08ERA Final Sortcode

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Journal information

ID Ranking
Research Journal Name ISSN FoR

A* ACM Computing Surveys 08

17730 A* ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 0734-2071 08
17736 A* ACM Transactions on Information Systems 1046-8188 08
32143 A* Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 08
17794 A Computer Journal 0010-4620 08
17799 A Computer Research and Development 08
17816 A Computing 0010-485X 08
17819 A Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience 1532-0626 08
17832 A Decision Sciences 0011-7315 08
17863 A IBM Journal of Research and Development 0018-8646 08
17876 A IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 1041-4347 08
17899 A Information and Computation 0890-5401 08
17921 A Integration-the VLSI Journal 0167-9260 08
B Communications of the ACM 08
32038 B IEEE Computer 08
17908 B Information Sciences 0020-0255 08
17984 B Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1000-9000 08
18038 B Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 1443-458X 08
18060 B Knowledge and Information Systems 0219-1377 08
17722 C ACIS International Journal of Computer and Information Science 08
C Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis 08
22083 C Advances in Engineering Software 0965-9978 08
32005 C African Journal in Information and Communication Technology 08
32009 C Applied Computing and Informatics 08
32010 C Applied Computing Review 08
17764 C Asian Journal of Information Technology 08
C Assiut University Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 08
32017 C Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology 08
C Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics 08
32024 C Computing and Informatics Journal 08
32028 C Egyptian Computer Science Journal 08
32034 C Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 08
32036 C IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 08
C IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications 08
32050 C INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science 08
17897 C Informatica 0868-4952 08
32066 C International Arab Journal of Information Technology 08
C International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 08
17949 C International Journal of Information Technology 08
31260 C International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 0219-6220 08
17963 C International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 0218-2130 08
32115 C Iranian Journal of Information Science and Technology 08
32120 C Journal of Computing and Information Technology 08
18055 C Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 08
32147 C Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 08
C Kybernetika 08
18069 C Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 08
18094 C New Zealand Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology 08
18095 C New Zealand Journal of Computing 08
18135 C South African Computer Journal 08
C WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research 08
22313 C WSEAS Transactions on Computers 1109-2750 08
32177 C WSEAS Transactions On Information Science And Applications 1790-0832 08
17734 A* ACM Transactions on Graphics 0730-0301 0801
17761 A* Artificial Intelligence 0004-3702 0801
17872 A* IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1063-6706 0801
17873 A* IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1057-7149 0801
17880 A* IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 0162-8828 0801
18066 A* Machine Learning 0885-6125 0801
18088 A* Neural Computation 0899-7667 0801
32007 A Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1012-2443 0801
17770 A Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 1387-2532 0801
17787 A Computational Intelligence 0824-7935 0801
17802 A Computer Speech and Language 0885-2308 0801
4402 A Computer Vision and Image Understanding 1077-3142 0801
17823 A Constraints 1383-7133 0801
17829 A Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1384-5810 0801
9940 A Digital Creativity 1462-6268 0801
17850 A Evolutionary Computation 1063-6560 0801
17852 A Expert Systems With Applications 0957-4174 0801
159 A Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0165-0114 0801
17871 A IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 1089-778X 0801
4458 A IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 1045-9227 0801
17888 A IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1077-2626 0801
17929 A International Journal of Computer Vision 0920-5691 0801
17973 A Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 1076-9757 0801
17974 A Journal of Automated Reasoning 0168-7433 0801
32119 A Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 0801
32125 A Journal of Heuristics 1381-1231 0801
18028 A Journal of Machine Learning Research 1532-4435 0801
8985 A Natural Language Engineering 1351-3249 0801
18090 A Neural Networks 0893-6080 0801
4503 A Pattern Recognition 0031-3203 0801
9045 A Research on Language and Computation 1570-7075 0801
9098 A Speech Communication 0167-6393 0801
18147 A User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 0924-1868 0801
17725 B ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 0801
17728 B ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 1556-4665 0801
17737 B ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data 1556-4681 0801
17744 B ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing 0801
17751 B AI Communications 0921-7126 0801
19226 B Applied Artificial Intelligence 0883-9514 0801
17757 B Applied Intelligence 0924-669X 0801
B Artificial Life 0801
6127 B Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers 0743-3808 0801
17822 B Connection Science 0954-0091 0801
17827 B Cybernetics and Systems 0196-9722 0801
19410 B Data & Knowledge Engineering 0169-023X 0801
30225 B Displays 0141-9382 0801
4673 B Environmental Modelling & Software 1364-8152 0801
17867 B IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 0272-1716 0801
4465 B IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 1083-4419 0801
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-Applications and
17886 B Reviews 1094-6977 0801
IET Computer Vision : (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing)
B 0801
IET Image Processing (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing)
B 0801
1247 B Image and Vision Computing 0262-8856 0801
17922 B Intelligent Data Analysis 0801
32065 B Interjournal 0801
17925 B International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 0888-613X 0801
B International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 0801
32081 B International Journal of General Systems 0308-1079 0801
17950 B International Journal of Intelligent Systems 0884-8173 0801

3494 B International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 0801

32099 B International Journal of Neural Systems 0129-0657 0801
17958 B International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 0218-0014 0801

17960 B International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 0218-1940 0801
32117 B Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law 0801
18019 B Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 0925-9902 0801
18020 B Journal of Intelligent Systems 0334-1860 0801
257 B Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 0801
18058 B Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 1049-8907 0801
18067 B Machine Translation 0922-6567 0801
18068 B Machine Vision and Applications 0932-8092 0801
308 B Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0895-7177 0801
323 B Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0378-4754 0801
B Multiagent and Grid Systems: An International Journal 1574-1702 0801
B Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 0801
18089 B Neural Computing & Applications 0941-0643 0801
B Neural Processing Letters 0801
18092 B Neurocomputing 0925-2312 0801
18093 B New Generation Computing 0288-3635 0801
18104 B Pattern Analysis and Applications 1433-7541 0801
18106 B Pattern Recognition Letters 0167-8655 0801
SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation
32168 B International 0801
18149 B Visual Computer International Journal of Computer Graphics 0801
17747 C Acta Automatica Sinica 0801
8296 C AI and Society 0951-5666 0801
17752 C AI in Engineering 0801
32006 C AI Magazine 0738-4602 0801
17762 C Artificial Intelligence and Law 0924-8463 0801
32014 C Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior Quarterly 0801
5031 C Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 0933-3657 0801
17763 C Artificial Intelligence Review 0269-2821 0801
17768 C Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 0801
17784 C Complex Systems 0801
17786 C Complexity International 1320-0682 0801
17792 C Computer Graphics Forum 0167-7055 0801
17809 C Computers & Graphics-Uk 0097-8493 0801
17824 C Control and Cybernetics 0324-8569 0801
17838 C Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications 0924-6703 0801
10664 C Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 0801
17847 C Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 0801
17851 C Expert Systems 0266-4720 0801
32035 C Graphical Models and Image Processing 1077-3169 0801
3483 C IASTED International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 0801
4422 C IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing 1350-245X 0801
4426 C IEEE Intelligent Systems 1541-1672 0801
C IEEE Intelligent Systems: Putting AI Into Practice 0801
4639 C Imaging Science Journal 1368-2199 0801
32062 C Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 1079-8587 0801
32063 C Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management 0801
32071 C International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence 0801
32072 C International Journal of Computational Intelligence 0801
3488 C International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 0801
17932 C International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 1548-3924 0801
17935 C International Journal of Expert Systems 0894-9077 0801
17936 C International Journal of Expert Systems With Applications 0801
17939 C International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0801
3491 C International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 0801
10381 C International Journal of Image and Graphics 0801
31262 C International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 0801
International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and
32090 C Management (was Expert Systems Review) 0801
32091 C International Journal of Intelligent Technology 0801
17955 C International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 0228-6203 0801
19434 C International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 0801
17961 C International Journal of Systems Science 0020-7721 0801
17996 C Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 0952-813X 0801
18004 C Journal of Informatics Education and Research 0801
581 C Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 1064-1246 0801
3613 C Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 0921-0296 0801
18061 C Knowledge Engineering Review 0269-8889 0801
18065 C Machine Graphics and Vision 1230-0535 0801
309 C Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1387-3954 0801
18074 C Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing 0801
3535 C Neural Information Processing Series 0801
C New Mathematics and Natural Computation 0801
C Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications 0801
2 A* ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 0098-3500 0802
26 A* Algorithmica 0178-4617 0802
17982 A* Journal of Computer and System Sciences 0022-0000 0802
18116 A* Quantum Information & Computation 1533-7146 0802
18128 A* SIAM Journal on Computing 0802
A ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 0802
17724 A ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1549-6325 0802
17729 A ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1529-3785 0802
17739 A ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 1049-3301 0802
19224 A Acta Informatica 0001-5903 0802
32007 A Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1012-2443 0802
788 A Combinatorics Probability & Computing 0963-5483 0802
30736 A Computational Complexity 1016-3328 0802
127 A Discrete Applied Mathematics 0166-218X 0802
129 A Discrete Mathematics 0012-365X 0802
17854 A Formal Aspects of Computing 0934-5043 0802
17855 A Formal Methods 0802
17856 A Formal Methods in System Design 0925-9856 0802
17970 A Journal of Algorithms 0196-6774 0802
32125 A Journal of Heuristics 1381-1231 0802
18024 A Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1567-8326 0802
18025 A Journal of Logic and Computation 0955-792X 0802
272 A Journal of Symbolic Computation 0747-7171 0802
326 A Mathematics of Computation 0025-5718 0802
18117 A Quantum Information Processing 1570-0755 0802
4614 A Queueing Systems : Theory and Applications 0802
A Random Structures and Algorithms 1042-9832 0802
395 A SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 0895-4801 0802
18143 A Theoretical Computer Science 0304-3975 0802
A Theory of Computing 1557-2862 0802
18146 A Theory of Computing Systems 1432-4350 0802
B Advances in Mathematics of Communications 0802
55 B ARS Combinatoria 0381-7032 0802
138 B Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1077-8926 0802
17857 B Fundamenta Informaticae 0169-2968 0802
167 B Graphs and Combinatorics 0911-0119 0802
31252 B Information Visualization 1473-8716 0802
30797 B International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 0218-1959 0802
B International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 0802
17971 B Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 0802
222 B Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 0097-3165 0802
18001 B Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 1526-1719 0802
247 B Journal of Graph Theory 0364-9024 0802
257 B Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 0802
32150 B Journal of Visualization 1343-8875 0802
18058 B Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 1049-8907 0802
297 B Logic Journal of the IGPL 1367-0751 0802
18087 B Networks 0028-3045 0802
C Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 0802
C AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 0802
C Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 0802
C Algorytmy (Algorithms) 0802
C Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 0802
61 C Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 0802
C Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 0802
C Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 0802
C Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science 0802
17784 C Complex Systems 0802
493 C Complexity 1076-2787 0802
17786 C Complexity International 1320-0682 0802
114 C Congressus Numerantium 0802
C Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 0802
C Discrete Mathematics and Applications 0802
C Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 0802
C Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 0802
C Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 0802
C Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 0802
C Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science 0802
17861 C Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 1388-3690 0802
32039 C IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering 0802
17895 C Implementation of Quantum Computation 0802
17927 C International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0020-7160 0802
C Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology 0802
C Journal of Applied Algebra and Discrete Structures 0802
C Journal of Automata Languages and Combinatorics 0802
221 C Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 0802
C Journal of Combinatorics Information and System Sciences 0802
17981 C Journal of Computation and Mathematics 0802
17992 C Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 0802
574 C Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 0802
18003 C Journal of Graphics Tools 0802
C Journal of Information Science and Engineering 0802
32149 C Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 1047-3203 0802
C Journal on Satisfiability Boolean Modelling and Computation 0802
18065 C Machine Graphics and Vision 1230-0535 0802
671 C Numerical Algorithms 1017-1398 0802
30913 C Optimization Methods & Software 1055-6788 0802
18119 C Real-Time Imaging 1077-2014 0802
C Seminaire Lostharingien de Combinatoire 0802
18144 C Theoretical Informatics and Applications 0802
C Utilitas Mathematica 0802
17741 A* ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 0164-0925 0803
17743 A* ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 1049-331X 0803
4447 A* IEEE Transactions on Computers 0018-9340 0803
17882 A* IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 0098-5589 0803
17726 A ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 0803
17735 A ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 1094-9224 0803
17848 A Empirical Software Engineering 1382-3256 0803
17856 A Formal Methods in System Design 0925-9856 0803
17864 A IBM Systems Journal 0018-8670 0803
32040 A IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 0803
17877 A IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 1520-9210 0803
4569 A IEEE Transactions on Reliability 0018-9529 0803
17997 A Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 0803
17998 A Journal of Functional Programming 0956-7968 0803
18057 A Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 1045-926X 0803
18082 A Multimedia Systems 0942-4962 0803
18107 A Performance Evaluation 0166-5316 0803
18125 A Science of Computer Programming 0167-6423 0803
18131 A Software Practice and Experience 0803
18143 A Theoretical Computer Science 0304-3975 0803
18145 A Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1471-0684 0803

17740 B ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 0803

32008 B Annals of Software Engineering 1022-7091 0803
32016 B Automated Software Engineering 0928-8910 0803
32023 B Computer Languages 0096-0551 0803
17803 B Computer Standards & Interfaces 0920-5489 0803
17813 B Computers & Security 0167-4048 0803
17815 B Computers in Industry 0166-3615 0803
17842 B Distributed Systems Engineering 0803
B IEEE Communication Letters 0803
B IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 0803
B IEEE Multimedia 0803
B IEEE Security and Privacy 0803
B IEEE Software 0803
20625 B IEEE Transactions on Education 0018-9359 0803
32044 B IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 1556-6013 0803
32047 B IET Computers and Digital Techniques 1751-8601 0803
B IET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software) 0803
19213 B Industrial Management & Data Systems 0263-5577 0803
17902 B Information and Software Technology 0950-5849 0803
B Information Software and Technology 0803

32061 B Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 0803
32068 B International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 0803
B International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 0803

17960 B International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 0218-1940 0803
B International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 0803
32137 B Journal of Object Technology 1660-1769 0803
32139 B Journal of Software 0803
18039 B Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution-Research and Practice 1532-060X 0803
18045 B Journal of Systems and Software 0164-1212 0803
18046 B Journal of Systems Architecture 1383-7621 0803
18056 B Journal of Universal Computer Science 0948-695X 0803
18083 B Multimedia Tools and Applications 1380-7501 0803
18093 B New Generation Computing 0288-3635 0803
32160 B Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (was Personal Technologies) 0803
18120 B Requirements Engineering 0947-3602 0803
B Security and Communication Networks 0803
32169 B Software and System Modeling 0803
18130 B Software Concepts and Tools 0803
18134 B Software Testing Verification & Reliability 0960-0833 0803
18059 B Software Testing Verification and Reliability 0803
17723 C ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems 0803
C ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 0803
17778 C Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research 1074-7443 0803
17795 C Computer Languages Systems & Structures 1477-8424 0803
17826 C Cryptologia 0161-1194 0803
32037 C IEE Proceedings - Software Engineering 0803
17866 C IEE Proceedings-Software 1462-5970 0803
32043 C IEEE Software Process Newsletter 0803
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and
17890 C Computer Sciences 0916-8508 0803
C Information Systems Security Journal 0803
C International Journal of Computer Science an Network Security 0803
32077 C International Journal of Computers and Their Applications 0803
C International Journal of Netwrok Security 0803
32101 C International Journal of Security and Networks 0803
32106 C International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 1476-1289 0803
C Journal of Information Security 0803
32131 C Journal of Information System Security 0803
8475 C Journal of Logic Language and Information 0803
32140 C Journal of Software Engineering 0803
18047 C Journal of Systems Integration 0925-4676 0803
C Languages and Systems 0803
18108 C Perl Journal 0803
18112 C Product Focused Software Process Improvement 0803
18113 C Programming and Computer Software 0361-7688 0803
32170 C Software Process: Improvement and Practice 0803
18133 C Software Quality Journal 0963-9314 0803
18144 C Theoretical Informatics and Applications 0803
C WSEAS Transactions on Systems 0803
17732 A* ACM Transactions on Database Systems 0362-5915 0804
4454 A* IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 0018-9448 0804
18142 A* International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 1066-8888 0804
232 A* Journal of Cryptology 0933-2790 0804
17746 A ACM Transactions on the Web 0804
19224 A Acta Informatica 0001-5903 0804
17829 A Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1384-5810 0804
120 A Designs Codes and Cryptography 0925-1022 0804
17840 A Distributed and Parallel Databases 0926-8782 0804
32040 A IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 0804
17988 A Journal of Database Management 1063-8016 0804
17727 B ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing 1530-0226 0804
17745 B ACM Transactions on Storage 1553-3077 0804
B Advances in Mathematics of Communications 0804
17803 B Computer Standards & Interfaces 0920-5489 0804
19410 B Data & Knowledge Engineering 0169-023X 0804
20329 B Discourse Processes 0163-853X 0804
B IEEE Communication Letters 0804
B IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 0804
B IEEE Security and Privacy 0804
32047 B IET Computers and Digital Techniques 1751-8601 0804
B IET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software) 0804
17905 B Information Processing Letters 0020-0190 0804
17907 B Information Retrieval 1386-4564 0804
31252 B Information Visualization 1473-8716 0804
17922 B Intelligent Data Analysis 0804
B International Journal of Applied Cryptography 0804
B International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 0804
17985 B Journal of Computer Security 0926-227X 0804
18019 B Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 0925-9902 0804
B Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 0804
18056 B Journal of Universal Computer Science 0948-695X 0804
B Language Resources and Evaluation 0804
18067 B Machine Translation 0922-6567 0804
4663 B Transactions in GIS 1361-1682 0804
19415 C Business Intelligence Journal 0804

32021 C Communications of the International Information Management Association 0804

17813 C Computers & Security 0167-4048 0804
C Cryptography and Communications 0804
17826 C Cryptologia 0161-1194 0804
32025 C Data Science Journal 1683-1470 0804
17831 C Database for Advances in Information Systems 0804
32179 C Graphical Models and Image Processing 1077-3169 0804
C IET Information Security (was IEE Proceedings Information Security) 0804
32070 C International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 1743-8187 0804
International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (was
32075 C Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages) 0804
17932 C International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 1548-3924 0804
32084 C International Journal of Information and Computer Security 0804
32085 C International Journal of Information Quality 0804
17948 C International Journal of Information Security 1615-5262 0804
31258 C International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 0804
31261 C International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 0804
17951 C International Journal of Knowledge Management 0804
32097 C International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies 0804
32106 C International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 1476-1289 0804
32107 C International Journal of Web Information Systems 0804
32108 C International Journal of Web Services Research 1545-7362 0804
32112 C International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 0804
C Journal of Autonomic and Trusted Computing 0804
32121 C Journal of Conceptual Modeling 0804
32151 C Journal of Web Semantics 0804
32167 C SIGMOD Record 0804
32174 C Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 0804
10724 C Webology 1735-188X 0804
20981 A* IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 1045-9219 0805
17889 A* IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking 1063-6692 0805
18036 A* Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 0743-7315 0805
32003 A ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 1533-5399 0805
22147 A Computer Networks 1389-1286 0805
17840 A Distributed and Parallel Databases 0926-8782 0805
17841 A Distributed Computing 0178-2770 0805
17858 A Future Generation Computer Systems 0167-739X 0805
5073 A IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1536-1233 0805
4466 A IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 1536-1276 0805
A International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 0805
17942 A International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 1094-3420 0805
17957 A International Journal of Parallel Programming 0885-7458 0805
A Journal of Grid Computing 0805
32136 A Journal of Network and Systems Management 1064-7570 0805
18102 A Parallel Computing 0167-8191 0805
32162 A Real-Time Systems 0922-6443 0805
18150 A VLSI Design 1065-514X 0805
18152 A World Wide Web 1386-145X 0805
B ACM Computer Communication Review 0805
5063 B Computer Communications 0140-3664 0805
17815 B Computers in Industry 0166-3615 0805
17842 B Distributed Systems Engineering 0805
32042 B IEEE Internet Computing 1089-7801 0805
4434 B IEEE Pervasive Computing 1536-1268 0805
20625 B IEEE Transactions on Education 0018-9359 0805
32046 B IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems 0805
5098 B International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 1743-8225 0805
B International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications 1754-8632 0805
32082 B International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 0805
B International Journal of Parallel Emergent and Distributed Systems 0805
4482 B International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 1068-9605 0805
19256 B Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy 1066-2243 0805
B Journal of Communications and Networks 0805
18042 B Journal of Supercomputing 0920-8542 0805
18081 B Mobile Networks & Applications 1383-469X 0805
B Multiagent and Grid Systems: An International Journal 1574-1702 0805
32161 B Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1574-1192 0805
4514 B Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing 1530-8669 0805
4515 B Wireless Networks 1022-0038 0805
C ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 0805
32015 C Australian Journal of Electronic Commerce 0805
17125 C First Monday 1396-0466 0805
32039 C IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering 0805
32041 C IEEE Distributed Systems Online 1541-4922 0805
32069 C International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking 0805
31254 C International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce 0805
C International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 1754-3916 0805
32076 C International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering 0805
32077 C International Journal of Computers and Their Applications 0805
3489 C International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 0805
17943 C International Journal of High Speed Computing 0129-0533 0805
31262 C International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 0805
31263 C International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 0805
32092 C International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 0805
32098 C International Journal of Mobile Communications 1470-949X 0805
31265 C International Journal of Mobile Information Systems 0805
4586 C International Journal of Network Management 1055-7148 0805
17956 C International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks 1206-2138 0805
32100 C International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 0805
32105 C International Journal of Web and Grid Services 0805
32109 C International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 0805
10725 C International Journal on Digital Libraries 1432-5012 0805
32111 C International Journal on Pervasive Computing and Communications 0805
9231 C Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1083-6101 0805
32133 C Journal of Internet Technology 1607-9264 0805
5099 C Journal of Mobile Multimedia 0805
18048 C Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology 0805
32157 C NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking 0805
18085 C Network and Computer Applications 0805
32166 C Service Oriented Computing and Applications 0805
18144 C Theoretical Informatics and Applications 0805
C WSEAS Transactions on Systems 0805
17731 A* ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 1073-0516 0806
17833 A* Decision Support Systems 0167-9236 0806
17849 A* European Journal of Information Systems 0960-085X 0806
17862 A* Human-Computer Interaction 0737-0024 0806
19214 A* Information & Management 0378-7206 0806

Information Systems Databases: Their Creation Management and Utilization

32055 A* An International Journal 0806
17914 A* Information Systems Research 1047-7047 0806
18029 A* Journal of Management Information Systems 0742-1222 0806
18054 A* Journal of the Association for Information Systems 0806
19272 A* MIS Quarterly 0276-7783 0806
17735 A ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 1094-9224 0806
17804 A Computer Supported Cooperative Work 0806
9940 A Digital Creativity 1462-6268 0806
19287 A Electronic Commerce Research 1389-5753 0806
17864 A IBM Systems Journal 0018-8670 0806
19138 A Information and Organisation 0806
19244 A Information Systems Frontiers 1387-3326 0806
17913 A Information Systems Journal 1350-1917 0806
17917 A Information Technology and People 0959-3845 0806
6318 A International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 1071-5819 0806
31234 A Journal of Global Information Technology Management 0806
18008 A Journal of Information Systems 0806
18011 A Journal of Information Technology 0268-3962 0806
18035 A Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 1091-9392 0806
18041 A Journal of Strategic Information Systems 0963-8687 0806
18057 A Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 1045-926X 0806
32154 A MISQ Executive 0806
19276 A Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 0806
18147 A User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 0924-1868 0806

19280 B Australasian Journal of Information Systems 0806

17775 B Business Process Management Journal 1463-7154 0806
17783 B Communications of the Association of Information Systems 0806
30225 B Displays 0141-9382 0806
31237 B Electronic Journal of IS Evaluation 0806
31239 B Human IT 1402-1501 0806
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and
17883 B Humans 1083-4427 0806
19213 B Industrial Management & Data Systems 0263-5577 0806
17902 B Information and Software Technology 0950-5849 0806
19240 B Information Management and Computer Security 0968-5227 0806
19246 B Information Systems Management 1058-0530 0806
19416 B Interfaces 0092-2102 0806
17931 B International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 0218-8430 0806
32080 B International Journal of e-Collaboration 0806
17933 B International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415 0806
32081 B International Journal of General Systems 0308-1079 0806
30367 B International Journal of Geographical Information Science 1365-8816 0806
13597 B International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 1044-7318 0806
32116 B Journal of (for) Computer Information Systems 0806
17983 B Journal of Computer Information Systems 0887-4417 0806
18010 B Journal of Information Systems Management 0739-9014 0806
32138 B Journal of Organizational and End User Computing 1546-2234 0806
18062 B Knowledge-Based Systems 0950-7051 0806
18083 B Multimedia Tools and Applications 1380-7501 0806
32160 B Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (was Personal Technologies) 0806
4663 B Transactions in GIS 1361-1682 0806
32000 C Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal 0806
32011 C Applied Ontology 0806
17759 C Applied Soft Computing 1568-4946 0806
32020 C Communications of the ICISA 0806

32021 C Communications of the International Information Management Association 0806

17831 C Database for Advances in Information Systems 0806
17843 C Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1567-4223 0806
32030 C Electronic Communication Law Review (was EDI Law Review) 0806
17845 C Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries 0806
31249 C Enterprise Information Systems 0806
32033 C Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures 0806
17853 C Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management 1088-128X 0806
17892 C IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 0916-8532 0806
32051 C Informação & Informação 0806
32053 C Information Knowledge Systems Management 0806
17904 C Information Processing & Management 0306-4573 0806
30341 C Information Research-an International Electronic Journal 1368-1613 0806
- C Information Resources Management Journal 1040-1628 0806
19217 C Information Society 0197-2243 0806
17911 C Information Systems Control Journal 0806
5096 C Information Technology and Management 1385-951X 0806
19659 C Information Technology and Tourism 1098-3058 0806
32059 C Information Technology Journal 1812-5638 0806
19302 C Information Technology Learning and Performance Journal 0806
19289 C Informing Science 1521-4672 0806
32060 C Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 0806
13578 C Interacting With Computers 0953-5438 0806
32067 C International Journal for Infonomics 0806
31253 C International Journal of Business Information Systems 1746-0972 0806
32073 C International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management 0806
32079 C International Journal of e-Business Research 0806
31257 C International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 0806
32084 C International Journal of Information and Computer Security 0806
17947 C International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 0806

32086 C International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 0806
32087 C International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111 0806

32088 C International Journal of Information Technology and the Systems Approach 0806
32094 C International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems 0806
32095 C International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 0806
17951 C International Journal of Knowledge Management 0806
31265 C International Journal of Mobile Information Systems 0806
17961 C International Journal of Systems Science 0020-7721 0806
30368 C International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 0806
31267 C International Journal of Web Based Communities 0806
32107 C International Journal of Web Information Systems 0806
32114 C International Review of Information Ethics 0806
17965 C Internet and Web Information Systems 0806
17966 C IS Audit and Control Journal 0806
17972 C Journal of Applied System Studies 0806
31269 C Journal of Cases on Information Technology 1548-7717 0806
9231 C Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1083-6101 0806
17989 C Journal of Decision Systems 0806
17993 C Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 0806
32124 C Journal of Enterprise Information Management 1741-0398 0806
17999 C Journal of Global Information Management 1062-7375 0806
18005 C Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 0806
32127 C Journal of Information Information Technology and Organizations 0806
32130 C Journal of Information Science and Technology 0806
31272 C Journal of Information Systems and Small Business 0806
31273 C Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 0806
18009 C Journal of Information Systems Education 0806
18012 C Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications 0806
19281 C Journal of Information Technology Management 0806
18014 C Journal of Information Technology Theory and Applications 0806
19303 C Journal of International Technology and Information Management 0806
18030 C Journal of Management Systems 0806
18044 C Journal of Systems and Information Technology 0806
32142 C Journal of Systems Engineering 0938-7706 0806
32157 C NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking 0806
18112 C Product Focused Software Process Improvement 0806
31278 C Review of Business Information Systems 0806
32172 C Telematics and Informatics 0736-5853 0806
31281 C Universal Access in the Information Society 1615-5289 0806
32175 C Wirtschaftsinformatik 0937-6429 0806
10593 A* Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 0066-4200 0807
17906 A* Information Research-An International Electronic Journal 1368-1613 0807
17914 A* Information Systems Research 1047-7047 0807
10602 A* Journal of Documentation 0022-0418 0807
18007 A* Journal of Information Science 0165-5515 0807
18052 A* Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 1532-2882 0807
10608 A* Library & Information Science Research 0740-8188 0807
10612 A* Library Quarterly 0024-2519 0807
10614 A* Library Trends 0024-2594 0807
10740 A* School Library Media Research 1523-4320 0807
10637 A Australian Academic and Research Libraries 0807
10638 A Australian Library Journal 0807
10649 A Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 0163-9374 0807
10597 A College & Research Libraries 0010-0870 0807
17846 A Electronic Markets 0807
9219 A First Monday 1396-0466 0807
17901 A Information and Organisation 0807
21940 A Information Communication and Society 1369-118X 0807
10600 A Interlending & Document Supply 0264-1615 0807
10601 A Journal of Academic Librarianship 0099-1333 0807
30342 A Journal of Community Informatics 0807
10630 A Journal of Digital Information 1368-7506 0807
20812 A Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 0748-5786 0807
10603 A Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 0961-0006 0807
10682 A Library and Information Research 0807
30343 A Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 0807
32155 A Nauchno-Technicheskoi Informasiya Seriya 1 0807
30344 A New Review of Information and Library Research 0807
10712 A School Libraries Worldwide 0807
10624 A Scientometrics 0138-9130 0807
20294 B Access 0807
10595 B Aslib Proceedings 0001-253X 0807
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science-Revue Canadienne des
10596 B Sciences de l Information et de Bibliotheconomie 1195-096X 0807
10652 B Collection Building 0160-4953 0807
30345 B d-Lib Magazine 1082-9873 0807
10598 B Electronic Library 0264-0473 0807
10666 B Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 0807
30346 B Government Information Quarterly 0740-624X 0807
10599 B Health Information and Libraries Journal 1471-1834 0807
18381 B Information Economics and Policy 0167-6245 0807
31242 B Information Management Journal 0019-9966 0807
19246 B Information Systems Management 1058-0530 0807
30347 B Information Technology and Libraries 0730-9295 0807
30348 B International Journal of Electronic Government Research 0807
20233 B International Journal of Learning 0807
10725 B International Journal on Digital Libraries 1432-5012 0807
30351 B Journal of Government Information 1352-0237 0807
30352 B Journal of Information Ethics 1061-9321 0807
30353 B Journal of Informetrics 1751-1577 0807
18021 B Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 0807
32134 B Journal of Knowledge Management Practice 0807
10676 B Journal of Library Administration 0193-0826 0807

30354 B Journal of the American Society for Information Processing and Management 0807
10605 B Journal of the Medical Library Association 1536-5050 0807
Journal of the University College and Research Libraries Section of the
32145 B Australian Library and Information Association 0807
19288 B Knowledge Management Research and Practice 1477-8238 0807
10606 B Knowledge Organization 0943-7444 0807
10607 B Law Library Journal 0023-9283 0807
10728 B Library Hi Tech 0737-8831 0807
10683 B Library Management 0143-5124 0807
10613 B Library Resources & Technical Services 0024-2527 0807
10686 B Library Review 0024-2535 0807
10615 B Libri 0024-2667 0807
30355 B New Review of Information Behaviour Research 0807
10617 B Online Information Review 1468-4527 0807
10733 B Orana 0807
10618 B Portal-Libraries and the Academy 1531-2542 0807
10622 B Reference & User Services Quarterly 1094-9054 0807
22288 B Research Evaluation 0958-2029 0807
Restaurator-International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival
10623 B Material 0034-5806 0807
14374 B Synergy 0807
30356 C Advanced Technology Libraries 0807
32012 C Archivaria 0807
32013 C Archives and Manuscripts 0807
10636 C Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services 0807
10639 C Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 0163-9269 0807
30357 C Bulletin des Bibliothques de France 0807
32018 C Business Information Review 0266-3821 0807
17777 C Cahiers Gutenberg 0807
30358 C Campus-wide Information Systems 1065-0741 0807
32019 C Communications in Information Literacy 0807
30359 C Computers in Libraries 1041-7915 0807
17834 C Desidoc Bulletin of Information Technology 0807
21327 C East Asian Library Journal 0807
30361 C Econtent 1525-2531 0807
32027 C Education For Library and Information Services: Australia 0807
20310 C Education Libraries 0807
10737 C Education Libraries Journal 0807
32029 C El Profesional De La Informacion 0807
Information Development: the international journal for librarians, archivists and
30362 C information specialists 0807
30363 C Information Management Policies and Services 0807
30364 C Information Outlook 0807
30365 C Information Services & Use 0807
19217 C Information Society 0197-2243 0807
32056 C Information Technologist 0807
19289 C Informing Science 1521-4672 0807
20068 C Interactions 1072-5220 0807
10671 C International Information & Library Review 1057-2317 0807
32067 C International Journal for Infonomics 0807
20201 C International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 0807
32096 C International Journal of Libraries and Information Services 0807
10673 C Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 0807
32122 C Journal of Digital Information Management 0972-7272 0807
C Journal of Electronic Publishing 0807
19262 C Journal of Enterprise Information Management 1741-0398 0807
17999 C Journal of Global Information Management 1062-7375 0807
17242 C Journal of Information Law and Technology 0807
32128 C Journal of Information Literacy 0807
10675 C Journal of Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve 0807
32132 C Journal of Internet Cataloging 0807
22235 C Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 0807
30370 C Journal of Library and Information Management 0807
10604 C Journal of Scholarly Publishing 1198-9742 0807
32148 C Journal of Universal Knowledge Management 0807
10609 C Library and Information Science 0373-4447 0807
32153 C Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 0807
10610 C Library Collections Acquisitions & Technical Services 1464-9055 0807
10611 C Library Journal 0363-0277 0807
30371 C Library Software Review 0742-5759 0807
10688 C Library Technology Reports 0807
10695 C New Library World 0307-4803 0807
32158 C New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 1361-4568 0807
32159 C New Review of Information Networking 1361-4576 0807
10616 C Online 0146-5422 0807
10620 C Profesional de la Informacion 1386-6710 0807
10621 C Program-Electronic Library and Information Systems 0033-0337 0807
32163 C Records Management Journal 0956-5698 0807
10708 C Reference Librarian 0276-3877 0807
30373 C References Services Review 0807
20303 C Research Strategies 0734-3310 0807
30375 C Scientist 0890-3670 0807
10715 C Serials Librarian 0361-526X 0807
30376 C Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management 0807
30378 C Social Science Information 0539-0184 0807
32171 C South African Journal of Information Management 0807
30379 C South African Journal of Library and Information Science 0807
10719 C Technical Services Quarterly 0731-7131 0807
9278 C The Journal of Electronic Publishing 0807
10626 C Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 0044-2380 0807
17800 A Computer Science Education 0899-3408 0899
20264 A Computers & Education 0360-1315 0899
21940 A Information Communication and Society 1369-118X 0899

A International Journal of Digital Forensics & Incident Response (Digital Investigation) 0899
30342 A Journal of Community Informatics 0899
20267 A Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 0266-4909 0899
18032 A Journal of Network and Computer Applications 1084-8045 0899
B ACM Computers in Entertainment 0899
B IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 0899
Info : the Journal of Policy Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications
31240 B Information and Media 0899

32061 B Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 0899
17183 B International Journal of Law and Information Technology 0967-0769 0899
B Journal of Information Technology Education 1547-9714 0899
838 B Open Systems & Information Dynamics 1230-1612 0899
18114 B Prometheus 0810-9028 0899
22058 B Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 0899
32001 C ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 0899
32002 C ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing 1531-4278 0899
19294 C ACM SIGecom Exchanges 0899
8296 C AI and Society 0951-5666 0899
19415 C Business Intelligence Journal 0899
8393 C Ethics and Information Technology 1388-1957 0899
32049 C Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 0899
32052 C Informatica didactica 0899
C Informatics in Education: An International Journal 0899
17157 C Information and Communications Technology Law 0899
32054 C Information Security 0899
19304 C Information Technologies and International Development 0899
32057 C Information Technology and Disabilities 1073-5127 0899
32059 C Information Technology Journal 1812-5638 0899
31254 C International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce 0899
32074 C International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 0952-8091 0899
32078 C International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences 0899
C International Journal of Digital Evidence 0899
C International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 0899

20290 C International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education 0899

20199 C International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 0899

32089 C International Journal of Information Technology Education 0899
32093 C International Journal of Internet Science 0899
31264 C International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 0899
32102 C International Journal of Services and Standards 1740-8849 0899
International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (was International Journal
32103 C of Information Policy and Law) 0899
32104 C International Journal of The Computer the Internet and Management 0899
32114 C International Review of Information Ethics 0899
C Journal of Digital Forensic Practice 0899
C Journal of Digital Forensics Security and Law 0899
20307 C Journal of Educational Computing Research 0735-6331 0899
10393 C Journal of Electronic Imaging 1017-9909 0899
32126 C Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society 0899
18006 C Journal of Information Law and Technology 0899
32129 C Journal of Information Privacy and Security 0899
18015 C Journal of Information Warfare 0899
22235 C Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 0899
17255 C Journal of Law and Information Science 0899
32141 C Journal of Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics 0899
32146 C Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 0899
10039 C Leonardo 0024-094X 0899
32165 C SCRIPT-ed 0899
C SIGCSE Bulletin inroads 0899
C Small Scale Digital Device Forensic Journal 0899
32172 C Telematics and Informatics 0736-5853 0899
31281 C Universal Access in the Information Society 1615-5289 0899

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