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Committee: World Health Organization

Country: Dominion of Canada

Topic: The Investment and Universal Provision of eHealth to
Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs)
Delegate: Ananya Aditya
School: Delia School of Canada

The Dominion of Canada is an independent country, located in the continent of North America,
and Canada is recognized as a more economically developed country (MEDC) with a free
healthcare system to make medical care accessible to all. During recent years, the country has
implemented eHealth services for the citizens and has been looking for opportunities to share
eHealth programs with less economically developed countries (LEDCs).

After Canada’s implementation of eHealth in the country’s healthcare system, Uganda, an LEDC
located in East Africa, attempted to install eHealth services to provide medical assistance to
those in need. In order to achieve their goal, Uganda received assistance from nations that have
successfully been able to utilize eHealth services, and Canada provided various approaches for
Uganda to implement eHealth systems with varying degrees of success. GetIn is an increasingly
popular eHealth platform in Uganda and has managed to save 340 pregnant women in the 13 sub
counties of the Kanungu District alone as of 2017 (United Nations Population Fund, 2017).
Furthermore, Canada provided healthcare assistance for Afghanistan, and Canada has had a
major role in the development of Afghanistan’s human development programs. Canada sought to
improve the health conditions of mothers and newborn children by providing medical assistance
and services for the citizens of Afghanistan. However, the Dominion of Canada has collaborated
with organizations in Afghanistan to ensure that organizations in Afghanistan can manage
humanitarian assistance requests more effectively by designing online eHealth platforms and
training the employees to use the online eHealth platforms with efficiency. With access to
eHealth platforms and improved healthcare systems, the number of deaths amongst the infants in
Afghanistan decreased from 129 in 2006 to 94 per 1,000 births during 2011 (Government of
Canada, 2018). Moreover, more than 9,000 health professionals have received proper training
and are able to provide primary health care services to 60% of the Afghani population
(Government of Canada, 2018). The Dominion of Canada appreciates the digital age and is in
favor of investing in eHealth programs for Less Economically Developed Countries.

The delegation of the Dominion of Canada recognizes the importance of efficient healthcare
systems and will continue to invest in eHealth programs for LEDCs. In response to the lack of
healthcare in most LEDCs across the globe, the Dominion of Canada is willing to provide funds
and invest in eHealth platforms for LEDCs. Article 25 in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights states that every individual “has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health
and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care”
(Universal Declaration of Rights, 1948) and half of the world’s population does not have access
to health care as health care is becoming increasingly expensive and is being treated as a luxury
rather than as a basic need. The delegation of the Dominion of Canada strongly believes that lack
of healthcare is a major issue in today’s world, especially in LEDCs, and the delegation of the
Dominion of Canada strongly recommends to address this issue immediately.

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