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REVISED Online Assignments/Requirements

SCE 208



 Each one will have to submit the PPT of their report on this email address at your own pace or on
the resumption of face to face class. Everyone will have to give a copy of their PPT or PDF copy of their PPT to each member
of the class for thoughts/insights about a report. Posting/sharing of report may be done in our Fb GC or email your report to
your classmates.
 Submit your insights/thoughts about a particular topic ANYTIME (at your own pace or after the community quarantine ) after
the posting of PPT of students of their report. Everyone is expected to share their thoughts/insights for every report/topic.
One short paragraph is enough. See format below.

Written Paper: ( 60%) – Due on May 9, 2020

 Introduction – about the topic

 Sub-topics – discussions on your report which includes illustrations. Include Philippine scenario and Southeast Asia and/or
other countries
 2 case studies ( Philippines and other countries)

Schedule of Reporting

Date Topic Reporter

March 28 1. Biodiversity: Preserving Species and Carigo, Karen
March 28 2. Agri. Biodi. & Agri. Ecosystems Minalang, Rokaya
March 28 3. Urban Biodiversity Lintuan, Anne
April 4 4. Invasive Alien Species Fuentes, Farrah
April 4 5. Protected Areas Lagon, Jose
April 4 6. Carbon Sequestration Amarante, Cristina
April 18 7. Ecological Engineering Panzo, Paul
April 18 8. Restoration Ecology Wong, Kenneth
April 18 9. Climate Change Abines, Anna
April 25 10. Environmental Health and Toxicology Badilles, Clark
April 25 11. Solid, Toxic and Hazardous Waste Tadena. Edgie
April 25 12. Plastic Waste Geyrozaga, Jan
May 2 13. Ecological Economics Villa Anna
May 2 14. Sustainable Development Casumpang Gieward

FORMAT ON Thoughts/Insights About A Report

Selected Topics in Environmental Science

SCE -208

Name __________________________________ Course _________________________

Topic Thoughts/Insights
(1 paragraph)
1. Biodiversity: Preserving Species and
2. Agri. Biodi. & Agri. Ecosystems

3. Urban Biodiversity

4. Invasive Alien Species

5. Protected Areas
6. Carbon Sequestration
7. Ecological Engineering
8. Restoration Ecology
9. Climate Change
10. Environmental Health and Toxicology
11. Solid, Toxic and Hazardous Waste
12. Plastic Waste
13. Ecological Economics
14. Sustainable Development

Learning Evidence: LE1: __Paper synthesis______

Area to Assess Expected Satisfactory Acceptable

Written report Clear Lack one part Lack 2 parts
Explanation Explanation is clear with Explanation is not so clear Incomplete explanation
reference to literatures
Promptness On time submission of report One day late submission of 3 days late submission of
report report

LE2: PT of the chosen topic

Area to Assess Expected Satisfactory Acceptable

Quality of inputs Knowledge shared is accurate and Knowledge shared is somewhat Knowledge shared is
broad accurate but limited inaccurate but limited
Relevance and clarity All ideas are related to the topic and Most ideas are related and Few ideas are related and
very clear presentation presentation is clear. presentation is not clear.
Coherence of presentation Ideas are well organized Most ideas are organized Ideas are not very

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