we can find total len

Re  uD  5.05105
 from Moody diagram : f  0.006
 / D  0.0017
 4fh L
 u 9.62 m

f pipe
D 2g
-Head losses due to contraction:
Sudden contraction (=180o)occurs from large reservoir diameter to pipe diameter( D 2/D1=0

tables: Kc=0.5
h  f contraction
 K c 2g  0.29 m

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

-Head loss due to 2 standard 90o elbows:

From previous tables, standard 90o elbows has Kb=0.9
h 
f elbows
 (2)K
b 2g
1.06 m

- Head loss due Globe valve (wide open):

From previous tables, Globe valve (wide open) has Kv=10

 K v 2g  5.89 m

Thus the total head loss is:

hf  fh pipe
 h f contraction
 hf elbows  hf valve 16.86 m
tic head (H=0.5892 m) resulted from part (a) by neglecting head losses is NOT enough just to overcome these head
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Finally the static head required to have 60 L/s of water discharge is:

u2 3.42
H  2  hf 
2g 16.8617.45 m
Remember that you can use equivalent length method2(9.81)
to find head losses due to some fitting

 
For standard 90o elbows: eqLD  30

For globe valve (wide open): LD 340

eq valve
 Leq  u 2
hf  (2) 4 f  
 D elbow 2g 0.84 m

 Leq 
h f 4f 
u 2
 D valve 2g

uits and Energy Losses

w shown in the figure below:
er must be supplied to the motor of the pump, if it is 60% efficient to pump 200 gpm of water from left reservoir to
e rise across the pump.

ontains: 2000 ft of 3-in-schedule 40 commercial steel pipe; 2 Globe valves (wide open), 9 90 o elbows, 1 swing check v
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
3-in-schedule 40 riveted steel pipe: 3 in is the nominal diameter and it is NOT internal diamet

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
gal 1min 1ft3
D  0.2557 ft ; Q  200 min 60s 1gal  0.4456 ft3/s

u  4Q / D2  8.68 m/s

Apply MEB between free surfaces of reservoirs:

P 21P
gz 21 z   u 2122u 
 w pfw
2 
P1  P2  Patm ; z1  z2 ; u1  0 ; u1  0
 wp  wf
wp : Specific work done by pump on water; lbf.ft/slug.
w f : Specific energy losses due to friction in pipe and fittings; lbf.ft/slug.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Energy losses:
-Energy losses due to friction in pipe segments:
L=2000 ft For commercial steel: =1.510-4 ft

Re  uD  2.05105
 from Moody diagram : f  0.0048
 / D  0.0006
 4w
f L u 5657.3lbf.ft/slug

f pipe
-Energy losses due to contraction:
Sudden contraction from left reservoir to pipe: Kc=0.5

w 
 K u18.8 lbf.ft/slug
f contraction c
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

-Energy losses due to expansion:

Sudden expansion from pipe to the right reservoir: Ke=1.0

w 
 K u 37.6 lbf.ft/slug
f contraction e
- Energy losses due 2 Globe valve (wide open):
For globe valve (wide open): L eq D  
Globe valve
 340
 Leq  u 2
w 
f  (2) 4 f   491.8lbf.ft/slug
Globe valves
 D valve 2
- Energy losses due 1 Swing check valve:
For swing check valve: LD
eq swingvalve
 135
 Leq  u 2
w   (1) 4 f   97.6 lbf.ft/slug
 D swing valve 2

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

- Energy losses due 9 90o elbows:

For 90o elbowselbow
: LD 30

  Leq  u 2  195.3lbf.ft/slug
wf elbows  (9) 4 f 
 D elbow 2

wf  w f  contraction  wf expansion  wf pipe  wf eswingvalve 

w  f globevalves
 wf elbows
 6498.7 lbf.ft/slug
From MEB :wp  wf  6498.7 lbf.ft/slug
wp  mw f  Qwf  (1.94)(0.4456)(6498.7)  5617.9 lbf.ft/s
wp : Power done by pump on water.
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
To convert this power to horsepower, use the following
conversion factor: 1hp  550lbf.ft/s
w 5617.9 lbf.ft/s  10.2 hp
550 lbf.ft/s

But the problem asked about the power supplied to the motor of the pump and since the pum
w p
Efficiency ;  
Power suppliedto themotor 10.2
Power suppliedto themotor
 0.6 

Power suppliedto themotor  17 hp

Thus buy a pump with at least 17 hp to have this pumping duty.

Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

(b) Pressure rise across the pump (P2-P1):
P1 P2
Apply MEB across the pump:

P 21P
 wp wf  pump

assumewf pump  0

P 21P p w  (1.94)(6498.7)  12607.5 lbf/ft 2

 87.6 psi  5.96 atm
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Energy losses due to friction for flow across noncircular cross-sections:

The concept of hydraulic radius (HR) permits circular and non-circular cross sections to be tre

HR  Cross  Sectional Area  A

Wetted perimeter W
For circular cross-section:
AD2 / 4 D
HR   D  4HR
W D
For noncircular cross section we define the equivalent diameter Deq:
D 4HR  4 A

nd Energy Losses Equivalent diameter is used to determine energy losses due to friction for flow through non-cir

;  /eqD;w  L u2
Re   f pipe

Example. Find the equivalent diameter for flow in conduit of square cross-section:

A x2
Deq  4 4 x x
W 4x
Example. Find the equivalent diameter for flow between two
concentric cylinders:
 D 2  d 2
A 4 4  D2  d 2  D  d
Deq  4 W  4
D  d Dd
“Annular cross-section”
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses

Example. Find the equivalent diameter for flow between two 3 pipes an

D2  (3)d 2
4  D2  3d 2
A 4
Deq  4 W  4
D  3d D  3d

The equivalent diameter is helpful in the design of

heat/mass transfer equipments such as heat exchangers.

The use of equivalent diameter does NOT work well for cross-sections that depart radically fr

y Losses
nd pressure drop for flow of 300 m3/min of air at 20 oC through a rectangular galvanized iron section of 700 mm wid

x=0.7 m y=0.35 m
x For galvanized iron
=1.5×10-4 m
From physical properties table for air at 20 oC:
 = 1.204 kg/m3
 =1.81×10-5 Pa.s hf =?Type 1 problem
Flow in Conduits and Energy Losses
Q  300 m3/min  5 m3/s
A  xy  (0.7)(0.35)  0.245 m2
u  Q / A  20.41m/s

D 4 A  4 xy (0.7)(0.35)
eq 4  0.4667 m
W 2x  2 y(2)(0.7)  (2)(0.35)
Re  equD/   6.3105
from Moody diagram : f  0.004
 / Deq  0.00032
Turbulent flow: 0 and Re>4000
L u2
hf  4 f  51 m
Apply MEB to find pressure drop across the duct:
P1  P2  w f  gh f  602.4 Pa

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