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Independent Essay:

Compare aspects of two subjects:

Introductory paragraph

- Gives an overview of comparison and your personal opinion if the question asks you

Body paragraph A

- Compare and contrast both two subjects in one aspect.

Body paragraph B

- Compare and contrast both two subjects in another aspect.

Conclusion paragraph

- Give a summary of comparisons between two opinions and restate your personal opinion
if the question asks you.

Compare the advantage and disadvantage of one subject:

Introductory paragraph

- Gives an overview of advantage and disadvantage and your personal opinion if the
question asks you

Body paragraph A

- Discuss the advantage of the subject.

Body paragraph B

- Discuss the disadvantage of the subject.

Conclusion paragraph

- Summarize the advantage and disadvantage, and include a reinstatement of your personal
opinion if the question asks you.

Many kinds of species have become extinct due to industry development. There are
preferences for developing industries instead of taking care of endanger animal habitat. I
disagree with the statement that protecting the environment of endangered species is more
valuable than developing an industry.

Many people think that art and music are not important to be taught in secondary school
because they are not necessary in life. However, I agree with the statement that all students
should learn art and music as part of their secondary school courses since it helps them
develop their personality and curiosity.

There are many ways of travelling such as alone, with family, with friends, with a mate or even
with coworkers. In my opinion, I prefer to travel alone because I can do whatever I want, and I
can manage my own schedule.

Many students traveled to study outside their home countries in recent years. Also, it is easier
to be accepted to enroll in a university than in the past. There are many reasons for this, such
as more opportunities, high probability for them to get a better job after their return and learn
a new culture.
Globalization has increased opportunities in many areas, including business, travel and
education. There are many schools and universities that accept international students and
help them with their education. Studying abroad has become popular for many students. I
think this is because they can understand other cultures, get a better education, and have
better job possibilities.

There are different views on the causes of violence in the world today.
Some argue that violence is attributed to people's exposure to violent scenes on television
and in films, while other point to wider problems in society such as unemployment,
education, and poor housing as the underlying cause of antisocial behavior.
In my opinion, poor parenting is the chief cause of violent behavior.

Everyone has different priorities in life, some people focus on achieve a great
amount of money despite having less time with their family, while others prefer to spend more
time with family and friends. In my opinion, family and friends are more important than money
because money comes and goes, but family is for all our lives.

It is generally believed that studying abroad is better than study in a home country because job
opportunities are higher. However, in my opinion, studying in any place does not guaranty a
successful position in any business since there is a gap between university courses and
business needs.

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