Emergent Reader Case Summary Sheet: Word Knowledge

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Name:    T   Age:    5   Date of Testing:    11/04&11/07/19   Grade:   K    Examiner(s):   C.Crane

Phonological Awareness
Rhyme Awareness Words & Syllables Syllables Blending Phoneme Segmentation Beginning Sound
     4/8      0     1 (dog)    1        1.5      4/8
I knew this would When I modeled  Again when doing During modeling This went in the same He did surprisingly well
be a struggle, as and repeated the it together and and practice with pattern as the other on this assessment, but
the reading modeling with him then independent me he got it, but TOPPA assessments. He sometimes he did look
specialist told me a few times he with the practice when it came to could do it with me and confused and seemed like
he had no sense of seemed to word he could do doing it on the right after we did it he may have been
rhyme, but I do understand and this, but when it assessment he together, but moving guessing.
think his speech was able to do it came to the actual seemed to just into assessment he just
does impact this. with our practice assessment with forget. lost it.
Because even sentence, but he no help it seems
when he repeats could not do it on like he completely
the rhyme it does his own. forgot what we
sound slightly had just spent 10
different. minutes practicing

Alphabet Knowledge Letter-Sound Knowledge Concepts About Print

Lower Case Upper Case Production Spelling Observations
Letter Recognition Letter Sounds
     12/26 6/26   21/26 3           
I believe the student only The student mostly said He got most letters, but Tolt,Or,to,OX,O.      He is struggling with
recognized the letters he random babbles, he got a they did look a bit This student really anything and everything
did ,because he has been B,U,Y,C,T,L rough. He always struggled with spelling to do with literacy.
learning them in writes downwards. and I could tell he was
kindergarten. getting so frustrated.

Concept of Word Word Knowledge

Pretest Word List Pointing Word ID Post-Test ID
Timed Untimed
     O   0        0       0 PRI PPA
1st PPB
 The student had I broke this down He could say the  This went exactly      
no idea what he line by line for the story and semi the same as the
was looking at and student, I felt after track, but could pretest, random Don’t due this section unless
just said random going through the not identify any sounds and then you are uncertain whether
sounds that other assessments words. proceeded to say the child is a Beginner or an
created maybe 3 he would shut “my name, peoples Emergent reader. See me if
words. down if a full text name, bro you have questions.
Mud for on was put in front of name,2nd,
do not put him. He has heard full,home, and
mad for had this before and diaper.”
could memorize Completely out of
each line and say it, left field.
but could not track.

*for borderline students (emergent – beginner), administer WRI using powerpoint

**PP TIMED word list: 5 words correct, administer Readiness; 6-10 words correct, administer PPA; 11-15 words correct, administer PPB
**If 85% or greater on WRC at PPB, the student is likely a Beginning Reader; confirm this finding with additional information

Fluency Word Knowledge Writing Comprehension
Rereading COW Letter Names Letter Sounds Phonological
What type of Overall Level of Knows:h,m,r,y,c,k Knows:B,U,Y,C,T, Area of Strength: Other: He can Prior Knowledge:
text? COW: None ,g,q,z,l,e,v,o L  No big areas of write the      
                  Using/Confusing: strength. Rhyme majority of his Interest in Topic:
Using/Confusing: N/A and beginning ABC’s, but does      
Interest Level: Instructional No using and       sound are the write only in Responsiveness to
      Recommendations confusing Absent: strongest at upper case and it Questions:
: Begin working on       Other than the 50%   goes down in      
What to work on 3 to 4 word Absent:all other sounds he got, all Area of UBC: direction as he Other:
in rereading: sentence readings letter, the others were N/A continues.      
      that are student just random babies            
memorable and made random that didn't really Area of
work on basic sounds for the mimic letter Frustration:
tracking with letter that were sounds. All phonological
student. incorrect. tasks.

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