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William Replogle

Professor McGriff

ENC 1101

Reflection Essay

At the beginning of this class I was never sure or confident in myself in writing essays and

whatnot. After going through this class, it has inspired my confidence in writing again. Through this

class, it has taught me that there are many factors that contribute in creating an essay: Creativity,

Authenticity, and Clarity.

Creativity is something that swell up within every single person differently. Some may be able to

find it easier than other and for some it may take a while to find that creativity. No matter how much

effort you put into an essay, as long as it is real and authentic and comes from within you, it will always

turn out great.

Making an essay authentic is something that is both hard and not so at the same time. Having

many different meanings to it, “authentic” is a very hard term to use when writing using it to write essays.

Making sure that facts are correct and that your points are valid and have worth to them are what could

make or break you essay in turning the someone for or against your point.

To do this one must have clarity in their delivery of an essay. If the essay is jumbled up into

random clauses or phrases, then the whole thing may as well not even be done. Many essays don’t get

much attention if there is no clear and concise thought to what the person is writing if they do not know

how to clearly convey their idea.

After seeing how much I’ve used these points, I see how far the step that I have taken in writing

composition papers in this class. I hope to use these skills very well in both the near and distant future. If I
use all that I have in becoming creative, authentic, and clear, then no paper should be such a daunting task

in the future.

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