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Sanela Sakic



End of the Semester: Progress Evaluation

My classmate (name kept anonymously) and I looked back, at the entire semester too see

how we improved. We both work with all sorts of age groups and ethnics, which made us had

the same goals in improving our communication and learning about peoples mind sets at the

certain age group. We both agreed that all of the unit observation assignments helped us

understand/improve our goals. As we observed from life from 0 to 99+ years old. We learned

that you have to know or learn in order to understand how to communicate with each age groups.

For example, having a “baby” voice helps babies understand language and having a sincere voice

help the elderly understand with their reaction time.

The best assignments that best showcase our progress are unit one observation assignment

because we watched how babies develop, which helped us improved why babies do “wired

things” at their stage in development. Unit three observation. There’s a saying that “teenagers are

wired” I knew that was normal, but I never knew exactly why. My and my classmate both agreed

that teens are finding themselves, have a high sensations and so much more other things are

going on. I learned the best way to talk to teenagers is too talk to them like adults, but in a fun

way. Unit three observation helped me realized why kids or preteens are a lot calmer then when

they do become teens. As well as why there so prone to bullying. I learned to talk to preteens by

helping them not feel alone. At that stage loneliness can be a huge impact them psychological,

which Is why I try to help them not feel alone.

The class its self, helped me and my classmate in our learning by now understanding how to

communicate effectively with all age groups. For me my learning will affect my work by helping

my patients with all sorts of age groups. For my classmate her learning will mainly affect her

schooling because she wants to become a teacher for elementary kids. She told me she had a

better understanding about kids and learning about the subjects we both learned in the class. She

said her learning will enhance her learning for by adding an extra benefit. Kind of like a boost.

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