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Gun Rights vs.

Gun Control 1

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control

Mackensie Shaw Ovard

Salt Lake Community College

March 28, 2019

Criminal Justice 1010

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 2


In this essay I will be talking about problems the United States faces regarding gun rights

and gun control. There will be four main points discussed: gun control and gun violence, if

people are the problem, how citizens in the United States view gun control, and if gun control is

taking away the rights of US citizens. I hope to get answers to these controversial questions

through the research of academic journals. I will be using direct quotes from politicians, and

scientific studies throughout my essay. I hope to be able to draw a concise conclusion on whether

or not a lack of gun control is the problem associated with gun violence.

Keywords:​ Gun control, gun rights, gun violence, mental illness

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 3

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control

What is one of the largest controversial topics in the United States? Guns. The

controversial issues between gun rights and gun control are a constant topic of discussion for

politicians, news outlets and social media. There are many questions surrounding this

controversy. Is gun violence caused because of the lack of gun control? Does gun violence

happen because of the people using guns? Does gun control take away rights from United States

Citizens? What is the view of citizens on guns? There are many questions regarding this problem

in the United states. Today I will be talking about four issues that are associated with gun rights

and gun control. First, if there is a connection between gun violence and the lack of gun control.

Secondly, if people and mental health are the cause of gun violence. Thirdly, how the majority of

citizens view gun control in the United States. Lastly, the association between gun control and

the rights of United States citizens.

First, a key argument in the controversy of guns is the association between the lack of

gun control and the effects it has on gun violence. A way pro-gun control advocates seek to gain

control is by having background checks completed before someone is allowed to purchase a

firearm. According to an academic journal about the pros and cons of background checks, the

Arizona state representative Debbie Lesko said the following: “The universal background check

goal is to enforce a statute that was adopted many years ago that keeps guns out of the hands of

specific people who are dangerous because they are convicted felons or drug addicts or fall into

other categories, keeps guns out of the hands of dangerous people before they are hurt.” (Lesko,

Congressional Digest​. “The Pros and Cons of Background Checks and Background Checks and

Gun Control Measures. pg.14). The background check is a safety option to help prevent
Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 4

dangerous individuals from having weapons to use against others, and ultimately to help

decrease the amount of mass shootings in the United States. “While some studies cast doubt on

the idea that gun control will decrease the number of incidences of mass murder, it might be

possible to use gun legislation to reduce the numbers of victims of mass killings.” ( Lewis, J.

Scott. “The Relationship between Gun Control Strictness and Mass Murder in the United States:

A National Study 2009-2015.” ​International Social Science Review. ​pg.4). Gun control might not

decrease the amount of gun violent crimes, but it could manage what kind of guns are available

to purchase which could reduce the amount of deaths in mass shootings.

However, many of the guns that are used for gun violence are purchased illegally. “A

recent Department of Justice report of prison inmates that used guns in their crimes showed that

56 percent obtained their guns illegally and another 25 percent received them from family

members.” (Lesko, ​Congressional Digest.​ “The Pros and Cons of Background Checks and

Background Checks and Gun Control Measures. pg.15). The state representative from Georgia,

Doug Collin said, “ Are Members who support this bill delusional enough to think a criminal

trading cocaine to another criminal for a firearm will give consideration to H.R. 8 and go to the

nearest gun store to submit to a background check? That is absurd. Most of us will agree that

criminals are not going to do that anyway.” (Collin, ​Congressional Digest​. “The Pros and Cons

of Background Checks and Background Checks and Gun Control Measures. pg.15). He is stating

that most gun violent crimes are committed by criminals who will not take the time to do a

background check. I honestly do see how background checks could potentially be good, but I

think they are not 100% effective because dangerous individuals will find a way to get their

hands on a gun seeing as how they had no regard for the law.
Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 5

Second, a largely controversial issue is whether or not the shooters involved in mass

shootings have struggled with mental illness in the past. An academic study done by Surgical

Neurology International, revealed that in 63/100 cases of rampage shootings, threats were made

proceeding the incidents. “Moreover, more than half of the shooters had overt signs of mental

illness that had gone untreated. Thus, the evidence indicates that many people with mental illness

who will commit violent crimes can be identified before the crime and should be managed more

carefully or institutionalized.” (Ausman, James I.; Faria, Miguel A. “Is gun control really about

people control?” ​Surgical Neurology International.​ Pg.7) Research shows that shooters will

make threats against certain people and these threats go unnoticed or untreated. Interestingly

enough, almost half of the American population has not been treated for mental illnesses.

A study done about veterans and firearms said, “ One of the strongest predictors of

violence among persons with mental illness is a history of violent crime. The risk of violence

was on average three to five times higher for men with schizophrenia, and four to 13 times

higher for women with schizophrenia, compared with their counterparts without schizophrenia in

the general population” (Bowen, Matthew; Chang, Angelica. “Combat Veterans on Civilian Gun

Rights” ​Society. ​pg.41). Oftentimes many individuals with serious mental illnesses will more

likely perform violent crimes if they have committed violent crimes in the past. Another factor

that could lead to mass shootings, and gun violence is the media. “A media that sensationalizes

violence leading the perverted minds of criminal malcontents and deranged individuals to believe

that committing those types of high-profile crimes, such as mass shootings, will turn them into

the celebrities and achieve the macabre fame they seem to crave.” (Ausman, James I.; Faria,

Miguel A. “Is gun control really about people control?” ​Surgical Neurology International.​ Pg.7).
Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 6

The evidence shows a person with poor treatment for mental illness is a prime candidate for gun

violence. The media can encourage copycats, and many shooters want recognition. More

shootings have been caused because of the influence of media presence. “In the United States,

between 25 and 75 lives are saved by a gun in self and family protection for every life lost to a

gun in crime. The Media tends to cover the sensational side of the mass killings.” (Ausman,

James I.; Faria, Miguel A. “Is gun control really about people control?” ​Surgical Neurology

International.​ Pg.5). Gun crimes have actually decreased in America but there is a stronger and

more negative media presence than ever before, which creates a world with more gun crimes.

Thirdly, the views of United States citizens on gun control. An academic journal on what

Americans think about gun control said the following: “The first is a clear urban/rural divide in

which rural Americans oppose gun control measures, while respondents in cities are more open

to gun control measures” (Miller, Steven V. “What Americans Think About Gun Control:

Evidence from the General Social Survey”, 1972–2016. ​Social Science Quarterly

(Wiley-Blackwell),​ pg.275). More Americans who live in rural areas are more likely to own guns,

and use guns on a daily basis. An example would be many farmers use guns when they need to

take care of livestock and for pest control. A large factor on American’s views on gun control

depends on where they live. Another factor is a person’s personal, worldly, and political views.

“An individual’s worldview is composed of their foundational beliefs and presuppositions about

the world. This causes predictable patterns of feeling and behaviour. (Cobern, Celinska,



Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 7

A citizen’s worldview can be a large factor on how they feel about gun control, and gun rights.

Another factor is a citizen’s personal experiences with guns and crimes.

Lastly, the association between gun control and the rights of United States citizens. Do

gun control laws take rights away from citizens? The Bill of Rights gives citizens rights in the

United States. “The Second Amendment, which creates an individual privilege to bear arms, is

explicitly guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, thereby establishing the right to bear arms as a

fundamental right. The right to bear arms is reñective of the assertion that a well-regulated

militia is necessary for the security of the free state, thereby the right of the people to keep and

bear arms shall not be infringed.” (Adams, Carla-Michelle. “Grandparents, Guns, and

Guardianship: Incapacity and the Right to Bear Arms.” ​Florida Bar Journal​. pg.48). The second

amendment gives each citizen the right to own a gun to protect themselves and their family.

Many controversies lie from different interpretations of the second amendment. “This

has essentially divided the American people into two opposing groups: one group argues that the

Second Amendment gives every citizen the right to own firearms, the other argues that it does

not. Interestingly, the division between these groups largely correlates with which political party

an individual supports” (Celinska, Katarzyna. “INDIVIDUALISM AND COLLECTIVISM IN


CONTROL.” ​Sociological Perspectives.​ pg.5). Each of the main political parties, Democrats and

Republicans, view the second amendment based on the views and beliefs of their associated

party. This is one of the main issues regarding gun control and gun rights. When it comes to law

cases they have to distinguish different issues that come case by case regarding the second

amendment. “Generally, the courts have adopted a two step framework for evaluating Second
Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 8

Amendment challenges. First, courts ask whether the regulated person, firearm or place comes

within the scope of the Second Amendment’s protections. If not, the law does not implicate the

Second Amendment.” (Robinson, Page. “Gun Rights and the Courts.” ​Supreme Court Debates,

pg.1). Most cases base that the right to use a firearm is permissible if the victim was using it in

self defense, and not applicable if it was used for violent reasons. The problem is guns do protect

people from violence, but on the other hand, people do abuse the privilege to own a gun. Gun

control could be seen to diminish the second amendment because it is lawful for any American

citizen to own a firearm.

In conclusion, the controversies surrounding gun control and gun violence are

complicated and there is not a clear solution for every problem. Firstly, there seems to be no

connection between gun violence and the lack of gun control. Most gun violence crimes are

completed by illegal weapons. Secondly, people with mental health illnesses that are not treated

are a factor in the number of gun violence crimes. Also, news and media outlets can be a factor

in mass shooting cases because they can cause people to develop a false desire for fame for

violent actions. Thirdly, how the majority of citizens view gun control is based on where they are

located in the United States. As well as personal, worldly and political views. Lastly, the

association between gun control and the rights of United States citizens. Each citizen of the

United States has the right to own a gun based on the second amendment, but different groups of

people interpret the meaning of the second amendment. An important factor that could be

changed is better treatment options for citizens dealing with severe mental illnesses in the United

States. The biggest factor that could help decrease large gun violence events is a decrease in how

much is released to the media.

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control 9


Congressional Digest.​ “The Pros and Cons of Background Checks and Background Checks

and Gun Control Measures.” Nov2019, Vol. 98 Issue 9, p12-29. 18p.

Ausman, James I.; Faria, Miguel A. “Is gun control really about people control?”

Surgical Neurology International.​ 10/4/2019, Vol. 10, p1-13. 13p. DOI:


Miller, Steven V. “What Americans Think About Gun Control: Evidence from the General

Social Survey”, 1972–2016. ​Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell).​ Feb 2019, Vol.

100 Issue 1, p272-288. 17p. 2 Charts, 6 Graphs. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12555.

Lewis, J. Scott. “The Relationship between Gun Control Strictness and Mass Murder in the

United States: A National Study 2009-2015.”

International Social Science Review.​ 2018, Vol. 94 Issue 2, preceding p1-23. 25p.



Sociological Perspectives.​ Summer2007, Vol. 50 Issue 2, p229-247. 19p. DOI:


Robinson, Page. “Gun Rights and the Courts.”

Supreme Court Debates​. Jan2020, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p1-2. 2p.

Bowen, Matthew; Chang, Angelica. “Combat Veterans on Civilian Gun Rights”.

Society.​ Aug2016, Vol. 53 Issue 4, p 398-407. 10p. DOI: 10.1007/s12115-016-0034-4.

Adams, Carla-Michelle. “Grandparents, Guns, and Guardianship: Incapacity and the Right to
Gun Rights vs. Gun Control
Bear Arms.” ​Florida Bar Journal​. Dec2013, Vol. 87 Issue 10, p48-51. 4p.

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