Client: Project: Estimate No: Contract No: Sheet No: C06-C2/1

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Client : Date : DEC-05

Project : Calc'd by : SM
Estimate no : Checked by : KP
Contract no :
Sheet no : C06-C2/1

CONNECTION C06-C2 ( Moment connection analysed using a couple force)


Moment Mz := 275kN ⋅ m

Vertical shear Fv := 900kN

Axial force Fa := 150kN


HE 500A HE 1000A


220 x 20 THK END PLATE


All bolts are M30. Grade 8.8.
All welds are 6mm CFW,UNO
All main steel & fittings are S275.

Variation no: Rev date Description

Client : Date : DEC-05
Project : Calc'd by : SM
Estimate no : Checked by : KP
Contract no :
Sheet no : C06-C2/2

Sectional properties

Column Dc := 490 ⋅ mm Wc := 300 ⋅ mm Tc := 23 ⋅ mm tc := 12 ⋅ mm rc := 27 ⋅ mm

HE 500A
Beam Db := 990 ⋅ mm Wb := 300 ⋅ mm Tb := 31 ⋅ mm tb := 16.5 ⋅ mm rb := 30 ⋅ mm Ab := 34700mm
HE 1000A

Material Properties
Design strength of S275 material py275 := 275 ⋅
Up to & including 16 thk 2

Design strength of S275 material py265 := 265 ⋅
beyond 16thk , up to and including 2
40mm thk
Design Strength of Weld pw := 220


Bolt diameter d := 30mm

Diameter of hole Dh := 33mm

Number of bolt rows nr := 6

Number of bolt columns nc := 2

Total number of bolts n := 12

Shear Capacity of bolt Ps := 210kN

Tension Capacity of bolt Pnom := 252kN

Distribution of loads for bolt check

Max.Tension Force in top/bottom T := T = 286.8 kN
flange due to moment Db − Tb

Max.Tensile Force in top/bottom Ftm := Ftm = 143.4 kN
most bolts due to moment nc

Tension per bolt due to axial Fta := Fta = 12.5 kN

Total tension per bolt due to moment Ft := Ftm + Fta Ft = 155.9 kN

& axial

Variation no: Rev date Description

Client : Date : DEC-05
Project : Calc'd by : SM
Estimate no : Checked by : KP
Contract no :
Sheet no : C06-C2/3

Vertical Shear per bolt Fs := Fs = 75 kN
Fs Ft
Combined tension and shear Ratio := + Ratio = 0.98
Ps Pnom

Ratio(0.98 ) < 1.4 : Therefore O.K.

Weld between beam web and end plate

Available length of weld (

Lw := 2 ⋅ Db − 2 ⋅ Tb − 2 ⋅ rb ) Lw = 1736 mm 111.8

Fv kN
Shear per mm FL := FL = 0.518
Lw mm

Dispersion length Ld := 260.8mm

Ft kN
Tension per mm FT := FT = 0.598
Ld mm

⎛ FT ⎞ kN
Resultant force per mm R := ⎜ + FL
R = 0.705
⎝ 1.25 ⎠ mm

Size of weld required s := s = 4.58 mm
pw ⋅ 0.7

Adopt 6 mm CFW

Check for bending capacity of end plate

Bolt gauge g := 120mm

Weld between beam web & end plate s := 6mm

Ft ⎛g tb ⎞
Moment Me := ⋅⎜ − − 0.8s Me = 3.7 kN ⋅ m
2 ⎝2 2 ⎠

Me ⋅ 6
Thickness of end plate required treq := treq = 17.8 mm
py265 ⋅ Ld

Adopt 20mm thick end plate

Variation no: Rev date Description

Client : Date : DEC-05
Project : Calc'd by : SM
Estimate no : Checked by : KP
Contract no :
Sheet no : C06-C2/4

Check for bending capacity of column flange

Ft ⎛g tc ⎞
Moment Me1 := ⋅⎜ − − 0.8rc Me1 = 2.5 kN ⋅ m
2 ⎝2 2 ⎠

⎡⎛ g tc ⎞ ⎤
Dispersion length of bolt tension Ld1 := 2 ⋅ ⎢⎜ − − 0.8rc ⋅ tan ( 60deg)⎥ Ld1 = 112.24 mm
@ root radius of column flange ⎣⎝ 2 2 ⎠ ⎦

Me1 ⋅ 6
Thickness of column flange required treq := treq = 22.6 mm
py265 ⋅ Ld1
< tc (23mm)

Therefore O.K.
Check for compression welds

Thickness of end plate tp := 20mm

Stiff bearing width at top & bottom flange b1 := tc + 1.6 ⋅ rc + 2 ⋅ Tc + 5 ⋅ tp b1 = 201.2 mm

Area of beam section within

stiff bearing width
⎣ (
Abs := Ab − ⎡2Tb ⋅ Wb − b1 ⎤
⎦ ) Ab = 34700 mm

b1 ⋅ Tb
Compressive force on beam top/bottom Fca := ⋅ Fa Fca = 32.7 kN
flange due to axial in beam Abs

Max. compression in top/bottom Fc := T + Fca Fc = 319.5 kN

flange of beam due to moment and

Weld between beam top flange to endplate

Effective length of weld Lw := b1 Lw = 201.2 mm

Fc kN
Compression per mm due to moment FTbw := FTbw = 1.588
and axial Lw mm

⎛ FTbw ⎞
Size of PPBW weld required s reqd := max ⎜ + 3mm , 2 20 mm + 3mm s reqd = 11.94 mm
⎜⎝ py265 ⎠
Adopt 12prep PPBW

Variation no: Rev date Description

Client : Date : DEC-05
Project : Calc'd by : SM
Estimate no : Checked by : KP
Contract no :
Sheet no : C06-C2/5

Weld between beam bottom flange to endplate

Effective length of weld Lw1 := 2b1 Lw1 = 402.4 mm

Fc kN
Compression per mm due to moment FTbw1 := FTbw1 = 0.794
and axial Lw1 mm

Size of weld required s reqd := s reqd = 4.12 mm
0.7 ⋅ pw ⋅ 1.25

Adopt 6mm CFW

Checks on supporting column

Panel Shear capacity of the column web

Panel shear capacity Pw := 0.6 ⋅ py265 ⋅ tc ⋅ Dc Pw = 934.9 kN

Fc(319.5 kN) < Pw(934.92kN ) : Therefore O.K.

Compression capacity of column web

Distance to the nearer end of a be := 0mm

member from the end of stiff
k := Tc + rc k = 50 mm

At the end of a member n := 2 + 0.6 ⋅ n=2 (BS 5950-1,2000,Cl-

Dispersion length b1 := Tb + 0.8 ⋅ 6mm + tp b1 = 55.8 mm

Bearing capacity of column web ( )

Pbw := b1 + n ⋅ k ⋅ tc ⋅ py275 Pbw = 514.1 kN

Distance b/w load to nearer ae := 15.5mm

end of the member
Distance between fillets d := Dc − 2 ⋅ Tc − 2 ⋅ rc d = 390 mm

ε := ε = 1.019

ae + 0.7 ⋅ d 25 ⋅ ε ⋅ tc
Buckling capacity of column web Px := ⋅ ⋅ Pbw Px = 336.8 kN
(BS 5950-1,2000,Cl- 1.4 ⋅ d (b1 + n ⋅ k) ⋅ d
Capacity of column web (
P := min Pbw , Px ) P = 336.8 kN

Fc(319.5kN ) < P(336.81 kN) : Therefore O.K.

Variation no: Rev date Description

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