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The Mary Page Annotated Bibliography:

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Behrens, Helen. America's Treasure: The Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. Mexico: 1964.
A devotional work which sets forth an interpretation of the events of the appearance of the
Virgin Mary at Tepeyac in 1531
Callahan, Philip S. The Tilma Under Infrared Radiation. Washington: CARA, 1981.
A key scientific report on the authenticity of the Image of Guadalupe. Callahan concludes that
the original figure is of "inexplicable" origin.
Carroll, Warren H. Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness. Front Royal,
Virginia: Christendom Publications, 1983.
An historical and sociological account of the transformation of Aztec Mexico into a Christian
society through the impact of the appearances of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Cunningham, Agnes. The Significance of Mary. Chicago: The Thomas More Press, 1988.
The author calls for a "new look" at Mary to bring to contemporary society a new awareness
and appreciation of her role in salvation history. Five "images" of Mary are presented for
consideration and reflection. The first chapter (pp. 13-29) on "Mary Ever-Virgin" does this in
the context of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Cunningham sees Guadalupe integrity and growth in
Delaney, John J. (ed.) A Woman Clothed With the Sun (Eight Great Appearances of Our
Lady in Modern Times). Garden City, N.Y.: Hanover House, 1960.
A collection of eight significant apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Guadalupe, though much earlier
than the others, is included because of its impact on the development of Christian society in
the Western Hemisphere.
Demarest, Donald and Coley Taylor. The Dark Virgin: The Book of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Freeport, Maine: Coley Taylor, Inc., 1956.
A documentary anthology which presents the first English translations of three original
narratives of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe by Lazo de la Vega, Miguel Sanchez,
and Becerra Tanco. It includes biographies of Juan Diego, the Mexican native to whom the
Virgin revealed herself, and Juan de Zumarraga, the Bishop of Mexico in 1531.
Dooley, L. M., S.V.D. That Motherly Mother of Guadalupe. Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1962.
A brief summary of the apparitions of Guadalupe. A devotional guide for the Christian who
wishes to honor Mary -- especially as Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Eliot, Ethel C. Roses for Mexico. N.Y.: The Macmillan Company 1946.
An excellent work of historical fiction. The narrative engages the reader to enter the story as a
participant. Roses for Mexico is a must for the person who knows nothing of the tale of Mary's
appearance on the hill of Tepeyac in 1531.
Keyes, Frances Parkinson. The Grace of Guadalupe. N.Y.: Julian Messner, Inc., 1941.
A narrative account, written in a devotional style, of the appearances of the Virgin Mary and
the subsequent history of the Image of Guadalupe.
Lee, George, C.S.Sp. Our Lady of Guadalupe: Patroness of the Americas. N.Y.: Catholic
Book Publishing Co., 1947.
Father. Lee sets out to present an objective presentation of the apparition of Mary at
Guadalupe. For the most part he lets historical Mexican authorities tell the story. The work
reviews the history of the apparitions, describes the "Picture," the Shrine, and submits
testimony of some miracles attributed to Guadalupe. Lee becomes more subjective as he
describes the "fruits" of Guadalupe in the spiritual life of Mexico. Despite the triumphal
vocabulary, the work gives a thorough orientation to the subject of the veneration of millions
of people.
Smith, Jody Brant. The Image of Guadalupe. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1983.
An historical and scientific review of the image of Guadalupe. Included are accounts of the
infra-red photographic studies of the tilma, or cloak, and computer-enhanced studies of
images discovered in the eyes of the figure. The author (who is not a Catholic) concludes, in
light of these studies, that the "Image of Guadalupe is indeed a miracle."
Other Relevant Works
A Handbook on Guadalupe. For All Americans -- A Pledge of Hope. Kenosha, Wisconsin:
Franciscan Marytown Press, 1974.
A special edition by Immaculata, the official U.S.A. publication of the Knights of the
Immaculata founded by St. Maximilan Kolbe. It contains articles that set forth the
development of the cult of Guadalupe and give witness to the devotion of various individuals
whose lives have been transformed by their encounter with the Virgin of Guadalupe.
Amatora, Mary, O.S.F. The Queen's Portrait: The Story of Guadalupe. Fresno, California:
Academy Guild Press, 1961.
A picture-text account of the Virgin Mary's only apparition on the North American continent. It
is accompanied by the author's interpretation of its meaning to contemporary North
Burrus, Ernest J., S.J. A Major Guadalupan Question Resolved: Did General Scott Seize the
Valeriano Account of the Guadalupan Apparitions? Washington: CARA, 1979.
A monograph responding to the disappearance of important documentary evidence of the
Guadalupan apparitions. Burrus concludes that Scott did not seize the document and that it
may exist in the Nican Mopohua manuscripts in the New York City Public Library.
Burrus, Ernest J., S.J. Juan Diego and Other Native Benefactors in the Light of Boturini's
Research. Washington: CARA, 1984.
A monograph on the hitherto unpublished notes of Lorenzo Boturini, an eighteenth century
Italian historian who undertook the difficult task of documenting the events of the apparitions
of Guadalupe.
Campbell, Ena. "The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Female Self-Image," 5-24, Mother
Worship. Ed. James J. Preston. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
Campbell's contribution to the larger work, on "Mother Worship," focuses on the social and
political impact of the cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Campbell considers Guadalupe to be
the "Master Symbol" for all of Mexican society and, in particular, the shaping force in Mexican,
female self-image.
Cawley, Martinus. Anthology of Early Guadalupan Literature. Washington: CARA, 1984.
Translations of a number of writings relevant to the Guadalupan apparitions, accompanied by
commentaries on each. It includes an account of the apparitions that appears to be older than
the Nican Mopohua (attributed to Lasso de la Vega in 1649), perhaps penned by Juan
Gonzales, interpreter of Bishop Zumarraga.
Cawley, Martinus. Guadalupe: From the Aztec Language. Washington: CARA, 1983.
A monograph translation of an ancient Guadalupan text, Nican Mopohua, from the Nahuatl
language of the Aztecs into English. The original, by Luis Lasso de la Vega, gives one of the
earliest accounts of the encounter between Juan Diego and the Virgin Mary at Tepeyac.
Chauvet, Fidel de Jesus, O.F.M. "The Tradition of Guadalupe," The Marian Era. 11 (1973),
pp. 54-56, 142-147.
An account of the "tradition" of the origin of the cult of Guadalupe based upon the testimony
of sixteenth-century writers, oral tradition as reported in 1666, and later authorities who refer
to now-nonexistent documents.
Henderson, G. G., S.J. "The Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Image, the Origin of
the Pilgrimage," Marian Studies. Vol. XXXIV, 1983.
An interim report to the Mariological Society of America on a sociological study-in-progress of
the effect of Guadalupe as a unifying symbol for the people of Mexico. It includes a report on
the infrared photographic studies conducted by Dr. Philip S. Callahan (with the subsequent
conclusion that the origin of the image is "inexplicable.") and that the (study of this
phenomenon is to continue). The sociological-anthropological portion of the study remains to
be done.
Johnston, Francis. The Wonder of Guadalupe. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers,
Inc., 1981.
An historical account of the origin and cult of Guadalupe to the present day. It includes
information on the basilica and scientific findings regarding the image.
Leies, Herbert F., S.M. Mother for a New World: Our Lady of Guadalupe. Westminster,
Maryland: Newman Press, 1964.
A descriptive narrative of the cult of Guadalupe from its origin to the present, including
historical accounts of political and ecclesial events that are relevant.
Marti, Samuel. The Virgin of Guadalupe and Juan Diego (Historical Guide to Guadalupe).
Mexico: Euroamericanas, 1973.
A bilingual history of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. The work includes photographs and
prints of places associated with the apparitions as well as photographs of portions of
significant documents.
Narbutas, Titas. Marian Shrines of the Americas. N.Y.: Vantage Press, 1968.
Descriptive accounts of Marian shrines to be found in twenty-two countries of the Western
Hemisphere. The account of Our Lady of Guadalupe is found in the chapter on Mexico (pp.
Rahm, Harold J., S.J. Am I Not Here. Mother of the Americas: Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Washington, N.J.: Ave Maria Institute, 1962.
A devotional work tracing the impact of the Guadalupan apparitions on ancient Mexico and
Christian society today.
Watson, Simone, O.S.B. The Cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Historical Study. Collegeville,
Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1964.
An analytical documentation of the history of Guadalupe. Also contains an objective
investigation of miracles attributed to Mary's intervention and the Holy See's approbation of
the cult.
Miscellaneous Works
Budnik, Mary Ann. "The Beautiful Lady of Tepeyac Hill," Ligourian. 77:19-23, December,
A brief, fascinating summary of the appearance of Mary, Mother of Jesus, in Mexico in 1531.
The article offers an interpretation of the various aspects of the portrait of Mary which is
imprinted on the tilma (cloak) of the Mexican peasant, Juan Diego, to whom she appeared.
There is brief reference to modern scientific examination of the portrait.
Diaz, Vicente. "New Revelations from the Cloak of Juan Diego," Columbia. 65:8-15,
December, 1985.
A summary of the scientific examination of the image of Guadalupe by Philip S. Callahan, a
biophysicist, and Jody B. Smith, a professor of philosophy (both from the United States). Their
use of infrared photography on the image led to the conclusion that, although many elements
were added to the image at some later date, the composition of the original form was
Opthalmological study of the eyes of Mary in the image, through computer enhancement by
Dr. Jose Aste Tonsmann, reveal mirror-imaging of twelve figures in both eyes. These images
coincide with normal reflections seen in the eyes of living persons and they perfectly obey
with documentation of those present at the time of the revelation of the image.
Lampe, Philip E. "Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Ethnic Madonna," Homiletic and Pastoral
Review. 83:56-60, June, 1983.
A sociological evaluation of the status of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the United States in light
of the low social status of Mexican Americans with whom she is identified.
Parish, Helen Rand. Our Lady of Guadalupe. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1955.
A simple, illustrated narrative of the apparitions of Guadalupe. An appropriate book for young
Wintz, Jack, O.F.M. "Why Everyone Comes to Guadalupe," St. Anthony Messenger. 92:24-
33, December, 1984.
A brief, devotional review of the apparitions in 1531. It speaks of Guadalupe's contemporary
meaning in terms of: the "temple of the Faithful" built under her banner, the power of the
image to confer self-worth on the poor, and affirmation of the feminine in God and affirmation
of women.

This bibliography was prepared by David S. Vrooman for The Marian Library/International
Marian Research Institute, 1991.

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